compilation: "In Memory Of Quorthon Vol. II" (2006)
1. One Rode To Asa Bay2. The lake
3. The Land
4. Raise The Dead
5. War Pigs
6. Enter The Eternal Fire
7. Blood Fire Death
8. Ring Of Gold
9. War Machine
10. War
11. Ace Of Spades
12. Death And Resurrection Of A Northern Son
13. The Ravens
1. One Rode To Asa Bay
One man rode the way through the woods
Down to Asa bay
Where dragon ships had sailed to sea
More times than one could say
To see with own eyes the wonder
People told of from man to man
The God of all almightyness
Had arrived from a foreign land
The rumours told of a man
Who had come from the other side the seas
Carrying gold cross around neck in chain
And spoke in strange tongue of peace
He had come with strange men in armour
Dressed in purple shirts and lace
Smelling not of beer but flowers
And with no hair in face
And the bold man carrying cross
Had told all one of Asa bay
The God of all man woman child had come
To them all save
And to thank Lord of Heaven
One should build to God a house
And to save one's soul from Hell
One should be baptised and say vows
A man of pride with the Hammer told new God
To build his house on own
And spoke loud of the Gods of their fathers
Not too long time gone
The rumours said the man with a beard like fire
And the Hammer in chain
By men in armour silenced was and by
Their swords was slain
Those who did not pay the one coin
Of four to man of new God
Whipped was twenty and put in chains then locked
By their neck to the log (To the log...)
And so all of Asa bay did build
A house of the cross
Every hour of daylight they did sweat
Limbs ached because faith does cost
And on the day two hundred
There it stood white to the sky
The house of the God of the cross
Big enough to take two dragon ships inside
And all of Asa bay did watch
The wonder raise to the sky
Now must the God of the cross be pleased
And satisfied
Just outside the circle of the crowd
One old man did stand
He looked across the waters
And blotted the sun out of his eyes with one hand
And his old eyes could almost see
The dragon ships set sail
And his old ears could almost hear
Men of great numbers call out Oden's hail
And though he did know already
Though he turned face towards sky
And whispered silent words forgotten
Spoken only way up high
Now this house of a foreign God does stand
Now must they leave us alone
Still he heard from somewhere in the woods
Old crow of wisdom say
...people of Asa land, it's only just begun...
[Dedicated to Mr. Dean Andersson]
2. The lake
The one eyed old man told me that the face that I will see
Has paralysed a thousand brave men sure of victory
I cannot fight blindfolded and I'd freeze if I should see.
So I need to sacrifice my eyes to see all from within.
The one eyed old man told me of a lake that no-one knows of.
where the end of the sky unites with the bottom countless feet down deep
And he told me when this world was young into it's depths his eye he had thrown
So that though one eyed, he could see more than can be seen.
I'll throw my eyes into the lake.
So that I will see from within
I'll throw my eyes into the lake
And when blind I will still see.
At the bottom of the lake.
My two eyes will shine like the stars
At the bottom of the lake
I will see no matter how near or far
Regardless at which speed my horse
takes me through the night
No matter how sharp the blade of my sword seems to be.
Even with the aid of two pair of eyes way up high
In the end before the Beast, it's face I would have had to see.
But with my two eyes in the depths my vision is supreme
I see all things that can't be seen
but not my hand that is held out in front of me.
The face that makes me freeze
I now need not see at all.
I'll feel the presence of the Beast.
but will not need stare him down no more.
I've thrown my eyes into the lake.
So that I will see from within
I've throw my eyes into the lake
And now when blind I still see.
At the bottom of the lake.
My two eyes are shining like the stars
At the bottom of the lake
I now see no matter how near or far
[The Highlands...]
[Early morning hours...]
["Heading north. Sitting upon his majestic eight-legged white stallion. His]
[sword slung on his back. Sensing his feathered friends way up high. Seeing]
[all they see. Feeling all they feel. Though the sun has just cut the]
[horizon in the east to bring a new day, the shadows now seem to grow]
[mightier for each passage in these mountains. Riding into a thick mist, his]
[senses alert. Distorted voices in the shadows whispering to him. Taunting]
[him. He knows his mission. He knows the powers and the magic he birngs with]
[him as he rides trough the valley of death, where time and space have]
[ceased to exist. The eyes of the unseen are upon him. The spirits of his]
[fathers long time gone riding next to him.]
[And the hearts of the Gods of Thunder of Wind and of Rain..."]
3. The Land
This land is mine to the end of time
none it shall claim or conquer
the mountains high : the endless sky
the forests and the sea
Oh land rejoice : your son has sailed
beyond the seas : adventurous trail
now heading north : to Asa Bay
my place of birth : home of the brave
A man he may wither away
or die in battle with sword in hand
but the river will flow and the wind will blow
forever across my northern land
This land is mine to the end of time
none it shall claim or conquer
the mountains high : the endless sky
the forests and the sea
Oh fatherland : oh Northstar high
two hundred days and night have I
been away from you my hearts most dear
returning home : great wealth to share
Work those oars : the wind is still
no southern breeze our sail to fill
the dusk is here and our bay is far
the Dragon soon to sweep the night
so work these oars an Sorsemen : brother's row
The land where deep in heavyturf the bones and crushed skulls testify
the violent times and troubled days when land was claimed
and paid for in blood and human lives
The land where gold of star will glow in silvery water
and on black wings high the ravens soar above
the glade where as child I was baptised in fire and ice
4. Raise The Dead
"Dust to dust"...
I gasp for air
I scream for sight
and fight against
torment and dread
Calling the vengeance
I tear at the lid
and promise to raise
from the dead
Black witch of beauty
all hell's necromancers
give me the powers of hell
Mistress of curse
reapers and vultures
Demons stand up
and chime the bell
Suddenly powers comes
from within
Muscles and mind are
filled with wrath
I burst out in frenzy
powers of hell
and break up the
tomb and the dark
5. War Pigs
[Black Sabbath cover]
Generals gathered in their masses
Just like witches at black masses
Evil minds that plot destruction
Sorcerers of death's construction
In the fields the bodies burning as the war machine keeps turning
Death and hatred to mankind
Poisoning their brainwashed minds... Oh lord yeah!
Politicians hide themselves away
They only started the war
Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that role to the poor
Time will tell on their power minds
Making war just for fun
Treating people just like pawns in chess
Wait 'til their judgment day comes, yeah!
Now in darkness, world stops turning
As the war machine keeps burning
No more war pigs of the power
Hand of god has struck the hour
Day of judgment, god is calling on their knees, the war pigs crawling
Begging mercy for their sins
Satan, laughing, spreads his wings
6. Enter The Eternal Fire
Leave the world of mortals to walk into the mist to stalk unto the other side
Plains of otherness
The utter emptiness
Where time have ceased and dark and light collide
Crossing the river of death and water cold
Slowly walking up the bridge
The jewelled bridge I walk for what seems a lifetime
In the night it's jewels glow
There on the other side
On shore of no return
The one for me awaits
Cannot avoid the eyes
In which the fire burns
Comed this far it is too late
And He calls my name
First a whispering then louder
And he wants me to follow
And to Enter the Eternal Fire......
I walk this endless night
His eyes the only light
Repeatedly he whispers my name
Fingers move and twist
Through crimson thick dark mist and voices cry of agony and pain
Close now to his kingdom
The bleak world dark and still
I follow the voice whispering my name
Approach the gate of sin
Opened up to let me in and there, He stand in flames
The price now I must pay for eternity my soul his claim
For years of pleasures, victory and gold
The one who stand in flames
Now rise and walk my way and reach out for my soul
And He calls my name
First a whispering then louder
And he wants me to follow
And to fall down. The Eternal Fire......
I stand at the jaws of the pit
The heat scorch my flesh
The fall seem never to end
My hair burn
My eyes can't see
The flames slowly eat my soul
The pain tears my mind
Hear my cries oh Lord
Have mercy oh Lord
This can't be
Raging flames all over me
Inferno of heat
Oh no, oh no, oh noooooo, noooooo, noooooo......
7. Blood Fire Death
Deaths star on horizon
Lightning and rain
Black winds and thunder
The skyline is in flames
Written in the red mist
The sign of the one
Who rides deaths cold wind
And walks disguised among
All you vagrant souls
Of profane disbeliefs
False prophets and deceivers
Shall swing from the trees
Soon the dawn shall arise
For all the opressed to arm
A chariot of thunder shall be seen
And bronze horns shall sound the alarm
Fists will raise like hammers
To a cloudy black sky
Bonds and chains fall to the ground
Children of all slaves
Stand united and proud
All people of bondage shall triumph
And live by the sign of...
Blood Fire Death
The moment is chosen
The Battlefield is bare
Take now thy stand people
The true ones don't fear
Now choose your weapons
And fall in the line
Choose well your colours
And follow the sign
Blood for all tears shed
And Fire for hate
Death for what shall become
All false ones fate
The standard bearer is chosen
And the day has just begun
Shadows growing long by the rising
Of the awakening sun
Fists raise like hammers
To a clear sunny sky
Bonds and chains fallen to the ground
Children of all slaves
Now united and proud
All people of bondage now triumph
And live by the sign of...
Blood Fire Death
Children of all slaves
Unite be proud
Rise out of darkness and pain
A chariot of thunder and gold
Will come loud
And a warrior of thunder and rain
With hair as white as snow
Hammer of steel
To set you free of your chains
And to lead you all
Where horses run free
And the souls of the ancient ones reign
8. Ring Of Gold
Silver, the moon high over pond of water calm and dark
Woe, mist, the breath of the dragon, sweeping down mountain side
All still, the day asleep, the sun rests in nest of the Gods
Afar high adventures await me, I hear my brothers calling
Spring is here and the ice breaks free
The endless sky and open sea
I will sail where the Raven will lead me
Fly on black wings, high and free
I shall return with the wind the day
From high adventures, swelling sail
Autumn red comes to Asa bay
Meet me by the well where the water, crystal clear, flows free
From deep within the great mountain towering to the sky
I will be awaiting you coming down treading the trails of elves
Bare feet, let your hair down like the mist across the pond
In dawn of time, before gods and man
When earth and sky was first divided
A star did fall into river deep
A star of gold into silvery water
While I sail, by this you shall remember me
Wear it, yours forever to keep
To bind us beyond end of time, to thee I give a ring of gold
9. War Machine
Burning limbs and deformed steel
The shells cuts through the sky
The corpses fills the the endless fields
It's shoot to kill or die
The gas pours in like yellow mist
You die in kneedeep mud
You sink into that fuckin' smudge
Stichy from all the fuckin' blood
Medals, salutes, uniforms and eyes-left
Promotion, honour, glory then death
War Machine
War Machine
Tons of steel is pumped across
The burnin' no-mans land
You dig your face deep into the shit
And wait for the command
For medal, your King and country
Will crave the loss of limbs or eyes
For honour you'll need to give
General Death your fuckin' life
Ladders by the hundreds
Firmly placed among the dead
Leading to the hell
That rages on above your head
By the thousands you will run
Into that fire zone
Your God and King is with you
But you'll fuckin' die alone
Medals, salutes, uniforms and eyes-left
Promotion, honour, glory then death
War Machine
War Machine
10. War
The bells of war doth chime tonight
and the heavens shake with fear
The earth commot the sky is in flames
the battle is ever near
(Troops of Hell tonight they storm
The walls they so despise
Heaven's gates are closing in
The night is filled with cries)
A crack of thunder, a smell of death
the wind of mayhem blows
Heaven in its final breath
and God lose all control
Prayers for mercy cries for help
won't stop the blasphemy
Our troops emerge the sacred throne
and the victory is complete
11. Ace Of Spades
[Motörhead cover]
If you like to gamble, I tell you I'm your man,
You win some, lose some, all the same to me,
The pleasure is to play, makes no difference what you say,
I don't share your greed, the only card I need is
The ace of spades
Playing for the high one, dancing with the devil,
Going with the flow, it's all the same to me,
Seven or eleven, snake eyes watching you,
Double up or quit, double stake or split,
The ace of spades
You know I'm born to lose, and gambling's for fools,
But that's the way I like it baby,
I don't wanna live for ever,
And don't forget the joker!
Pushing up the ante, I know you wanna see me,
Read 'em and weep, the dead man's hand again,
I see it in your eyes, take one look and die,
The only thing you see, you know it's gonna be,
The ace of spades
12. Death And Resurrection Of A Northern Son
Here I am : enemies : come and taste the steel of my sword
the earth was still young and the land all new when it was forged
ore of themountain towering wowards endless sky
the runes down its blade the last thing you will see before you die
In the spring we sailed from Asa Bay with wind and tide
twenty-nine in all we were : bloodbrothers side by side
down foreign coasts : across the ocean : wind would fill our sail
high adventures : better to fall by the sword than to die from age or ail
The emperor I served in Miklagard : grand guard was I
me and my brothers in gold were paid : on my sword I did rely
returning to Nordland by horse : ambushed were we
and so here I am : come enemies : cornered with my back to the sea
The ground beneath our feet all red awash with human blood
severed limbs and bodies dead : prepare to meet thy God
shoulder by shoulder : knee by knee : bloodbrothers by my side
forgive me mother for missing the unseen blow that cut me down from behind
All still : no more pain : the wind whispering my name
this wound my last : the darkness around me seems vast
Then a bright light I see : the clouds swirl and part before me
in the distance a woman approaching : with a gesture she invites me to proceed
Then a bronze horn I hear : it calls me : and the bridge seems to stretch for a lifetime
way before me a palace is rising : out of the mist : like a mountain it stands
And it greets me with gates open wide : all around me bloodbrothers by my side
and they show me the seat that bears my name : my place at the table of Oden I do claim
13. The Ravens
Steadily on jagged wings
Feather black against the burning sky
Spread your wings and ride the wind
Gaze down on me with blackest eyes.
Fly my ravens, fly ahead.
Over the mountains and endless sky
Fly my ravens, fly ahead
Over the mountains over my head.
Let the wind carry you up high.
Fly my ravens, it's time to fly,
And for me maybe to die.
Valley of Death in the land of no return...
The moment of glory or death...
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