album: "Line In The Sand" (2013)
1. Deus Ex Machina2. Burdened By Hope
3. Days Of Youth
4. Line In The Sand
5. Frame And Glass
6. Sleeping Giant
7. Kings Of John Payne
8. No Borders!
9. The End
10. Higher Than My Station
11. Skeletons
12. Trends And Phases
13. Glory
14. My Way Home
15. Follow The Sun
1. Deus Ex Machina
I remember when I could hear
the sounds of the world,
I could hear
the sounds of the world.
I could feel it,
I used to be able to feel it.
2. Burdened By Hope
If I wasn't born to lose then
why do I keep crumbling?
I can feel the place that
I call home. And every step
I take, I'm pulled three
back. I see the sea of faces
with their hearts on their
sleeve; they stare and do
nothing for all my screams.
You liar! You fake! You spit
poison in my face. You liar!
You fake! I'll never heed
the words you say. And
even when I'm at the end
of my rope, I'm broken and
hungry and burdened by
hope, I will push you away.
You liar! You fake! These
cries are growing louder
With each and every step.
How long til I'm done taking
whatever I can get? And I
regret the lies I tell myself.
These words are lacking
substance. I need to break
these wretched chains.
You liar! You fake! You spit
poison in my face. You liar!
You fake! I'll never heed
the words you say. And
even when I'm at the end
of my rope, I'm broken and
hungry and burdened by
hope, I will push you away.
You liar! You fake!
I will not sacrifice the way
I live, it's all for something
more. I don't believe you.
I don't believe a word that
you say because I know
there's something more.
I don't believe you. I'll never
fall for the games that you
play because I know there's
something more.
3. Days Of Youth
Days go by and all I feel is
distance between you and
I. I wish time was on our
side like we were younger,
'cos I long to feel that
closeness, I need to keep
that hunger. But all I see
is people giving up and
moving on. Society acts
like a creative time bomb
'til the child grows and the
dreamer dies. I'm afraid it's
just a fact of life; these days
of youth won't wait around
forever (whoa). These days
of youth could teach us
more than ever to bring
this world together. Better
worlds can only be cre-
ated by better versions of
ourselves. 'Cos our dreams,
hopes, schemes are fading
out of sight it seems. But
don't let those feelings
pass, get inspired and find
a way to make the feeling
last! These days of youth
won't wait around forever
(whoa). These days of youth
could teach us more than
ever to bring this world to-
gether. You say, "It's a fact
of life. The child grows and
the dreamer dies."
You say, you say, "The child
grows, the dreamer dies".
Well we say, we say, time
waits for none, so dream
on! Dream on, you dreamer,
dream on, dream on! Dream
on, you dreamer, dream on,
dream on! I dream in spite
of you. I dream in spite
of you. I dream in spite of
you. I dream in spite of you.
These days of youth won't
wait around forever (whoa).
These days of youth won't
wait around forever (whoa).
Fuel your drive! Inspire
your mind!
4. Line In The Sand
In a world full of hypocrites
that speak of tolerance
and love, it's hard to find
a single one that lives the
things they speak of. You
speak of love and respect,
but there is so much hate
in your words. As soon as
you disagree, the boundary
lines are all lost and blurred.
Turn in that crooked smile,
seething through gritted
teeth. You hide your true
intentions, but they're
crystal clear to me. Don't
we all know that crossing a
line In the sand will be what
unites us? History lies in
the palm of our hand. And
if death comes knocking,
you can tell him that I'm
still around. 'Cos I'm here
fighting til they break these
walls to the ground and tear
the flag down. Your words
have meant nothing, their
presence subliminal. You
monopolize acceptance
and your hatred is criminal.
Turn in that crooked smile
seething through gritted
teeth. You hide your true
intentions, but they're crys-
tal clear to me. Don't we all
know that crossing a line in
the sand will be what unites
us? History lies in the palm
of our hand. And if death
comes knocking, you can
tell him that I'm still around.
'Cos I'm here fighting til
they burn these walls to the
ground. And I'm here still
fighting, the guns and can-
nons will sound. If freedom
of choice is a God-given
right, then who are you to
take it away? You pompous
Pharisee, you have nothing
on me. This is my line in the
sand. Tell me, where do you
stand? Will you stand up for
what's right or back down
from the fight? Victory or
death! Victory or death! You
hide your true intentions but
they're clear to me. Don't
we all know that crossing
a line in the sand will be
what unites us? History lies
in the palm of our hand.
And if death comes knock-
ing, you can tell him that
I'm still around. 'Cos I'm
here fighting til they burn
these walls to the ground
and tear the flag down.
5. Frame And Glass
I've got a picture lying face down on the table top
that I haven't seen in years.
The frame and glass were once a part of me
that have slowly disappeared.
And I have been waiting for a long time, now don't keep me waiting.
I've got a rough idea what this whole things all about,
but I'm biting on my tongue
so I don't turn into a bitter old man
'cos of things I've never done!
'Cos I have been waiting for a long time, and don't keep me waiting.
Take me back to the days I didn't know,
I never ever agreed to let 'em go.
Over my head, in the thick of it,
smack bang in the middle of all of it.
Now I've got a picture lying face down on the table top
that I haven't seen in years!
The frame and glass were once a part of me,
but they slowly disappeared!
'Cos I have been waiting for a long time, and don't keep me waiting.
Take me back to the days I didn't know,
I never ever agreed to let 'em go.
Over my head, in the thick of it,
smack bang in the middle of all of it!
I tear myself away! (Away, Away)
Away, away, I tear myself away
Feels alright, haha!
In a teenage wasteland, never better!
There's no point sending a letter!
Take me back to the days I didn't know,
I never ever agreed to let 'em go.
Over my head, in the thick of it,
smack bang in the middle of all of it.
I have been waiting, and I have been waiting.
Don't keep me waiting, don't keep me waiting.
I had a picture lying face down on the table top
that I hadn't seen in years.
The frame and glass were once a part of me,
I won't let that disappear.
6. Sleeping Giant
[feat. Tommy Green Of Sleeping Giant]
My right to live my life in
liberty, I feel has slowly
been restricted completely.
It ain't the right of just a
chosen few; this ignorance
has been repeatedly mis-
leading you. Rise up! Rise
up! Rise up like a sleeping
giant! You've awakened
a sleeping giant. I won't
give in to shock and awe.
You miss the reason and
the purpose we're fighting
for. This subdivision is
increasing now. My heart is
strong and it keeps beating
and beating you down.
Rise up! Rise up! Rise up
you sleeping giant! You've
awakened a sleeping giant.
Breed misdirection, birthing
deceit. You're on the wrong
side of my history. I know
my legacy, my father, my
name and I will crush fake
reality. Cowardly kingdom,
abusive fools. We'll expose
your fake legality. We'll
drag you kicking screaming
from the land and raise an
anthem to the heavenlies.
Rise up! Rise up! Rise up to
the sound of the revolution!
Rise up! Rise up! Rise up to
the sound of the revolu-
tion! Wake up, you sleeping
giant. You've awakened a
sleeping giant. I am finally
awake. I know my legacy.
My father, my name. I'll
crush fake reality. I am your
kingdom. I am your name.
I am an anthem to the heav-
enlies. You can't take my
liberty, all the things I hold
dear or what's important
to me. You've awakened
a sleeping giant. You've
awakened a sleeping giant.
7. Kings Of John Payne
First 5 minutes go too fast,
hold that moment and make
it last. 'Cos nothing can
buy back time and lately
I've been looking back
on my life. All my friends,
they always pulled through
for me, and I know that
they'd all say the same.
So if this world ever takes
your faith when you need it
most, know after all these
years, some things never
change. I can't remember
exactly when it made me
feel nostalgic, but the
songs on my car stereo
have started taking me
way back in time. When
my friends and I had 20
notes between us; no one
knew what the future held
or where our lives would
lead us. I never had a silver
spoon, I was careful not to
peak too soon. We've had a
lot of up's and down's. I'm
glad I stuck with you. 'Cos
all my friends, they always
pulled through for me and
I know that they'd all say
the same. So if this world
ever takes your faith when
you need it most, know
after all these years, some
things never change. I've
never had friends like the
ones I met when I was 12.
I mean, hey, has anyone?
I still remember all those
years and I go back to find
that familiar sensation with
nothing but the limits of my
own imagination. Let me
be a face in the crowd 'cos
I'm not ready for this to
be over. Take me the long
way around to the sound
of the summer with all my
friends. They always pulled
through for me and I know
that they'd all say the same.
So if this world ever takes
your faith when you need it
most, know after all these
years, some things never
change. It could be a while
before we see each other
again. It could be a while,
we'll see each other again.
And it'll be like it's always
been, 'cos time and dis-
tance don't mean anything.
We were the Kings of John
Payne, I'll never forget
it. And though we go our
separate ways, I still think
about those glory days. We
were the renegades in the
heat of the summer. Just
'cos I can't see it, doesn't
mean it's gone. Time can't
touch it, the feelings strong.
But if this world ever takes
your faith when you need it
most, know after all these
years some things never
8. No Borders!
No borders! No boundar-
ies! I need space between
my soul and the restrictions
around me. No borders
should enclose us. Why are
we caged by the lines on
a map? There's more that
defines us! Define freedom,
bring down the barricades
that rise between us! Ter-
raform and prepare for the
new wave. It feels like I'm
waking up for the first time,
the first time! Whoa, I'm
not getting through to you.
Whoa! You put your walls
up! You put your walls up!
Your borders just make
boundaries. Your borders
just make boundaries. Your
walls are building boundar-
ies that reinforce. Reinforce!
Free from search and
seizure, you've been busy
arid so have I. It seems your
loopholes weren't so water-
tight. Whoa, I'm not getting
through to you. Whoa, you
put your walls up, just put
your walls up! Your borders
just make boundaries. Your
borders just make boundar-
ies. Your walls are building
boundaries that reinforce.
Reinforce! They make you
wanna believe they have
control, they have control,
they have control of your
freedom and fortune. 'Cos I
just believe no man should
feel like a criminal when the
border line intimidate on
basic principle. 'Cos in the
end it comes down to how
long you're able to resist.
It's a shame so many can
relate to this. Your borders
just make boundaries. Your
borders just make boundar-
ies. Your walls are building
boundaries that reinforce.
Reinforce! That reinforce!
9. The End
[feat. Zoli Teglas Of Pennywise / Ignite]
We are the voice of the end
We are the voice of the end
This is unity
And it won't be quite so easily taken from me
This ain't the change we need
We're not moving forward I've said,
I've said everything I can say
It seems you're just stuck in your way
This is the end
We're taking over with every word
We scream for the masses that you segregate
We scream, "Take it over, take it over!"
We are the voice of the youth battling
Those who choose to ignore what's happening
These kids are giving up hope each and every day
Their faith is resting on a bed of nails
This generation is riding off the rails
So what you waiting for?
Be the difference be more
Be the difference be more
Divide and conquer
No matter what
Pitting me against you made the cut
I don't need to talk about
How you're beating down
That our hearts are ri..ing out for your news next
Together our time has come
Skin color now we are one
We've had enough
Getting louder as we
Scream for the masses that you segregate
We scream, "Take it over, take it over!"
We are the voice of the youth battling
Those who choose to ignore what's happening
These kids are giving up hope each and every day
Their faith is resting on a bed of nails
This generation is riding off the rails
So what you waiting for?
Be the difference be more
Be the difference be more
We are the voice of the end
We're here to rectify
All these faithless lies
That you told us
We're taking back our home
We are the voice of the end [4x]
We are the voice of the end
We're here to rectify
All these faithless lies
We are the voice of the youth battling
Those who choose to ignore what's happening
These kids are giving up hope each and every day
Their faith is resting on a bed of nails
This generation is riding off the rails
So what you waiting for?
Be the difference be more
Be the difference be more
Be the difference be more
10. Higher Than My Station
It might as well be down
to human condition. Your
hatred leaves no room for
distinction. These kids are
raised with misplaced rage.
It's no wonder they can't
tolerate, because you put
your fear in the minds of
the ones you hold dear.
I'm called to love, but my
heart gives in to hesitation.
Does this go higher than
my station? If I'm called
to love, why do I give in to
hesitation? Does this go
higher than my station?
Racial tension riles up the
masses. Frustrated friends
become overnight fascists.
Wake up! Can't you see this
is dividing you and me?
Why don't you turn on your
brain before you switch
on your TV? I'm called to
love, but my heart gives
in to hesitation. Does this
go higher than my station?
If I'm called to love, why
do I give in to hesitation?
Does this go higher than my
station? The kids are raised
with misplaced rage. Can
you not see, this is dividing
you from me? I'm called
to love, but my heart gives
in to hesitation. Does this
go higher than my station?
If I'm called to love, why
do I give in to hesitation?
Does this go higher than my
station? Does this go higher
than my station? Does this
go higher than my station?
Does this go higher than my
station? Does this go higher
than my station?
11. Skeletons
You've turned your back
on me! Yo, listen up. Take a
look around, take in all the
sights and sounds. Is this
how you thought it would
be? Experience is the most
brutal of teachers and we
are what we believe. But
you're not even a skeleton
of what you used to be. It's
over! I am not a saint, but
I am not my sins. I'm still
standing! It must be lonely
up that on the pedestal you
built on a shelf. Perhaps the
suspicion of fraud enhances
the flavor, but you just gave
up on yourself. It's only
the beginning. I am not a
saint, but I am not my sins.
I'm still standing! When I
see your face and see how
you've turned, it makes
me sick to think of all the
bridges you've burned. And
yeah, it hurts me to know
you have lost everything
that you loved. A ghost is
all that's left. You have lost
everything that you loved.
A ghost is all that's left.
You have lost everything
that you loved. A ghost is
all that's left. You have lost
12. Trends And Phases
This is my stomping
ground, these are the roads
I walk home. Out here,
where the streets unwind
keeping the city lights on.
Leaving's not the same as
being left behind. I found
my own path in life, passed
up the suit and tie. I found
a way of escaping the 9 to
5. But to judge you on your
own life, that's not for me
to say. I've seen this hap-
pen before but I won't let
it change me. Do whatever
works for you. There's no
substitute for staying true
to get you through the dark
timed. Trends and phases
come and go. Connect with
a world you barely know -
Lord knows it'll open your
eyes. This is my stomping
ground and one day I'll
settle down, but not for a
while. Out here, where the
streets unwind and lead
me to peace of mind, away
from the city lights. Leav-
ing's not the same as being
left behind, but we turn new
pages in our lives. Do what-
ever works for you. There's
no substitute for staying
true to get you through
the dark times. Trends and
phases come and go. Con-
nect with a world you barely
know - Lord knows it'll
open your eyes, your eyes.
City lights bring me home,
the streets upwind. I found
my own path to peace of
mind. It's not over yet, city
lights bring me home. The
streets unwind and leavings
not the same as being left
behind. These days these
days get tough, but don't
mistake love for spoon fed
lives, for spoon fed lives.
13. Glory
Hallelujah, glory to man.
How great and holy are
we. Hallelujah humanity,
who harnessed the sky and
harvest the sea. 'O how!
We hold our idols high and
raise our royal banners to
the sky. Our empires rise
and rule over mortal man.
The sun never sets on the
kingdoms land. Well I've
been thinking about our
time here. Hallelujah, glory
to man, how great and holy
are we. Hallelujah humanity
who harnessed the sky and
harvest the sea. They run
as the arrows blot the sun,
another feeble war on earth
is won. A mighty king meets
a bloody end, another fool-
ish empire rises again. Well
I've been thinking our time
here, hallelujah, glory to
man. How great and holy
are we. Hallelujah humanity,
who harnessed the sky and
harvest the sea. The chords
of death ring for every man,
no power or wealth can stay
it's hand. No tower built will
pierce the sky or idol forged
be made divine. Lift up a
living nation and grant a
single sword to thee. From
sleep and from damnation,
aflame with faith and free.
Look upon this kingdom
of men, how weak and
fickle are we. Look upon
this kingdom of men who
poison the sky and defile
the sea. Hallelujah, glory to
God, how great and holy
is He. Hallelujah, 'o Son Of
Man, who created the sky
and gave life to the sea.
14. My Way Home
The beauty of a living thing
is not the atoms that go
into it, but the mystery that
they were put together.
Teach him to hate. To hate
not for himself but for the
ones he sees around. For
the women and children,
the helpless, the broken,
and his country burning
down. The seas are rough,
his tension's high, so start
the storm and watch him
die. And let it ride, let it
ride til it all falls down and
there's nothing left. I know
my way back home resides
in you alone. And distant
lights make it clearer. I'm
searching for the morning
star. Teach him to fear. A
fear of the unknown, a fear
of going there alone until he
thinks he can't take it. He'll
bend and he'll break and
as a coward he will roam,
'cos I don't wanna fight but
sometimes I do. I'm practi-
cally dragging the elephant
into the room. Is this more
than you were prepared to
commit to? The seas are
rough, his tension's high, so
start the storm and watch
him die. And let it ride, let it
ride til it all falls down and
there's nothing left. I know
my way back home resides
in you alone. And distant
lights make it clearer. I'm
searching for the morning
star. The beauty of a living
thing is not the atoms that
go into it, but the mystery
that they were put together.
The battle's starting, the
fight begins; with bravery,
now he's running in. He
doesn't fight to kill, just
to defend. I know my way
back home resides in you
alone. And distant lights
make it clearer. I'm search-
ing for the morning star.
The war is over, the fighting
ends, his bravery did not
bend. I don't wanna fight,
but sometimes I do. I don't
wanna fight. Singing one
last hymn. Let's start again,
let's start again. Let's start
again, let's start again. Let's
start again, let's start again.
Let's start again, let's start
15. Follow The Sun
Are we the ones who will follow the sun and ride on
till every last good deed is done?
Come on! Everybody ride on!
And yeah, we know the world is ours to change,
but we find ourselves here still fading away.
So come on! Everybody ride on!
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