album: "Ancestral Romance" (2010)
1. Gadir2. Love From The Stone
3. Alaric De Mernac
4. Mio Cid
5. Just Rock
6. Tilt At Windmills
7. Cancíon Del Pirata
8. Ritual Fire Dance
9. Ah! Wretched Me!
10. A Music In My Soul
1. Gadir
Far, Tyrians of the oceans
far, keep yourselves in motion,
far, to set up a town,
far, where the Sun goes down.
Away, where skies are always bright,
away, where winds draw a coast in white,
away, where days are miracles of light.
Away, a city far away,
a land of reverie is waiting.
So far, a city far away,
there's nothing else but navigating.
Waves carry a hope song,
which treks all the way along,
far, to set up a town,
far, where the sun goes down.
Away, where skies are always bright,
away, where winds draw a coast in white,
away, where days are miracles of light.
Away, a city far away,
a land of reverie is waiting.
So far, a city far away,
there's nothing else but navigating.
[Orchestral interlude / Guitar solo: Enrik]
Away, a city far away,
a land of reverie is waiting.
So far, a city far away,
there's nothing else but navigating.
2. Love From The Stone
Love came to me,
love for good,
from the stone.
With love, how could
I be alone?
Love came to me,
after life
from the stone.
Me and my wife
on our own.
Love grows everlasting
into me and turns out bendless.
Love which grows in the endless
Your kiss inflames my frozen heart
while yours breaks down and falls apart
and both, at least, are ready to depart
so far and free.
Your kiss is burning on my lips,
your life outside forever slips
while all my soul within my mouth just sips
yours into me.
Love came to me,
like a flame,
from the stone.
When my love came
I was gone.
Love grows everlasting
into me and turns out bendless.
Love which grows in the endless
Your kiss inflames my frozen heart
while yours breaks down and falls apart
and both, at last, are ready to depart
so far and free.
Your kiss is burning on my lips,
your life outside forever slips
while all my soul within my mouth just sips
yours into me.
[Guitar solo: Enrik]
Your kiss inflames my frozen heart
while yours breaks down and falls apart
and both, at least, are ready to depart
so far and free.
Your kiss is burning on my lips,
your life outside forever slips
while all my soul within my mouth just sips
yours into me.
3. Alaric De Mernac
By night,
death at nigrum Masses.
By day,
emptying liquor glasses.
This time,
a remorse harasses:
I can't help doing it!
Blood and semen
for a demon,
children butcher,
more in future,
driven crazy,
living hazy,
all to make the Work.
I'll solve the enigma
of timeless life,
I've got the stigma
marked by a hot knife.
Eternal life!
By night,
bloody orgies sessions.
By day,
the Alchemy obsession.
This time,
regretful confession:
I can't helping doing it!
Blood and semen
for a demon,
children butcher,
more in future,
driven crazy,
living hazy,
all to make the Work.
I'll solve the enigma
of timeless life,
I've got the stigma
marked by a hot knife.
[Guitar solo: Enrik]
I'll solve the enigma
of timeless life,
I've got the stigma
marked by a hot knife.
Eternal life!
4. Mio Cid
Hero and honoured great warrior
who serves without treason;
he guards both Islam and Christ
in what he thinks in reason.
Knight who, elected by God,
is determined to glory,
after the moment of death,
he could succeed in war.
His dust, Mio Cid!
His must, Mio Cid!
His sweat, Mio Cid!
His threats, Mio Cid!
His steel, Mio Cid!
His zeal, Mio Cid!
Mio Cid! Mio Cid!
Tied to his horse,
Cid Campeador,
remains stable
pouring his gore,
only this vision
spreads fear and fright,
foes indecision
gives him the fight.
After expiring
great feat he did,
his foes are choiring
O, Mio Cid!
Both armies loudly call
O, Mio Cid!
Mio Cid!
[Acoustic lead]
Cid! Cid!
Mio Cid! Mio Cid!
As his force was always inner,
no matter his dying,
Mio Cid's again the winner
and his troop's outcrying.
Loud and keen, the clamour
runs among the field,
this sounds like a hammer
battering a shield.
His dust, Mio Cid!
His must, Mio Cid!
His sweat, Mio Cid!
His threats, Mio Cid!
His steel, Mio Cid!
His zeal, Mio Cid!
Mio Cid! Mio Cid!
Tied to his horse,
Cid Campeador,
remains stable
pouring his gore,
only this vision
spreads fear and fright,
foes indecision
gives him the fight.
After expiring
great feat he did,
his foes are choiring
O, Mio Cid!
Both armies loudly call
O, Mio Cid!
Mio Cid!
[Guitar solo: Enrik]
His dust, Mio Cid!
His must, Mio Cid!
His sweat, Mio Cid!
His threats, Mio Cid!
His steel, Mio Cid!
His zeal, Mio Cid!
Mio Cid! Mio Cid!
Tied to his horse,
Cid Campeador,
remains stable
pouring his gore,
only this vision
spreads fear and fright,
foes indecision
gives him the fight.
After expiring
great feat he did,
his foes are choiring
O, Mio Cid!
Both armies loudly call
O, Mio Cid!
Mio Cid!
Cid! Cid!
Mio Cid! Mio Cid!
En el fragor,
el Cid Campeador
es como un rayo
Su alma es una
fuente de luz,
bajo la Luna,
o bajo la Cruz.
Cabalga yerto,
y gana la lid,
después de muerto,
¡Oh, Mío Cid!
Después de muerto,
¡Oh, Mío Cid!
5. Just Rock
Listen! Listen! It's all around.
Everybody's gonna pick up the sound.
You feel the beat, you get a shock
when your soul harmonized with rock
Rock is our voice,
rock is our truth,
rock is our choice,
rock is our youth.
That's rock'n'roll.
Just rock your way!
Just rock your soul!
Just rock today!
It's the music which puts us wings,
fills our souls with energy and fury,
rock impels us to dance and sing.
Rock must be so.
So come on! Let's go!
Rock is our voice,
rock is our truth,
rock is our choice,
rock is our youth.
That's rock'n'roll.
Just rock your way!
Just rock your soul!
Just rock today!
[Guitar solo: Enrik]
Rock is our voice, (Rock!)
rock is our truth, (Rock!)
rock is our choice, (Rock!)
rock is our youth. (Rock!)
That's rock'n'roll. (Rock!)
Just rock your way! (Rock!)
Just rock your soul! (Rock!)
Just rock today!
In the core
Of my heart
I adore
The eternal Art.
6. Tilt At Windmills
Searching the glory
In a territory
Whose name I don't recall;
You fight for rightness,
For honour's brightness
As you were mad at all.
Tilt at windmills,
As you were mad at all.
Tilt at windmills,
Enter with them in brawl.
You must protect
The flame which burns in your chest.
You can elect
The purest cause from the rest.
You must defend
Innocence which never kneels.
You can amend
This sane world with your ideals.
Tilt at windmills, come on!
Never fall back, go on!
Tilt at windmills, come on!
Never fall back, always on!
Fighting the evil
In a medieval
World created by your mind;
A knight who is guiding
The men who are hiding
That they, as well, are blind.
You must protect
The flame which burns in your chest.
You can elect
The purest cause from the rest.
You must defend
Innocence which never kneels.
You can amend
This sane world with your ideals.
Tilt at windmills, come on!
Never fall back, go on!
Tilt at windmills, come on!
Never fall back, always on!
You must defend
Innocence which never kneels.
You can amend
This sane world with your ideals.
Tilt at windmills, come on!
Never fall back, go on!
Tilt at windmills, come on!
Never fall back, always on!
7. Cancíon Del Pirata
Con diez cañones por banda,
viento en popa, a toda vela,
no corta el mar, sino vuela
un velero bergantín.
Bajel pirata que llaman,
por su bravura, El Temido,
en todo mar conocido
del uno al otro a confín.
Navega, velero mío
sin temor,
que ni enemigo navío
ni tormenta, ni bonanza
tu rumbo a torcer alcanza,
ni a sujetar tu valor.
Veinte presas
hemos hecho
a despecho
del inglés
y han rendido
sus pendones
cien naciones
a mis pies.
Que es mi barco mi tesoro,
que es mi dios la libertad,
mi ley, la fuerza y el viento,
mi única patria, la mar.
La luna en el mar riela
en la lona gime el viento,
y alza en blando movimiento
olas de plata y azul;
y va el capitán pirata,
cantando alegre en la popa,
Asia a un lado, al otro Europa,
y allá a su frente Istambul:
Allá; muevan feroz guerra
ciegos reyes
por un palmo más de tierra;
que yo aquí; tengo por mío
cuanto abarca el mar bravío,
a quien nadie impuso leyes.
Y no hay playa,
sea cualquiera,
ni bandera
de esplendor,
que no sienta
mi derecho
y dé pechos mi valor.
En las presas
yo divido
lo cogido
por igual;
só lo quiero
por riqueza
la belleza
sin rival.
Que es mi barco mi tesoro,
que es mi dios la libertad,
mi ley, la fuerza y el viento,
mi única patria, la mar.
¡Sentenciado estoy a muerte!
Yo me río
no me abandone la suerte,
y al mismo que me condena,
colgaré de alguna antena,
quizá; en su propio navío.
Y si caigo,
¿Qué es la vida?
Por perdida
ya la di,
cuando el yugo
del esclavo,
como un bravo,
Y del trueno
al son violento,
y del viento
al rebramar,
yo me duermo
por el mar.
Que es mi barco mi tesoro,
que es mi dios la libertad,
mi ley, la fuerza y el viento,
mi única patria, la mar
8. Ritual Fire Dance
9. Ah! Wretched Me!
Life is a dream...
Nothing's inside
such as it seems,
as you've eyed.
Life is a dream,
so dreams the ram
like dreams the lamb,
thus, I just dream
what I am.
It's a kingdom and a jail,
it's as solid as it's frail,
and the only truth is dreams are dreams.
It's a kingdom and a jail,
it's a shade behind a veil,
and we fall in its schemes.
Odd contradiction:
Life is a dream.
Mixes facts and fiction,
gold with stones that gleam;
and dreamers
with kings.
Dreams, like real things,
confuse the human beings.
Life is a stage,
this is the norm,
one could be a sage
or could be a fool when performs
its role in this form.
It's a kingdom and a jail,
it's as solid as it's frail,
and the only truth is dreams are dreams.
It's a kingdom and a jail,
it's a shade behind a veil,
and we fall in its schemes.
Odd contradiction:
Life is a dream.
Mixes facts and fiction,
gold with stones that gleam;
and dreamers
with kings.
Odd contradiction:
Life is a dream.
Mixes facts and fiction,
gold with stones that gleam;
and dreamers
with kings.
10. A Music In My Soul
I break down just thinking on dark swallows,
I've not strength enough to fly away,
so I could look like a kid who follows,
staggering, a serpentine long way.
When my anguish is becoming bigger,
only loneliness is my true friend,
then the shadows show their tragic figures,
day and night are equal in the end.
Now, I see
how I am free,
behind in the past,
time is running fast
from then to me.
I try, in despair, to find a reason
when I have collapsed under the rain,
I have better wait on other season
to be able to stand up again.
Now, I see
how I am free,
behind in the past,
time is running fast
from then to me.
I'll never grieve,
never wail,
never be afraid of tomorrow,
I'll never leave
never fail
nor give up facing my woe,
no crying,
oh, no!,
but listening to a music in my soul,
in my soul.
In the nights of pain my dreams were livid,
wax portrayals which escaped with dawn,
now, remains a memory so vivid
as the rest of me that carries on...
Now, I see
how I am free,
behind in the past,
time is running fast
from then to me.
I'll never grieve,
never wail,
never be afraid of tomorrow,
I'll never leave
never fail
nor give up facing my woe,
no crying,
oh, no!,
but listening to a music in my soul,
in my soul.
I'll never grieve,
never wail,
never be afraid of tomorrow,
I'll never leave
never fail
nor give up facing my woe,
no crying,
oh, no!,
but listening to a music in my soul,
in my soul.
I'll never mourn:
if I'll die, I was born.
I'll never grieve,
never wail,
never be afraid of tomorrow,
I'll never leave
never fail
nor give up facing my woe,
no crying,
oh, no!,
but listening to a music in my soul,
in my soul.
I'll never grieve,
never wail,
never be afraid of tomorrow,
I'll never leave
never fail
nor give up facing my woe,
no crying,
oh, no!,
but listening to a music in my soul,
in my soul.
Thanks to joao_curzio, mikeprado30, eddie.zato, mikeprado30 for sending these lyrics.
Thanks to macocha for correcting track #7 lyrics.
Thanks to macocha for correcting track #7 lyrics.
Submits, comments, corrections are welcomed at webmaster@darklyrics.com

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All lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Please read the disclaimer.