album: "At The Conclave" (2000)
1. Gargoyles Ye Rose Aloft2. Down Along The Roots
3. The Holy Holt
4. Nightmare
5. Holy Forever
6. The Darkest Hour
1. Gargoyles Ye Rose Aloft
In weary lust they have been sate o'er aisle
Seem to be screaming:
Come we will
Stay for a while...
You will be our capture
why won't you be...
So the dome is assailed by deviltry
Virulence 'thro abominable sight
Come we will
Ye wait!
Tremendous ae!
They frown upon earth and earth's centuries
Here the gargoyle's high above mighty kings
The beast has outdone 'em so she's got to wheeze
Lay wallow in cloudy skies
watch 'em if you please
I was sick and tired of blear and rainy day
so I did decide to have my rest that way
In spite of ostensible spat in my heart
I sat at the pulpit in hall breathing hard
[Demons as gargoyles:]
What would you say if we asked
you to remain here
until the time when days and nights are over
and then... come we will!
Did you not e'er happen to feel
as if you had lived somewhere formerly
and long ago?
And now you do discover
you're looking at something
you had seen long
long ago
I've lost the track of time
Wild slumber swept away 'em all
Foamy fog is upon the woe-stained floor
pale gleam of silver chandeliers
obscure and delusive chants
have run over the choirs
so slow...
...Hence your virtuous mass
shall be almost like the sacred grove
where GOD himself does dwell and reign
among such saints which all you have become!
The last one I heard
Sow the seed of the faith
deep into your hearts and lay open the gates
do lead towards the skies
there's the only device
that does promise place for you in paradise!
I was falling asleep so I did close my eyes...
I was assailed by the spectre of beast
Lay waste all those charges 'cause I can't resist
I was obsessed by the shadow of noose
Take away your husk
I cannot refuse...
Insidious grove!
And you shall have
your wooden scales for your very own!
It seems to me I won't suffer this a-waiting for...
[Demons as gargoyles:]
As the darkness doth ravish the light wi' delight
sae deceit decimateth all the devoted minds
Chase the moribund rays of that desperate dawn
blood-red hues
that ye're hunting among for the crown
ye had ne'er had
and probably never ye will...
Ae hath ne'er been belonging to yer majesty!
But... ye believe that they will
reveal the unreal
the forces they hold
and the power they steal!
Bemoan the lust of life with me!
Bewail their gloomy destiny!
Just beware their bicker!
Of this ae...
I don't care!
ye lay bar those wooden gates!
Run outwards the reality!
Over the yawning deep...
[Both in chorus:]
Where as ye sow so shall ye reap!
Each one received
swallowed and sipped
of that holy host'
"body" and "blood"
wafer and vine...
You'll do as divine
when yield shall arise
when you get Eucharist!
It seemed to me then...
They swallowed and sipped
instead of that holy host'
wafer and vine
only acorns and water...
like in sleepy nightmare!
All seemed to me then
"He seems to be dead!"
Lo! Whole vortex appears
drawing all wicked things
whining demons and imps
there is nothing to seize!
They reflowed forth again
beating their wings in vain snarling
no one is to blame
but it's true all the same!
This bout mire before me spread forth the abyss
so the heaven e'en seemed to be
on the verge of tears
Were I asked what I'd seen
through the veil of that mist
thick and grey one had covered swamps with its quilt
and the silence
dead one did howl so through my ears
that I hardly could hear
I should probably say
Almost nothing I felt through that torture but pain
but that ominous emptiness did whirl me away...
As it seemed to me then
far away from my corpse!
So that night swam before me
it turned out to be
one in which the moon barely shone over the sea
of that desolate gloom 'n hardly anything was
seen but blue marsh lights were skipping about in the swamps
And quagmire before me spread forth the abyss...
O'er that dark one a rather small stump
met my sight
sticking out from the earth
remnant of rotten trunk
of a tree that had grown o'er that deep long ago
and roots spreading throughout this one
like mighty snakes
twisted roots reaching downwards into that bog
as if there to quench
their blind and desperate thirst...
Met my sight deep
and roots simply hanging in the air
Behold his holy holt anon...
But I shall be dead long before
everything will have become clear to me...
I have never heard such improper song
e'en though incredible call it ye will!
[Demons as gargoyles:]
Call us inscrutable!
Then all the things of that sort shall cease!
Call 'em incredible wood or stone...
and bog if you please!
Which guise do you prefer?
Whose scales do you mean to be the chosen one?
You had better petrify!
Why won't you try to deify your way?
2. Down Along The Roots
Expel the conscience of yours merely!
And incense will seem to be reaching the stars!
In stampede miserable deviltry is!
[Demons in chorus:]
Oh, they are!
Suddenly a wind arose
behind me pushing me ahead...
Something cold came running down my face
Deep down I fell
Shadows cast by the stones
cowered the ground
something dark lay in the grass
There's distant gnarly grove ahead
with tangled gloomy trunks and branches
unlike they are and yet also much akin...
[Dome community:]
He indeed seems to be dead!
He seems to be dead!
He did recline his head so strange
'Twas very kind of him
if he would have passed away
somewhere else but here!
That maid in black has rather poor taste!
Oh yes!
She does!
That was all meant for your good
you'll be alive
being buried root by root!
You don't believe the demons
so shall they accost to you?
Now listen to their wings' howl
crows sense a corpse from afar
[Dome community:]
He indeed seems to be dead!
Why won't you have a look at him?
Let me cease all that stuff
I can race where no roads are!
I can abduct
through deceit in sign I'll come
while wretched and grim grimaces
can hardly be seen through dust
Through the dust my flame will show its tongue
but there's no word to throw
through the mist you could have seen my eyes
don't you think they belong to foe?
They as thine belong to thee...
Oh thy broken entity
which thou shalt have to lose...
...riding it into mysterious loneliness
you have searched for!
Enter halls
having passed by doors
by the wooden mouth does beget nothing
but carrion!
There is but only venomous kiss
to drop down from these bitter lips!
There is but only wicked smile
to pass your torture by when you'll be die dying
wringing your hands in some kind of despair!
Let the spirit leave that jail
the lair!
[Both in chorus:]
Leave your lair
and rise your demons up into the air!
Leave your lair
then let them bound deep into the ground!
Leave your lair
let waving soil just now begin to boil!
looking for our future victim
why wont you abet our swarm?
I appear to serve you but ne'ertheless
I'll get what I am after!
I appear to kneel to you
the devil knows what this is all about!
[Oze on the right:]
So to the devil with your soul!
[Caacrinolaas on the left:]
Something dark lay in the grass!
Have you ne'er noticed
what an unpleasant sight is a person eating?
So you called the imp
while the expression of fiery eyes
showed a markedly increased voluptuousness
Low dark clouds were slowly creeping on
to meet our cavalcade
leaden strips of rain came slanting down at us
The sky's array became filled with dark
a feeble streak of lightning flashed in distance
and no sooner did I see
sudden light torn night asunder
than an ocean of cold water fell hard
pouring down on me
And the night was as dark as soot
I couldn't see my fingers even
I am to be your demon!
Now I show the path where immortality's to dwell!
I am to be your demon...
Were I there I would not have been lost
in burning pits of hell
Caacrinolaas speaking in as cross a voice
as he could manage
Well, try to invent your own reality to dwell among...
You're slowly going down
not knowing what a deuce you forgot...
Nevertheless don't you admire the view?
For no one did expect indeed
what a nice bird you turned out to be!
What then is there to regret...
...e'en though I am on the verge of tears
So this way that'll never do
to be alive among such gloom!
So what then is left to regret about
lay waste your fear!
You'd better leave all your graves to the dead
let us fly and disappear among the chaos!
Among the chaos you ride the demons
we shall ride the beast tonight
Satan he was named
Satan was he named!
And who will be chained?
Answer now
as we'll beget
his proper place among the death
the mysterious loneliness among the...
And that night was as dark as soot
I couldn't see my fingers even
I am to be your demon
Now I show the path where dull reality's to dwell
I am to be your demon...
Now tell again about your feelings
as being penalised...
So I wish you were not quite so deaf
I've had to ask you twice'
It was not 'til one of them reminded the others
that they brought me the key
so they asked me not to be so blind
as wooden brotherhood
That will make your feathers fly
don't take offence
but IT came across your traces
A little do I wish!
You'll get much more than even devil has...
Lo! Something dark lies in the grass!
Do step down the flame!
Into the bog does burn and shine in darkness
blazing from inside so heavenly
divinity it has...
or else
something dark lies in the grass!
3. The Holy Holt
[The Holy Holt:]
The end is near!
Time nears the end
the utmost foe is dead!
Consume his flesh and sip his blood
Belch then:
'time nears the end... '
From furtive hole his blood shed forth
none cares of misty source
of shady wood with its foliage-streams
rush rolling forth the vaults
Our utmost foe is to be gone to rack and ruin!
we'll destroy his path has been created
in such devious way!
We'll shred apart array
of his false prophets led our flock astray!
[The Holy Holt:]
How should they know?
Destroy them!
Destroy them!
[The Holy Holt:]
Time nears the end!
Their scripts proved to be utterly crooked!
[The Holy Holt:]
They will clear away all your memories!
They will confound your limbs with deadly disease!
Only they will march with you hand in hand
to derail your dreams
behold them nearing the end!
The end is near!
Decline appeared
to reign obliquely among the kings!
But to no avail!
It's not e'en insane and sick
dead on the contrary
Its head is nowhere to be found
it even cannot speak so gear it up as horse!
To be exact its corpse!
And if you please exert yourself to ride this trunk!
[The Holy Holt:]
Our GOD prefers to dwell among the ruins
thus he does reveal his orifice obliquely!
Dilapidated mill shows no arrogance
We will make up our mind
to be akin those sacred trees!
To dwell in silent grove!
Amid the trees with shining leaves and fruits!
Admire this sacred grove!
Make up your mind
to be as complaisant as you can!
Oh please avoid imprudent wishes
to know the way our savior rose to be reborn!
[The Holy Holt:]
We are not daunted by such distance!
We'll ride our horses toward clouds
in defiance of roaring storm!
All alone!
From ruin tomb in a forgotten land
seen through the eyes of the dead!
[The Holy Holt:]
All alone!
From ruin tomb in a forgotten land...
So there is nothing for it but to do your best
to be dead!
How shall I be...
My demon
show me the way!
How shall I turn to dust...
My demon
show me the way
I can abet your swarm
[The Holy Holt:]
Time nears the end!
Time nears the end!
He has done this alone
all alone!
From a ruin tomb in a forgotten land
He'll ne'er be dead!
All alone he escaped myriad
of those spluttering saints!
He left them all not resentful but dead!
All alone he came softly up behind
no one sow
no one heard gloating over the senseless corpse...
He has done this alone
all alone!
Fallen one leaves no victim undone!
But no one ever knows
how did he strive
showing to demons their ways!
Strove to survive
for there was so much at stake!
Time nears the end!
Time nears the end!
Deep down thy art thou goest
painting thy dauby picture
looks like hell but does the same not a dreg!
For prancing w-horse of yours
only ill-gotten creatures
so they ought to be ill-spent!
(so they say in either case)
Shine on brighter than the sun anon
chasing your hoax-horizons
denizens of boggy path you've searched for
meant not to be led astray in anyway...
[The Holy Holt:]
He found his way into his kingdom
As one would expect
he's left the gloomy wood for grove!
[The Holy Holt:]
He found his way into the heaven!
Again we have got our lord
in his place high above!
All alone!
From ruin tomb in a forgotten land
seen through the eyes of the dead!
All alone!
From ruin tomb in a forgotten land
you came so gloriously to be (dead) the only One!
For fallen angels leave no victims
no their remains e'en
thus appear the hand of fallen one
...to turn his concubine into the ruins
and reign and rule among the ruins he has done!
The Holy Holt entering Sacred Grove
We have done this alone
all alone!
...through the sweet Eucharist of these trees!
Brothers do taste their gifts!
[The Holy Holt:]
Holy oaks!
You've been meant by our lord for us
like sacred trees
Give us your life with wisdom of yours!
It is not to be wondered at that
we are to become inaccessible for deadly curse!
We shall win!
With the acorn of life and religion inside
of our belly
thus inside our mind!
Have we possessed!
We'll glorify all your ways!
And all his oaks
you nothing daunted possessed!
Time nears the end!
Time nears the end!
4. Nightmare
My soul belongs to devil forever!
With devil forever so I sold my soul
5. Holy Forever
With gesture I call you
O stranger unknown...
[The Grove:]
Ye nasty knight came wriggling down
among the tangled pillars
where's nothing to be done but hold your ground
thus hold on to your head!
Tell how ye move about
in spite of all the rules we've to attend to...
where the life does end?
For I was very anxious to be of use
they wept and prayed for miserable hand
'All of you may treat me as a friend
I said
where the life does end'
that's my fault
for keeping my eyes open...
If I'd shut them tight up
It would not have happened
my friend...
where the life does end'
If I only knew
I wouldn't have been penalised!
I had far better help you hadn't I?
You'd better keep an open eye!
As ours
sooth to say
were nowhere to be found
and now we've lost 'em
we are blind!
They are gone!
There is more evidence to come yet
...where the life does end!
So he went on with closed eyes
and half forgotten grove he'd seen...
though he knew he had but to open them again
and all would change to dull reality
[Both with Caym:]
If I only knew I wouldn't have been
so foolish penalised!
And now we've got indeed
immortal and uncanny sight!
Quite liquid one for sleepless kin
with their forever watchful eye!
Behold them folded roaring
swarming loudly in the dead of night!
Ye seem to be dead!
Ye have fed the vermin with
your foliage
that's the reason why ye weep!
Ye shall reveal
your skin's all 'round the pew
ye asked much more than your god could endure
[The Grove:]
We all were the people
now we are the pillars!
Watch as your almighty god does kill his children!
Watch the nonsense that
shall decimate his creatures!
Would you like to feel the charm of our adventures?
We all got in this trap
we have gotten...
We were fools but we have forgotten
way we used to be
seed we used to sow!
We all are the pillars and so is our lord!
Chase the castaway
who's been haunting the catafalque!
Since his death he screams
'take them away!
'Take away them all:
those bones from my poor corpse
I won't endure the dead inside the trunk of mine! '
Only daemons know
where those weeping pillars grow
They are standing like a wall...
having confirmed their own request
they have embodied that chest
or any wooden thing we know!
I do not suppose there will be a tree left standing
for ever so far round
by the time they've finished such chat!
Deeply he sighed and drew his palm
looking more like branch
than anything else across his eyes
he wept already out!
There's hot blood dropping down
from the ancient vaults every now and then
and if something wasn't done about it
in less than no time
there would be a pool full of blood
sacred one result of such obedience!
[Caacrinolaas speaking triumphantly:]
An unjust verdict will be worth while impunity!
You will hear the tangled sentence made anew
so sheer guile will reign again indignantly!
Only ye repine against your fate!
[The Grove:]
Our pain!
Won't we receive the Eucharist again!?
[The Grove:]
Ye ask in vain!
Ye seem to be dead
[The Grove:]
Nobody knows
Ye seem to be deaf
[The Grove:]
When we all arose
They seem to be sad
[Caym to Peter:]
So we ask you not to be afraid!
As ye strive to forget in vain
Our stranger
we shouldn't have been blind
ye should disdain us!
We seem to be deaf
nobody mourns
we seem to be dead
o'er our loss!
But all of us do mourn over our death!
Do not be so deaf
it must be divulged
do not be so dead
ye should not disdain
do not be so blind!
so now we know we cry in vain...
Now ye'll observe
the way our nameless master does
transform his wights from the people
to the grove or to the grass
We will reveal you that device
do not be surprised enormously...
[The Grove:]
We've wept
We've cried with million tears for years!
it seems to us
we'll never disappear
And so will your torture!
[The Grove:]
If not the water so what drops down
from our branches?
Would you like to feel the charm of our adventures?
Claim from shelves for your very own
that scenario of thine!
Now peruse carefully!
You think o'er your eternal lot
to be alive disappearing down the throat
of imps and evil demons
will make your feathers fly anon!
[Caacrinolaas in defiance of Caym:]
Note that darkness was almost complete
and you could see nothing much beyond your hands' stretch!
Note that 'twas getting deep dusk
when the eyes make things greater
than they should be!
Mind you!
By no means out of the fens
will come drifting a stench
not the sticky odour of decay
but a foul reek
as if filth unnameable were piled
and hoarded in the dark within...
All around you
deep within the gnarly grove
all around this halloo-holt...heavy
still and stagnant air
where any sound fell dead
where any tree fell dead!
Prick up your ears at this
'Unlike we are and yet also much akin'
In couples they've been waltzing
exhausting each other
In couples they'll circle till somebody's dead
Why won't sister murder
for instance
her brother?
Why won't she pursue him to bed or to death?
Subconsciously tomb does smile
through every mirror
Your face is to impact against wretched grimace!
You're terribly frightened all the time at the thought
that it might be hungry
for you
in which case
That exquisite one would be very likely
to eat you up in spite of all your coaxing smiles!
And everyone will tell:
that's nothing to what I could say
if I chose...
e'en if nobody dies!
So if you drink much
from the bottle marked "poison"
it is almost certain to disagree with you
sooner or later...
but would it be any use now
to speak to the dead or to speak to the imp?
The beast has been buried and sealed for the ages
so that was a narrow escape...
for the dead
like you
(immense way you've been betrayed since forever)
It's no use in crying like that!
6. The Darkest Hour
...And naught was found
in thief's chest but his curse!
And loth was he
to render up the keys!
All woes will follow you like crows or urgent flies
he cries
and e'er the oftener the worse shall they become!
Due west I faintly glimpsed a long dark line
'twas difficult to learn from it for certain
O anything but hideous hint at death
but laughing roar around
'Defeat again most likely!'
...The trail was long cold when I took it up again...
Would weeper not have suited it far better?
He'd have ransacked
and sniffed that ghastly matter
as no one else would have...
and none's to blame!
That bloodstained grass did render active all
incentives to get shape of holy holt
I had beheld in all its splendid horror
prosperity in bloom before the dawn
Trees all around me spoke in tongue of pain
and there was no response!
You cry in vain!
[Arthur's voice sounding from afar & high above:]
My brothers and my sisters!
Test that seed!
The acorn as the symbol and
you'll see
[Arthur's voice sounding from afar & high above:]
Yield of your faith and wisdom shall arise
[Caacrinolaas triumphantly to Caym:]
Your livid souls are freed to plunder!
[Arthur's distant voice with Caacrinolaas' growl from somewhere below:]
All thicket wept and sang this gloomy song
'The darkest hour is that before the dawn'
The fault at the conclave
had been bearing resemblance with death
No more faith
Just before twisted roots got entangled together
they'd stood holy forever!
Hallowed be thy dome and thy brotherhood!
That bloodstained grass did render active all
incentives to get shape of howling holy holt...
I had beheld in all its splendid horror
prosperity in bloom before the dawn
Atrociously I am describing the debt
so usual in grim and whispering kingdom
of your personality
nobody met and no one has seen your last will off
through the mist of disease silly stranger...
you will be deceived by that grove!
LiAlveL of TMT: I: 11, II: 22, III: 33
Defeat at the conclave
is bearing resemblance with death
no more faith!
Just before twisted roots got entangled together
you'd been holy forever
Hallowed be thy dome and thy brotherhood
Thanks to Sk2ib for sending these lyrics.
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All lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Please read the disclaimer.