Dark Lyrics


1. Expired Life Time

Deadly disease reaps my body
Malignant biological life form
Bacteriological infestation
My last hours of life

Do not cry for me
Now it's too late for this
I'm on a trip with no return.
Maybe I'll find you somewhere.

Putrefaction spreads over my body
Rigor mortis. It is my last night
The world belongs to the parasites
The mortal remains must be cremated

There are no friends at the funeral
My rotten body shell burn
The flames must take away all the evil
Melancholic destination....

2. The Birth Of Tragedy

Watching the human misery
Slowly falling into their graves
Feel the emptiness of existence
Only legacy of pain and suffering
(The birth of tragedy)

The curse of denial of life
Dreadful tragedy of mankind
Slave from the womb to death
Feeding on fantasy

Always behind happiness
Like hungry butchers
Life is a natural mistake
Biological existential illusion

This fallen empty world
No hope for the promised land
Close your eyes and embrace the darkness

3. Dying In Silence

Now I'm leaving this melancholy world.
I do not want a named grave
There will be no more memories
Crying and suffering have been in the past

A pale lifeless and cold figure
My hard body shell belongs to the worms.
Smell of putrefaction and flowers
Returning to the womb of the earth

Vision in the garden of naked dead
I'm in love with you Mrs. Death
Surround me with your arms
I'm listening your macabre symphony

4. Born In Chaos

I am the one whose previous book
I bring plagues and death to all mankind.
I am the one wrought in the fire of hell.
In the shadows waiting for doomsday

I'm not made of flesh and blood.
I have reigned since the beginning of time.
I'm emerging from chaos now.
To make your world into ashes.

Outside the nihilistic dimension.
The last kingdom of desolation.
Annihilating all life forms of the universe.
Your prayers will not be heard.

5. Decadent Civilization

Predatory civilization infest the world
Without sense and wild mentality
Perversity and corruption in command
The philosophy of nuclear terror

Butcher's law prevails
Malignant politics spreading blood
Brainless zombies serve their master
They walking towards annihilation

Pathology of eternal mental fear
Crushed in the evil machine of the state
The slave should be buried as human waste
Like a rotten meat to the worms

Civilization back to the stone age
Liar leaders build their graves
All must obey and die
Degenerate culture goes through the times.
Decadent civilization

6. Human Remains

A rotten body infested by maggots
There is no more human form
I will unpack your carcass
I love looking into your dying eyes.
Your skull now belong to me

Coffin violated and profaned
Vision of pure atrocity
I need your remains.

Sinister phantasmagoric manifestation
Evil spirits speak through the dead
Bones and skulls along with candles
Remembered voodoo ritual of the past

Now you know it's a human garbage.
I'll use your mortal remains.
My rituals need bones and blood
I do not feel remorse for this...
I'm so sorry!

7. Ritual De Sangue Asteca

Bem-vindo ao ritual macabro.
Todos se alegram com a festa sangrenta
Pedaços de corpos são cozidos
Restos mortais foram distribuídos

Refeição deliciosa de partes humanas
Líderes religiosos devoram fígado salgado
A nobre parte do corpo mutilado
A cabeça foi decapitada
Seu peito foi aberto com uma faca obsidiana
O coração foi extraído e preservado
Ritual de Sangue....

Em honra ao Deus Quetzalcóatl
Os ossos se tornam instrumentos musicais
O crânio foi dessecado
Eles dançam com a pele esfolada

Todos bebem raízes alucinógenas
Prisioneiros são mortos a sangue frio
Eles se sintonizam com os espíritos dos mortos
Inalando fumaça de folhas ritualísticas
Na noite de lua cheia....

8. Anathema

Excommunication of the lost souls
You must bleed in the name of God.
You must pay cash for salvation.
You can not disobey the church authorities.
Burn at the stake!
Monasteries the houses of madness and abominations
Sexual immorality is hidden behind the walls
The dogma and holy tradition of the church
Give your soul to the master
Systematic persecution and theocratic intolerance
Sacramental orthodoxy of religious fanatics
Penitent must shed his blood by faith
Apostasy must burn at the stake of heresy
You must suffer for your sins!
Burn at the stake!

9. Worshipers Of Evil

Obsessive religion
Muslims brainwashing
Human killing machine
International bloody crusade

They do not have a homeland
Crossing borders of nations
Killing and burning bodies

They do not fear death
They blindly obey the book
Of the neolithic era for our time
They bring the bloody faith in the name of Allah
Burn in the stake!
Crucifying and mutilating victims
They love to cut and display heads
Bomb man with high killing ability
Middle-Eastern assassin zombies

Thanks to motorhead.gondim for sending these lyrics.

Submits, comments, corrections are welcomed at webmaster@darklyrics.com


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