album: "The Wanderer" (2012)
1. A Journey's End (Intro)2. Ex Nihilio
3. Sceneries Of Hope
4. Blazing A Trail
5. Call From A Rising Memory (Intro)
6. Hidden Reality
7. Shadow Of The Throne
8. Allegory Of Faith, Innocence And Future
9. Sentenced To Life
10. Oihuka Bihotzetik
11. No Time For Repentance (Lamentatio)
12. The Wanderer
1. A Journey's End (Intro)
2. Ex Nihilio
Itxaropena ez duzu galdu behar, beti gogoratu nor
Zurekin egongo gara iluntasunean zure bidea
Time passes by still I remain the same
A shadow in a misty land
I am confined will this be my demise?
I am a mirage in the sand
Will I be brought to life?
I am alive
But roaming like a ghost
A haunted soul who fights alone
Contending with misery and despair
Longing for somewhere to belong
After the storm, after the nightmare
A new world dawns to let me in
Ex nihilo, ad futurum
Exurge, perge!
You won't be able to repair the damage you've
Forever you are doomed, can't flee from destiny
I am constrained
I want to take the helm
The force of the tide swept me away
I need to find something to weave again
The mystic net of my life that was frayed
After the storm, after the nightmare
A new world dawns to let me in
I have to move on with my life
Try to learn from all that's left behind
Yearning for tomorrow
A brand new day
Just another chance
You won't be able to repair the damage you've
Forever you are doomed, can't flee from destiny,
Change your destiny
Flee from destiny
Change your destiny
Itxaropena ez duzu galdu behar, beti gogoratu nor
Zurekin egongo gara iluntasunean zure bidea
After the storm, after the nightmare
A new world dawns to let me in
I have to move on with my life
Try to learn from all that's left behind
Yearning for tomorrow
A brand new day
Just another chance
I have to move on with my life
Try to learn from all that's left behind
Yearning for tomorrow
A brand new day
Just another chance
Leave your ghosts behind, open your eyes, the dawn
Is breaking...
3. Sceneries Of Hope
Through the darkness I can see
Faded stars are showing me
All the tracks I should follow
In the coldness of this night
It feels so warm
It feels so calm
I feel I'm out of danger
No more inflicted wounds
This new dawn might the last my refuge
All in my hands
Freedom flows through my veins
Hope it won't fade
Never again
Life in my hands
Now there's no one to blame
The beams of fate
Light my path again
No more looks of disdain
To reach this time my new lair
Now I'm far from compassion
Through the distance my sight
Crosses the barriers of time
My eyes keep gazing the sky
They can recall the shore
But forgot lands on the other side
All in my hands
Freedom flows through my veins
Hope it won't fade
Never again
Life in my hands
Now there's no one to blame
The beams of fate
Light my path again
There's no need to hide again
Need your cloak of green I am safe (fear's going away)
There's no need to be ashamed
There is no need to be afraid
I can be myself
Ubi bene, ibi patria
All in my hands
Freedom flows through my veins
Hope it won't fade
Never again
Life in my hands
Now there's no one to blame
The beams of fate
Light my path again
4. Blazing A Trail
Blazing a trail towards a new life
Has someone heard about intruders?
We have just seen her
And who is she, where does she come from?
She has something strange...
My premonition, go and follow here!
Hey little boy, why are you alone?
She might be everything I need
She's talking to the child
That brat again another threat...
Who cares about him?
I've seen her halo, I sense her strength
I feel there is life around me
The world is beating again
Its vibrant harmony strengthens my faith
There is life around me
The world is beating again
Its vibrant harmony strengthens my faith
What's she doing here?
What has she come for?
Why should we rely on her attitude?
We don't want her here
What has she come for?
Why should we rely on a stranger?
How must we act now?
Fulfill! Fulfill my ambition!
She cannot be stopped
She means my immortality
I feel there is life around me
The world is beating again
It's vibrant harmony strengthens my faith
There is life around me
The world is beating again
It's vibrant harmony strengthens my faith
I feel there is life around me
The world is beating again
It's vibrant harmony strengthens my faith
There is life around me
The world is beating again
It's vibrant harmony strengthens my faith
We don't want her here
What has she come for?
Why should we rely on a stranger?
Go back, vade retro!
5. Call From A Rising Memory (Intro)
6. Hidden Reality
Memories from the distance calling me
Tonight I'll meet my roots
Our spirits are soaring through the fog
They won't forsake me again
They won't leave me alone in my pain
Painful days of sorrow will draw in the past
My night will turn into a bright day
I'm prepared for whatever the future brings me
As long as my secret is safe
There's no peace I can go to hide from dark thoughts
I try to escape from the perception of my soul, my decay
Falling down a cesspit of hatred and lies
A wild vision torturing my mind
Awakes my soul which I am feeling now stronger
Prepared for the eternal fight
Fighting against themselves
Are the echoes of my inner voices
I cannot stop them
They start crying while I'm becoming the silence
Among the shouts of the crowd
There's no place I can go to hide from dark thoughts
I try to escape from the perception of my soul, my decay
You know they won't understand
They'll never see who you are
They see the dark in the light
You are the unveiled secret
They don't want to see beyond
You are a threat, you're like a ghost
A mystery, a silent word
You are the unveiled secret
Unveiled secret, unveil yourself!
Quis es?
Quis es?
Quis es?
I meant to shadow myself
Cannot deny what I am
Concealing my uniqueness
Always and forever
There's no place I can go to hide from dark thoughts
I try to escape from the perception of my soul
Unveiled secret, unveiled being, unveil yourself, now!
7. Shadow Of The Throne
I'm the dark in the night when you're scared,
I am the fire when something needs to be burnt.
I've got the power, your lives are insignificant.
And when I dry out her life, nobody's going to stop me.
I want her blood...
For me, I said
Fiat volontas tua
For me, I said
Fiat voluntas tua
Die or join me, still you think the choice is yours,
Your life is my time, and my time will last forever
I want her blood...
For me, I said
Fiat voluntas tua
For me, I said
Fiat voluntas tua
I curse you!
I've seen your future! You're soon gonna die!
Shut up! Put him on the floor! I want his dead, right! Now!
No matter where she is,
No matter what I have to do,
I'll find her, and her blood will be mine.
(Use the child...)
Bring me the child! I said
Fiat voluntas tua
Appropinquat, appropi,quat
Vita sua nostra erit
Appropinquat finis suis
8. Allegory Of Faith, Innocence And Future
A presence in my winding road
That relieved my deep anguish
A sparkling shine lightning my life
A new reason to smile
I feel I'm not alone
To restart my way (and keep walking)
We could build a smoother path
You'd better go back
The child entered my realm
He doesn't deserve anymore
The fury of your enemies
Leave, your egotism
He'll stay here
You are lost in my dark maze
You are misplaced, go and find your nest
He'll stay here
Your struggle comes to an end
You are lost in my dark maze
You are misplaced, go and find your nest
He'll stay here
Your struggle comes to an end
I will not leave him to his own
When I entered his small world
And perceived for once innocence
I rediscovered what hope was
So fragile in my hands
I feel I'm not alone
To restart my way (and keep walking)
We could build a smoother path
My time has come
Don't try to fight against fate
Your last change
You want the world
I'll give your mine, come...
Go away, leave the child
Your secret is not safe
He wants you. That's a trick
Leave the child. Go away alone
You aren't one of them
Your secret will be unleashed
Leave the child. Go alone
You know you aren't welcome here
Cannot choose a way
You left me with no key
I won't leave him here
Mine could be your realm
I will not leave him to his own
Maybe in the past I gave up my aims
That's why I won't lose this game now
I feel I'm not alone
To restart my way (and keep walking)
We could build a smoother path
Together we'll build a smoother path
Sit vis vobiscum
Sit vis vobiscum
9. Sentenced To Life
Come close your eyes and let me see,
I'm in your dreams, I'm here
Coming from death to bring you life
To stand your ground, I'm real
I don't wanna let you go,
There's a hole in my soul, since you were gone
My heart's for the one who brings me the sun
When I'm so afraid to get lost in the dark, the dark
Don't kill yourself with loneliness, no need to mown again
So this is not the end, wind keeps it's breath, I'm still on earth
My heart's for the one who brings me the sun
When I'm so afraid to get lost in the dark
My heart's for the one who brings me to light
To kill the black shadows that darkened the path
My heart's for the one who brings me the sun
When I'm so afraid to get lost in the dark
My heart's for the one who brings me to light
To kill the black shadows that darkened the path, the path
10. Oihuka Bihotzetik
Welcome to my hell
Last chapter of this tale
Last stop in your exile
A sweet end to see our lives entwined
Lurra esnatzen ari da
Welcome to my hell
From where there's no escape
Accipere quam faccere praestat iniuriam
Ab improbitas initium sumpsit omnis perditio
Ez ahaztu nor zaren, zertarako zaude zu naute
Nire oroitzapenek deitzen naute
Oihuka neure arimatik
Welcome to my hell
Last chapter of this tale
Last stop in your exile
A sweet end to see our lives entwined
Lurra esnatzen ari da
Welcome to my hell
From where there's no escape
Accipere quam faccere praestat iniuriam
Ab improbitas initium sumpsit omnis perditio
Ez ahaztu nor zaren, zertarako zaude zu naute
Nire oroitzapenek deitzen naute
Oihuka neure arimatik
Nire oroitzapenek deitzen naute
Oihuka Neure arimatik
11. No Time For Repentance (Lamentatio)
Time has come
There's no hope
You lost your chance
You didn't take the moral in her words
One reaps what one has sown.
Yes. It's our turn. It's the norm
One reaps what one has sown
Ravens come, they bring winds of death
There's no time for repentance, it's your end
One reaps what one has sown
That's the norm
Is there any warmth beneath your skin?
A human trace might remain inside your chest...
Excidium hic est finis
Hic et nunc est finis
Your destiny can't be avoided
That's your fate and you wonder why
Why are you bearing now this nightmare?
Your blunders, your end
The karma's force
Now rules your world
The second coming comes to grief
Since you insist on ignoring
One reaps what one has sown
Time has come
There's no hope
You lost your chance
You didn't take the moral in her words
Yes, it's our turn, it's the norm
Ravens come, they bring winds of death
There's no time for repentance, it's your end
Is there any warmth beneath your skin?
A human trace might remain inside your chest...
Per quai peccai quis, per haec et torquetur
Excidium hic est finis
hic et nunc est finis
[Once the wayfarer recovered hope innocence.
She fond herself alone again. Facing destruction.
In the meanwhile, the damned souls fly and they'll keep flying in the
void, until they realize the meaning of their existence, your existence.]
Your destiny can't be avoided
That's your fate and you wonder why
Why are you bearing now this nightmare?
Your destiny can't be avoided
That's your fate and you wonder why
Why are you bearing now this nightmare?
12. The Wanderer
Far from the ocean, another journey to start
Far from the paths that were so familiar to my old compass
Far away beneath the dark meadows of the sky
And my way starts to fade
And I wander, I drift, I lost my way
I didn't own yesterday, but tonight is mine
Tomorrow or yesterday? Choice is in my hand, the future's mine
Far away the meaning, the sways me high
I wander, will leave erase
I wander, how did will find a way
I didn't own yesterday, but tonight is mine
Tomorrow or yesterday? Choice is in my hand, the future's mine
Far away from hatred and pain
Far away, no chance to return
Far away there's no ground to place
My soul, my heart again
Far away from hatred and pain
Far away, no chance to return
Far away there's no ground to place
I'm the girl from nowhere
But I'm free
Will you be there if I close my eyes, I need your presence as a guide
You're the savior I need to escape my sacrifice
Will you be there if I close my eyes, I need your presence as a guide
You're the savior I need to escape my sacrifice
Far away from hatred and pain
Far away, no chance to return
Far away there's no ground to place
My soul, my heart again
Far away from hatred and pain
Far away, no chance to return
Far away there's no ground to place
My soul, my heart again
I'm the girl from nowhere.
I'm the land
Álex Sanz ‒ Bass
Xabier Jareño ‒ Drums
Adrián M. Vallejo ‒ Guitars, Vocals (harsh)
Gorka Elso ‒ Keyboards, Vocals (death)
Zuberoa Aznárez ‒ Vocals
Thanks to matt87_16 for correcting these lyrics.
Xabier Jareño ‒ Drums
Adrián M. Vallejo ‒ Guitars, Vocals (harsh)
Gorka Elso ‒ Keyboards, Vocals (death)
Zuberoa Aznárez ‒ Vocals
Thanks to matt87_16 for correcting these lyrics.
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All lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Please read the disclaimer.