album: "The Ghorusalem Codex, Vol. 2: Of Magick & Tyranny" (2011)
1. Glorious Treasures2. Interlude I - A Mournful Discovery
3. Chasing The Keeper
4. Valley Of The Blades
5. Interlude II - Shrouded In Darkness
6. Spelljammer
7. Circle Of Deth
8. Interlude III - A Strange Visitor
9. Sky Palace Of The Dragonriders
10. Hypergates Of Infinitude
11. Interlude IV - The Cliffs
12. Last Rites Of Dregmour
13. Portals
1. Glorious Treasures
Look Upon This Crown as it does, Shine
Ripped from the skulls of foes which heads refined
This gold shall last us till the end of time
We shall save our land from it's great decline
Roaming through the lands that find us
Let us put this day behind us
Raise your hand and sing forth your honor
As we sit upon, Glorious Treasures
From the scourge which laugh and bathe in thyme
we now claim the wealth, you hath deprived
We travel now to our only home
join us now in this hymn etched in stone
Roaming through the lands that find us
Let us put this day behind us
Raise your hand and sing forth your honor
As we sit upon, Glorious Treasures
(ohhh, oh oh oh)
Roaming through the lands that find us
Let us put this day behind us
Raise your hand and sing forth your honor
As we sit upon, Glorious Treasures
2. Interlude I - A Mournful Discovery
Upon return, the warriors discovered their home had been
completely destroyed. Fires raged around them and bodies lay strewn upon
the ground in a circular pattern.
[Lord Bonecrush:]
What madness is this!?!?!
Hildor: Sanity be damned, what is capable of such horrors?
A woman raised her bloodied arm to signal the collective over to
her, gasping for air, she spoke barely audibly.
[Dying Woman:]
They...they rained death upon us like the showers of the morn.
There was no chance to defend ourselves.
Who were they? Did you see their faces?
[Dying Woman:]
There were hordes descended upon us, led by a man with
blackened crimsoned eyes and a glow that you could see over the hills...we
accepted defeat before battle.
Wretched fools, shall pay for their insatiable death run.
[Dying Woman:]
And with...And with that....AND WITH THAT SHE PERISHED. Davidicus
then spoke.
Davidicus: I know what has taken place here, I have heard tales of the
ancients which hold secret powers. This land bleeds deep.
[Lord Bonecrush:]
What must we do now?
Davidicus: Find....The Keeper.
3. Chasing The Keeper
Before the dawn of time, there was a race of people all unknown
Birthed from the divine, each of them had all stood alone
The Keepers had not known, what power they bestowed
And define the way, my keeper, I seek you day and night
you are the key to the location of my enemies
Define the way, thy keeper, for travel beyond
Of all that waits thy keeper, because i am, but blind, but blind
Define the way, thy keeper, I shall seek your kind
Of all that waits thy keeper, I know we’re, but blind, traveling, for
Following unknown traces, yet these seem familiar places
question and force we’ve taken, your race has been forsaken
blood and gold, myths have awakened, and find
The wretched force they had claimed their slaughter
peasants robbed of their lives, lying there, sons and daughters
And in their slime, they all shall writhe, plagued, damned and fallen
Confined in deadly quarters, darkness held high above our shoulders
With the choking answer in our grasp, the knowledge spoken now
“He lies, beyond the blades”
Fingers crossing the map, the tortured hand did show the way
“Beyond the valley, the abandon holds the man you seek”
Coughing the blood from low, a cruel smile written upon his face
“No man has ever left once setting foot upon that place”
Define the way, thy keeper, for travel beyond
Of all that waits thy keeper, because i am, but blind, but blind
Define the way, thy keeper, for travel beyond
Of all that waits thy keeper, because i am, but blind, traveling, upon time
4. Valley Of The Blades
The sun does shine over our backs
And no matter what
Eyes aim forward, past this heat and sweat
dust clouds reveal the rocks
The glimpse of horrors laying dormant
burrowed throughout these hills
All the torment, for years that forewent, their souls the evil filled
Pressing on, remains of that passed through, they met their end
Then before our eyes, they appeared, the flesh scarce from them
With deadly cold steel, and skeletal hordes decapitate those that near
In their screams, stating their plea, join us now, you belong here
Decades of screams and carnage were made
Yet the night fades, Upon the Valley Of Blades
Tread this desert sand, the oath we've defied
Take up your sword and turn bone into dust
And what of their birthing, of screams and decay
Trapped forever, stopping what comes this way
Many years have past, countless lives were claimed
Aimless wandering led by a soul’s eternal flame
Put them to rest now, a quiet whispering
“I return now to familiar and at peace”
5. Interlude II - Shrouded In Darkness
Surrounded by low growls and echoes of screams, the collective
makes it way into the Eternal Abandon.
Keep your mind steadfast, as we cannot see into the distance.
[Lord Bonecrush:]
Brom, keep the torch high. We need to be ready for
[Overlord Brom:]
MFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMMMM (talking through helmet)
[Lord Bonecrush:]
A faint voice reaches their ears. They approach a withered old
man who is down to the bone.
[The Keeper:]
Over here! I knew you’d come!
[Lord Bonecrush:]
Old man, are you one of the ancient beings?
[The Keeper:]
Yes, however, I am being held captive by a foul being
resurrected by Dregmour.
Dregmour? Who is this you speak of?
[The Keeper:]
…......S-Sorry I fell asleep, what?
[The Keeper:]
Oh, he is the man you seek behind this slaughter,
he....nevermind that now, I will tell you everything, but now you must free
me before..oh no it may be too late!
[Overlord Brom:]
[Lord Bonecrush:]
Brom is right, READY YOUR ARMS!
[The Keeper:]
6. Spelljammer
We must burrow down
hidden leader amongst the cults
Crush stone and you shall reveal
Yet blinding light is the only way you shall stand a chance
Eye of the Deep, step inside and tread on hallowed grounds
The blinding light is the only way you will stand a chance
Hunter of weak, Master Of Bleak, a spell that can penetrate your soul
Spelljammer, he has risen and now he is now part of you
Born before time, the paradigm
living among you, knowledge beyond you
long forgotten, through ages of blood
masterminding, and plotting his rise
Fallen brothers under ended fray, unrest dealt into their sunken graves
as you place your hands upon the blade, prepare to deal your hand of fate
Scarred by his pride, he waits, inside
He betrayed his own, now stands, alone
Beholder at side, shall drain your life
Black Power is honed, in caverns low
His hollowed eyes blind
Taking his hold on what’s inside of me
Ancient Being
Free him now before
The floating watchdog
it moves upon
it moves now, upon us, with silence and terror
Your heavy breathing must be kept at low
Rip open it’s eyelid and drive forth your broadsword
It cries out, it slides down, shattering screaming
The beast motionless, the eye is lifeless
but now his master has discovered
The Keeper freed now speaks the lore
Yet blinding light cannot save you no, you will die
Eye of the Deep, step inside and tread on hallowed grounds
The blinding light is the only way you will stand a chance
Hunter of weak, Master Of Bleak, a spell that can penetrate your soul
Spelljammer, he has risen and now he is now part of you
Blaring growl, falls upon your ears, pillars shake and crumble
He hath risen and now, he is part of you
7. Circle Of Deth
In the hearts of all mankind
there has been
thirsts of power
the betrayed warlock
an unsound mind
begun his way
into his wrathful hour
In long past they were brought here
Bled before the fire
As they lay with all limbs pinned
Awaiting the Circle Of Deth
From cursed magicks and the banished spells
invoked by him, to rip open
Spoken from a blackened tongue
armies blindly led
and gathered all
In long past they were brought here
Bled before the fire
As they lay with all limbs pinned
Awaiting the Circle Of Deth
Take my hand and bring me there
Bled under desire
Conjured bleak with their own lives
Awaiting the Circle Of Deth
Had they no choice?
From their fate?
They all walked
mournful over the evocation
and they all bled
dripping innocent
Green to red
the ground was soiled sacrilegious
Silence now for all of their screams
And Dregmour’s laughter into thereafter
shall forever stain their ghosts
In long past they were brought here
Bled before the fire
As they lay with all limbs pinned
Awaiting the Circle Of Deth
Take my hand and bring me there
Bled under desire
Conjured dark with their own lives
Awaiting the Circle Of Deth
8. Interlude III - A Strange Visitor
The Keeper had told them in order to reach Dregmour they must go
beyond the horizon to the Hypergates Of Infinitude, there they would be
able to harness a portal into his palace upon the cliffs.
Beyond the horizon....how should we travel into the sky?
I can help you I think! HHRRNNNNFFFF
[Lord Bonecrush:]
What...IS THAT?
A heavily scarred and beaten goblin appeared before them, shaking
and stained with urine.
[Lord Bonecrush:]
What do you want?!?! Foul beast!??!?
HRNNNFF I’m Neildorph! Yagolith the goblin king you defeated was
my brother! MMMFF but he didn’t like me very muchhhhhh. HRNNF
My god...the STINK
But I can help you, as long as you don’t kill me! HMMMMFFFFF The
Skypalace! The Dragonriders you can seek!
[Lord Bonecrush:]
They ride into the skies! They are at war with each other but
I’m sure you could use their assistance! NRRRFF
[Lord Bonecrush:]
Alright! This piss smelling goblin can show us the way!
Can I quest with you? MMRREH
Collective (in unison): No! No! No! Fuck no!
9. Sky Palace Of The Dragonriders
Plunge deep into the blue and white
As The Aerial clan defends from all plight
The Mountains await us, and we must take heed
Prepare to launch upon your winged steed
Gliding Across These Plains
Surround Enemies In Flames
Long Ago, Two Kingdoms Did Rise
A struggle for power that both had complied
Yet the scrolls discovered led their way
riding upon winged steeds
And they did both lift up into the sky
For now, thy fallen kingdoms, one shall arise
Gliding Across These Plains
Surround Enemies In Flames
In your heart, you know who reigns
Dragonrider, Claim This Day
We are the chosen ones
Bound upon wings of blood
The Journey awaits on high
We Are The Kings Of The Skies
Mount Up And Prepare to take the flight
Twist underneath the clouds and rip the Wyvern's shattered maw
The leader waits, beyond the haze, we must destroy them all
Gliding Across These Plains
Surround Enemies In Flames
In your heart, you know who reigns
Dragonrider, Claim This Day
10. Hypergates Of Infinitude
Crystalized heavens await thee, above the darkened green
Through the mist, pushing on, blood pumping deafening
Lands of Solace
But what I’ve learned in this journey, is to heed uncertainty
Not knowing yet, always upon ready
We all deal, with what come may and strike to slay
Landing draws near, with deep breath, pull the reins and approach now
Dismount and Venture
Behind The Gates
Lies the keys
To Eternity
In Wait
For You
That Take
You Through
I have seen what all awaits
This place you will find shall wield your fate
Walk inside and find the truth
Hypergates Of Infinitude
What found, remains of yore
No sounds but whispered lore
Clear walls, cracked and torn
Yet now, the final gate has formed
Behind The Gates
Lies the keys
To Eternity
In Wait
For You
That Take
You Through
There is but one, run to the stone, and speak the runes
A light forms of grand display
Destined to guide uncharted way
Walk inside and find all truths
Hypergates Of Infinitude
Don’t blink thine eyes, we ride upon light, through ages of what has past
and what will emerge
Raised by nobility, told tales and slept sound upon the bedtime stories
of keepers and finding keys to eternity
And you, my only friends, walk with me, through these voids
The dirt that rises
rises now overhead
and with a flash, Silence rains upon us, nothing seen, and nothing felt
Dregmour! Yours approaches now!
11. Interlude IV - The Cliffs
We approach the cliffs now, roll for initiative brothers!
12. Last Rites Of Dregmour
Steady now, and forward on
Let not revenge cloud your sight
From the surface, lay them down, sharpened whispers of the wrongly dead
Cursed fortress, drenched in death, lay waste to their thoughts of
Hearts forever bleed
entombed in infamy
The fallen is what has led here
Ready arms, and none shall be spared
Take the throne, kill what’s left
Armies scatter, he screams aloud
Skulls are shattered, flesh removed from bone
“Protect the warlock!” the leader cries
And in an instant, the sky did ignite
Dragons taken flight
Led by Neildorph’s battle cry
The Fallen is what has led here
Ready arms, and none shall be spared
Clutching gasp upon his chair
No longer but a dying heir
And what of our own home, abolished eternally
How do we return now, as night fades
With all of the court, stained with red
inside me, I truly feel no rest
My soul ripped out from my chest
And what of adventure
Taking what’s left of me
I have become like you
I have no soul
have no soul
have no soul
Nothing is what
what we have
Lifting up his staff
Incanting the spellcast
and laughing into his death
Exiled and outcast
and outcast
and outcast
Welcome your boundless destiny
13. Portals
Engulfed in swirling light, the wind brings forth the warlock’s spite
Holding ground, we must survive
The dead move through the air, where time and outer began to tear
Falling down, we must survive
All the walls crumble, the sky now blurred in this gateway
As we drown into nothing
The armor’s growing cold
Frostbite taking it’s hold
Death would be welcome here
Turning endlessly we separate
we seperate
Regret is a stain upon your honor
honor is vacant here
Visions are flashing
forever sealed in memory
in memory
Left now are the journeys
that had defined me
The dark is growing blindly
Float now and never be freed
Close your eyes, and take hold
Blue is your skin, diseased with cold
Adventurer, speak now your decree
Tales of lands far as the eye can see
Question not, where is that we should meet
For now all you have is forever bleak
Thanks to kerekes for sending these lyrics.
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