album: "The Battle Sanctuary" (2015)
1. Far From Heaven... Close To Hell2. Black Shadow
3. The Arcane's Palace
4. Inside The Enemy's Mind
5. Forged Into Metal
6. Battle Lines
7. Marching Under The Stars
8. Circle Of One
9. Kill The Leader
10. The Battle Sanctuary
11. Time Will Tell
1. Far From Heaven... Close To Hell
...and the battle goes on until last standing soldier. The warriors are tired and dirty due the past battles but even so their souls are still thirsty for the enemy's blood. The battle doesn't end until the last blood drop fall from their honored swords blades. Does this make our Warriors of the Alliance more honored that those who betrayed them? The general asks himself if he and his warriors, as they fought to defend their kingdom surrounded by mountains and valleys, were becoming equal to those warriors who they fought against. Only one answer comes to his mind and despite the freezing cold and the fact that he was dressed with heavy clothes, made of skins of bears and wolves, he felt a chill on his spine. And looking the devastated iced lands around him, the answer is more than clear: "We are more and more far from heaven and closer to hell...". And with this disturbed and unquiet thought the battle for the sacred sanctuary starts and ends now...
We see a new horizon beyond our imagination
In another world we walk in the shade
The clamor of many deaths is spread in the wind
The time of the oath begins
Through stone and fire we march... to the death
Here lies the coldness and the impurity
In the hall of the evil king
Now we feel the cold touch of death
Make a promise to yourself
Heal me and hear my cry (hear my cry)
Make a promise to the soldiers of the night
If you still believe
[Chorus 2x]
Far from heaven... Close to hell
When the story ends
We can break the spell
We saw this dark horizon
We felt this chaos and pain
In this wicked world
We walked in the shadows
The clamor of many deaths
Is spread in the air
The sulfur smell of the dead
With power and courage
We march. We stand
The faith of our soldiers
To overcome the death
In the halt of the evil king
Now we feel the cold touch of death
Voices call the Alliance back to home
If the will to fight dies there's no hope
2. Black Shadow
The Black King Theodoric put a creature to chase the army of the Alliance. A creature as old as time and as evil the power that had corrupted the mind of Theedoric: a dark shadow that could not be defeated. Quickly the bestial creature reached the wastelands of the Alliance. The smoke from the fire mixes with the scent of blood, bones and metal, and this made the air heavy. Soon the creature began his demonic work, corrupting each soldier of the rest of army of General Dragonheart, the man whose honor and glory are too big to be told. General Dragonheart had noticed the strange behavior of his fellow soldiers. He spoke to his support in magic, Arlin, and then he has been told of a fact that his heart would not believe: the bestial creature who had corrupted his king was destroying his soldiers, one after another. Side by side with Arlin and the Stone of Time he waits for the next step of the Black Shadow and, in a battle of torment and fire they finally have been able to expel the creature of the lands of the Alliance. But the creature was still alive because it is eternal. And that's why those who have pure heart must be always alert...
A pariah born in these dry lands
A creature as old as the time that we live
Ancient gods trembling in front of it
Torment and fire are their catacombs
You can't understand their pain
All their strength are gathered in the mind
Use your head, the shadow in their eyes
Will take you to it
Scream here, freedom is distant now
Fight here, with your blood and spells
Black Shadow - Torment and fire we see
Black Shadow - Agony of all minds
Black Shadow - Move into the stones
Black Shadow - You can't change what you are
Psychic pain magic and mist
You need to use them to cross rivers of blood
Here lies the victory of the Alliance
Against the evil of Shadow Land
Slaughtered minds, l can feel them all
Replace the horror face of divinity
You may be lost when the perversion has ended
Eyes burning into flames, the victory is mine
Fight here with your blood and spells
You can't understand their pain
Use your head
Eyes burning into flames, the victory is mine
Fight here with your blood and spells
3. The Arcane's Palace
With the Infiltration of the Black King through the Black Shadow in mystically protected lands of Alliance and in the warrior's minds, the fear takes over the bones of the soldiers. Despite they had lived many cruel realities, nothing would be more scary than the Arcane's Palace. The Demon King, when in his own domains is coldly scary, and that is something that not even the General Dragonheart can stop feeling. With the expulsion of the Black Shadow of the sacred land of the Alliance, a counterspell was spreaded against those who succumbed before the Black Shadow and those who have fought against it, and all were thrown directly into the heart of hell. The heavy smell of rotting in the air and blazing flames dancing between the walls covered with chains, hooks, bones, skulls and human flesh are the decoration of the Palace. The General Dragonheart tries to calm down his soldiers but he is not sure if they can defeat the Demon King in their own fields.
Screams of fury echo in the sky
A place built under hate and ice
The clamor of numerous voices spreads in the shore
"I am perpetual, I have the will
Feel my black blade and see my ritual
I am perpetual"
The seas of vengeance
Across the Battle, in the sky
From here I will unleash the hell
[Chorus 2x]
The twisted mind holds the key
Unlock the horror and get the answers
(In the Arcane's Palace)
Down on the ground you can see
The pain is growing in your bones
(In the Arcane's Palace)
The Black Dragons lie in their control
Walls of flesh and bones made of stone
"Feel the deadly heat of hell, here is my tomb
A dark dungeon to enslave the souls
Feel my black blade and see my ritual
'Cause I am perpetual"
Feel my black blade and see my ritual
'Cause I am perpetual
4. Inside The Enemy's Mind
We all have a secret fear, something we cannot confront. But just live with It and use it for our own benefit. Fear of the dark, fear of death or of himself. Whatever. The Demon King has finally found something that can defeat the army of the Alliance: the Inner fears of every soldier, and the most valuable of them: the biggest fear of Gen. Dragonheart, who, if be killed, his armies surely would fall with him. The Gen. trembles before this situation and his fear becomes his greatest ally, giving him the strength to carry on without collapsing in front of his men. His death was certain, but should be justified and honored, serving as divine strength to his men and their descendents... He recalls his father's words: "In the absence of light, darkness prevails… Illuminates those who follow you…"
Am I lost? Lost in the time
I wait for the last breath
Soldiers hear my name
They're showing me the way
Into the dark, into their minds
I laugh from the dark side
They can hear my voice
[Chorus 4x]
Inside the enemy
Inside the enemy's mind
Where am I?
Darkness is all around
They pray for the light
I'll fall into the dark
I hold the key
I hold the gate
And I search for deliverance
They hear my voice
[Chorus 4x]
5. Forged Into Metal
Blade and body acting as an individual, only one unit, one being... Inside the castle... or better saying... Inside the catacombs of Theodoric, who Is now the Black King, everything had to be transformed... corrupted... Body, mind, and steel, all distorted in the name of the great beast: the simple and complete destruction. To keep the fearless soldiers away from his castle he needed to destroy simple things like the steel that protected them... At this point General Erick the Red tries a direct attack and falls under the massacre of the the Black King and his beasts... It would be enough… But both sides knew they were balanced, and General Dragonheart still owned a weapon that was obtained at the beginning of the devastation of the kingdoms of Claymored and Falkior: an unused sword that was forged with the purest metal and iron will of millions soldiers for centuries. It was time to fight and die in the name of the Alliance.
Through the deepest forests, beneath the stars we ride
The moon is glowing red like the warrior's blood
There's a prophecy, that tonight many men will die
The fire will burn forever in our hearts
Our destinies are calling us now
We are ready to take their lives
We go to the battle, we ride with the Gods
We are strong and we are not afraid to die
Together we fight, forever we'll live
Our Saints are our strength
'Cause we are forged in metal
Prominent leaders, cast your swords in the wind
A sign of war ready for death
The lightning's flash, the thunder's roar
Will petrify the weak
We'll show no mercy, we'll kill them all
[Chorus 2x]
6. Battle Lines
With the fall of Erick The Red, one of his most valiant warriors, and facing such catastrophe and devastation, Gen. Dragonheart decides to organize battle lines until reinforcements arrive. Everyone knew he was the king of the land of the Alliance. But even so he did not like to be called like this. He liked to be called of what he has always been: a soldier, a true warrior. To maintain this, he needed battle lines that could trust in his Gen., and he decided to set up those battle lines inside the palace of the Arcanum. And they fought, and those who survived told their tales to the world.
Welcome to the somber fields
A last chance to live and survive
Pain cuts me down through my vein
Can I break the enemy?
Welcome to the darkest reality
Your dreams die here forever
You will be welcome to...
Welcome to my grave
The enemy sees my dreams
Nothing will stop my rage
Battle Lines - Soldiers in the night
Battle Lines - I see blood everywhere
Death is waiting on the grass
And hope in our fear
Run, face the iron and steel
The rivalry came from the past
And all the blood is on the ground
My magic runes will be my guide
The storm will come in the end
The proud of Alliance remains
These rain are blood and we know it
That's why we'll be ready to fight
7. Marching Under The Stars
Even kings need some rest to think about what really worth it until now. Sadly think about those who have gone and proudly honor those who live. The night is the perfect mantle to the balanced thoughts that can be suddenly corrupted by rot. Everyone gather and rest 'cause they know that after every battle, although camped, they are always marching under the stars...
A crown of thorns and bravery
For their King, for their land
There is nothing more
No battle cries to hear, anymore
We are far away from home
And death will be our tome
The shine of steel and the smell of the blood
Burn in the ground and we are full of pride
We never give up we never give in
Our strength is our heart
And it will be only one
Empty your mind
Our destiny was changed
To pull down our enemy
Rescue the land of the Alliance
We saved many souls marching under the stars
For many times the evil appears
But there is a hope in the air
We now will conquer
Hear their scream, hear us fighting
We fight for a crown, we fight for our King
With a heart made of gold
We are stronger than steel
Our spirits will be free
Time has its end
Down to hell, whispers fade way...
8. Circle Of One
With every death of soldiers, not only of the Alliance, but all who fought the blazing fire of hell, the Black King Theodoric gains more and more power. With the death of Erick the Red, his power became enormous, and intoxicated by that power, his thirst for blood and souls was growing, and he wondered how much vital power he could gain by draining the death of Gen. Dragonheart. More and more his servants served him for attacks and defenses, but the Black King only would strike when the enemy was worthy of being killed. The Black King was losing his humanity and began to acquire skills outside the standards of human race, facing entire armies alone, and feeling that his reign began to consolidate. Souls trapped inside one man, something unnatural, demonic. Theodoric literally had become a General of Hell.
Darkness all around, a voice calls me
Aimless, faceless
Shadows surround me. I can be shadow
But I can't be down
A rotten soul, a sick man
That's what I am
I have too much inside my soul
I've trapped too many pathetic fools
Those are mine, my disillusions
Are my own Holy War
Kings beware! I'm immortal man
I will strike you down (Holy War)
Here I am to take your crown
To steal your soul to steal your mind
[Chorus 2x:]
I control the thoughts
Going insane the souls cry for the one
I listen to a laughing crow
'Cause I control the Circle of One
A new fresh soul, a single power
Their souls are mine
With their disillusions
The strength of many is mine
But l am, I am the only one
[Chorus 2x]
A control... your thoughts
I control the Circle of One
9. Kill The Leader
With the few options left to him, Gen. Dragonheart talks to Arlin the Magician, who, readily willing to help him, says: "Dragonheart my friend, the ones who can help you are the Ancient Oracles to whom you resorted in the past. They are our last hope!" After getting a sign of agreement of his General, who just lowered his head, Arlin the Magic has left in search for the Oracles to maybe bring a little hope. A few days later the magician returns, tired and visibly weakened, bringing scary but encouraging answers. And breathless he said to Gen. Dragonheart: "There is still hope, the Oracles say. Cut the head and the body will fall! But do not wait to remain unharmed. Only someone honored in blood could perform such a task." Dragonheart got the message, and as fast as he could he gathered his troops to encourage them to have a feeling of end of the battle where they would be rewarded for their journey so far. And then all shouted together. "Kill the leader!"
My name is fear, chaos is my life
The leader controls the troops
With a cold spirit
Gods or demons waiting for him?
One fall and everybody will fall
Feel the pain, feel the blood rain
Too late to hear their screams
Too late to hear them cry
Find out who calls the battle
Find out who calls the dark
All the army will reach the end
Every man will hear my call
All the confront is a hell
All the enemies will fall
Agony is my name
Death always remains the same
Agony is my name
Death always remains the same
Kill… Kill... Kill… the leader
Kill… Kill... Kill… the leader
Kill… Kill... Kill… the leader
Kill… Kill... Kill… the leader
10. The Battle Sanctuary
Returning from the bloody battle for the judgment of the death of King Theodoric, everyone was back to the holy land of the Alliance that was still in flames. There was still the smell of the spirit of death, even though few have survived. Here is the question: Who chooses where and when we die? Nobody has that power. We can only choose how we die: fighting alongside the companions in battle, next to your family, alone, whatever. That makes us unique. But we do not have that power. But the soldiers of the Alliance did have, and they would die there side by side for freedom and honor to fight alongside the already legendary Gen. Dragonheart.
As might be expected, Theodoric chases Dragonheart, and in the mountains of growing storms they fought. The Black King was in possession of countless souls giving him strength, while Gen. Dragonheart had his courage, anger, rage and sadness, beyond the metal sword forged by the legendary blacksmith. The battle extends to the Sanctuary of the Alliance, where the fatal blow is given. Theodoric's head rolls down the mountain and everybody scream in victory, but Gen. Dragonheart falls with a spear stucked in his chest by Theodoric. The Alliance is silenced and stutters, seeing their leader falling slowly under the screams of his warriors.
In a holy mission we fell
We fought to save our kingdom
We fought to save our families
I hope their death was not in vain
The legend will tell the tale
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust
This is the final end
This is the final command
Premonition - That's what you have to see
Premonition - That's what you have to feel
In this Battle Sanctuary
This is your destiny
In this Battle Sanctuary
Because death have arrived to me
I walk in the darkness
I saw the light in the mist
My blood spread on the grass
And I kept fighting until the end
And so the battle was won
With the strength of our hearts
With our invincible souls
This the darkness can't defeat
11. Time Will Tell
There are stories that stay without an end, which many times can be a new beginning. The most fervorous fans will say that there are "loose ends in the three chapters," but one thing this humble storyteller, who has closely followed all the mishaps of our warriors during those years, can say: they fought even if the obstacle was impassable. They lost loved beings and friends, but still fought with all the greed that they always kept; they fought against inner demons and no one can ever know how hard this fight was. Many had come and gone, and new soldiers have Joined the cause. But one thing is for sure: time will tell that there are warriors, fighters and legends, and while the name Dragonheart and the Alliance are remembered, oh yes you can say... The past is becoming a myth, and the names of the Alliance and of Gen. Dragonheart are becoming Immortals!
Sometimes good warriors die
There's no replacement for them
The last battle was a hell of a fight
And we lost the best of us
But the Alliance still remains
Our future sons will sing this legend
Until the past becomes a myth
The time will tell, maybe the tale has just begun
Some soldiers cry, but the Dragon will return
His spirit flies far beyond the sun
The Dragon eyes are always standing, watching us
The time will tell
King warrior Dragonheart
Spreading life for glory and pride
His honour in our heart
Reminding all of us
His death keeps us united and strong
Until the past becomes a myth
Our sons will sing this legend
Until the past becomes a myth
His spirit flies forever
Mauricio Taborda: Bass, Vocals
Marco Caporasso: Guitars, Vocals
André Mendes: Guitars, Vocals (lead)
Thiago Mussi: Drums
Marco Caporasso: Guitars, Vocals
André Mendes: Guitars, Vocals (lead)
Thiago Mussi: Drums
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