album: "Genius - Episode 3: The Final Surprise" (2007)
1. Toy Warehouse2. No More Chances
3. Save Me From My Destiny
4. Alive And Safe
5. Jump Off This Train
6. Let Me Live
7. Inside These Memories
8. I Die
9. Back To Life Again
10. Dream In Liberty
11. The Final Surprise
1. Toy Warehouse
[Storyteller] Darkness fell around the two friends. After Genius and Twinspirit 32 had crossed the old oak image, a dark underworld appeared in front of them. They knew that the little prince was there, hidden in one of those warehouses filling out that dark place, but they soon realized they were in front of a huge maze, full of an infinite number of fantasy warehouses. Now... Which one was the toy warehouse?
[Twinspirit n.32] I wish you had remained...
[Main choir] Where is the toy warehouse?
You must find it!
Where is the toy warehouse?
Genius you must run fast and find it!
Where's the toy warehouse?
[Twinspirit n.32] Running through this maze full of a thousand ways
my tired mind seems to blow away
I feel it should be not too far from here
we are getting close to our prince!
[Genius] I have never seen such an endless place
I can't see the end of these dark halls
I feel lost in this huge infinity
how can we find the right path?
[Twinspirit n.32] I know we're close!
We just can't give up right now!
[Genius] What should we do?
[Genius & Twinspirit n.32] We have to hurry up!
[Genius & Twinspirit n.32 & main choir] Where is the toy warehouse?
[Main choir] The toy warehouse!
[Genius & Twinspirit n.32 & main choir] Where is the toy warehouse?
[Main choir] Yeah! We must find the toy warehouse!
We must find it! Where's the toy warehouse?
[Twinspirit n.32] All the things you see stored in all these shelves
are just libraries to create dreams
the items that are used will then be destroyed to preserve their uniqueness!
You see?
[Genius] What a thrill for me!
Here I can see things that the humans have never seen before!
Will I ever be able to come back
and remember what I saw?
[Twinspirit n.32] Hey! Take a look at that funny colored store!
[Genius] Aren't those toys?
[Genius & Twinspirit n.32] Let's run over there!
[Genius & Twinspirit n.32 & main choir] Is that the toy warehouse?
[Main choir] The toy warehouse!
[Genius & Twinspirit n.32 & main choir] Is that the toy warehouse?
[Main choir] Yeah! We must find the toy warehouse!
We must find it! Where is the toy warehouse?
[Genius] As we get near the colors and noises are clear!
[Twinspirit n.32] I think you are right
that's what we've been searching for!
[Genius & Twinspirit n.32] Look over there!
Thousands of colourful toys
[Main choir] We've found
[Genius & Twinspirit n.32 & main choir] The toy warehouse!
[Main choir] The toy ware house!
[Genius & Twinspirit n.32 & main choir] We've found the toy warehouse!
[Main choir] Yeah! We have found the toy warehouse!
We have found it!
[Genius & Twinspirit n.32 & main choir] We've found the toy warehouse!
[Genius] Wow! Look at all those toys!
[Toy fantasies imitating Genius] Wow! Look at all those toys!
Ha ha ha! Ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha ha!
Hey daddy! Where's the toy warehouse?
Ha ha!
Ha ha!
Wow! Look at those toys!
Ha ha!
[Storyteller] They were right. That was the Asian toy warehouse! A huge quantity of toy fantasies of every kind were displayed on the shelves and since it was Christmas time many of them were quickly disappearing and being used for the creation of dreams. Meanwhile, a new commander was nominated by Maindream to lead the European Dream League Force, in order to terminate Twinspirit 32. It's name was Apikor. He reached the Dream League headquarters with the intent to understand why they had failed to terminate the twinspirit and to explain a new secret plan for capturing them
2. No More Chances
[Apikor] Before the human awakes he'll be terminated for sure!
Uh! Could someone tell me why is he still alive?
Why have you failed to reach your goal?
You are the best troops in the entire league
tell me how has twinspirit survived your raid?
[Dream League Force choir] He disappeared
[Apikor] Tell me why!
[Dream League Force choir] We just can't explain!
[Apikor] Why?
[Apikor] I won't allow another failure!
It's time to step his running
there will be no more chances!
[Dream League Force choir] Before he will awake he'll be terminated for sure!
[Apikor] There will be no more...
no more chances!
[Apikor] I heard news from the King of the Asian reign
the human had been captured there!
For some reason that he did not explain
someone helped the human to escape from jail!
[Dream League Force choir] He must be there!
[Apikor] He must still be there!
[Dream League Force choir] He still must be there!
[Apikor] I have prepared a secret plan!
This time we must be sure
there will be no more chances!
[Dream League Force choir] Before he will awake he'll be terminated!
[Apikor] It's time to end this game now!
I will explain my secret plan!
So listen to my words
there will be no more...
[Dream League Force choir] No more chances!
[Apikor] No more chances!
[Dream League Force choir] No more chances!
[Apikor] No more!
[Dream League Force choir] No more chances!
No more chances!
[Apikor & Dream League Force choir] There will be no more chances!
[Dream League Force choir] There will be no more chances!
[Apikor] There will be no more...
no more chances!
[Storyteller] The search for the little prince was going on in the Asian toys warehouse. While the two friends were trying to find out where he could have been hidden in that big warehouse, a tiny voice coming out from somewhere among all those toys was trying to catch their attention.
3. Save Me From My Destiny
[Kokeshi doll] Hey! You! I'm here!
Hidden in this small shelf
hey! You! I'm here!
Buried under these dolls
come this way!
Don't go away!
I am so close to you!
Can't you see? I'm right here!
I've been hidden for so long in this small shelf
trying to avoid being used like all those dolls
time goes on and I've no choice
I won't escape my fate
soon I will be destroyed!
[Genius] I hear a voice coming out of this shelf and look there!
There's a small doll that's calling us
she's right there!
She seems so real!
[Twinspirit n. 32] Maybe she could help us
[Genius & Twinspirit n. 32] To find what we're searching for!
[Kokeshi doll & Dolls choir] Take me away from this place!
Save me from my destiny!
Take me away from this place!
Save me from my destiny!
[Genius] We are here to save the European prince
he's been sent here to be used for a dream
[Kokeshi doll] Oh! I see...
But tell me please!
Why should his life be saved?
And why should I die like this?
He has been closed in that small secret room
you'll need a secret number to unlock it's door
won't you please save me too?
[Genius & Twinspirit n. 32] Do you happen to know the code to that secret door?
[Kokeshi doll & Dolls choir] Take me away!
[Genius] Yeah! Take me away!
[Kokeshi doll & Dolls choir] From this place!
Save me
[Genius] Oh! Save me!
[Kokeshi doll & Dolls choir] From my destiny!
[Genius] Oh! Destiny! Yeah!
[Kokeshi doll] I know the key but I'll talk if
[Kokeshi doll & Dolls choir] You'll save me from my destiny!
[Twinspirit n. 32] We just can't change the events
I'm so sorry my friend!
But no...
We can't change your fate
[Dolls choir] Take me away!
[Kokeshi doll & Genius] Yeah! Take me away!
[Dolls choir] From this place!
[Kokeshi doll] Oh oh oh oh!
[Dolls choir] Save me from my destiny!
[Genius] Save me!
[Kokeshi doll] Save me! Please!
[Dolls choir] Take me away!
[Kokeshi doll & Genius] Oh! Take me away!
[Dolls choir] From this place!
[Kokeshi doll] From this place!
[Dolls choir] Save me
[Genius & Dolls choir] From my destiny!
[Kokeshi doll] Uh! Take me away!
[Kokeshi doll] One four five six...
Inside you'll find the prince!
[Storyteller] The Kokeshi doll faded away and was recalled just in time to reveal where the prince was. The two friends frantically ran to the door indicated by the doll. They were horrified by the thought that the unavoidable had taken place. They tried to insert the
secret code, and apparently the door wouldn't open. Genius had the idea to use a six digit code with one four and five six (466666), instead of the four digit code 'one four five six' (1456) and magically...
[Momotaro dolls choirs] Waiting in the toy warehouse!
The toy warehouse
we all live in peace
ready for your dreams
ready to leave
waiting in the...
In the Toy Warehouse!
We've found our peace
we're resigned to our fate
but he should not be destroyed!
Oh please! Save him!
Help him to get back home!
He's the victim of a strange coincidence
he should not pay for something that he hasn't done at all
the power of his innocence must shine again!
Waiting in the toy warehouse
the toy warehouse!
We all live in peace
ready for your dreams
ready to leave
waiting in the...
In the toy warehouse!
[Storyteller] They picked up the baby with extreme care and walked out of the warehouse in order to get back to the underground's entrance. In the European Kingdom, Mr. Niko was updating the other Senators about the situation that was going on, expressing his optimism for a positive solution to the danger that their Kingdom was passing through. He knew how important it was for humans to keep dreaming in freedom.
4. Alive And Safe
[Mr Niko] Here we are again dear sirs together under the same word
we'll protect the human dreams using all of our forces!
Dreams are a way for them to be free
a chance to meet their own desires
places where happiness can be real
our aim has always been clear!
Their dreams will be
[Mr Niko & European Senators choir] Alive and safe!
[Mr Niko] Their dreams will be
[Mr Niko & European Senators choir] Alive and safe!
[Mr Niko] Yeah! They will!
[Mr Niko] Dreams allow them to explore the meaning of their inner world
that's what they all really need to take a look inside their souls!
That's why humans should never be allowed to interact with dreams
they would lose part of their being
our aim has always been clear!
Their dreams will be
[Mr Niko & European Senators choir] Alive and safe!
[Mr Niko] Their dreams will be
[Mr Niko & European Senators choir] Alive and safe!
[Mr Niko] Sure! They will!
[Mr Niko & European Senators choir] Yeah!
Their dreams will be alive and safe!
[Mr Niko] Someone's taken a risk to compromise dreams
but I'm sure! My dear sirs
no! This won't happen again! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
The power of our fantasies will shine in their minds! Trust me!
They will have a real chance to fly
[European Senators choir] A real chance!
[Mr Niko] Their dreams will be
[Mr Niko & European Senators choir] Alive and safe!
[Mr Niko] Yeah! Their dreams will be
[Mr Niko & European Senators choir] Alive and safe!
[Mr Niko] Yeah! They will!
[Mr Niko & European Senators choir] Alive and safe!
[Mr Niko] Their dreams will be
[Mr Niko & European Senators choir] Alive and safe!
[Mr Niko] Sure! They will!
[Mr Niko & European Senators choir] Alive and safe!
Alive and safe!
Alive and safe!
Alive and safe!
Alive and...
They're alive and..
[Mr Niko] Safe!
[European Senators choir]
[Storyteller] Genius' dream was coming to an end, and a train slowly approaching towards him was the proof of that feeling. It was full of twinspirits. All the twinspirits looked sad because they were going back to the place of their creation to be terminated at the end of the dreams they had been conducting. They knew their end was near. Twinspirit 32 stared at Genius, but his smile was shaded by a veil of sorrow. It was clear to both that they were going to part forever. The train stopped and the two joined the row of twinspirits who were at the start of their last voyage.Twinspirit 32 had to find a plan to get the prince back to his Kingdom as soon as possible.
5. Jump Off This Train
[Twinspirit n.32] Can't you hear this growing noise coming from the darkness?
It's the same train that took us to the twinspirit land
this means that you are about to wake up from your dream
this train is going to bring us back to where we once met!
[Genius] Oh my God! Now I see it!
[Genius & Twinspirit n.32] It's coming right this way!
[Genius] Tell me please! What should we do?
How can we get the prince back to European reign?
[Twinspirit n.32] This train will be carrying us back to the Kingdom gates
and it will be passing through the European Kingdom
at that point you and the prince will jump off the train
and you'll run fast to the jails where Mc Chaos is being kept!
[Genius] No! No! No! I won't go alone!
You'll come with me!
[Twinspirit n.32] No! I won't! I must try to stay alive until you're arrived
here I will be safe!
[Twinspirit n.32 & main choir] Jump off this train!
[Genius] I need your help! I can't go alone!
[Twinspirit n.32 & main choir] Jump off this train!
[Twinspirit n.32] I'm sure you will be brave!
[Twinspirit n.32 & main choir] Jump off this train!
[Genius] I just can't let you go to sure death!
[Twinspirit n.32 & main choir] Jump off this train!
[Twinspirit n.32] No more words! Just...
[Twinspirit n.32 & main choir] Jump! Off! This! Train!
[Twinspirit n.32] All right...
Every twinspirit has a multimedia storage support built inside,
where all the memories of the dream they are leading are stored.
They cannot give it out for any reason.
Before they die, at the end of the dream, they transfer it's content to the dreaming human mind
and in order to preserve his privacy, they destroy this storage.
Sometimes the human remembers the dream, sometimes he does not,
but the dream's memories are always transferred to his mind by it's assigned twinspirit.
In this case, I think that my memory storage content is the only thing that could
demonstrate that you were admitted here by the Doorkeepers and prove King Mc Chaos' innocence, once and for all.
Even if what I'm going to do is strongly illegal, here's a disk with a copy of these memories stored inside of me!
We are getting close to the European Kingdom!
You'll have to jump off this train and run fast to the Kingdom jails
and show the contents of this disk to the Senators!
I'll try to survive and give you enough time to get this done.
I hope to resist, and I hope you'll have enough time before you awake!
So... Prepare to jump when I'll tell you to go!
[Genius] What're you saying?
What does this mean?
Won't you come with me?
I won't let you in this sad train!
I won't let you die!
[Twinspirit n.32] It's all right! Don't you cry!
This is how it goes in this world!
I'm ready to face my fate!
[Twinspirit n.32 & main choir] Jump off this train!
[Genius] I need your help! I can't go alone!
[Twinspirit n.32 & main choir] Jump off this train!
[Twinspirit n.32] I'm sure you will be brave!
[Twinspirit n.32 & main choir] Jump off this train!
[Genius] I just can't let you go to sure death!
[Twinspirit n.32 & main choir] Jump off this train!
[Twinspirit n.32] Move your ass and jump! Off!
I said jump! Off! This! Damned! Train!
[Twinspirit n.32] Stop your whining, human!
I'm looking forward to leaving you forever.
I want to make clear in your dumb head our roles to this comedy.
You are the one enslaving me through my short life
by giving me life and making me die at your command!
I'm not your friend... I hate you!
But I'm going to die... Finally! So I'll be free of your blithering!
Now, the least you can do is try to clean all the mess
you caused due to your presence here!
So... Jump! Off! This! Damned! Train!
[Storyteller] They arrived at the point. Twinspirit 32 extracted the memory support and looked firmly into Genius' eyes. Genius was petrified by his reaction. He really could not believe his own ears. Tears started to flow down his cheeks. Genius jumped out of the train's door and fell on the grass. The prince was not hurt and the memory support was still safe in his pocket. He stood up and stared at the train for some seconds. Deep in his heart he was hoping that his twinspirit had spoken rudely just in order to convince him to jump. Suddenly he turned his back and started to run towards the European jails. The train transporting the twinspirits to their end was continuing it's ride. Twinspirit 32 did not expect that the conductor of that train was a special person that was waiting for the right moment to act fatally.
6. Let Me Live
[Apikor & main choir] Surprised? Here I am!
[Main choir] No! This time you won't escape!
[Apikor & main choir] Surprised? Here I am!
[Main choir] Your run has come to an end!
[Apikor & main choir] Surprised? Here I am! I'm ready!
[Main choir] For the last fight!
[Apikor & main choir] Surprised? Here I am!
No! This time you won't escape!
[Apikor] Now that you're in front of me tell me how could you do that?
Tell me why you've helped that human?
Use these moments that you've left as a chance for you to explain
did you help that human escape?
[Twinspirit n.32 & main choir] Please let me live
[Twinspirit n.32] He's trying to bring back the prince to his reign!
[Twinspirit n.32 & main choir] If you kill me
[Twinspirit n.32] You'll kill his dream!
He will not get him back!
[Apikor] What you are saying is so crazy and insane!
No! I won't wait! You will be terminated
you will die! Die! Yeah!
What you've done has no excuse
you have broken all the rules
you've been twisting your own nature!
You know, you should have put yourself
in the hands of Dream League Force
why did you escape from their raid?
[Twinspirit n.32 & main choir] Please let me live
[Twinspirit n.32] He's trying to bring back the prince to his reign!
[Twinspirit n.32 & main choir] If you kill me
[Twinspirit n.32] You'll kill his dream!
He will not get him back!
[Twinspirit n.32] He's got the proof!
He'll show them what really occurred!
So till then please...
[Apikor] This time you'll be terminated!
[Twinspirit n.32 & main choir] Let me live!
Let me live!
Let me live!
Let me live!
[Apikor] No! I won't!
[Main choirs] Good bye! Now you'll die!
[Twinspirit n.32] Let me live!
[Apikor & main choir] Your life is going to end!
[Main choirs] Good bye! Now you'll die!
[Twinspirit n.32] No!
[Apikor & main choir] It's time for your last goodbye!
[Twinspirit n.32] No! No!
[Twinspirit n.32] He's got the proof!
He'll show them what really occurred!
So till then please let me live!
Oh please!
Let me live!
Oh please let me live!
Let me live!
Oh please let me live!
Let me live!
[Twinspirit n.32 & main choir] Let me live!
[Storyteller] Genius was actually hearing his mother's voice calling him from reality. He was nearly waking up. Showing great determination, he started to run ravingly towards the Kingdom's jails. He had the chance to redeem his mistakes in his hands. His friend's memory was in his mind and the pain for his departure was increasing. However, he kept on running till he arrived at the European Kingdom. Soon he was captured and brought to the European Senators council. He was going to try again the difficult task to demonstrate Mc Chaos' innocence, but this time he had proofs stored inside the memory support given to him by his twinspirit.
7. Inside These Memories
[European Senators choir:] What's! Up?
[Genius:] I have ran so fast to get here!
[European Senators choir:] What's! Up?
[Genius:] I can show you the proof!
[European Senators choir:] What! Proof?!
[Genius:] Here's the memory disk that contains all the truth!
[European Senators choir:] What! Truth?!
[Genius:] The truth about how
[European Senators choir:] About? How?
[Genius:] How I've been caught in this world
[European Senators choir:] How? How?
[Genius:] Just look at its contents and you'll see!
[European Senators choir:] Is! That!
[Senator Jeramus:] Is that your twinspirit's memory disk?
[European Senators choir:] How? Did?
[Senator Jeramus:] How did you get it?
[European Senators choir:] Give! Out!
[Senator Jeramus:] Twinspirits aren't allowed to give out their memories!
[European Senators choir:] This! Is!
[Senator Jeramus:] This is really enough!
[European Senators choir:] You! Are!
[Senator Jeramus:] You are going to wake up!
[European Senators choir:] Soon! Soon!
[Senator Jeramus:] I can't wait to see you disappear!
[Genius & Main choir:] Please look inside these memories
[Genius:] And you'll see the truth!
[Genius & Main choir:] You'll understand all that I mean
[Genius:] All the truth is inside these memories
[Main choir:] All the truth is inside!
All the truth is inside!
All the truth is inside!
All the truth is inside!
[Genius:] Inside these memories!
[European Senators choir:] Soon! Soon!
[Genius:] I know that soon I will disappear
[European Senators choir:] Yes! Sure!
[Genius:] I'm going to wake up!
[European Senators choir:] Yes! Sure!
[Genius:] Please give me a chance to explain!
McChaos King is innocent!
[European Senators choir:] Speak! Speak!
[Genius:] Please let him go free!
[European Senators choir:] What? What?
[Genius:] He's got no responsibilities!
[European Senators choir:] What? What?
[Genius:] Look inside this memory and you'll see!
[European Senators choir:] We'll! See?
[Senator Jeramus:] Are you really sure of what you're saying?
[European Senators choir:] Sure? Sure?
[Senator Jeramus:] Are you really sure?
[European Senators choir:] We! Could!
[Senator Jeramus:] I think at this point we should take a look inside this disk!
[European Senators choir:] Give! Give!
[Senator Jeramus:] Please give it to me!
[European Senators choir:] Give! Give!
[Senator Jeramus:] I'll give you a possibility!
[European Senators choir:] Let's! Look!
[Senator Jeramus:] So let's look inside this memory!
[Senator Jeramus & European Senators choir:] Let's look inside these memories
[Senator Jeramus:] And let's see this truth
[Senator Jeramus & European Senators choir:] Let's look inside and let's check if
[Senator Jeramus:] All the truth is inside these memories
[European Senators choir:] All the truth is inside!
All the truth is inside!
All the truth is inside!
All the truth is inside!
[Senator Jeramus:] Inside these memories!
[Senator Jeramus:] I just hope that we will find something inside this disk that could help us understand what really happened and who committed this bad crime
[Genius:] I'm sure you will!
[Senator Jeramus:] We'll see if you're right!
[Genius:] Now trust me sir! The truth is
[Genius & Senator Jeramus & Main choir:] Inside these memories!
[European Senators choir:] The truth is inside these memories!
[Senator Jeramus & Genius & European Senators choir:] The truth is inside these memories!
[Senator Jeramus:] I must say that you are right!
[Senator Jeramus & Genius & European Senators choir:] The truth is inside these memories!
[Genius:] Finally I did it!
[Senator Jeramus & Genius & European Senators choir:] The truth is inside these memories!
[Senator Jeramus:] McChaos will be free again!
[Senator Jeramus & Genius & European Senators choir:] The Truth is inside these memories!
[Senator Jeramus:] Soon he will have the prince and all his reign back!
[European Senators choir:] Yeah! Soon he will have his son and European reign back!
Genius was beginning to see through an intense haze. He was close to awakening and he was happy for having achieved his goal. European Kingdom Senators convinced themselves to take a look at the memory support. Finally they convinced them self that King McChaos was not guilty. Unaware of this success, Twinspirit 32 was trying to resist Apikor as long as possible to give Genius more time to complete his mission but Apikor was very determined and hit him forcefully.
While he was laying on the ground, having almost lost consciousness, he felt that his end was near.
8. I Die
[Twinspirt 32:]
Here is the end driving me close to eternity
I hope you had enough time for what you had to do
I am so sorry
I feel so sad
I tried to survive and fight for you
But slowly my mind fades away
Joining all the rest
I should have died without pain
But now I know I won't
I am so sorry
I feel so sad
Raising my hands to the sky
Here I die
Here I die
I thought to be without a heart
Without a human soul
But since we met
I have learned
That I was something more
I had to hurt you
I wish to say!
I'm sorry...
But my time is going to end...
My friend...
Here I die!
If only I'd survived for some more time
If only I had the chance to say goodbye, my dear friend
Here I die...
Here I die..
Here I die..
Finally, Mr. Niko was able to meet his son and the prince.
Senator Jeramus expressed to them his joy and happiness for the positive solution of the dramatic events they have been passing through. King McChaos and the prince were back to life again.
9. Back To Life Again
[Senator Jeramus:]
Pain became my new identity
Faith became my only source of peace
Blame became the flaming sword that hit us deep inside
So deep inside!
We've never lost our faith!
But I'm happy to see that you're
[Senator Jeramus & Main chorus:] Back to life!
[Senator Jeramus:] Getting back their respect
[Senator Jeramus & Main chorus:] Back to life!
[Senator Jeramus:] I'm so glad you are back to life again!
[Main choir:] Back to life
[Senator Jeramus:] Back to life again!
[Main choir:] Back to life
[Senator Jeramus:]
Fight for everything that's in your dreams
Fight to be the same you've always been
Everything seems to expect your return
Expecting your return!
Time will tell if I'm right!
But I'm happy to see that you're
[Senator Jeramus & Main chorus:] Back to life!
[Senator Jeramus:] Getting back their respect
[Senator Jeramus & Main chorus:] Back to life!
[Senator Jeramus:] I'm so glad you are back to life again
[Main choir:] Back to life
[Senator Jeramus:] Back to life again!
[Main choir:] Back to life
[Senator Jeramus:]
Look in my eyes and smile with me
It's time for you to begin
A new age of brilliant dreams and fantasies
Yeah! I'm glad to see that you've come back!
Oh oh oh
You're back to life again
Oh oh oh
I'm so glad to see that you are back...
Back to life again!
[Senator Jeramus & Main chorus:] Back to life!
[Senator Jeramus:] Getting back their respect
[Senator Jeramus & Main chorus:] Back to life!
[Senator Jeramus:] I'm so glad you are back to life again
[Main choir:] Back to life
[Senator Jeramus:] Back to life again!
[Main choir:] Back to life!
Back to life!
[Senator Jeramus:] Back to life
[Senator Jeramus & Main chorus:] Again!
When Senator Jeramus and commander Apikor gave the European twinspirits the news about the liberation of King McChaos and his little son, a great happiness spread among the twinspirits and all the land started to celebrate the event.
The European twinspirit land could continue to be a place to dream in liberty.
10. Dream In Liberty
[Senator Jeramus:]
Dear twinspirits
I have good news coming from the Kingdom's jail
I am sure that you'll be happy to hear what I'm going to say
The European prince has been saved in time!
He will not be destroyed
Soon he'll go back to his dad
The human that had entered our world has been sent here by his twinspirit
With a copy of his memories
Demonstrating the King's innocence
Soon McChaos King will be unjailed
He will be coming back
Soon he will have his reign back
Oh! Yeah!
[Senator Jeramus:]
Our own world has been in danger but the justice has triumphed!
I'm so happy to have found out King McChaos has no faults!
Finally our reign is safe again!
We don't have to be afraid
[Apikor:] 'Cause everything is going to be solved
[Senator Jeramus:] The pride of our land will go on!
[Apikor:] We will continue to work for a...
[Apikor & Twinspirits choir:] A place to dream in liberty
[Twinspirits choir:] Yeah! Our kingdom wil remain
[Senator Jeramus & Twinspirits choir:] A place to dream in liberty
[Twinspirits choir:] No! We don't have to be afraid
[Apikor & Senator Jeramus & Twinspirits choir:] Our King is back!
I thought the human could have learned how to come back here once awaken
Now I'm sure he won't remember 'cause his twinspirit has been terminated!
The European land is safe again
We're no longer exposed to risk!
[Senator Jeramus:] 'Cause everything is going to be solved!
[Apikor:] The pride of our land will go on!
[Senator Jeramus:] We all are happy to work for a...
[Senator Jeramus & Twinspirits choir:] A place to dream in liberty
[Twinspirits choir:] Yeah! Our kingdom wil remain
[Apikor & Twinspirits choir:] A place to dream in liberty
[Twinspirits choir:] No! We don't have to be afraid
[Apikor & Senator Jeramus & Twinspirits choir:]
Our King is back!
Our King is back!
[Twinspirits choir:]
Freedom of dreaming will always win
Yeah! We will work for a place to dream in liberty!
[Apikor & Twinspirits choir:] A place to dream in liberty
[Twinspirits choir:] Yeah! Our kingdom wil remain
[Senator Jeramus & Twinspirits choir:] A place to dream in liberty
[Twinspirits choir:] No! We don't have to be afraid
[Apikor & Twinspirits choir:] A place to dream in liberty! Yeah!
[Twinspirits choir:] Yeah! Our kingdom wil remain
[Senator Jeramus & Twinspirits choir:] A place to dream in liberty
[Twinspirits choir:] No! We don't have to be afraid
[Apikor & Senator Jeramus & Twinspirits choir:] Our King is back!
[Apikor:] Our King is back!
[Twinspirits choir:] We will work for a place to dream in liberty!
Genius' dream was almost over, and he felt like disappearing. All the strength was drained from his body. All the images and memories of his dream were flowing fast in his mind, recalling all the crazy adventures and characters that he had met. In these last moments, his thoughts went to his friend Twinspirit 32. Even is he felt very proud, he was very sad for not being able to say to him that he had succeeded in his mission. But when he had almost disappeared, a voice coming from the sky caught Genius' ears...
11. The Final Surprise
[Main choir:]
Going back to reality
Genius is going back to reality
Oh! Yeah!
It's time for you for going back to reality
I've arrived at the end of this crazy journey
I will leave forever this place
I wish I had enough time to say goodbye to my guide
To thank him for so much that I've learned
[Twinspirit n.32:] Here I am!
[Genius:] Oh my God! It's you!
[Twinspirit n.32:] I'm proud you did it!
[Genius:] I thought you were dead!
[Twinspirit n.32:] I couldn't die without saying goodbye to you my dear friend!
Oh! My body is fading!
I'm slowly disappearing!
I'm understanding that...
[Genius & Twinspirit n.32 & Main choir:] I am losing you!
[Genius:] Good bye!
[Twinspirit n.32:]
Good bye! Here's your dream
Do you know what this means?
[Genius & Twinspirit n.32 & Main choir:] This means I will always remember you!
In reality, only ten minutes had passed from the beginning of his dream until the alarm clock, placed near Genius' bed, started to ring loudly once again.
Hearing that sound, Genius realized that he was almost fully awake. It also meant that he was leaving the dream's world forever. You should know that Twinspirit 32 deceived Apikor by simulating his termination during their fight. He actually copied his existence process into a near parallel dimension and kept it running for enough time to pass the whole memory of the dream to Genius and after that he terminated himself. This was obviously an infringement to twinspirit' rules and a possible danger for the dreams' world secrets to be revealed to humans, but he trusted Genius' responsibility and let him remember his special dream, as a tribute for his success on his mission. Also, he could not resist the chance to say goodbye to him one last time. In fact, with a great surprise, once he came back to reality, he remembered everything of his amazing dream!
So Genius had the chance of carrying in his heart the memory of his friend and of his crazy journey into dreams' world for the rest of his life. Even if he remembered the secret sequence to be admitted into the European Dreams Kingdom, he would never go back there and never tell anyone about it, staying faithful to his friend.
The loyalty and the great sense of responsibility he learned from him in that alternative reality world would be in his heart for the rest of his life, but now that you allknow all about this secret dreams' world, will you be as loyal and as responsible as Genius? Let's hope so...
Thanks to oceansoul1987 for sending tracks ## 1-6 lyrics.
Thanks to tragic_comic for sending tracks ## 7‒11 lyrics.
Thanks to senza.memoria for sending track #8 lyrics.
Thanks to tragic_comic for sending tracks ## 7‒11 lyrics.
Thanks to senza.memoria for sending track #8 lyrics.
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