album: "All Guts, No Glory" (2011)
1. All Guts, No Glory2. As Hammer to Anvil
3. Your Funeral, My Feast
4. Through Cadaver Eyes
5. Death Knell
6. Distorted and Twisted to Form
7. I Rot Within
8. Dis-assembly Line
9. Necrotized
10. Funereality
11. So Let It Be Rotten… So Let It Be Done
1. All Guts, No Glory
2. As Hammer to Anvil
Pulverization- bones snap, break, and rend
Trituration- truncheon falls again and again
Castigation- dumbstruck, dazed and contused
Excruciation- blackened, bludgeoned, blinded, and bruised
As hammer to anvil
As hammer…
As hammer to anvil
To anvil…
Agonized- pummeled, crushed, pounded, and beat
Tenderized- cringing, battered human meat
Traumatized- painful, unbearable, ceaseless throbbing
Brutalized- thrashed and subjected to quite a drubbing
As hammer to anvil
As hammer…
As hammer to anvil
To anvil…
Forging death, upon this human anvil
Prepared to smite as I raise the handle
Writhe in pain, at the hammer’s blow
Hammer fells, like tolling bells
Ring out their dull and pounding knells
The final sounds, you’ll ever know
[Lead - Wes]
I smash your brittle bones to powder
Screams crescendo ever louder
[Lead - Matt]
Your shattered torso now gone to bits
A puzzle of pieces that no longer fit
As hammer to anvil
As hammer…
As hammer to anvil
To anvil…
3. Your Funeral, My Feast
Epicurean pathology
Shattered gross anatomy
Bodily fluids, foul and septic
I sing the body decrepit
Your funeral, my feast
You’ll never rest in peace
Tagged, sectioned, then slabbed
Slurp fluids from your body-bag
Repulsive, jaundiced flesh - The stomach-turning sight, that I love best
Necrosis setting in - Discolored, rotting, mottled skin
The weevils writhe and squirm - Your torso now alive with worms
As organs liquefy - I whet my abhorrent appetite
Your funeral, my feast
A masterstroke of rotting meat
My dinner table’s where you rest in piece
Your funeral, my feast
Gruesome garnish, moist carnage
Raw bits of human garbage
The chunks seep, they won’t keep
Gnashing through, as each piece bleeds
Your decay, my entrée
I wouldn’t have it any other way
Maggot millet, stuffs your gullet
To please my most deranged of palettes
Splenetic, ghastly taste - The stinking savor of pathological waste
Trypsin and Pepsin marinate - The loathsome bowels I masticate
To dine upon this foul concoction - Requires a taste for extreme unction
But for those who have the stomach - We sate our hunger on tripe and vomit
Your funeral, my feast
A masterstroke of rotting meat
My dinner table’s where you rest in piece
Your funeral, my feast
[Lead – Matt]
Your funeral, my feast
4. Through Cadaver Eyes
I see the world through cadaver eyes
Sickened by the sight of all that I despise
Rotting mass devoured by maggots and flies
A ghoulish feast upon the necrotized
I see the world through cadaver eyes
A sucking grave from which nothing will rise
Too late we’ve just begun to realize
All that we touch, we cause to rot and die
The ichor in which we’re immured
Clotted, purulent, and impure
Infected well past any hope of cure
This is the world that I see
Decaying for the feasts of parasites
The human wreckage whets their appetites
In the polluted carnage they delight
Our flesh their fetid fantasy
Their fetid fantasy
Through cadaver eyes - the shroud torn back
To view the carnage at which we hack - bleeding black
Through cadaver eyes - see only death
The putrid truth of what is left - rotten flesh
Inhale the crematory’s noxious reek
Savor the stench of a world deceased
The taste of slaughter that our palettes seek
To dull the buzzing in our brains
Taste the blight fester within your flesh
With every mouthful that you gasp for breath
Revolted by this wretched world grotesque
And every horror it contains
Every horror it contains
Through cadaver eyes - the shroud torn back
To view the carnage at which we hack - bleeding black
Through cadaver eyes - see only death
The putrid truth of what is left - rotten flesh
[Lead- Matt]
[Lead- Wes]
Through cadaver eyes - the shroud torn back
To view the carnage at which we hack - bleeding black
Through cadaver eyes - see only death
The putrid truth of what is left - rotten flesh
All the world is a cadaver’s eye
We crawl like maggots from beneath its stye
Engorged we consume, to be consumed in time
A noisome plague in both death and life
5. Death Knell
Purulent portents augur decrepit demise
A tumescent terminus draws near
Sloughing skin, boils erupt before your very eyes
Carbuncles and lesions appear
Wracked with infection - excruciated
An affliction which will not abate
Eczemic flesh stripped away - excoriated
A fetid, disease-ridden fate
Moribund, vomiting blood
All over the hospital floor
Not long for this earth, it only gets worse
Physiognomy ridden with sores
Rendered grotesque, thorax fills with cess
Suffering until your demise
Corrode from within, sepsis sets in
Innards begin to liquefy
Too late, face fate- Await, death’s gate
Sound the death knell - Sound the death knell
Overripe omens ooze out of your maw
Excrescent expectorate expunged
Sallowed skin, blistered and raw
Hacking up bits of clot-caked gunge
Riddled with welts - suppurated
Day by day this decay sprays its filth
Drain the pus into pans - intubated
Discharging bloody, pyomorphic swill
Feculent, purulent
Rampant infection now grown out of hand
Nauseated, expectorated
Bits of innards floating in your bedpan
Too late, face fate- Await, death’s gate
Sound the death knell - Sound the death knell
[Lead - Wes]
Disgusting yourself, you turn inside out
Epidermal revulsion takes hold
Prognosis is grim, there can no more doubt
You’re soon to be stiff, dead and cold
Vital organs spew forth - regurgitated
Prolapse of bowels, sinew and crud
Sanguineous breath - asphyxiated
Esophagus torn, drown in your own blood
Violent death, terminal breath
The hospital bed now a gore-soaked grave
Your execrable corpse, taken down to the morgue
Fodder for pathologists depraved
Too late, face fate- Await, death’s gate
Sound the death knell - Sound the death knell
6. Distorted and Twisted to Form
Life made to imitate art
Disfigured features re-sected upon being torn apart
My cubist rhinoplasty has left you defaced
Any semblance of dignity erased and replaced
The face of death staring at you is only your own
Distorted and twisted to form
The medium of meat, tendon, sinew and bone
Distorted and twisted to form
Eye-sockets rerouted, now to re-wire your shattered jaw
Aesthetic mutilation leaves facial tissue red raw
Gouged, cleft and hacked, now you’re drastically deformed
Through your grisly countenance, as an objet d’art you are reborn
The face of death staring at you is only your own
Distorted and twisted to form
The medium of meat, tendon, sinew and bone
Distorted and twisted to form
Sightless eyes - gaze vacantly at the monstrous face in the reflection
Chiaroscuro realized - Obscure art incarnated through unnatural selection
[Lead - Matt]
Disintegrating death masque - leering features rearranged disgustingly askew
The work of a hack - your visage gleams with the moist sheen of sanguine and sinew
[Lead - Wes]
The face of death staring at you is only your own
Distorted and twisted to form
The medium of meat, tendon, sinew and bone
Distorted and twisted to form
7. I Rot Within
This olidous odyssey
A macabre descent
Through a mass of necrosis
To reach beyond the end
Suppurative cessation
An ending in gore
Pathological obsession
To reach the rotten core
Tangle of bowels I now unravel deep within
Lost in this carnal labyrinth
Tumescent hive, or just a human rubbish bin
Lost in this carnal labyrinth, I rot within
Serpentine intestines
Their coil unwinds
Mortuous vexation
Is all there is to find
Repugnant, reeking maze
That seems without egress
Enterotome, chisel and bonesaw the keys
To open the abscess
Tangle of bowels I now unravel deep within
Lost in this carnal labyrinth
Tumescent hive, or just a human rubbish bin
Lost in this carnal labyrinth, I rot within
[Lead - Matt]
[Lead - Wes]
Quagmire in pus
Livor Mortis’ aftermath
Posthumous waste
Culling human chaff
The grotesque grip
Of death’s dissolve
Ensnared in entrails
The puzzle unsolved
Tangle of bowels I now unravel deep within
Lost in this carnal labyrinth
Tumescent hive, or just a human rubbish bin
Lost in this carnal labyrinth, I rot within
8. Dis-assembly Line
Throw open the drawers in the dissection ward
Hone the keen of the scalpel’s dread blade
Scrub down the slab, for toes yet to be tagged
And Y-shaped thoracic incisions to be made
Slice - through the corpses that now lay before us
Postmortem butchery
Hack - through the thorax with bonesaw and pick-axe
Recreational pathology
In death we are brought to this - Dis-assembly line
Our legacy is hacked to bits - Dis-assembly line
On toe-tags our epigraphs writ, reduced to bone, flesh, bowels and shit - Dis-assembly line
Ribcages shattered, gastric acids spatter
The trocar suctions sebum and bile
Craniotomies botched, cold blood curdles and clots
Staining forceps, hemostat and file
Rend - through cold flesh, never minding the mess
Dis-organized carnal junk heap
Slash - limb, hands, and feet, autopsy incomplete
Just another piece of dead meat
In death we are brought to this - Dis-assembly line
Our legacy is hacked to bits - Dis-assembly line
On toe-tags our epigraphs writ, reduced to bone, flesh, bowels and shit - Dis-assembly line
[Lead – Matt]
[Lead - Wes]
Cankered cadavers, strewn in swollen disorder
An abattoir of the deceased
Slaughter the dead, spraying green, black and red
In gastric discharge I stand ankle-deep
Tear - out the brains of the sadistically splayed
Indignities heaped upon their expiration
Shred - unseeing eyes and gash venal, flabby thighs
With macabre, sardonic vexation
In death we are brought to this - Dis-assembly line
Our legacy is hacked to bits - Dis-assembly line
On toe-tags our epigraphs writ, reduced to bone, flesh, bowels and shit - Dis-assembly line
9. Necrotized
A shamble of rancid flesh despoiled and left to rot
Another commodity, slaughtered, skinned, and cheaply bought
The scent entices, the necrovores began to slaver
Scavengers buzz and burrow in their putrescent palaver
If you bleed it, they will come
As sharks grown voracious at the scent of chum
Necrotized - anaesthetized
Necrotized - dehumanized
Bile-baiting is child’s play, second nature of the beast
To serve up a bilious buffet for our feculent, feral feast
A thrill-kill marathon to hyper-stimulate the reptile brain
Tune in, turn on, to a titillating thanatotic refrain
If you bleed it, they will come
To feast upon what’s spewed from humanity’s rectum
Necrotized - desensitized
Necrotized - lobotomized
The mind of morbidity perplexed
Putrefaction’s pungent, prurient hex
With vivisecting vitriol we vex
Our sordid, soiled, slaughterous secrets
[Lead - Wes]
Shocking, septic, sickening scenes, all taken to extremes
Sardonic grins, take the place of outraged screams
When waking nightmare is de rigeur for the daily grind
Waxing grotesque is the best means of killing time
If you bleed it, they will come
To live vicariously through the deaths and lives of scum
Necrotized - commoditized
Necrotized - cadaverized
10. Funereality
Necrotopian vision of a world deceased
A tumescent carcass upon which the morbid feast
The salubrious veneer pulled back to reveal
A gruesome hulk of rotting meat where fluids congeal
Truth - without beauty
Cruelty - without beauty
Global mass-grave for humanity
Where the ghoulish feed on atrocities
Immersed within a miasma of carnage
We chew our way through a quagmire of human garbage
This world belongs to the maggots, weevils and grubs
Who gladly join us in the graves that we’ve so eagerly dug
Truth - without beauty
Cruelty - without beauty
The mass-grave grows exponentially
The voracious feed as the rapacious bleed
[Lead – Wes]
[Lead - Matt]
Our destiny manifest only in autopsies
A landscape of monuments and cemeteries
Befouled air smelling thick of the crematory
Our deadened world laid to rest permanently
Truth - without beauty
Cruelty - without beauty
An abattoir of grotesqueries
A planetary mortuary
This is funereality
11. So Let It Be Rotten… So Let It Be Done
Desensitized to the necrotized, a trompe-l’oeil made zombified
Mocking death mask for the mortified -deformed
Repellant rite now sanctified, pallid parody of the putrefied
In formaldehyde death now baptized - reborn
The sickening sight now sanitized
In celebration of the demised
Death unrevealed - decay clumsily disguised
But behind the lurid, leering eyes
Decomposition will arise
So let it be rotten - so let it be done
Behind the shroud decrepitude begun
So let it be rotten - so let it be done
So let it be rotten
So let it be rotten - so let it be done
So let it be rotten
[Lead – Matt]
[Lead – Wes]
Immured deep within the absurd, beyond the pale obscenely blurred
Rigor mortis sets in undeterred - putrescent
Embalmed in lugubrious repose, as from within you decompose
Unmoved by orchid, lily, or rose - quiescent
The distasteful scent lurks just beneath
The truth of death lay out of reach
Its cold caress - would curdle funeral wreaths
But beyond the mendacious mask you’ll see
Putrefaction’s perfidy
So let it be rotten - so let it be done
Within the casket, decay has claimed its throne
So let it be rotten - so let it be done
Death worms its way into the corpse its work begun
So let it be rotten – let it be done
Matt Harvey ‒ Vocals, Guitar
Leon del Muerte ‒ Bass (1996-1997, 2003-2004, 2010-)
Danny Walker ‒ Drums (2003-2004, 2010-)
Leon del Muerte ‒ Bass (1996-1997, 2003-2004, 2010-)
Danny Walker ‒ Drums (2003-2004, 2010-)
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