album: "Deathbed Poetry: Hope Against Hope" (2011)
1. Solitude2. Seven Critical Days
3. Being Human
4. Surgite, Mortui
5. How Deep Must We Dig?
6. Alive, Immortal
7. Soul Sickness
8. Arcanum Serpens
9. Sun & Moon
10. Gravebed
11. Divine Council
12. The Bells Are Ringing
1. Solitude
I've become an outlaw, I've been ostracized
My lovers and friends stand apart from my side
My neighbours stay far away
Solitude, the greatest torture
Solitude, the greatest torture
This agony I cannot bear alone
Solitude, the greatest torture
Keep my soul safe against any invader
That in my weakness might undermine
The trust I have in you through my faith
Solitude, the greatest torture
Solitude, the greatest torture
This agony I cannot bear alone
Solitude, the greatest torture
Let it be known for every man
That you were my God and I was your servant
Until my end
In my end
Let it be known for every man
That you were my God and I was your servant
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done
Solitude, the greatest torture
Solitude, the greatest torture
This agony I cannot bear alone
Solitude, the greatest torture
2. Seven Critical Days
Like thousand years is one day for you, my Lord
Please, now for me, let one day be like a week
During mis singular day, for seven critical days
Allow me to weigh and judge myself
So you would not have to
First day is the day when you come to me
No matter the way, you always put me in crisis
Second is the light and witness of my conscience
In which I have both sorrowful guilt in my soul
As well as glee of your sun that rose
Third one is the day when I prepare to receive
Your Son through sacrament he has decreed
And as I become participant of bread and wine
Your Son's flesh and blood also become mine
On fourth day my house shall be parted
As from this world I must depart
This is the day or Lent, eve of a quantum feast
Fifth one is the day of resurrection
I shall be awaken, my body and soul reunited
Then joined to the body of Christ
Sixth one, the day of crisis and judgment
When my sentence shall be passed
My seventh day, my abiding sabbath
In your rest and glory I shall live
With no need for counting more days
"Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age" [Matthew 28:20]
"Never send out to ask for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for you"
3. Being Human
Man's happiness is lent His misery his property
Man himself is a land And sea, so deep nis poverty
Being (being, being) Being human (human, human)
Being human (being human) being
No man is truly healthy unless he values his health
Sees the greatness of such a gift, delights and rejoices about it
Man as such is but the dust of the earth
Damped by tears, blent with dirt
His being is soil, his status wretched
What we call happiness here
Has another name up there
Being (being, being) Being human (human, human)
Being human (being human) being
Feeling (feeling, feeling) Feeling human (human, human)
Feeling human (feeling human) feelings
4. Surgite, Mortui
Earth is the center of my body
Heaven the center of my soul
My body falls down with no-one pushing
Soul doesn't rise up without pulling
Slowly my soul ascends towards heaven
Like head over heels my body has fallen
Along with the first touch of sickness
I also feel it's victory
- It makes my life deceased
Gone is the sleep, the image of death
To make way to the exemplar itself
- I might die rigtit now
Surgite, mortui - rise up, you dead
Surgite, mortui - rise up, you dead
Rise up, you dead — surgite, mortui
God shall not give me into the hands of Satan
I have fallen into the hands of the Lord
My bones have no peace for the sake of my sins
Pass my sins upon the one in whom you've pleased
I shall see how great is his mercy
And peace shall dwell within my bones
Gone is the sleep, the image of death
To make way to "the exemplar itself
- I might die right now
But God calls the nonexistent as if they existed
Surgite, mortui - rise up, you dead
Surgite, mortui - rise up, you dead
Rise up, you dead — surgite, mortui
5. How Deep Must We Dig?
I drink misery
Happiness I only get to taste
Gnei I reap with a scythe
By hands I pick spikes of delight
In sorrow I tramp constantly
Rarely do I get to lay my feet
Onto the soil of joy
My misery is absolute, my sorrow unambiguous
My happiness is dubious, my delight inconstant
Barely any bliss is free from false and vile
I must be poor and live in dearth
To be able to show true gratitude
And to be able to have patience
I must be forlorn and tormented
How deep must we dig, and yet
How impure is the gold that we find
Your grace may crowd into the depths of my soul
But it does not make it unsoiled
Your chastisement might burn deep into the core
Yet I won't get rid of what is spoiled
You let the rain fall upon me
It doesn't always melt my harshness
You light your blaze within me
But not always burn away the dross
You leal my wounds, still the scars remain
The scars remain, scars still remain
My misery is absolute, my sorrow unambiguous
My happiness is dubious, my delight inconstant
"It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.
I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." [Mark 2:17]
6. Alive, Immortal
The autumn has to arrive, will it be autumn for this disease
Or the autumn for me; a question remains, not mine to decide
I cannot know who cares for me when I've gone, so I'll receive all the care while I still breathe
For when I'm buried, I've gone into oblivion, I'm forgotten, sunk into the waters of Lethe
In communion I receive not only bread but as well your given Son's flesh
Thus I become an ark, a monument and the grave of your most blessed Son
Through communion he and every merit he gained by his own death
Become buried within me, making me alive in this world, immortal in the one to come
Allow me to see, O Lord, that not the most fierce disease; no contrition of sin, temptation from Satan
Or prison of decease; not this malady bed, not even grave; dark and confined can deprive me
From that intent and desirable aspiration You have sealed for my fate
The greatest indication of your mercy is to pass away in you
And through death become unified with the One who died on behalf of me
7. Soul Sickness
Why does not my soul foresee; beware, suspect and be aware of sin
Like my body bewares of sickness?
On every path there's a sneaking snake
A hidden temptation in every vocation
Yet I walk, run and fly to these
Paths of temptations I could flee
Burgle a house of raging plague
Far too far I test my fate
-I entice the Devil himself
Sin makes me sick (sin makes me sick) binds me to bed
Makes me decayed (sin makes me sick) buried and dead
I never had a conception of my disease
O greatness and depth of this wretched misery
Where the first symptom of sickness is hell
Where the fever of lust, pride and envy
Never rang a bell
Where the first messenger speaking to me
Does not utter "You might die"
Neither he says "You must die"
Harshly he states "You have died"
Sin makes me sick (sin makes me sick) binds me to bed
Makes me decayed (sin makes me sick) buried and dead
There, my soul first becomes aware of
The irrevocability and incurability of my sickness
And yet, my God, I cannot accuse you
For you've placed an alerting artery into my soul
The voice of conscience which I extinguish
I speak, I drink and I sleep until it's defeat
Sin makes me sick (sin makes me sick) binds me to bed
Makes me decayed (sin makes me sick) buried and dead
I am the prodigal son, my share was not denied
I got my heritage, wasted and threw it away
But you, my God, have taken me back again and again; paid for my sins
With the life of your Son; for the wages of sin is death
Is the end of sickness
8. Arcanum Serpens
That which is the most clandestine is the most perilous as well
By the curse of the serpent, I am cursed
By his creeping I shall be ruined
His sting in my heel was but a start
And along with death, afterwards
Through my ears, through my eyes
He has invaded into my neart
Through the holes in my very soul
In me the serpent works in secrecy; his presence I do not notice
One of his greatest deeds; when I sin, none perceives
His undeniable master deed; I sin so secretly even I don't see
Not that the Devil is within me
But that I've become the devil for myself
I do not only hold an adder on my chest
But for my own self I am that serpent
Let your serpent of brass be ever-present in me
Let nim heal this wound, stung by the serpent of old
May the lion of Judah stand protecting me
Against the roaring lion, seeking whom to devour
Grant me the wisdom of serpent to guard me
Against the wickedness of the serpent
Serpent of brass against the serpent of old
Lion of Judah against the one that roars
And the spirit or your Dove against them both
Against the roaring and the wicked ones
"For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil." [Ecclesiastes 12:14]
"So do not be afraid of them. There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known." [Matthew 10:26]
"When I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long. For day and night your hand was heavy upon me; my strength was sapped as m the heat of summer. Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniguity. I said, 'I will confess my transgressions to the Lord' - and you forgave the guilt of my sin.' [Psalm 32:3-5]
9. Sun & Moon
Fear; imitating every state of mind; looking like love, yearning for something
Yet being fear of losing; envious, suspicious; looking like bravery, dangers despising
Yet being fear of losing respect and admiration
I cannot express what fear really is, I do not know what I'm afraid of
I'm not afraid of the incoming death; still I fear the progress of this sickness
There is no obscurity found in you, my light and my brightness
No untangled discrepancy exists in you, my sun and my moon
Not every sense of fear is cowardice, not every swerve an aim to escape
No, every claim is not a conclusion; no, every wish of change not a sign of despair
There is no obscurity found in you, my light and my brightness
No untangled discrepancy exists in you, my sun and my moon
Fear and joy, fright and delight belonging together, one breeding another
Those rejoice of you who have fear for you; for the fear of the Lord is the origin of wisdom
There is no obscurity found in you, my light and my brightness
No untangled discrepancy exists in you, my sun and my moon
10. Gravebed
This malady bed is but a grave
All I can say just an epitaph variation
My hands and my feet, oddly shackled
These feeble sinews, my chains of iron
My chained wrists remain the stiller
The looser their bonds have become
On this bed of sickness I am the ghost of my own
Frightening those who see me at my worst
Consider me dead as I lie here still
Practising for the time I'll be lying in my grave
Lord, is this how you hang a man
In front of his own door
As you nail him down
In the bottom of his bed?
No one remembers you when he's dead
Who praises you from his grave?
No one hears me singing your praise
On this bed of disease, this door of my grave
- Gravebed, gravebed
State, even lower than this malady bed
I might be lowered deep under ground
If my body shall fall into grave
You shall lift up my soul, washed out
Over and over and over again
In your tears, in your sweat, in your blood
"Do you want to get well?" [John 5:6]
"Be merciful to me, Lord, for I am faint;
O Lord, heal me, for my bones are in agony.' [Psalm 6:2]
"By his wounds we are healed." [Isaiah 53:5]
11. Divine Council
As long as there's a chance to negotiate
Things are not in totally hopeless shape
Even in evil there's found some goodness
Well enough to arouse frail confidence
O worthy guardian and sentinel of men
Who turn to counsel while guarding them
Whose every external deed
Is a deed of the whole Trinity
And within every task and duty
Lies the hand of triune Deity
In my body there's no such blood vessel
Your Son's blood hasn't filled, I humbly confess
The Son of man I've crucified time and again
With my sins, so manifold and frequent
O Messed and honoured Trinity O divine and complete society
If you accept this confession or mine And consider it in your counsel divine
Then is my case not a hopeless one And my ruin not beforehand done
12. The Bells Are Ringing
The man who's funeral these bells are ringing, has reached his destination yesterday
How come the bells didn't ring 'til now?
Bells that rang yesterday
Ushered his soul, the vanguard, out of this world
The ones ringing today bring his body, the rear, into the church
Bells that will ring wnen he gets there bring him to me so that I could learn
The bulls that now ring
Memento mori, memento mori
My God, besides this fever, do I still need
Another reminder of my mortality?
Do I need to watch the skull in the ring
When my own face shows me the same thing?
Must I seek death from my neighbour's house
Though I can find it inside my blouse?
The skull in the ring
Memento mori, memento mori
The bells that now ring
Memento mori, memento mori
The skull in the ring
Memento mori, memento mori
I can hear this late brother of mine Whom they now lower into his grave
Preaching through these ringing bells My funeral sermon
Speaking out aloud fratai that belfry Silently whispering from these curtains
Uttering your own words: "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on"
[Revelations 14:13]
"The bells rings out: the pulse thereof is changed;
The tolling was a faint and intermitting pulse, upon one side;
This wronger and argues more and better life.
His soul is gone - whither?
Who saw it come in, or who saw it go out?
Nobody, yet everybody is sure he had one, and has none."
Manu Lehtinen ‒ Bass, Vocals (backing)
Janne-Jussi Kontoniemi ‒ Drums
Kalle Paju ‒ Guitars (lead)
Miika Partala ‒ Guitars, Vocals (lead)
Janne-Jussi Kontoniemi ‒ Drums
Kalle Paju ‒ Guitars (lead)
Miika Partala ‒ Guitars, Vocals (lead)
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