album: "Sings Devils, Rogues & Other Villains (From Broadway To Bayreuth And Beyond)" (1998)
1. A More Humane Mikado2. Mack The Knife
3. Non Più Andrai
4. The Clock Scene
5. Serenade
6. Ghostriders In The Sky
7. Hagen's Watch
8. "Epiphany" From Sweeney Todd
9. Le Veau D'or
10. I Stole The Prince
11. Credo In Un Dio Crudel
12. Song Of The Flea
13. The Streets Of Laredo
14. Donner's Song
15. Man Of La Mancha
1. A More Humane Mikado
A more humane Mikado never
Did in Japan exist
To nobody second
I'm certainly reckoned
A true philanthropist!
It is my very humane endeavour
To make, to some extent
Each evil liver
A running river
Of harmless merriment!
My object all sublime
I shall achieve in time –
To let the punishment fit the crime –
The punishment fit the crime!
And make each prisoner pent
Unwillingly represent
A source of innocent merriment –
Of innocent merriment!
All prosy dull society sinners
Who chatter and bleat and bore
Are sent to hear sermons
From mystical Germans
Who preach from ten till four!
The amateur tenor
Whose vocal villainies
All desire to shirk
Shall, during off-hours
Exhibit his powers
To Madame Tussaud's waxwork!
The lady who dyes a chemical yellow
Or stains her grey hair puce
Or pinches her figure
Is painted with vigour
And permanent walnut juice!
The idiot who, in railway carriages
Scribbles on window-panes
We only suffer
To ride on a buffer
In Parliamentary trains!
My object all sublime
I shall achieve in time –
To let the punishment fit the crime –
The punishment fit the crime!
And make each prisoner pent
Unwillingly represent
A source of innocent merriment –
Of innocent merriment!
His object all sublime
He will achieve in time –
To let the punishment fit the crime –
The punishment fit the crime!
And make each prisoner pent
Unwillingly represent
A source of innocent merriment –
Of innocent merriment!
The advertising quack who wearies
With tales of countless cures
His teeth, I've enacted
Shall all be extracted
By terrified amateurs!
The music-hall singer attends a series
Of masses and fugues and "ops"
By Bach, interwoven
With Spohr and Beethoven,
At classical Monday Pops!
The billiard sharp
Who any one catches,
His doom's extremely hard –
He's made to dwell –
In a dungeon cell
On a spot that's always barred!
And there he plays extravagant matches
In fitless finger-stalls
On a cloth untrue
With a twisted cue
And elliptical billiard balls!
My object all sublime
I shall achieve in time –
To let the punishment fit the crime –
The punishment fit the crime!
And make each prisoner pent
Unwillingly represent
A source of innocent merriment –
Of innocent merriment!
His object all sublime
He will achieve in time –
To let the punishment fit the crime –
The punishment fit the crime!
And make each prisoner pent
Unwillingly represent
A source of innocent merriment –
Of innocent merriment!
2. Mack The Knife
Und der Haifisch, der hat Zähne
Und die trägt er im Gesicht
Und Macheath, der hat ein Messer
Doch das Messer sieht man nicht!
An 'nem schönen blauen Sonntag
Liegt ein toter Mann am Strand
Und ein Mensch geht um die Ecke
Den man Mackie Messer nennt!
Und Schmul Meier bleibt verschwunden
Und so mancher reiche Mann
Und sein Geld hat Mackie Messer
Dem man nichts beweisen kann!
Jenny Towler ward gefunden
Mit 'nem Messer in der Brust
Und am Kai geht Mackie Messer
Der von allem nichts gewusst!
Und das große Feuer in Soho –
Sieben Kinder und ein Greis –
In der Menge Mackie Messer, den
Man nichts fragt, und der nichts weiß!
Und die minderjähr'ge Witwe
Deren Namen jeder weiß
Wachte auf und war geschändet –
Mackie, welches war dein Preis?
Wachte auf und war geschändet –
Mackie, welches war dein Preis?
3. Non Più Andrai
Non più andrai, farfallone amoroso
Notte e giorno d'intorno girando
Delle belle turbando il riposo
Narcisetto, Adoncino d'amor!
Delle belle turbando il riposo
Narcisetto, Adoncino d'amor!
Non più avrai questi bei pennacchini
Quel cappello leggiero e galante
Quella chioma, quell'aria brillante
Quel vermiglio donnesco color!
Quel vermiglio donnesco color!
Non piu avrai quei penacchini
Quel cappello
Quella chioma, quell'aria brillante!
Non più andrai, farfallone amoroso
Notte e giorno d'intorno girando
Delle belle turbando il riposo
Narcisetto, Adoncino d'amor!
Delle belle turbando il riposo
Narcisetto, Adoncino d'amor!
Fra guerrieri, poffar Bacco!
Gran mustacchi, stretto sacco
Schioppo in spalla, sciabla al fianco
Collo dritto, muso franco
Un gran casco, o un gran turbante
Molto onor, poco contante –
Poco contante –
Poco contante!
Ed invece del fandango
Una marcia per il fango!
Per montagne, per valloni
Con le nevi, e i sollïoni
Al concerto di tromboni
Di bombarde, di cannoni
Che le palle in tutti i tuoni
All'orecchio fan fischiar!
Non piu avrai quei penacchini
Non piu avrai quel cappello
Non piu avrai quella chioma
Non piu avrai quell'aria brillante!
Non più andrai, farfallone amoroso
Notte e giorno d'intorno girando
Delle belle turbando il riposo
Narcisetto, Adoncino d'amor!
Delle belle turbando il riposo
Narcisetto, Adoncino d'amor!
Cherubino, alla vittoria!
Alla gloria militar!
Cherubino, alla vittoria!
Alla gloria militar –
Alla gloria militar –
Alla gloria militar!
4. The Clock Scene
5. Serenade
Vous qui faites l'endormie
N'entendez-vous pas
N'entendez-vous pas!
Ô Catherine, ma mie
N'entendez-vous pas
Ma voix et mes pas?
Ainsi ton gallant t'appelle
Ainsi ton gallant t'appelle
Et ton coeur l'en crois!
Ah, ah, ah, ah!
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ahh!
N'ouvre ta porte, ma belle
Que la bague au doigt!
N'ouvre ta porte, ma belle
Que la bague au doigt!
Que la bague au doigt!
Catherine que j'adore
Pourquoi refuser
Pourquoi refuser
A l'amant qui vous implore
Pourquoi refuser un si doux baiser?
Ainsi ton gallant supplie
Ainsi ton gallant supplie
Et ton coeur en croit!
Ah, ah, ah, ah!
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ahh!
Ne donne un baiser, ma mie
Que la bague au doigt!
Ne donne un baiser, ma mie
Que la bague au doigt!
Que la bague au doigt!
Ah, ah, ah, ah!
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!
6. Ghostriders In The Sky
An old cowboy went riding out
one dark and windy day
Upon a ridge he rested
as he went along his way
When all at once a mighty
herd of red eyed cows he saw
A-plowing through the ragged sky –
and up the cloudy draw!
Yippie yi yay
Yippie yi ooh
The Ghost Riders in the sky!
Their brands were still on fire
and their hooves were made of steel
Their horns were black and shiny
and their hot breath he could feel
A bolt of fear went through him
as they thundered through the sky
For he saw the Riders coming hard –
and he heard their mournful cry!
Yippie yi yay
Yippie yi ooh
The Ghost Riders in the sky!
Their faces gaunt, their eyes were blurred,
and shirts all soaked with sweat
He's riding hard to catch that herd,
but he ain't caught 'em yet
'Cause they've got to ride forever on
that range up in the sky
On horses snorting fire –
as they ride on hear their cry!
Yippie yi yay
Yippie yi ooh
The Ghost Riders in the sky!
As the riders loped on by him
he heard one call out his name:
"If you want to save your soul
from Hell a-riding on our range
Then cowboy change your ways today
or with us you will ride
Trying to catch the Devil's herd –
across these endless skies!"
Yippie yi yay
Yippie yi ooh
The Ghost Riders in the sky!
The Ghost Riders in the sky!
7. Hagen's Watch
Hier sitz' ich zur Wacht
Wahre den Hof
Wehre die Halle dem Feind!
Gibichs Sohne wehet der Wind
Auf Werben fährt er dahin!
Ihm führt das Steuer ein starker Held –
Gefahr ihm will er bestehn!
Die eigne Braut ihm bringt er zum Rhein –
Mir aber bringt er den Ring!
Ihr freien Söhne, frohe Gesellen
Segelt nur lustig dahin!
Dünkt er euch niedrig
Ihr dient ihm doch –
Des Niblungen Sohn!
8. "Epiphany" From Sweeney Todd
I had him!
And then . . .
I had him!
His throat was bare beneath my hand –
No, I had him!
His throat was there and he'll never come again!
When? Why do I wait?
You told me to wait –
Now he'll never come again!
There's a hole in the world
Like a great black pit
And it's filled with people
Who are filled with shit
And the vermin of the world inhabit it –
But not for long . . .
They all deserve to die –
Tell you why, Mrs. Lovett, tell you why!
Because in all of the whole human race
Mrs. Lovett, there are two kinds of men and only two
There's the one staying put
In his proper place
And the one with his foot
In the other one's face –
Look at me, Mrs Lovett, look at you!
No, we all deserve to die –
Even you, Mrs. Lovett, even I!
Because the lives of the wicked should be made brief
For the rest of us death will be a relief –
We all deserve to die!
And I'll never see Johanna
No I'll never hug my girl to me – finished!
Alright! You Sir, how about a shave?
Come and visit your good friend Sweeney –
You Sir, too Sir! Welcome to the grave!
I will have vengeance –
I will have salvation –
Who Sir, you Sir?
No one's on the chair, come on! Come on!
Sweeney's waiting! I want you bleeders!
You Sir! Anybody!
Gentlemen now don't be shy!
Not one man, no, nor ten men
Nor a hundred can assuage me –
I will have you!
And I will get him back even as he gloats
In the meantime I'll practice on dishonorable throats
And my Lucy lies in ashes –
And I'll never see my girl again!
But the work waits!
I'm alive at last –
And I'm full of joy!
9. Le Veau D'or
Le veau d'or est toujours debout
On encense sa puissance –
On encense sa puissance
D'un bout du monde à l'autre bout!
Pour fêter l'infâme idole
Rois et peuples confondus
Au bruit sombre des écus
Dansent une ronde folle
Autour de son piédestal –
Autour de son piédestal!
Et Satan conduit le bal –
Conduit le bal!
Et Satan conduit le bal –
Conduit le bal!
Et Satan conduit le bal –
Conduit le bal –
Conduit le bal!
Et Satan conduit le bal –
Conduit le bal –
Conduit le bal!
Le veau d'or est vainqueur des dieux
Dans sa gloire dérisoire –
Dans sa gloire dérisoire
Le monstre abjecte insulte aux cieux!
Il contemple – ô rage étrange!
A ses pieds le genre humain
Se ruant, le fer en main
Dans le sang et dans la fange
Où brille l'ardent métal –
Où brille l'ardent métal!
Et Satan conduit le bal –
Conduit le bal!
Et Satan conduit le bal –
Conduit le bal!
Et Satan conduit le bal –
Conduit le bal –
Conduit le bal!
Et Satan conduit le bal –
Conduit le bal –
Conduit le bal!
10. I Stole The Prince
I stole the Prince, and I brought him here
And left him gaily prattling
With a highly respectable gondolier
Who promised the Royal babe to rear
And teach him the trade of a timoneer
With his own beloved bratling!
Both of the babes were strong and stout
And, considering all things, clever!
Of that there is no manner of doubt –
No probable, possible shadow of doubt –
No possible doubt whatever!
But owing, I'm much disposed to fear
To his terrible taste for tippling
That highly respectable gondolier
Could never declare with a mind sincere
Which of the two was his offspring dear
And which the Royal stripling!
Which was which he could never make out
Despite his best endeavour1
Of that there is no manner of doubt –
No probable, possible shadow of doubt –
No possible doubt whatever!
Time sped, and when at the end of a year
I sought that infant cherished
That highly respectable gondolier
Was lying a corpse on his humble bier –
I dropped a Grand Inquisitor's tear –
That gondolier had perished!
A taste for drink, combined with gout!
Had doubled him up for ever!
Of that there is no manner of doubt –
No probable, possible shadow of doubt –
No possible doubt whatever!
The children followed his old career –
(This statement can't be parried!)
Of a highly respectable gondolier:
Well, one of the two (who will soon be here) –
But which of the two is not quite clear –
Is the Royal Prince you married!
Search in and out and round about
And you'll discover never
A tale so free from every doubt –
All probable, possible shadow of doubt –
All possible doubt whatever!
A tale so free from every doubt –
All probable, possible shadow of doubt –
All possible doubt whatever!
11. Credo In Un Dio Crudel
Credo in un dio crudel che m'ha creato
Simile a sé e che nell'ira io nomo!
Dalla viltà d'un germe o d'un atòmo
Vile son nato!
Son scellerato
Perché son uomo
E sento il fango originario in me!
Sì! Questa è la mia fé!
Credo con fermo cuor, siccome crede
La vedovella al tempio
Che il mal ch'io penso e che da me procede
Per mio destino adempio!
Credo che il giusto è un istrïon beffardo
E nel viso e nel cuor
Che tutto è in lui bugiardo:
Lagrima, bacio, sguardo
Sacrificio ed onor!
E credo l'uom gioco d'iniqua sorte
Dal germe della culla –
Al verme dell'avel!
Vien dopo tanta irrisïon la morte!
E poi?
E poi? – La morte è il nulla
E vecchia fola il ciel!
12. Song Of The Flea
Once there lived a king,
And a flea lived with him.
A Flea, a flea!
It was closer
than a brother to him
A Flea! – ha ha ha ha ha – a flea!
Ha ha ha ha ha – A Flea!
The king called for a tailor –
“Listen, you blockhead,
For my dearest friend
Make a velvety caftan!”
“A caftan for the flea?!
For the flea! Caftan?!..”
Ha ha
“A caftan for the flea!”
In gold and velvet
This flea was dressed.
And full freedom
Was given to it at court.
To the Flea! Ha-ha!
The king granted a title of minister to it
And gave an medal along with it.
And all the others
had to submit to the flea.
Ha ha
And even her highness, the Queen
And all her ladies in waiting
Were fed up with the fleas
And lost their quiet living.
And they were afraid to touch it,
Or even to beat it.
But if they start biting us –
Let’s smother them at once!
13. The Streets Of Laredo
As I walked out in the streets of Laredo
As I walked out in Laredo one day
I spied a young cowboy all wrapped in white linen
All wrapped in white linen as cold as the clay
"I see by your outfit that you are a cowboy!"
These words he did say as I boldly stepped by
"Come sit down beside me and hear my sad story
I am shot in the breast and I know I must die!
It was once in the saddle I used to go dashing
It was once in the saddle I used to make hay
First down to Rosie's and then to the card-house
Got shot in the breast and I am dying today!
Get six jolly cowboys to carry my coffin
Get six pretty maidens to bear up my pall!
Put bunches of roses all over my coffin
Put roses to deaden the sods as they fall!
Oh, beat the drum slowly and playe the fife lowly
And play the dead march as you carry me along
Take me to the green valley, and lay the sod o'er me
For I'm a young cowboy and I know I've done wrong!
Oh, beat the drum slowly and playe the fife lowly
And play the dead march as you carry me along
Take me to the green valley, and lay the sod o'er me
For I'm a young cowboy and I know I've done wrong!
Then swing your rope slowly and rattle your spurs lowly
And give a wild whoop as you carry me along
And in the grave throw me and roll the sod o'er me
For I'm a young cowboy and I know I've done wrong!"
14. Donner's Song
Schwüles Gedünst schwebt in der Luft
Lästig ist mir der trübe Druck!
Das bleiche Gewölk
Samml' ich zu blitzendem Wetter
Das fegt den Himmel mir hell!
He da!
He da!
He do!
Zu mir, du Gedüft!
Ihr Dünste, zu mir!
Donner, der Herr
Euft euch zu Heer!
Auf des Hammers Schwung schwebet herbei!
Dunstig Gedämpf
Schwebend Gedüft –
Donner, der Herr
Ruft euch zu Heer!
He da!
He da!
He do!
Bruder, hieher!
Weise der Brücke den Weg!
15. Man Of La Mancha
I am I, Don Quixote
The Lord of La Mancha –
My destiny calls and I go!
And the wild winds of fortune
Will carry me onward
Oh whithersoever they blow!
Whithersoever they blow –
Onward to glory I go!
Hear me, heathens and wizards
And serpents of sin –
All your dastardly doings are past!
For a holy endeavor is now to begin
And virtue shall triumph at last!
I am I, Don Quixote
The Lord of la Mancha –
My destiny calls and I go!
And the wild winds of fortune
Will carry me onwar
Oh whithersoever they blow!
Whithersoever they blow –
Onward to glory I go!
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