album: "Veļu laiks" (2019)
1. Sākums2. Lien, pelīte, pazemē
3. Vadātājs
4. Veļu laiks
5. Nakts ragana
6. Mūžības dzīslas
7. Neizvadītie
8. Beigas
9. Under the Willow Tree
1. Sākums
2. Lien, pelīte, pazemē
Lien, pelīte, pazemē,
Apraug' manu mūža māju.
Vai rūsēja vai pelēja,
Vai skambēja staigājot.
Ne rūsēja, ne pelēja,
Skambēt skamba staigājot.
Jūdzat raudus, jūdzat bērus,
Vedam mani smilktienā.
Pāries bēri, pāries raudi,
Es mūžam nepāriešu.
Es mūžam nepāriešu,
Jūsu durvis virināt.
Dzirdu ļaudis runājami,
Manis dēļi alus dara
Ne es dzeršu, ne ēdīšu,
Es gulēšu smiltienāji.
[English translation:]
Come under the ground, little mouse
Come and see where I'll dwell when I am gone.
Let it rust, let it mould
Let it crackle when you come.
Make horses ready to take me to the sand of cemetery ground.
My last journey has come and I shall never return.
I shall never return, never walk through your door.
I hear folks talking and brewing ale.
But I shall never eat, never drink
I shall forever stay lying in sand.
3. Vadātājs
Kur nes mani šī nakts,
Kurp ved šīs aklās gaitas,
Šis nebūtības meklējums
Un nodevīgais solījums?
Vēl dziļāk tumsā es zūdu
Un jūtu, ka neesmu viens.
Kāds nemiera gars šeit mājo
Un gaida pazudušos.
Ko alksti Tu, neizvadītais gars?
Pārāk daudz naida Tu nesi,
Un viņsaule neatvērās Tev.
Ieslodzīts šeit tumsā
Tu malduguni dedz.
Vēl dziļāk tumsā es zūdu
Un jūtu, ka vairs neesmu es.
Mana miesa ir viņa miesa.
Nu ved tas mani, kur man pienāks gals.
Pārāk daudz naida Tu nesi.
Pat nāvē tas sekoja Tev.
Pat nāvē nerimst
Tavas alkas pēc citu mokām.
Vēl dziļāk tumsā es zūdu
Un jūtu, ka vairs neesmu es.
Tavs naids ir mans naids.
Nu ved tas mani likt ciest.
[English translation:]
Where is this night taking me?
Where do these blind steps lead?
Am I on a quest for nothingness
Set by a treacherous promise?
I fade into darkness deeper and deeper
And I feel that I am not alone.
Some restless spirit dwells in here
Waiting for the lost.
What long you for, you unreleased spirit?
Too much hate you carried with you
And the gates of afterworld never opened.
Imprisoned here in darkness
You light the will-o'-the-wisp.
I fade into darkness deeper and deeper
And I feel that I am not myself anymore.
My flesh is his flesh.
Now it leads me where I shall live no more.
Too much hate you've carried with you
And it followed even in death.
Even in death your lust for their torment could never end.
I fade into darkness deeper and deeper
And I feel that I am not myself anymore.
Your hatred is my hatred
Leading me where the joy is no more.
4. Veļu laiks
Kā norimusi vētra šis laiks,
Kad zemi migla klāj un sargā.
Mēs atstājam durvis vaļā,
Lai aizgājušie pārnāktu mājās.
Tiem laiks tik īss
Ik gadu uz zemes šīs.
Bet, kamēr būsim mēs,
Viņi atgriezīsies.
Aust rīts.
Tie veļu valstī aiziet
Un zintis nodod,
Solot atgriezties.
Kad viņu balsis nedzird vairs,
Zini, kamēr būsim mēs, viņi atgriezīsies.
Aust rīts.
Ar svētību tie aiziet
Un mieru atstāj, solot atgriezties.
[English translation:]
[Time of Souls]
This season like an abated storm
When mist covers and protects the soil.
We leave our door open
To let the souls come home again.
Their time is so short
Every year on this earth.
But as long as we stay here
They shall return.
Morning approaches
Returning them back to the realm of the dead.
Passing their wisdom to the living ones,
They promise to return.
When their voices have faded, remember
As long as we stay here they shall return.
Morning approaches
Returning them back and leaving their blessings.
Their peace shall stay with us until the next time of souls.
5. Nakts ragana
No kurienes Tev šis daiļums savādais?
No kurienes Tu nāc šai nestundā?
Kāds ļauns spēks Tevi sūta.
Ir lemts Tev viņa postu sēt.
Tavs gars lemts mokām,
Un mokas tam būs nest.
Vai pie manis Tu nāc atņemt to dārgāko?
Vai apstājies atgādināt par savu sūtību?
Vēl tikai šoreiz es tieku neskarts.
Vēl tikai šoreiz Tu paej man garām
Un citam nelaimi nes.
Kaut spētu Tu apstāties.
Un atkal izskan nelaimes vēsts,
Un atkal apkārtni pārņem skumjas un bailes.
Vai drīz atkal viņa nāks?
Un kurš būs nākamais?
Ļaunuma radīta Tu postu nes,
Un nav miera Tev, jo miers Tev ir svešs.
Vai es jau dzirdu Tavus soļus?
Kaut spētu Tu apstāties.
Posts ir mans liktens.
[English translation:]
Where does your strange beauty come from?
And where are you coming from in this dark hour?
An evil force has sent you,
And destined you to spread its plague.
Your spirit condemned to suffer,
Condemned to bear the pain.
Have you come to take all I have?
Have you stopped to remind of your quest?
Just one last time I'll remain untouched.
Just one last time you will walk past
And bring disaster elsewhere.
How I wish you could stop.
And again the word of doom is spread.
And again the air is filled with grief and fear.
Shall she return soon?
And who will be the next one?
Created by wickedness you carry a plague.
There's no peace for you since you never found peace.
Do I hear your steps yet?
How I wish you could stop.
Doom is my fate.
6. Mūžības dzīslas
Saknes caur pazemi stiepjas,
Mēs neesam nedz sākums, nedz gals.
Tālā ceļā mēs devušies esam,
Un sastaptais pavadīs mūs.
Nedz sākums, nedz gals.
Šī saule viņsaulē vedīs,
Viņsaule par šo sauli kļūs.
Pie saknēm plūst svētavots.
Vai spēsi tā gudrību smelt?
Tā vada caur pasaules ceļiem,
Kur sastaptais pavadīs mūs.
Nedz sākums, nedz gals.
Šī saule viņsaulē vedīs,
Viņsaule par šo sauli kļūs.
Ko mēs atstāsim malā,
Kad nasta par smagu kļūs?
Pie saknēm atpakaļ dosimies
Un atgūsim aizmirsto.
Zemei grimstot jūrā,
Kāp augšup, patveries.
Lai pasaule šī sabrūk,
Un veidojas nākamā.
Nedz sākums, nedz gals.
Šī saule viņsaulē vedīs,
Viņsaule par šo sauli kļūs.
Mūžīgs šis pasaules koks,
Un mūžīga tā jēga.
Atceries ceļu pie tā
Un mūžīgs būsi Tu pats.
Dienā, kad dievi atņems mums sauli,
Un visu, kas mums bijis, aprīs jūra
Mēs patversimies šeit, kur mūžīgā dzīvība virmo,
Kas vienmēr bija un būs.
[English translation:]
[Veins of Infinity]
There are roots spreading under the ground.
We are neither the beginning, nor the end.
We have taken a long road,
And what's faced will always go on.
No start and no end,
From life to afterlife
And back to the living.
There's a sacred spring at the roots.
There's a wisdom kept in its water.
It will lead you through the ways of the world
Guiding every step of yours.
No start and no end,
From life to afterlife
And back to the living.
What will be left aside
When the burden gets too heavy?
Back to the roots our path shall lead
Back to the forgotten.
When the land sinks into the sea
Climb the branches and seek your shelter.
Let this world go down
Let the next one be born.
No start and no end,
From life to afterlife
And back to the living.
This world tree so ageless
As ageless as its meaning.
As long as the way to it will be remembered
We shall be remembered too.
When the gods take the sun away
And everything that we've had gets swallowed by the sea
We will find our shelter here where eternal life flows.
Life that will never fade.
7. Neizvadītie
Gals pienāca pirms nāvei mēs vērāmies acīs,
Pirms spējām mēs satvert ieročus rokās.
Tas īsākais ceļš, kur zeme pazūd zem kājām,
Kur devāmies akli kā upuris slazdā.
Tas īsākais ceļš, kur purvs sastindzis gaida,
Kur pazudām tumsā un palikām mūžam.
Bez cīņas,
Bez asins,
Bez rētām,
Bez miera.
Kurš spēs mūs apglabāt?
Kurš spēs mūs atrast un ieraudzīt?
Jau gadiem aizmirsti mēs nīkstam
Bez atvadām un neizvadīti.
[English translation:]
[Unburied Ones]
The end came before we saw the eyes of death,
Before our hands could reach our weapons.
On that shortest road where our feet lost the ground,
We went there blinded like victims into a trap.
That shortest road where a stark marsh awaits us,
Where we got lost in the dark and stayed forever.
No fight took place,
No blood was spilled,
No flesh was wounded,
No peace was made.
Who will come and bury us?
Who will come and see us?
Damned and long forgotten,
Unblessed and unburied.
8. Beigas
9. Under the Willow Tree
[originally by Grindmaster Dead]
Jānis Krivāns – guitars, recorder, percussions, ģīga, sound fx;
Ervīns Francs – vocals;
Jurģis Ozols – guitars;
Imants Vovers – drums;
Mārtiņš Straupenieks – bass.
Guest musicians:
Mārtiņš Tiltnieks – bagpipes, whistle, percussions ("Veļu laiks");
Veina – kokle ("Veļu laiks");
Pēteris Kvetkovskis – kokle ("Neizvadītie"," Beigas");
Marta Markeviča – flute ("Vadātājs", "Nakts Ragana"," Under the Willow Tree");
Dmitrijs Tarasovs – acoustic guitars ("Lien, pelīte, pazemē").
Drums session is recorded at Sound Division Studio by Gints Lundbergs.
Mixed and mastered by Mārtiņš Platais, UxCx Productions.
All music is by Jānis Krivāns (except "Under the Willow Tree").
All lyrics are by Ervīns Francs (except "Lien, pelīte, pazemē" and "Under the Willow Tree").
Thanks to druunmusic for sending these lyrics.
Ervīns Francs – vocals;
Jurģis Ozols – guitars;
Imants Vovers – drums;
Mārtiņš Straupenieks – bass.
Guest musicians:
Mārtiņš Tiltnieks – bagpipes, whistle, percussions ("Veļu laiks");
Veina – kokle ("Veļu laiks");
Pēteris Kvetkovskis – kokle ("Neizvadītie"," Beigas");
Marta Markeviča – flute ("Vadātājs", "Nakts Ragana"," Under the Willow Tree");
Dmitrijs Tarasovs – acoustic guitars ("Lien, pelīte, pazemē").
Drums session is recorded at Sound Division Studio by Gints Lundbergs.
Mixed and mastered by Mārtiņš Platais, UxCx Productions.
All music is by Jānis Krivāns (except "Under the Willow Tree").
All lyrics are by Ervīns Francs (except "Lien, pelīte, pazemē" and "Under the Willow Tree").
Thanks to druunmusic for sending these lyrics.
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