album: "Razor Sharp Daggers" (1995)
1. A Start at Least2. Clean The Scene
3. A for Arrogance
4. Thy Kingdome won't Come
5. Media Creations
6. All Gone
7. Swallow or Choke
8. Razor Sharp Daggers
9. Enough
10. Throwing Away Crap
11. Cracking up Solidarity
12. Lunatic
13. Didn't Ask
14. Twisting History
15. Deserves to Die
16. Age of the Mutans
17. Zero-Ego
18. Gear-Wheels
19. Dear Friends
20. Hormon Mob
21. Hash-head, Farmers'Death
22. Dare to be Aware
23. Kiss an Ass
24. All Love Dead
25. Fear Not
26. Sieg Shit
27. Hatronomous
28. Hideous Headchopping
29. Bigheaded Bastards
30. Get of your Ass
31. Distrust and Abuse
32. Hippie Cult
33. Provoked Behaviour
34. Black Ones (Poem) / Systemophobic
35. Anthropodislogical
36. Labelisation
37. What Mankind Creates
38. No !
39. Rejected Adaptation
40. An Abstract
41. Faded Novelty
42. Senseless Trip
43. Here and Now
44. Is it Really Mine ?
1. A Start at Least
A big murder mac
An easy snack
Still animals die
And starving children cry
But for you to stay
No fucking way
Is not too hard
And at least a start
2. Clean The Scene
More and more fascists are accepted in this scene
Homophobic propaganda a new standard so it seems
Stick your blind hatred
Up your fucking ass
Sexist racist bullshit
Proove your dumb ideas
More and more resistance is our answer to your crap
An amount of intelligence is what you surely lack
Clean this fucking scene'coz we ain't gonna endure
Shit we've heard and seen
Fascism – NO MORE
3. A for Arrogance
I watch them at our gigs
With an A on their backs
The A stands for arrogance
'coz respect they surely lackI watch them at our gigs
With an e on their jacks
The E stands for enemy
And egocentric
Dogmatic values is what they create
Another bullshit thing that i fucking hate
Telling me what I should do telling me what I shouldn't do
Another hardcore-master another punk-guru
Preaching about respect and so-called equality
But they're just creating and elitarian scene
Would-be gods destroying all the things we've built
Oh yes they're so punk…
4. Thy Kingdome won't Come
Religious fanatics brainwashed scum
Manipulated children turned into bombs
Suicide commandos for what cause?
'coz thy kingdom will not come!
5. Media Creations
Yeah grunge tunes are oh so cool
For big bucks behaving like a fool
Generation X won't change no shit
It's only waiting for the next big hit
Satanic notes for evil blokes
Black ritual crap another joke
Kill the rest coz we're the best
Yeah Satan's watching from behind his desk…
Media creates and you consume
You're being part of a commercial boom
And if you're so alternative
Then do it yourself and be active
6. All Gone
The clock keep on ticking
And it's hangingon death's wall
The clock keeps on ticking
For our earth to fall
Over exploitation
Of the sources of our earth
Mindless consuption
Which has started at our birth
Woods all gone
In a time to come
Needs to come
Stop them now
Spilling of water
Needless and real sad
Do you wanna have your beer
Brewed in an acid-bath ?
Creeks all gone
In a time to come
Needs to come
Stop them now
Still the spilling goes on
Reason why it's going wrong ?
Credulous sick mankind
The only animal which is blind
Just think of what you buy
And the garbage you throw away
'coz our species is to die
if we keep heading for this way
Clouds are gone
Now poison
Needs for none
Stop them now
7. Swallow or Choke
Dope for you and me
I guess the state agrees
To keep us silent and dumb
To swallow in our wants
Obedient mass is what they need
Like a shepherd has his herd to feed
Following its master's steps
To the abattoir we're being led
8. Razor Sharp Daggers
What's the sensation,
of a bull-fight show ?
For pain and mutilation,
sick people wanna go,
Tradition, so they say,
paid cruelty to me,
Bloodshed, tears fled,
sets the bulls free
Razor sharp daggers, stabbed in the bull's neck
barbarous entertainment, animals on the rack
Arena-sand turn reds, spreading the stench of death,
it's just a sick sensation, kill the bull fighter instead,
But when the Bull wins,
no-one is gonna clap,
Fair fight, fair price ?
still the final end is death,
bull-fighter received as a hero,
accepted, respected,
But just face the truth
of this legal animal abuse.
9. Enough
You always told me what to do,
but I've had enough, enough of you,
I can't take it anymore,
You make my head feel fucking sore,
What's going on in my fucked up mind,
What's going wrong in my fucked up mind,
Put a gun to your head,
and blow your skullm full with lead,
pull the trigger again and again,
that's when I'll be smiling again,
What's going on in my fucked up mind,
What's going wrong in my fucked up mind,
10. Throwing Away Crap
When I see all these play-boys today,
I want to throw them away,
When I see all these play-girls today,
I want to throw them away.
you motherfucking bastards,
Go away, go away,
Leave me alone
Go away !!!
11. Cracking up Solidarity
When liberalism is taking over the world,
Social security will be nothin worth,
Survial of the fittest is liberal shit,
fuck the blue bastards, no power to the rich,
Equality between citizens, oh what a fucking joke,
the rich will be richer, the poor more broke,
Cracked up solidarity is their most wet dream,
fuck the blue rabbit and the whole liberal team.
12. Lunatic
Freezing void,
I'm lost,
They say I'm a lunatic
and that I've lost my mind,
But I'm not a lunatic,
I'm just dead,
Creeping silence,
In my head,
They say I'm a lunatic
and that I've lost my mind,
But I'm not a lunatic,
I'm just dead,
He's in my head, the lunatic
my destination,
I have reached,
the end....
13. Didn't Ask
I'm not the one to blame,
for me going insane,
So who's to fucking blame,
for your face to be maimed ?
I didn't ask your bullshit,
I didn't ask for it
You're the one who made me do it,
by provoking me, mister prick
I've lost all control
became a violent asshole
no responsibilities,
frustrations have been unleashed,
I didn't ask your bullshit,
I didn't ask for it
You're the one who made me do it,
by provoking me, mister prick
14. Twisting History
You refuse to accept,
ten millions of dead,
'cause your freaky fascist regime,
isn't really that fucking clean,
Twisting history for their cause
You say it's a lie,
that those people had to lie,
Another smooth talk,
To get the nazis back to walk,
Twisting history for their cause
Negationists thoughts,
for fascists dorks,
Don't believe their crap,
it's just another trap,
Twisting history for their cause
15. Deserves to Die
A new age of punk has just begun,
with new punk-idols being born,
you play their records fucking loud,
and say fuck off and think that's punk,
Punk it deserves to die,
'cause all creativity has been denied,
Punk it deserves to die
'cause the businness-men have filled it with lies,
Going to a shop to buy yourself some core,
rebellious tunes to make you hip and cool,
but what are you gonna do, when it's not hype anymore ?
buy yourself a new outfit, for dressing-balls to come ?
Punk it deserves to die,
'cause all creativity has been denied,
Punk it deserves to die
'cause the businness-men have filled it with lies,
16. Age of the Mutans
What the fuck is going on ?
Genetic manipulations - creating new species,
what the hell is going on ?
Retarded scientists - messing with human genes,
Manipulation - of the foetal nature
Sick selection - by physical features
New technologies - determinating your offspring
Human factories - producing mutant things.
17. Zero-Ego
Oh, you're so fucking cool,
now you have become an army tool
mind frustrated, you joined their clan,
for legal butchery of innocent men,
Now you're a man since you joined their clan,
now you're a zero, a zero-ego,
And don't talk crap about human acts,
'cause you know it's a farce,
to hide your hunger for violence,
your need to hate and for suspense,
Now you're a man since you joined their clan,
now you're a zero, a zero-ego,
And in the pubs you beat us up,
for no reason, you macho stud,
but at least we've got an own mind
instead of following the army blindly.
18. Gear-Wheels
Go in line, don't question why
Just pay blind, freedom denied
Education, for what cause ?
just to serve another boss
born alive, living a lie,
by the system, deshumanized
Is there hope, for this hole,
that's called life, and passes by?
19. Dear Friends
Dear friends, how does it feel to be stabbed in the back,
Dear friends, how does it taste, the poison in your venomous mouth ?
But dear friends, the reason you live, has no meaning at all,
'cause dear friends, the holes of your graves,
have already been dug in my mind,
Yes, dear-friends, I don't give a shit about your artificial lives,
'cause dear friends, the scars I still wear, have been cut by your knives,
And dear friends, this goes to you, it's my way of saying thanks you,
Yeah dear friends, I'm singing it now, let's hope on your funeral too,
Thank you all - my dear friends
Please die now - my dear friends
20. Hormon Mob
Toxic meat - for you to eat
Hormons pushed - for greedy lust
Vannoppen did - fight this shit
Now he's dead - a bullet in his head
Stop the hormon mob
Killing for profit is their job
Chemical dish - is that what you wish ?
Steak and beef - from a mutant breed
For sick profit - you get sick meat
That's the mob - that's their job
Stop the hormon mob
Killing for profit is their job
21. Hash-head, Farmers'Death
Doing pot, oh, you're so cool,
A would-be punk, wanna change the rules,
Hash and pot,
Controlled by the mob
You pot head-dorks
Exploit the poor,
Third-world farmers, exploited each day,
For you to have a hit, so you could fly away,
Hash and pot,
Controlled by the mob
You pot head-dorks
Exploit the poor,
Ridiculous wages is what they get paid,
Revolutionary hash-heads, another joke to me,
Hash and pot,
Controlled by the mob
You pot head-dorks
Exploit the poor,
22. Dare to be Aware
Buy this,
Buy that,
It's useless,
But what the heck
Millions of things are shoved down your throats,
for you to consume, useless crap is being sold,
The garbage dump is growing because of what you bought,
fucking up this planet, fucking up our earth,
Get this,
Get that,
Is what the medias sell,
to empty heads,
Millions of things are shoved down your throats,
for you to consume, useless crap is being sold,
The garbage dump is growing because of what you bought,
fucking up this planet, fucking up our earth,
Refuse this,
Refuse that,
Selective buying,
'cause our earth is dying.
23. Kiss an Ass
You say our music is fucked, but what about yours ?
At least we are creative, autonomous and more,
We're not kissing asses, or sucking managers'balls
Corporate fuckheads, can't do it alone,
Puppets on a string, pathetic assholes,
Keep your jealous talks, your back stabbing and go home,
Go kiss an ass and lick some balls,
You say the underground is crap, but why are you so bothered ?
Oh yes, maybe it hurts, by business-men being fucked,
But you're just a one-day fly, the next day you will be dumped,
24. All Love Dead
Smash your hammer,
in Cupido's head,
now we're all happy,
'cause all love is dead,
All love is dead,
and it ain't too bad,
My mind is filled,
with poisonnous thoughts,
my feelings are fading,
without any doubts,
All love is dead,
and it ain't too bad,
25. Fear Not
Fear not,
Dear God,
'cause you're not,
My dear God, 'cause you're a lie, and people die,'cause of your lie.
26. Sieg Shit
See them shouting in the streets,
Shouting "hail" on a marching beat,
Didn't history teach us that,
Fascist bastards bring us death,
Must we be tolerant?
Or smash them with our own bare hands?
Put them together on a nuclear base,
And just bomb the fucking place,
What we gonna do when it's all too late?
And when there's nothing left on our plate,
No more bullshit like "we didn't know",
When the nazis are heading for another show,
Raise your voice and raise your fists,
Because we too are very pissed,
And be aware of the fact,
The nazi-regime must be cracked,
Just smash all the fascist pigs,
Then solve this economical shit,
Socio-anarchism must rise again,
And it will not be the American dream
27. Hatronomous
What are gonna do, when your security has gone?
Don't you still get it, you're always on the run,
Once you told me, you'll never get burnt,
But I've bought some new matches, you stupid cunt
28. Hideous Headchopping
I've built my little castle,
Based on apathy.
And now I'm truly armed,
Against insecurity.
Stone cold thoughts,
Behind a grieving mask,
Furious eyes,
Analysing silly lies.
Ferousious grey mass,
Non-believing in a cross,
An aim so insane,
The last leaf must be slain.
A wood-chopping sound,
Goes in my head around,
The tree that once stood
Has now been chopped for good
29. Bigheaded Bastards
Who the hell you think you are?
Considering yourself a star,
But you're nothing more than a pile of shit,
And between true friends you don't fit,
Sure you can play nice,
But please do think twice,
'cause what about your attitude,
which has changed into a rock star mood
Smash all kind of masters,
Even bigheaded bastards,
Selling tons of records,
Doesn't make you a God,
You're just like the rest,
Only missing the intelligent part,
Smash all kind of masters,
Even bigheaded bastards,
But we are AGATHOCLES,
We say "bollocks" to what the media says,
We're not a part of your show-bizz-ball,
We prefer to stay honest and small.
30. Get of your Ass
Can't you fucking see,
There are so many things to change,
What we need is unity,
So we can break our fucking chains.
Put away our differences,
To fight the common enemy,
Put away our differences,
Throw away our stupidity.
Overcome your stubborness,
Because there's something worse,
Greed is threatening us,
And it's making us very cross.
31. Distrust and Abuse
You just hang around - and follow each trend,
Only for making money - you start a band,
You play the stuff - which is "in",
And in this stupid contest - you always try to win,
What's going on, in your fucking mind,
Are you that stupid, or completely blind,
Can't you see, you're just a clown,
Can't you make up, your fucking mind,
Can't you resist, or aren't you that strong,
When will you start, to think about that,
Try to be yourself,
Don't follow each trend
Then you'll get,
Some real true friends.
32. Hippie Cult
Hippie cult - what a joke
Suck your joints, I hope you'll choke
Love and peace,
(seems to be) hash and weed,
rebellious minds,
comformists of another kind,
Hippie cult - what a joke
Suck your joints, I hope you'll choke
Change the globe ?
with hash and dope ?
Boss of tommorow,
Hippie of today.
33. Provoked Behaviour
There's no reason to hide my hate,
Because when I'll be gone, it'll all be too late,
The hatred in me is the system you made
The reason I'm here is to make you all taste
Still there's not less hatred in me
Captured in life, can not be free
Solution in hatred, solution in grief,
That's why I want the mass to bleed.
34. Black Ones (Poem) / Systemophobic
People behave like sheep
conformists, but still they weep,
Weeping for their conditioned existance
determinded, but not by their own minds,
oh yes, people behave like sheep,
But at least we try to be the black ones....
Why are you so afraid to fight the system ?
Because we all take part of this system ?
Systems are based upon human minds,
but systems can be changed by our hands.
35. Anthropodislogical
The bastard breed,
the human race,
behaving like sheep,
another grey face,
Technological arrogance
creating a distance,
overvalued intelligence
makes the dead dance
Anthropodislogical, man is a joke,
doesn't know is place, our filthy race,
Anthropodislogical, man is a joke,
bastard breed,
Anthropodislogical, killing our globe,
will it know its place ? our arrogant race,
Anthropodislogical killing our globe,
bastard breed,
caused by ignorance,
follow their leader,
into disaster,
Mother Earth sreams,
but none one weeps,
humanity to hell.
36. Labelisation
We don't need no labels to prove we're not dead
'cause everything we need, it's all in our heads
Labelisation of your fucking minds
37. What Mankind Creates
What mankind creates will be mankinds'destruction
technology is every problems'solution,
well, that's what they say, but don't fucking believe them,
'cause these are just lies, of this sick fucked up system,
Two hundred years of industrialisation,
have fucked up this Earth real badly,
they say technology creates new jobs, for them capitalist bastards,
but what about creating a decent job for the others ?
38. No !
Obey their rules - conform
Follow blindly - sheeplike
We shout - no way
Live your lifes - not ours
39. Rejected Adaptation
We've read in a magazine,
How to belong to the scene
What to listen to, what to wear,
and how to cut our fucking hair,
But we, we don't give a fuck,
Because we, we think all conformists suck,
We just gonna stay ourselves,
dirty fucking mince-core scum,
you'll just have to accept this fact,
because we'll never gonna sign your pact,
But we, we don't give a fuck,
Because we, we think most people suck,
For some we might be assholes,
'cause we got different goals,
but all we ask is some respect,
'cause we never gonna join your sect,
But we, we don't give a fuck,
Because we, we think all conformists suck.
40. An Abstract
Love is an abstract
Because it's so unreal
Love is something
Something I just can't feel.
Is there something magic?
When two people kiss,
Is there something wonderful,
That I should have missed?
I call myself a mysanthrope,
I have given up all hope
I call myself a misanthrope,
It's the only way I can cope,
41. Faded Novelty
What are you gonna do when the novelty has gone ?
First you stabe me in the back and then you take a run,
I knew it was too good, to be fucking true,
Shall I hang myself until my face turns fucking blue ?
But you can stick your super-man ideal up your fucking arse,
I know it wasn't meant to be, but I do fucking care,
I can't change the way I was put on this fucking Earth,
I thought you were accepting me, but in reality you see me as dirt,
The times we spent together, oh man they felt so real,
When I looked into your eyes, love was all I could feel,
But know it seems to be a farce,'cause now you turn your head,
But I hope you'll still remember me, when I'm fucking dead...
42. Senseless Trip
This is a story about a bitch called life,
Always giving, never getting, why?
I feel like I'm trapped in a huge pile of shit,
Just take my advice and listen to this,
Life's a senseless trip
Too bad I got a ticket
Life's a senseless trip
But I got a ticket
43. Here and Now
Here we are and here we stay,
we're not gonna change our way,
You might like it, you might hate it,
but we'll do it anyway,
Here we are and here we stay,
we're not gonna change our way.
44. Is it Really Mine ?
Go to school and cut your hair,
get a job, the state pays fair,
get a partner, get some kids,
make sure that you will fit,
What about my future ?
Is it really mine ?
What about my future ?
Or is it the state's future ?
Don't talk shit about a free choice,
'cause it's only the systems voice,
I don't wanna walk any alternative ways,
just give me the nihilistic way,
Yes, it's my future,
and I will use it,
Yes, it's my future,
to crack the state's future.
Label : Cyber Music
Playing time : 76 min
Playing time : 76 min
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