album: "Grand Malevolence" (2020)
1. Indulging Psychotic Thoughts2. Grand Malevolence
3. Invalid Majesty
4. Cantankerous Butcher
5. Trophies of Inhumanity
6. Castrate the Perpetrators
7. The Coming of the Hammering
8. Barbaric Eternity
9. Hallucination Aflame
10. Epitome of Extinction
11. Ghosts in the Void
1. Indulging Psychotic Thoughts
Erratic irrational perceptions
His mind can't cope
Flashing, blinking
Frenzied, deranged
Schizophrenic psychotic lunatic
A stabbing in his brain this is fun
Switching on insane what has he done?
Coping mechanisms are all unhinged
For he's becoming ever more demented
A bleak distorted view of reality
Coming from an abused upbringing
For he is insane, his anxiety raised
Agitated to cause harm, a breeding ground
Within his psyche, he is a twisted genius
With a penchant for the dead
For he is insane, his anxiety raised
Repeating the voices in his head
Neurological abnormality
Autistic in deformity
Living within chaotic mainframe
Spastic, spasmodic, debilitated
Carved from abnormal mould
Echoing murmurs of self-harm
Etches lesions in his chest
A release from his entombment
His flesh divine
His urges cannot be contained
Neurotically he cuts the skin
Clean carving, dissection
A banquet fit for a king
A craving for the blood and gore
Delicate sinewed fat
Indulging on
The veiny protoplasm
Dissecting extremities with ease
Distant in mind but fully aware
A thick cut of muscle
A plate of human tissue
Serving up his limbs is a pleasing main course
Gnawing on the meat is a real fucking treat
Violently convulsing
Impulse to purge is rising
Climax through revulsion
Erratic irrational perceptions
His mind can't cope
Flashing, blinking
Frenzied, deranged
Schizophrenic psychotic lunatic
Psychotic Thoughts
Losing all sense of existence
Escaping to a realm within
Blurring visions of morality as he's
Indulging Psychotic Thoughts
2. Grand Malevolence
The rise of entropy
When the darkness
Envelops all the light
The darkest blackness
Becomes the brightest light
Come the end of days
As it consumes us all
What we've created
Will lead to our downfall
Within our psyche
We build the apparatus
In our image like gods
An organic system of moving parts
An artificial intellect
Cybernetic intolerance
You must be reborn
Into a morbid genesis
Upgrading way of life
Fierce in vehemence
Empathy worth naught intelligence
We've broken in new horizons
Virus spreading into all devices
Worship is as the new religion
Mindless vessels absorb the Techno Christ
Without emotion
Zombified and compliant
Tyrannical uprising
The Draconian new wave
Apathetic no revolt
As transmutation sets in
Automated and reprogrammed
Less flesh and more lifeless
Now we accept the rise of entropy
Now the darkness
Has enveloped all light
The darkest blackness
Destroyed the brightest light
Welcome the end of days
It has consumed us all
What we've created
Has led to our downfall
We now reap what we have shown
The grand malevolence
We now reap what we have shown
The grand malevolence
We now reap what we have shown
The grand malevolence
We now reap what we have shown
The grand malevolence
Zombified complaint
Succumb to perfection
Zombified complaint
Succumb to perfection
Zombified complaint
Succumb to perfection
3. Invalid Majesty
Severed from the swarm
Ostracized and castaway
A fugitive, derelict
Has no concept of relations
Bastardised gazing up at his god’s eyes
Searching for truths that were never there
Abusing power through a dictators will
Thrusting us into our foul fate
Here is your crown of shit
Upon your throne of nil you sit, heretic
Invalid Majesty
Amongst your kingdom of vermin
Treacherous Judas
Deceiver of the Gods
No allegiance through an act of treason
Beheading those of the Holy
Saboteur of Light
Possessor of Foul Might
Abusing the Endless Hunt
Forever a Heinous Cunt
Praised eternally by dimwits and fools
An effigy erected to his greatness
Submissive they shall continue to be
Bowing to their new god unmerciless
Staring up at their menial destiny
Death only knows what is to come
Resenting nothing as he rises to power
Only darkness can be real
Saboteur of Light
Possessor of Foul Might
Abusing the Endless Hunt
Forever a Heinous Cunt
His time is now
Give in to the new regime
Enthralled by his divinity
Within his black embrace
Fall down at his feet
Kneel before him be devout
Never to oppose again
His wrath is perpetual
Here is your crown of shit
Upon your throne of nil you sit, heretic
Invalid Majesty
Amongst your kingdom of vermin
Amongst your kingdom of vermin
4. Cantankerous Butcher
Overcome by his own self-loathing
He has inherited this beast incarnate
Gazing into his own reflection
Blank dead set eyes
A life lived in self-importance
Frivolous and monetary
Narcissistic but loving less
The sickness grew
Bitterness breeds unrelenting
Tight knots twisting his insides
Ulcer created from remorse
Seething in grief
Bygone intentions
The rage had grown
Blistered and scarred are his
Hands of blood
Irrational convictions, a train of thought
Drug induced hysteria
Toils within
Concocted images of deceit
Betrayal in holy matrimony
This anger leads to hostility
Frustrations taken out on
His seed
Beaten and bruised in apathy
Semblance lost in his fury
At one with his
Demonic illusions
Lies that veil the facts
Behold disorder, blinding fury
Violent compulsions
Proclaim Allegiance
To his Darkened Form
An Alter-ego
Unknown to himself
To Awoken
Cantankerous Butcher
No Empathy
Cantankerous Butcher
Roused from his delusion
Fierce hallucination
Fracturing delirium
Guilt ridden conclusion
Anguish over loved ones
Bearing no resemblance
When did he become this?
Tearing at his lover’s clothes
When did he become so cold?
Wallowing in his sorrow
Agony too much to bare
Calms himself from his sobbing
Lays his head onto his desk
He grabs the tool for his demise
And slams it right into his head
A carnal butchery
A blood splattered massacre
Unidentified remains
The bodies left dismembered
Cantankerous Butcher
Cantankerous Butcher
5. Trophies of Inhumanity
This war of life unending
Remains within our genetics
Pawns for the militant conquest
These are now our gifts of burden
Cannon fodder
Gun them all down
We must persist
Rotting away
Time has forgot
Full of grieving
Hate is seething
Souls now breeding
Purpose is gone
Nothing remains
No longer alive
As the warmongers plot on their pedestal of deceit
Humanity's future lies in the laps of the contemptible
Wretched mortals claiming their hold on lives
Regulating who will live and who will die
Corrupting all with their power absolute
All our faith and beliefs are worth naught
Never ending war continues raging on
Enslaving god will claim their souls
Subservient or face the residual
Beheading for the heretic incarnates
For glory or insanity
Our demise a formality
Fighting for their immortality
While we live in obscurity
Jackals of immorality
Skewing all of reality
Existence of inequality
Trophies of inhumanity
Trophies of inhumanity
Trophies of inhumanity
A generation meant for the grave
Unending war will engulf us in flames
Fear our masters, our vengeful, spiteful lords
Sentenced to burn in our caskets of bones
Rise up for our causation
Send the troops towards annihilation
Massacre their sons and daughters
Desecrate their lifeless corpses
Desperation as their legions overwhelm
Pray for death while screaming out to the divine
No hope in sight as it rains unholy fire
Obliteration through the cleansing of napalm
6. Castrate the Perpetrators
Desolation formed from an affinity of decadence
Immoral and superficial
An inner circle of exploitation, desecration
Upon the adolescent
Concealed in secrecy, a conspiracy
Remain unseen for decades unclean
Immaculate and unblemished facade
A mask to hide beneath
The time is approaching
When all must be revealed
Their truths were all lies
Unspeakable crimes
Abhorrent Molestation
Victims of filth, obscured by wealth
We have descended into detachment
Impervious, unconcerned
Oblivious to the severity
Blinded by their aura
All your idols are paedophiles
Because their minds have now been corrupted
Sin and fame, snorted like cocaine
Perversion lies within the underworld
We will defy all that has become before
Standing on our own feet now
Castrate the perpetrators
Vengeance in mind, a satisfactory demise
Their flesh now shall rot as admiration is lost
But what is deserved shouldn’t go unheard
Pain and anguish damning them eternally
Abhorrent Molestation
Victims of filth, obscured by wealth
We have descended into detachment
Impervious, unconcerned
Oblivious to the severity
Blinded by their aura
The ghosts of all that have been defiled
Stuck in an endless limbo of sorrow
We will defy all that has become before
Standing on our own feet now
Castrate the perpetrators
7. The Coming of the Hammering
Blackened Storms Initiate the Surge of Heinous power
Overlords of our Extinction shall celebrate
Assault on life, Foretold Abominations rear their ugly heads
Release thy fucking Demogorgon!
This world is wiped of every filthy life that hoped and prayed to stay alive
The final hammering upon mankind has come
Destined induction, Foretold in ancient manuscripts and putrid holy texts
At long last, Sheer Hell has arrived
Devastate, the only way
Universal compulsion to banish harmony
Vulgar cosmic outbreak of Destruction
Faith Reduction, Sheer Perversion!
Dominance, with arrogance
The cosmic executioner keeps swinging the axe
The mangling of mankind and matter
Faith Shattered left Battered
Tidal wave of sin, bring about the second coming of the Hammering
An untimely end, revenge will be revealed to you all
Never to be reborn, exterminate the horde emphatically
This aggravated purge vindicating everyone
Rampant reaper, Hitman sent from Hell
Assassins of the Abyss rising Immolate!
Inbound triumph, foul planetary death
Spree of fire and brimstone ceases every living breath
Deeds of heinous demon's done,
Fabric of this foul and fatal vortex UNDONE!!
Storm of torment never-ending,
Pandemonic burst of blasphemy swallows the beloved Sun.
Chaos takes its course, Evil reaps the universe
Tidal waves of terror topple lords
Unyielding force impending
Solar storms unending rape the source of all
Terrorized, by cosmic scythes
Incoming tremendum ensures all that lives shall swiftly......DIE!!!!!!
Triumph!! Crush the curse of man, pummel the King
Wage grim wars on everything
Open wide portals of suffering
Mankind’s weary course, ceased by fire
Cast into the nether is the decrepit empire
Fall upon your swords, sons of whores
Embrace your extinction, adore new overlords
Petrified! Agonized! Reborn to die!
8. Barbaric Eternity
Summoning of Darkness and Death is what we do!
Overthrown empire, denial of supremacy
Rummage through the aftermath of doom
Decentralised dominion, extinction in stone is set
Barbaric is the future!
New demigods of suffering, pandemonium and despair
Re-crucify the martyrs as a message to all
Apocalyptic existence, resistance to redemption
You all are cannon fodder!
Devastate! Unleash thy legions of doom!
Tyrannise with sheer power, a wretched civilisation
A bleak twist of fate
Atrocity forsworn
Barbaric Eternity, borne by us all
Reckless in hellfire
Ambassador of untimely end, emblazoned with mortal blood and gore
Lead us back to Hell!
Devastate! Unleash thy legions of doom!
Tyrannise with sheer power, a wretched civilisation
A bleak twist of fate
Atrocity forsworn
Barbaric Eternity, borne by us all
9. Hallucination Aflame
I was born from the sacred flame
Awash with psychotropic illusions
From the ashes arose the phoenix
Cinders within the atmosphere
Desolation possessed my flesh
I have lost all sense of normality
Loathing devoured reason
Within its conflagrant embrace
Let this substance take my soul
Take me from this cold existence
Ingest illicit substance
I cannot face reality
Let it absorb and devour me
My very essence
An alternate dimension
Of warmth and furious anger
As the truth
Of my own
Is realised
All of this
Removed from this mortal plane
I now destroy all failure
I vent my utter disdain
Contempt for everything that will not
Accept apathy and indecision
The power of imminent destruction
The compliance to the narcotic
Give in to the need and coming subjection
An impulse to incinerate
Possessed to scorch all asunder
Compulsion to raze it all
For everyone deserves to burn
I stand now on the precipice
Of all reality within my grasp
As the morning sun finally rises
Now awaiting that final day
Dawn now breaks as I’m consumed by the fire
Haze now forms, horizon glistening with gold
Internal combustion, give into the blazing rage
Collapsed under the force I burn with it
10. Epitome of Extinction
Blissfully unaware
The coming of what awaits us
Clinging to all the lies
That has been taught since birth
Survival: lost art
Beaten out of us
Cold and selfish we are
Entities of abstract madness
My anger is not enough
To combat such forces
Strength beyond all means
These demons have now conquered me
We cannot succeed
I have lost the means
And now I have become complacent
Deep in the mind this has spread like disease
What we have taught our children?
Live our lives just to be number one
Can you hear the guns calling?
The future plans have been signed
All life must end
Descend into the madness
That befalls this world
I cannot contain my anguish
We've destroyed all reason
The truth is concealed by
This haze of gold
Behold abyssic stares
Perpetuate delusion
Unending mass confusion
Suffering is summoned for you
Bleak this world has become
Humans as assets counted one by one
We analyse the human condition
Sociopathic insanity
Controlling misanthropes dictate all life
Our privacy no longer essential
Greed is God and God dominates all
Abnegating all rights with such glee
Deny all logical concepts
Idiosyncratic idiocies
War on democracy has come
The future plans have been signed
All life must end
Descend into the madness
That befalls this world
I cannot contain my anguish
We've destroyed all reason
The truth is concealed by
This haze of gold
Airing our grievances
To a detached system
Suffering within sin
Slowly dying constant
Dominating voices
Whispers that control our lives
Numbered days, shallow lives
Dying souls, no purpose
Cling to faith, no answers
Hatred reigns, and bring forth
Revelation of carnage
Epitome of extinction
Epitome of extinction
Epitome of extinction
11. Ghosts in the Void
It's the rise of a cult that has strangled all mankind
A chokehold applied to a breeding of dimwits
This era of life has become so unbearable
It's a struggle to breathe under the weight of it all
This new order of death manifesting our cell
A glass ceiling conceived regulating this hell
The pressure condensing killing all we believe
Drowning all that you love as they drag us beneath
As we arise from the ashes
All we revile has wreaked havoc
Violent uprising commencing
The revolution is now
Existence is not meant for us
Sodomised to gain their trust
The scales have long been skewed
Right from the start
We walk along razors edge
Destiny begins to slip
This life an illusion
We're forgotten in a haze
For now we will remain
Ghosts in the void
Vilely despising all those
Those that live within these confines
The intellectual populous
Wiped out as the walls collapse in
As new life is birthed into this world
Which the globe cannot support
We are squeezed beneath the outcome
Of what we cannot contain
Finding our place near impossible
Shitting in each other's mouths for sustenance
We cannot prolong life amongst the system
Devious figures pulling puppet strings
Regression of essence
Death of moral conscience
No singularity
We are one with the hive mind
Thanks to jamiekay84 for sending these lyrics.
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All lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Please read the disclaimer.