album: "Chained: Epiphany of the Soulless" (2020)
1. Act I - Prologue (The End Is Just the Beginning)2. Act II - The Apocalypse (The Revealed Antichrist)
3. Act III - The Repent (One Last Cry ov Regret)
4. Act IV - The Rise ov Babylon (A Requiem ov the Deceased Pedophiles)
5. Act V - The Fall ov Babylon (Tore the Veil ov the Eyes)
6. Act VI - The Seven Seals ov the Apocalypse (The Arrival ov the Endtimes)
7. Act VII - Chained (The Epiphany ov the Soulless)
8. Act VIII - Fall ov Lucifer (Corrupted Wisdom ov Thy Splendor)
9. Act IX - The Apocalyptic Overture (Holocaust ov Greediness)
1. Act I - Prologue (The End Is Just the Beginning)
The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:
Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw.
Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.
2. Act II - The Apocalypse (The Revealed Antichrist)
It was written in the scriptures
He would come to deceive
To convince the naive
To harvest souls in despair
False prophets will spread deceit and lies into the world
Rising from the depths ov hell
Planting seed of evil
Condemning many souls to death
Pain and suffering again
The Antichrist will fall, along with demons and legions
His charisma, will enchant
His words will be soft as silk,
But lethal as a sword
Many will follow this false messiah,
Many will accept the mark of the beast
The number, 666
Deceiving, condemning
Convincing humanity that he is the one that was promised
The end of times is near
Thy Antichrist is here
Conquering lands and gathering power
Covering the Earth in darkness
His charisma, will enchant
His words will be soft as silk,
But lethal as a sword
Many will follow this false messiah,
Many will accept the mark of the beast
The number, 666
Deceiving, condemning
Convincing humanity that he is the one that was promised
The end of times is near
Thy Antichrist is here
Conquering lands and gathering power
Covering the Earth in darkness
And those who open their eyes and see
And those who can hear the truth
And those who know the word of God
Will be pursued but they will receive eternal life
The depraved will reign in freedom
The pure of heart will be punished
The peaceful will fear and suffer anguish
This is the world, before the end of times
Gloria! Gloria! The sky is bright
Gloria! Gloria! Celestial sounds
People will cry out of desperation
Begging for the end to come
There will be no place to hide
The world is under domination and control
Behold the prophecy fulfilled
Nations rising against each other
The end of times is here
People will cry out of desperation
Begging for the end to come
There will be no place to hide
The world is under domination and control
Behold the prophecy fulfilled
Nations rising against each other
The end of times is here
His charisma, will enchant
His words will be soft as silk
But lethal as a sword
Many will follow this false messiah
Many will accept the mark of the beast
The number, 666
Deceiving, condemning
Convincing humanity that he is the one that was promised
The end of times is near
Thy Antichrist is here
Conquering lands and gathering power
Covering the Earth in darkness
3. Act III - The Repent (One Last Cry ov Regret)
The time has come
There is no place to go
Chaos and despair
Reigning everywhere
Confusion ruling hearts
Wondering where they are
Holy, holy, God almighty,
Who was and who is and who is to come
People have disappeared and
Why am I still here
What did I do wrong
That I am not where I belong
Confusion ruling hearts
Wondering where they are
Holy, holy, God almighty,
Who was and who is and who is to come
For I am the lord
Who came down from heaven
With a loud command
With voice of archangel
And with the trumpet of god
And the dead in Christ will rise first
Mortem, abisus
Dolorus, inferno
Convicitor, imperium
Scortum, in bestia
Behold a pale horse appeared
And the name that sat on him was death
And here followed with him
And power was given unto take over the fourth
Part of the earth,
To kill with sword
And with hunger, and with death
Pain and suffering
I saw in their faces
Desperate cries and sights
Of confusion
Mortem, abisus
Dolorus, inferno
Convicitor, imperium
Scortum, in bestia
And the sky was black
And thunder stroke
The ground started to tremble
And he said a loud
I am Luzbel, the prince of this world
I was exiled and thrown
Into this world
Because of my wickedness and envy
Death and destruction fallow him
And he comes to take their lost souls
With hearts dark like the chasm
They'll belong to him,
This are my children of perdition
Destined to an end where they will
Want to die but won't find death
Will wander around in eternal suffering
Caught up in the deepest of hell
Your days are numbered
You have no way out
You will be thrown
In the burning fire
With your demons for the eternity
And every soul that did not repent
From their sins
Victoria, derrota
Dominus dominantum
It is written,
I'll be seated
At my father's right hand
And will reign for eternity
Now I understand
I won t listen to you anymore
Your words are in vain
I don't belong to you
4. Act IV - The Rise ov Babylon (A Requiem ov the Deceased Pedophiles)
5. Act V - The Fall ov Babylon (Tore the Veil ov the Eyes)
After the vision of these things I saw another angel come down from heaven
And this angel had great power, and His glory made the earth bright he shouted I powerful voice.
Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the great!
She has become a home for demons
And a prison for every evil spirit
A demon haunts unclean and filthy bird.
It's time to unmask the anti Christ
For all the nations have drunk
The maddening wine of adulteries
Kings of the earth committed it with her
And merchants grew rich excessive luxuries
Come out of her my people
So that you will not share in her sins
So that you will not receive her plagues;
For her sins are piled up in heaven
And God has remembered her crimes
Give back to her as she has given;
Pay her back double for what she has done.
Babylon, Babylon, Babylonia your name is the great whore
Babylon, Babylon, behind your neck the number 666
Of scarlet you dress and you adorn yourself with gold, while you disguise your delusions
"Mystery Babylon The Great, The Mother of Harlots and of the Filth of The Earth."
Mix her a double portion from her own cup
Give her as much torture and grief
As the glory and luxury she gave herself
I'm hiding behind the robe that the ones who preach the word of God
"I sit as queen, I am not a widow, and I will never mourn".
So these disasters will come to her in one day
Death, crying and great hunger
She will be consumed by fire
For mighty is the Lord God who judges her.
For all the nations have drunk
The maddening wine of adulteries
Kings of the earth committed it with her
And merchants grew rich excessive luxuries.
As the day end, likewise, the dark reign of Babylon will end, its walls will be thrown into the seas along with its legacy
6. Act VI - The Seven Seals ov the Apocalypse (The Arrival ov the Endtimes)
I watched as the lamb opened the first of the seals
And heard one of the living creatures say come!
I looked, and the before me was a white horse
Its rider held a bow, given a crown to conquer.
When the lamb opened the second seal
I heard the second living creature say come!
Another horse came out, a fiery red one
Its rider was given power!
To take peace from earth
And to make men slay each other,
To him was given a large sword.
When the lamb opened the third seal
I heard the third living creature say come!
I looked and there before me was a black horse
Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hands.
Then I heard what sounded,
Like a voice among the four living creatures saying:
A quart of wheat for a day’s wages
And three quarts of barley for a day’s wages
And do not damage the oil and the wine.
When the lamb opened the fourth seal
I heard the fourth living creature say come!
I looked and the before me was a pale horse!
Its rider was named Death, and Hades was close.
They were given power over a fourth of the earth
To kill by sword, famine and plague
And by the wild beasts of the earth.
When he opened the fifth seal
I saw under the altar
The souls of those who had been slain
Because of the word of God
They called out in a loud voice:
How long, sovereign lord…
Holy and true, until you judge...
The inhabitants of the earth, and avenge our blood?
Ave Satani
Luciferum Sigillum
Filius Dei
Daemones Dolor
Remissionen In Aeternum
In this moment of darkness,
We come to you
Our Lord and Savior
Claiming for salvation,
With the mark of the beast you’re condemned to the abyss
The fury of the Father will fall upon them
I watched as he opened the sixth seal
There was a great earthquake
Sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair
The whole moon turned blood red.
With the mark of the beast you’re condemned to the abyss
The fury of the Father will fall upon them
And When the 7 seals where opened
Stars fell into earth,
The Angels and their trumpets shaked the earth.
When he opened the seventh seal
There was silence in heaven
For about half an hour
And I saw the seven angels
Who stand before God
And to them were given
The seven trumpets
In this moment of darkness,
We come to you
Our Lord and savior
Claiming for salvation
Deliver us from evil,
7. Act VII - Chained (The Epiphany ov the Soulless)
8. Act VIII - Fall ov Lucifer (Corrupted Wisdom ov Thy Splendor)
You were an anointed guardian cherub
I placed you; you were on the holy mountain of God
In the midst of the stones of fire you walked
You were blameless in your ways
From the day you were created
Till unrighteousness was found in you
In the abundance of your trade
You kept me relegated, you wanted to keep me subdued
You wanted to keep control of all creatures
But I am here To dominate and destroy your own creation
You were filled with violence in your midst, and you sinned
So I cast you as a profane thing from the mountain of God
And I destroyed you, oh guardian cherub,
From the midst of the stones of fire
Your heart was proud because of your beauty
You corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor
I cast you to the ground;
I exposed you before kings
To feast their eyes on you
You kept me relegated, you wanted to keep me subdued
You wanted to keep control of all creatures
But I am here to dominate and destroy your own creation
I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven
And I saw an angel come down from heaven
Having the key of the bottomless pit
And a great chain in his hand
And he took the dragon that old serpent
Which is the devil and Satan
And he bound him thousand years
Cast him into the bottomless pit
Closed and sealed the gates upon them
That he should deceive the people no more
Till the thousand years were fulfilled
For after that he must be loosed
And when the thousand years are expired
Satan shall be loosed out of his prison
And shall go out to deceive the people
In the four quarters of the earth
Which is the devil and Satan
And he bound him thousand years
Cast him into the bottomless pit
Closed and sealed the gates upon them
And they compassed the tents of the saints about
And the beloved city
But fire came down from God out of heaven
Et vidi thronum magnum candidum et sedentem
Super eum a cuius aspectu fugit terra et caelum, terra et caelum.
(And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away, the Earth and the heaven)
Et vidi mortuos, magnos et pusillos,
Stantes in conspectu throni et libri aperti sunt
(And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God;
And the books were opened, and the books were opened)
And the devil that deceived them,
Was cast into a lake of fire and brimstone,
Where the beast and the false prophet are,
And shall be tormented
(Day and night for evermore.)
Then I saw a great white throne
(And him who was seated on it.)
The earth and the heavens fled from his presence,
(And there was no place for them.)
And I saw the dead, both great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened.
In the lake of sulfur and fire,
Where the tormented souls will dwell,
It will be heard across the sea and the earth ("The fall ov Lucifer")
Now, here I stand
In this deep and dark abyss,
My desire of inflicting death and destruction upon humanity was crushed.
But I will not bow to God,
I will not get on my knees,
I will be here, waiting, patiently, for all the eternity if I have to
My army of demons will rise again, as we are legion, and we will bring hell and torment to the world
This hellfire will burn,
Forever, and ever
You kept me relegated, you wanted to keep me subdued
You wanted to keep control of all creatures
But I am here to dominate and destroy your own creation
9. Act IX - The Apocalyptic Overture (Holocaust ov Greediness)
A great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven
A woman clothed with the sun
With the moon under her feet
And a crown of twelve stars on her head.
A red dragon with seven heads
She was pregnant and cried out in pain
As she was about to give birth
Then another sign appeared in heaven
A red dragon with seven heads
And ten horns, and seven crowns on his heads.
His tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky
And flung them to the earth.
"And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back"
The dragon stood in front of woman
Who was about to give birth
So that he might devour her child
The moment it was born.
She gave birth to a son, a male child
Who will rule all the nations with an iron scepter
And her child was snatched up to God and his throne.
The world is coming to an end
You don't want it to be true
But is happening as we speak
You're not ready to be free
Angustia Mors Est
Infernum Manet
Pecatum Aeternam
Vitam Iudicio-Nem
Angustia Mors Est
Infernum Manet
Pecatum Aeternam
Vitam Iudicio-Nem
Too much centuries
And you didn't prepared yourself
You had enough time, but
Now suffer the consequences
The rotten flesh
In the ground on fire
The urge of the flesh
In the skies on fire
Tie him hand and foot
And throw him outside
Into the darkness where there will be
Weeping and gnashing of teeth
They will throw them into the blazing furnace
Where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth
The wicked will see it and be vexed
He will gnash his teeth and melt away
The desire of the wicked shall perish
The desire of the wicked will perish
And so this story ends
The long journey that took
Thousand of years to conclude
And even now is being written
Has finally reach its conclusion
In this chapter of many to come
Now the peace shall reign forever
The promise land, a new heaven
A new earth and the holy city
Known as new Jerusalem with golden streets and crystal seas.
Satan and all demons and fallen angels were banished
Now the dwelling of god is here and he will live with us.
We will be his people and god himself will be with us to be our god.
He will wipe every tear from our eyes.
There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.
And now the king is sitted at the right hand of the father and they'll be worshipped for the century of centuries, Amen.
Thanks to rafael.medina7777 for sending these lyrics.
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All lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Please read the disclaimer.