album: "Street Corner Queen" (1998)
1. Street Corner Queen2. Druglord
3. Spell Of Hell
4. The Fall
5. Empty Shell
6. Human Nature
7. Bonsai People
8. Black Raven
9. C.C.R.
10. III
11. Northern Praise
12. Crosshope
13. Thinking
14. Tribal Eagle
15. Blue Moment
16. Red River
1. Street Corner Queen
In the evening she stands in the corner of street
Every single night, she is a street corner queen
With so many like her, she is selling the love
But still she knows it's not love at all
If you'd stay beside her and listen to her heart
Maybe you'd hear what is her little spark
She's waiting that there will come a day
With a prince on a white mount
Taking her away
From the midst of all that dirt and filth
He knows her past, he doesn't judge or punish
Just looks in her eyes and loves her so much
Just looks in her, in her eyes and loves
If you'd stay beside her and listen to her heart
Maybe you'd hear what is her little spark
She's waiting that there will come a day
With a prince on a white mount
Taking her away
Who would tell her that the Prince is already here
Waiting for a chance to save her from that misery
The Son of God who wouldn't let her fall
But loves her with a love that can change that all
Love her with a love her with a
love her with a love her with a love
2. Druglord
Could someone tell me who took away
The light from my eyes
I'm walking through my nightmare called life
I don't care if it is day or night
Don't have any plans for the future
My future is dead
I only need my needle, don't need no bread
Deep in my head I know the butcher
Druglord, you stole my soul
Druglord, melted my brains
Druglord, made me a living dead
Don't give your pinkie to Druglord
I walk alone in my colorless world
I run for needle, steal for a trip
Whore for the Druglord, kill for his wish
I am as free as a wingless bird
I've lost my family, I've lost my friends
In this valley of misery cold are the walls
And in my head, House of the Damned calls
Will I follow before it ends
Druglord, you stole my soul
Druglord, melted my brains
Druglord, made me a living dead
Don't give your pinkie to Druglord
Druglord, leave me alone!
3. Spell Of Hell
"Hell is a totally cool site
So let's get there, all right?"
"I'm gonna party down there all the time
All the pleasures I'll want are mine!"
"Satan has given me his vow,
I'll rule over souls, beneath my feet they'll bow!"
You are all bewitched
Bewitched by the Spell of Hell
Spell of Hell
Spell of Hell will pass
Spell of Hell
Only pain will last
Let me tell you the Spell of Hell
Is just a lie that makes you die
That lie is Satan's crooked tool
He's gonna get you, Hell is not so cool
you think, and Satan thinks you're fool
"No fun in Hell", that's number one rule
And you will not rule over any souls
But suffer under a pain that holds
Spell of Hell
Spell of Hell will pass
Spell of Hell
Only pain will last
There is a way to avoid that place
Escape Satan's trap, enter God's grace
Bathe in the Blood of Christ
Receive forgiveness and new life
Let's get spelled with Christ
Savior, Lord and Light
Let's get spelled with Christ
Who takes away the night
4. The Fall
He is tired of living in the world of lies
Tired of walking with the boots of lie
Betrayed and crying his destiny
Stucked to last hope, he stucked to death
He betrayed himself and runaway
Was afraid of wounds and lost everything
The priest uttered "Rest In Peace"
But after death pain starts to scream
His father never loved him at all
Lots of money but never mother's warmth
He wanted to make others feel guilty
Self-destruction, he run away from humanity
He betrayed himself and runaway
Was afraid of wounds and lost everything
The priest uttered "Rest In Peace"
But after death pain starts to scream
When the fall comes, leaves are dropping
From the trees, onto his grave
He will never feel the peace
That was wished to his soul
He continues his endless running
Screaming his pain into eternity
5. Empty Shell
It feels like yesterday
When I decided to turn away
Raised you to the place of God
Respected more than cleansing blood
I built my life with my own will
I became tough, conscience was still
In fever of love I did it all
Counted on you, now I shall fall
Long time I was running blind
It was up to me, I left all behind
You took my all and gave me hell
Wonderworld crushed, I was empty shell
So what I got was worse than nothing
Hurting memories, silent suffering
The shell stands tall and show goes on
But all from inside seems to be gone
Watch me God as I'm creeping back to you
I'm crying for mercy and feeling blue
Open my eyes and make me see
Bless my life and set me free
Long time I was running blind
It was up to me, I left all behind
You took my all and gave me hell
Wonderworld crushed, I was empty shell
6. Human Nature
Another night in a smoky club in town
Just like yesterday, just like tomorrow
It's the same place & same people
Only the names have been changed
You're on the stage, like you've always been
A shining star, shining in the bar
Pick up a pretty lady in the crowd
You think about the night after the show
You point your finger and she gets embarrassed
You wink your eye and now she smiles
You smile too 'cause you know she's willing
Ready to kneel before your feet
That's your human nature, so who am I to criticize?
That's the human nature, sin has blinded your eyes
Tonight - you're not sleeping alone
Tomorrow - she's alone and you - you will be gone
That's your human nature, so who am I to criticize?
That's the human nature, sin has blinded your eyes
[Part II: True Love Waits]
You have sex with your ex and have sex with your next
Have sex with miss X if she's got some interest
But next time you wink your eye, take some time to
Think about the lie it's okay to get laid with
Anyone, anytime
'Cause the True Love waits
Sex gives it's best in the holy marriage
True Love waits
Pure when you commit yourself
To the one you really love
True Love waits
No one gets hurt when there is no dirt
True Love waits
And blessed by God are the lovebirds
Who want to fulfill His holy will
7. Bonsai People
I look at the little tree, standing so patiently
It's got many years of age, but only a bit of size
I take a closer look and I see myself in it's leaves
I see the strong trunk of bonsai
It's a real tree, not a frail sapling
That could be swayed by every wind
(In it's trunk) many fractures and rings
Into the soil it has pushed it's roots
Bonsai people, childlike, humble
Bonsai people, childlike, humble
We should have a strong trunk of faith
We should be no longer babes
Carried here and there, swung back and forth
With every wind of teaching
But grow up in wisdom and understanding
And settle down into the love of Lord
Bonsai people, childlike, humble
Bonsai people, childlike, humble
8. Black Raven
Dark figure of Black Raven
Has overshadowed my life for so long
Time and again I have cried out to You
Begging for freedom
But when the Raven comes back
It's only me against him - I fall
Black Raven of sin
His nails tearing my heart
Fear kills my yearning for purity
Shame keeps me in cold embrace of filth
Black Raven of sin
It's been said You're the Almighty
Why can't you take off this burden
Fear makes me shiver as I hear
The swish of his black wings
Clenching my fist I try to fight
Just to find myself drowned in the lake of sin
Black Raven of sin
His nails tearing my heart
Fear kills my yearning for purity
Shame keeps me in cold embrace of filth
Black Raven of sin
Through the tears I see my only chance
Turn my eyes away from fear and shame
Cast my glance at the glimmer of Light
I tear myself off the Raven's grasp
Drop my burden into Jesus' light
"I have sinned" -with no explain
Dancing in the crimson blood rain
I sing a new song, song of freedom
Black Raven of sin
I brought my sin to light
Fear no longer, shame no longer reign
Christ ripped off his wings, dead is the
Black Raven of sin
9. C.C.R.
You say hate is rising, death taking over
You've seen the right things, but there's more
The other side of the story
This side is seen with eyes
But there's another reality
Not seen with natural eyes
All this and a lot more
Told in the Book of Eternal Truth
The rise of hate, death and murder
Only beginning for events much greater:
The Great Tribulation and carrying away the
Church of Christ
Christ Church Rising
North from here, Heavens
Christ Church Leaving
These mortal landscapes
The Last Judgement, when living and death
Shall be righteously judged
Only ones who can stand before God
Are those whose deeds are seen
Through the blood of Christ
Washed clean - innocent
Christ Church Rising
North from here, Heavens
Christ Church Leaving
These mortal landscapes
Even today Jesus helps agonized mind
Presents the faith for a longing heart
Even today He turns hate into love
Presents the hope instead of despair
Even today you can be forgiven and God
Presents you the one-way ticket to...
Christ Church Rising
North from here, Heavens
Christ Church Leaving
These mortal landscapes
10. III
Ennen syntya muinaisen ajan
Ennen asettamista kuun ja auringon valon
Olit Sina, tiesit tulevan, nait olevan
Ennen syntya Lintujen radan
Ennen kasvua jylhan korven ja salon
Elit Sina, tiesit tulevan, nait olevan
Ikiaikainen olet Sina, Vanhaikainen
Sinussa on Kolme ja Sina olet Yksi
Isa, Poika ja Henki, Jumala Kolminainen
Lausuit sanan, virkoit virkkeen
Synnytit hengen ja materian, kaikkeuden
Loit elaman, nakymattoman ja nakyvaisen
Kotkan kaartelemaan ylle vuorten korkeiden
Suden juoksemaan keskelle lumisten hankien
Seka naita vallitsemaan loit ihmisen
Ikiaikainen olet Sina, Vanhaikainen
sinussa on Kolme ja Sina olet Yksi
Isa, Poika ja Henki, Jumala Kolminainen
Sina hallitset sen, mita silma ei nae
Sina kasket sita, mita korva ei kuule
Sina ymmarrat sen, mita ajatus ei tavoita
Kadessasi on kaikki, Sinua palvelen
11. Northern Praise
Jesus Christ, the only Son of God
You are my only Lord, I believe in You
You have died for me so that I might have life
So I will follow You, Jesus, I love You
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, You have set me free
I've got a new life, I will praise Your name
Jesus Christ, the only Son of God
You are my only Lord, I believe in You
You have died for me so that I might have life
So I will follow You, Jesus, I love You
My heart's desire is to obey You
I want to fill Your will, share the Gospel to the world
My heart's desire is to obey You
I want to fill Your will and share the Gospel
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, You have set me free
I've got a new life, I will praise Your name
Lord, give me the words of life
And the power of Your love to be Your shining Light
To show Your lost lambs the way
Their way back home again
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, You have set me free
I've got a new life, I will praise Your name
Jesus, I will praise Your name!
12. Crosshope
Symbol of death
Symbol of life
Long time ago
One man died
Lived without sin
Didn't deserve to die
But because of us
He was crucified
Reason to live
Kills desperate suffer
Amazing grace
Wants to offer
After death
Life in Heaven
No sin, no pain
Rejoice forever
13. Thinking
I've searched for hope from the ways of men
From the mazes of those hectic nations
And what have I found? Sun and happiness?
Or eternal moonlight, eternal sadness?
I've seen all those lands and people so far
Whose children had to born into the midst of war
Their homes were burned down by the hate of brothers
And the women were raped right under their eyes
So many ships sailing at those cold-watered seas
All those planes on the sky, will the bombing never cease?
So many catastrophes with countless innocent victims
All those bleak tears left behind by sadness
Questions asked, never answered
Hearts without love, not being cared
What is this senselessness of life?
Thinking, but do I have to cry?
14. Tribal Eagle
Tribal Eagle with no wings
You cannot fly, tied up in skin
You cannot scream, you cannot sing
Sign of freedom, tied up in skin
Tribal Eagle freedom couldn't bring
You are nothing without black ink
Ink as black as your heart of sin
You don't exist without pricks of pin
Pricks of pin cause some ache
Ache for nothing, but one man's pain
Washed away the black ink sin
To your heart, freedom brings
Tribal Eagle, your wings grow strong
With His peace inside, you won't go wrong
Tied up in skin no more you are
A real eagle, fly free, fly far!
15. Blue Moment
These white snowy regions
Dyed to blue for a moment
Before this cold winter day
Disappears into the dark night
You watch as the sun retreats
Into the gloomy darkness
Of spruce forest
Wondering if it will never find
It's way back to day and light
This is the blue moment of your life
Sad things bring sad feelings
And you don't know if you
Will rise or fall
Is this the end or a start for
Something new?
You approach the gloomy
Embrace of the spruces
I pray that the angels would
Guide your feet
And as you vanish from my
Sight, I know
Only the Creator of Life
Can heal your heart
You roam at the edge of
Death's icy chasm
But even then you won't
Slip, you won't step astray
Soon you'll find a bridge
And cross the chasm
Between the branches
You'll see the
Glimmer of day
Glimmer of light
Glimmer of hope
Glimmer of Christ
16. Red River
Bad boy, bad boy
Wanting some attention
Looking for some action
Can't get no satisfaction
I am, bad boy
Searching for my place
Falling on my face
Crying out for grace
Take me down
Take me down to Red River
Oh, I need to start again
Take me down
Take me down
Wash me clean in Red River
Cover me in Crimson
I need Red River
I know, I know
I've made a big mistake
Don't deserve no break
His love will never shake
I cry, you cry
Cry out for salvation
Hear this revelation
Ain't no condemnation
Take me down
Take me down to Red River
Oh, I need to start again
Take me down
Take me down
Wash me clean in Red River
Cover me in Crimson
I need Red River
Dripping from that tree
Flowing down Skull Mountain
Into that bloody sea
Cover you
Red River, cover me
Take me down
Take me down to Red River
Oh, I need to start again
Take me down
Take me down
Wash me clean in Red River
Cover me in Crimson
I need Red River
Take me down
Take me down to Red River
I need to start again
Thanks to deathmariachi for sending these lyrics.
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All lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Please read the disclaimer.