Dark Lyrics


EP: "Se Hace Por Los Suenos Asesinos" (2003)

1. Gakko no Daichi (The Land of Moonlight)
2. Rato Triste
3. Sus Futuros

1. Gakko no Daichi (The Land of Moonlight)

Indulged in lust and greed
Defiled soul
Sinful one who brought corruption
Say, you judge before tasting the water?

Rusty people break old rules
And long for wealth and fame
For their land of peace
Disgrace the gift of land

Tombstones to deceive the weak
Destination for the travel of the defiled soul
Polish to deceive
King's assasin

Roar of the soul yet to be ceased
To the land of hope
To the end of the ephemeral darkness
Moonlight lights my dreams

Ridicule to deceive the weak
Sinful one's destination
Filled at the bottom of darkness
Wise men who rule contradiction

In the hands of
The sinful one
Tightly gripped
Symphony of destruction echos continuously
In the passing time
Destination of power

The roaming of the soul still continues
The end of the last movements of the ph?tus
Quest for truth in my mind
Liberation of the sky is drawing near

2. Rato Triste

Repiten una locura.
Muchas vidas estaba debajo de cielo.
Matanza y una arma biologica
?cual es su proposito?
arquitectos, naturaleza y las sonrisas de ninos
Tomaron e invadieron todos.
Un informe de un arma suena no para.
cielo de la noche llenandos por la trayectoria balistica.

El sonido de la destruccion gobierna los oidos
La oscuridad goberno por tristeza y dolor
?Quien creyo esa mentira?
?Quien hizo beneficios de la explotacion?
Abertura de un nuevo rato
Se convirtio en abertura de un rato triste.
se engana con el “globalization”
?cual es cosas que creemos en esta vida?

Informacion controlada
Justicia falsa

Son afectacion del heroe.
Caminan a lo largo de la manera invadida.
gritan justicia e igualdad
pero nadie lo cree
?La matanza produce igualdad?
?Una mentira produce la libertad?
?La violencia produce paz?
?te pienza que el deseo produjo progreso?

[English translation by Corrupted]

[Sad Time]

They repeat a folly.
Much life was under the sky.
Slaughter and biological weapons
what is their purpose?
architects, nature and the smiles of children
They took and invaded all.
Reports of gun sounds don't stop
night skies filled by ballistic trajectory

Sound of the destruction governs ears
Darkness governed by sadness and pain
Who believed that lie?
Who made exploitation profits?
Opening of a new time
It became the opening of a sad time.
deceiving each other with “globalization”
what are these things we believe in this life?

Controlled information
False justice

They are hero affectation.
They walk along the invaded way.
they shout justice and equality,
but nobody believes it.
Does slaughter produce equality?
Does a lie produce freedom?
Does violence produce peace?
Do you think that desire produced progress?

3. Sus Futuros

por la ventana
gruesas nubes tapan el cielo

todo toma color ceniza
todo toma color negro

nada es siempre igual
pero me harte de sus mentiras

todo toma color ceniza
todo toma color negro

los muchachos que no pueden ver su futuro
empudrecen bajo l'ala de la ley
y buscan su existencia en la muerte de los demas

en la tele comunica la policia
“mi hijo asesino vale mas que la justicia...”

que gran problema hicimos
desde que nos creemos
superiores a los animales...

[English translation by Corrupted]

[Their Futures]

by the window
heavy clouds cover the air

all going ash-gray
all going black

nothing is always the same,
I have already become bored with their lie.

all going ash-gray
all going black

boys who cannot see their futures,
protected under the law
and looking for his existence in the death of others.

the police said on TV that
“my murderer son is better than justice”

we began to think that humans are superior to animals
that's a great problem we created.

Corrupted is:
Hevi: vocals and acoustic guitar
Talbot: electric and slide guitar
Yokota: bass and acoustic guitar
Chew: drums


Thanks to MANSONXY for sending these lyrics.

Submits, comments, corrections are welcomed at webmaster@darklyrics.com


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