Dark Lyrics


1. Dureððu

Teixes in buet texta slana
Uogabas raton
Uogabas peilin uissupe attepisas

2. Epona

[Goddess of horses, fertility and nature]

Mater mara rigani nertaca
Uxella uindape in louci riuri
Briga mara beretor in uaitei tuei
Uoretes silon tuon con deruolami

Benoulati epon ueidonti marcacon
Gutus nertomaros tuos radit
In surpritiia biuotutos
Matrona uxella
Breccata con marii roudoblatouon

Mater mater mater deiua
Mater mater uoretontipe
Mater Benoulati epon
Mater mater rigani reidonti

Delua uer arescarus marcotegeson salacon
Anuides touetont
Dalli supritiii biuotutos
Ne appisiiont caiciiin
Mariias gdoniiodiias

Mater mater mater deiua
Mater mater uoretontipe
Mater Benoulati epon
Mater mater rigani reidonti

[English translation:]

Great mother, mighty queen
Noble and shining in the light of Riuros
Great might is borne in your blood
With firm hand you help your offspring

Mistress of horses, leader of horsemen
Your strong voice speaks in the beauty of life
August mother goddess
Adorned by the magnificence of roses

Mother, mother, mother, goddess
Mother, mother, and helper
Mother, mistress of horses,
Mother, mother, riding queen

?Figure on the walls of sickening stables?
Quoth the ignorant
Blind to the beauty of life
They do not see the vanity
Of manmade pomp

Mother, mother, mother, goddess
Mother, mother, and helper
Mother, mistress of horses,
Mother, mother, riding queen

3. Svcellos II (Sequel)


4. Nantosvelta

[Goddess of water]

5. Tovtatis

[Tribal god]

Sondei sistamos
Toexrexti au noxti
Sepomor ateras seni in cridiiobi
Auii in menuanbi uer oinon sistamos

In ueniia
In touta
In cenetlei

Dixomos snis
Ne snis dibrogiator
Enepon toutateis toaidiat uer snis
Beramos uolugatun
Silon antumni sexetor

Toutatis toexreretetic rata buont uer snis
Buont rata esous iccatis dagos
Suuispe uer snis
Taranis nertacos aresnisue??et

6. Lvgvs

[God of creation and learning]

Ambinata in siraxta
Cailon areuedons in nemesi
Satiion branon tosagiiet uo moudas

Samali gaison exetontin
Rete pos uoretun mapon celti
Con lami nertaci cerdacipe

Exete 'os brane exte 'os
Etic laxsci 'os aidu laxsci 'os
Etic toage gariion toage
Etic uregepe tunceton
Exete 'os brane exte 'os
Etic laxsci 'os aidu laxsci 'os
Etic toage gariion toage
Etic uregepe tunceton

Loux in aredubu, uregetiio tunceton
Cauaros uer agromagos etic bardos
Uer tenetin
Aidus laxscit in menuanbi
Druuis suuidbo etic lama cerdon papon

Tigerne trienepace

Lugu romeda silon

Exete 'os brane exte 'os
Etic laxsci 'os aidu laxsci 'os
Etic toage gariion toage
Etic uregepe tunceton
Exete 'os brane exte 'os
Etic laxsci 'os aidu laxsci 'os
Etic toage gariion toage
Etic uregepe tunceton

Exete 'os brane exte 'os
Etic laxsci 'os aidu laxsci 'os
Etic toage gariion toage
Etic uregepe tunceton
Exete 'os brane exte 'os
Etic laxsci 'os aidu laxsci 'os
Etic toage gariion toage
Etic uregepe tunceton
Exete 'os brane exte 'os
Etic laxsci 'os aidu laxsci 'os
Etic toage gariion toage
Etic uregepe tunceton
Exete 'os brane exte 'os
Etic laxsci 'os aidu laxsci 'os
Etic toage gariion toage
Etic uregepe tunceton

7. Grannos


[God of thermal springs]

8. Cernvnnos

[God of fertility, life, animals, wealth, and the underworld]

Ponc sounatis samonii, tigernos
Disounat toexregetpe in sedesi
Gariiet anatia biuotutos
Tosagiiet tenetin
Comarcit belenon

Toaidiat enepon esio uer te
Blatu bolgape

9. Catvrix

[God of war]

Retomos trei clounis
Selgamos trei nanta
Uaitos beruat in ueitibi
Laxscit in cridiiobi

Immos nertaci
Immos exobni
Immos riii
Immos segi

Retomos trei clounis
Selgamos trei nanta
Sterca are toutin atriiinpe
Laxscit in cri?iiobi

Immos nertaci
Immos exobni
Immos riii
Immos segi
Immos nertaci
Immos exobni
Immos riii
Immos segi

Retomos trei clounis
Selgamos trei nanta
Sterca are toutin atriiinpe
Laxscit in cri?iiobi

Catvrix i??u
Catvrix uxu
Catvrix abisnis
Catvrix con snus
Catvrix in dubnei
Etic au nemesi
Catvrix con snus


Catvrix i??u
Catvrix uxu
Catvrix abisnis
Catvrix con snus
Catvrix in dubnei
Etic au nemesi
Catvrix con snus


English Translation
We dash across the meadows
We chase through the valleys
Our blood boiling in our veins
Burning in our hearts

We are strong
We are brave
We are free
We are bold

We dash across the meadows
We chase through the valleys
Our love for our tribe and home
Burning in our hearts

We are strong
We are brave
We are free
We are bold

We are strong
We are brave
We are free
We are bold

We dash across the meadows
We chase through the valleys
Our love for our tribe and home
Burning in our hearts

Catvrix below
Catvrix above
Catvrix around us
Catvrix with us
Catvrix in the earth
And from the sky

Catvrix with us

We are

Catvrix below
Catvrix above
Catvrix around us
Catvrix with us
Catvrix in the earth
And from the sky

Catvrix with us
Catvrix with us
Catvrix with us
Catvrix with us
Catvrix with us
Catvrix with us
Catvrix with us

10. Artio

[Bear goddess of wild life and a protector]

Robouas uet magnei
Noue pepoisas cridiion imon
Noue pepoisas geliiin
Supritiia tiresos sondi

Noue pepoisas abalon
Blatus suadiius areuoclouiuspe
Noue pepoisas clounis Nantaroriias
Blatusagiiet samali sepont

A boua uer magnei
Etic pepoisa cridiion tuon
A pepoisa geliiin
Spritiia tiresos tui

A pepoisa Brenoduron senon
Uolugatus suadiius geliiuspe
Etic pepoisa cridiion ansron
Etic blatusagiiet samali sepont

Robouas uet magnei
Noue pepoisas cri?iion imon
Noue pepoisas geliiin
Supritiia tiresos sondi

Noue pepoisas abalon
Blatus suadiius areuoclouiuspe
Noue pepoisas clounis Nantaroriias
Blatusagiiet samali sepont

[English translation:]

Were you at the rock
Or did you see my love
Or did you see a brightness
The beauty of this land

Or did you see the apple
The sweetest and most fragant blossom
Or did you see the meadows of Nantarora
Are they blossoming as they say?

Oh I was at the rock
And I saw your love
Oh I saw your brightness
The beauty of your land

Oh I did see the old town of Brenoduron
The sweetest and brightest beacon
And I saw our love
And she is blossoming as they say

Were you at the rock
Or did you see my love
Or did you see a brightness
The beauty of this land

Or did you see the apple
The sweetest and most fragant blossom
Or did you see the meadows of Nantarora
Are they blossoming as they say?

11. Aventia


[Goddess of fresh water springs]

12. Ogmios

[God of eloquence]

"The godly tongue distills honey, mankind's tether of amber and gold.
This is my verdict. For neither are kingdoms conquered by iron,
Nor dies the mighty by the spear.
Men are felled by what they fail to believe in."

13. Esvs

14. Antvmnos


15. Tarvos II (Sequel)

16. Belenos


17. Taranis

18. Nemeton


[Tribal god]

Thanks to angel_campoy for sending these lyrics.
Thanks to nickya.234 for sending track #6 lyrics.
Thanks to drowefk for sending track #10 lyrics.

Submits, comments, corrections are welcomed at webmaster@darklyrics.com


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