album: "Wrong One To Fuck With" (2017)
1. Fixated On Devastation2. Panic Amongst The Herd
3. Die With Integrity
4. Reveling In The Abyss
5. Seething With Disdain
6. Ideological Subjugation
7. Weaken The Structure
8. Fallacy
9. Unmitigated Detestation
10. Wrong One To Fuck With
11. Induce Terror
1. Fixated On Devastation
Can't wait for the catastrophe
To envelope all that everyone can see
Praying then predicting of what will come
Refusing to wait the course of our own sun
Imminent extinction is what feels so right
Pestilence spreading across everything in sight
Prophecy told, points to end of days
Society can choose to close in their own way
A tragedy that has been foreseen
The cataclysm that proves you right
Fixated on devastation
Impending Armageddon
Precognition of the first kind
Shining wisdom unlike the Norse
Where Ragnarok was wrong you're right
Judgment day the second coming
Revelation foretold apocalypse
Still waiting for several centuries
To experience the Ascension
Massive upheaval emergence
Nostradamus quatrains evident
Passed the date of thermonuclear war
Y2K on the horizon
Mayan beliefs inspire the doomsayers
Past the millennium screams Illuminati
Comets, asteroids always contingency
The visions of disaster, inexhaustible
Global warming melting poles
Playing god creating black holes
Accepted theories disappoint
The Big Crunch, Rip, and Freeze
Wanting a more sensational end
To bring humans to their knees
Approaching obliteration
Anticipation of mountains melting
Suffering through calamity
Wanted insight into a plague
Looming adversity
Always present until termination
At the pinnacle of human kind
Reached the edge of space to find
Nothing to explain or answers to why
How we got here and how we will die
Deep-seeded lore's need to explain
The end that awaits infinite rain
Will you be the one to envision
The end of science and God's kingdom
2. Panic Amongst The Herd
Scurry little insects, danger all-around
Panicked seeking cover, like rats you spread, menacing the sound
Wide-spread carnage trails you, delay and you will die
The weaker links are victims, impeding the pace, on the stronger you'll rely
The whimper of the useless, over in a flash
Desperate measures needed, time to strengthen ties, prejudices past
Bodies litter streets, carcass speed bumps, futile meat
Just in the way, wailing panic, total doomsday
Primal fear of dying, priorities set straight
To witness swath of death, terror you can't fake
Infection of the defeatist, spreads from dusk till dawn
Absolute chaos, a run for your money
Assets expended, exercise in futility
Only battle-tested, now seeking certainty
Ripping through the ranks, of countless troops deployed
Leviathan of legend here it stands upright, battle until destroyed
Wave after wave depart, wiped out in the field
This debacle must be countered and then surge, the remaining never yield
3. Die With Integrity
Thorn in the side of accepted evil
Judged guilty among my peers
Only one sentence given
Everything's in order no choice no fear
Intractable resistant nuisance
Inflexible determination
On my way out
Not like a bitch my own terms
Die with integrity
Caught in the wrong can't accept demise
No path of redemption, present only lies
Won't come crawling, begging, honor is on the line
Marked for death this time, no other way out defined
Not like a bitch my own terms
Die with integrity
No punishment completed
Deserved sentence passed me by
Will not go willingly
Must be forced to comply
I will pay eventually
Warranted fatality
Some will have to go for the ride
The tempest of death inside
My principles disputed, by my own hand
Cessation of respect, a sadistic last stand
It's not vital, to kill so many of you
Reputation precedes me, ferocity is loose
All who shall perish, dreamed of their victory
Your substance revealed, incapable, no veracity
Appalled by defeat, the most foreign flavor
No submission given, now disgraced forever
Stubborn ways persist, to the very end
Ruthless demonstration, witness the bloodbath
Destroy all threats, total eradication
Can't be defeated knowing I could stop you
Must earn then take, the privilege of taking me down
Sneaky fucks hiding in the shadows
Coward's way to bringing the pain
Fuck you all and feel the wave of
Power that runs through my veins
With your character exposed
Proves I need eyes behind me
All your best men are down
Will meet my end never knowing
4. Reveling In The Abyss
Sunken and swollen, left to sink in bed
Numb to all the pain and shame
Procrastinate every thought every breath
Zombieland playground is what you have earned till death
Lost in space where depression fails to grab hold
Dull, dim-witted, slurred drivel to behold
Dazed, confused, you are checked out
Forgot what the stress was about
Lazy and crooked doctors give in to
Your pathetic cries of forfeit
Built-in ready excuses
It was subscribed to, I'm not going to die today
Oblivious to any criticism
Legal and ordered to consume
Given up for all accounts
Deadly brew of pills, I deny
Self-subscribing, pain or mental?
Extra ground up in how many bumps?
Closest thing to rapture enjoy
Ignore disgrace, it's non-existent
Lonely place of degradation, misery likes company
Tell their story to each other, their modified history
Junkie birds of a feather, new lies weave easily
So proud of the victim status, share the pain and believe
Sum of the day's score is how content you're meant to be
Hiding in your dungeon, gloomy place of depravity
Sickly and contagious, aura of negativity
You're drenched in the squalor, state of degeneracy
Baffled by being avoided, family and friends look for the exits
In denial of excessive self-loathing, looking for pity and any will do
Trying to force people to sympathize, putting on the show of your misfortune
No one wants to hear about your decline, or wants to watch your self-destruction
Reveling in the abyss, the vacant stare, almost unconscious
Forget about all the shit that's piled high
Hoard the stuff that's not enough, then the trash is adding up
Preying on others' understanding, single out who will empathize
betray the trust of dispersed pity
Squander any currency you think you're entitled to receive
Pessimist till the end, Debbie-Downer is not your friend
Manipulation to the highest degree
Lies you tell are eventual truth
Piece of shit you don't even fucking know it
Forsaken and marooned
Time is running short on feeling sorry for yourself
Your body's failing not made for the insalubrious
Your weakened state, the result of neglect
The toll you have taken from self-medication
Sleeping in garbage, and effectively abandoned
Fuming alone about everyone's callousness
You are the trash that others have taken out
Removed the burden, that's had them weighed down
5. Seething With Disdain
Old beefs that remain intact
To be crushed beneath your feet
A debt that can never be paid
No matter how many enemies are deceased
Can't see much clearer in this life
That I chose to live
More than a simple feud
Will not end till death
The enemy you know two-faced, deceit is their way
Twisted cohorts, all lethal
Nothing will stay the same, fueling each other
Enact revenge, press forward
Do what needs to be done, settle past offense
Move swiftly, will kill now
All involved are marked men, guilty of your own
Crimes against humanity
Or God is your choice
Must be dealt with
No time like the present
Folklore tells of clans remaining dormant
Revisited dilemma, call on your allies
Genealogy to always be involved
Never get away from
Death of family will never stop
If you continue down this path
Histories of the bloodlines
Fused together
Bonded by blood
Combating each other
Warfare forever
Hostilities will continue
The struggle binds you
Spreading ripples of cause and effect
Justified revenge crucial
In endless conflict
Each choice berates a dynasty
Each fate tied to another
All involved willing to escalate
Intensified hatred embraced
6. Ideological Subjugation
Marching orders out to the masses
The agenda set by the extraordinary
Rules of engagements not for the radical
No conditions needed for chaos
The flames of discontent
Now they will burn
Instigate, occupy
Bedlam is here
Time to punish the few who succeed
Level the playing field, claim your equity
Shown by the organizers is proof enough
Possessing the knowledge that they're fucked up
The goal of disorder and the notch of arrest
Fills your back-story and who you detest
Will there be a time to pay for this shit?
Maybe after the earned professorship
The lames of discontent
Now they will burn
Instigate, occupy
Bedlam is here
With the moral equivalence of Satan
Channeling karma back in their face
Rabble rousing has fired up the morons
Directed to push until they're disgraced
Make it known to disagree is not allowed
No diversity of thought is tolerated
Now they are whom is hiding in the closet
Fear of reprisal from phony hatred
This banishment is not fitting
Must be made to suffer
Swarmed upon, hordes of fools
It's the end of an era
The guiding of hostilities
Of utopia rising
It's the end of the debate
Witness the silencing
Prepared gangs of radical combatants
Armed with the PC banner to surround
Parading out disgraced goliaths
Showing the rich knows no bounds
With the help of the loyal media
The cost of dissent shown as an example
Must be nice for the Kool-Aid drinkers
One-way rules, the unwanted are trampled
7. Weaken The Structure
Last hour to grasp, the free reign autonomy
Left to unravel the dominion that exists
Time ticking faster, all your plans a ruse
Usurper at the gates to deal with who resists
Columns of armor exit making haste
Abandoned bases scavenged almost bare, scoured
New tenants on the way making claim
Anarchy's short life-span to dissolve
Filling the void of exhausted power, axis of evil, you can never be free here
A power vacuum, unwelcomed chasm, needed order leads to countless beatings
Fall in line, in scheduled time, direction given so no need to worry
Free of choice, the puppet strings, dragged toward commanded stability
Cyclones of demise rip across the skies
Scorched Earth, dry lips quench dust, ingested pain
Bombs from the heavens randomly rain down
Lotto of the doomed is preordained
Ordered where to go, directed what to be
Restricted passage only, there's nowhere to flee
Impossible to track, predators amongst
Pursuing deadly killers, urban legend debunked
Martyr's families uphold, what you would be
National example, rank hypocrisy
Bones and blood and clothing, all that's left in debris
Race to paradise lost, fuck
Let all the sheep follow their supreme God
Back to the terrain of self-preservation
Territorial reflex is not what you feel
Nothing to protect but securing your next meal
Matched competition becomes the biggest threat
Targeting the rivals of survival
Strength in numbers of mindless disciples, obedience makes fanatical powerful
Sound of sonic boom panics, every last piece of shit
Lone wolves weave through battlefields, scavenging what's left behind
Standing as the only victors
Still alive with nothing to hide
Innate show of force
There's the food who's getting it?
Resilient survival
Anyone in the way will pay
Lawless territory made for one kind
Only one kind
The kind to thrive
Made for retribution
Ingrained tough resolve
Filling all the void of the exhausted power, it's an axis of evil so you can never be free here
A power vacuum is an unwelcomed chasm, needed order leads to countless beating
Fall in line within the scheduled time, direction given so no need to worry
Free of choice, feeling the puppet strings, dragged toward commanded stability
8. Fallacy
Scratching of the surface, to self-redemption
Every sinner's calling, to bathe in forgiveness
Confess to man, to pardon what you have done
A higher place above where all transgression is gone
Not all commandments broken are from the pious
Bowing to the altar of the public's estimation
Perpetrators to be shamed, ostracized existence
Force out of the spotlight, time to beg visibly
Purged of the crisis, claiming to recognize
Time served in rehab, arise in new-found glory
Clearly caught red-handed, before the mob takes action
Bowing down to Oprah clearly the best decision
Provided that you kiss the ring, make the payment in full
Cleansed of wrongdoing, newly earned protections
Armor of apology
Bow down to dogma
Paid absolution
What the fuck?
Misled, inflated, busted
Time to learn your place
Circle the wagons, initiate
Judged by your own
Elites that bow down to their peers, in convincing status
Racist, junkie, selfish, dummy; diminishing apparatus
Discerning citizenry performing obligatory duty
Judgements made in back-stabbing ways, makes for traitorous company
Busted for any sins that reflect on the sophisticate's conduct
Made an example for engrossed public's narrow focus
Misled, inflated, busted
Time to learn your place
Circle the wagons, initiate
Judged by your own
Celebrity and fame the industry built on envy
Disgraced now disappear, then return to the aristocracy
9. Unmitigated Detestation
Superior class, a cut above, raised elite
Exclusive insight, exceptional, highly unique
A steady hand, sophisticated, groomed to lead
Extra is owed, from their deeds, pure demon seed
Affluent flow, irrational privilege, repugnance is born
Narrow the focus, indisputable, objects of scorn
Witness the snobs, flaunting their wealth, honor's disgrace
Widen the gap, tease the peasants, in your face
Wanting to destroy any semblance of success
Purge all possessions of he image you detest
Bought and paid for essentially what you are
Victor of the fixed, haters loathe from afar
Rampant jealousy over things that you desire
Covet thy neighbor, he must be cleansed with fire
Why does it belong to you?
And not to me?
You have to guard to own
It's mine, you will see
Absurd repulsion, disgust in the creators
Of the game that's been rigged
Not for you, you've been cheated
Deceived, and lied to
The victim, ready for revenge
Despise the prosperous, and reasons for your failure
Your trials trivialized, making you a hater
All of the obstacles, you overcame are dismissed
Condescending eyes, reflecting why you're pissed
Symbol of hatred, blatant deception, vile betrayer
Target of fury, fully deserving, and the heir's
Revolting presence, infamous incarnate, indignation
Patronizing, treacherous, degradation
Villainous traits, clearly exposed, barren souls
Genuine evil, inherently devious, reverence sold
Eradicate, exterminate, the pretentious prey
Filled with deceit, your God to meet, send you on your way
On your way
Superior, born worthy to be elevated
Tormented, that circumstance is your reality
Suffering, the equalizer brought forth through blood
10. Wrong One To Fuck With
I am the dying apparition
End of your display, too late for regret
Final moments in slow motion
Your foolish choice, trying to amuse
Choking down, blood, air, and mucus
Feel the cost of miscalculation
Boasting and bragging, all but past
Enduring the price, curiosity's last
Wanting to astonish so everyone can see
Attack unworthy foes, no not like me
Petrified pride, the sad fool's terror
Blind-sided and broken, soak in the ignorant failure
Living to intimidate, tormenting the ones you can
Rolling the dice is your fate, unlucky or doomed or dumb
Never wanted to gamble, thought the strength was assured
Then there's an immovable object, your power and unstoppable force
Bitten off more than you could chew
Trying to impress with your primacy
Can't match a level that intense
Shocked to see the outcome unfold
Pushing forward with weakness
Compared to a hardened past a joke
Ran into this ruthless motherfucker
Last time being wronged
Stalking the weak, making the rules
You just realized, I'm the wrong one to fuck with
Pushing my buttons, daring a response
Clear regret, the wrong one to fuck with
Pain creeping in, blurred mortal wound
Grasp of horror, the wrong one to fuck with
Can't change your mind, too late this time
Your life is spent, I was the wrong one to fuck with
Thinking the outcome can be in doubt
First and last mistake, beat the arrogance out of him
Don't fear the pain inflicted, warming up idle hands
Knowing the worst is later, solace for the moment
Wrapped in the shame of cowardice, no end is undeserved
Time for atonement's past, exposed, frail fool, that's you
Thinking the outcome can be in doubt
First and last mistake, beat the arrogance out of him
No coins for Charon, unable to cross over worlds
Dumped out in the river, found unworthy to pass now
Cannot hide from past shame, experience what you have earned
Take pride in suffering, paying homage to the dead
No ego present, instead accepting to believe
Fate of the damned, no doubt is your destiny
11. Induce Terror
Redemption of the conquered, an erroneous belief
Demoralized and beaten, introduction to the apex distinction
No need of trepidation of your trivial existence
Solemn acceptance engulfed, finally knowing your place
Bow down, bow down, plead, beseech
Hopeless, hopeless, pray, no reply
Searching for imagined glimpse of pity, begging for shards of empathy
Empty, empty, soul, demise
Resigned thoughts of escape never to resurface
Relinquished objection, coping mechanism
Vital subservient mission in your new abode
World of dominion, the pain endured
Control never to sway, the simple commands
Fresh lexicon, must obey
You must suffer for the master
Deep need to please is survival, your reward is the proof
Small steps to earn approval, loyalty devotion
Weak attempt to avoid provoking, punishment due to be paid
Defiant, mutiny, you must pay
Dehumanize the subject, watching hope extinguish from your eyes
Vacant ego, empty gaze, humiliation complete
Unable to fathom the world you knew, no desire, or vision for escape
Obedient servitude, appease the heavy hand of discipline
Believe, this is not your life, death to come when you're worthless
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