album: "We Are The Gore" (2017)
1. Nauseating Employments2. Gore Gourmet
3. We Are The Gore
4. Transporting Cadavers
5. Bathed In Bile
6. The Cremator's Song
7. Medical Maniacs
8. Forensick Squad
9. Gynecrologist
10. Miss Phlebotomy
11. C.S.C. (Crime Scene Cleaners)
12. Prosector's Revenge
13. Organ Trader
14. Intravenous Molestation Of The Obstructionist Arteries (O-Pus VII)
15. Artifacts Of The Autopsy
1. Nauseating Employments
Daily exposed to contact with fatal infections
Deafening to auscultate distorted bruits
Queasily we collect the patient's excretions
Getting sick with the smell of embalming fluids
We eviscerate...
...to operate the patients
We mutilate...
...drenched in pus and blood
What you detest...
...we do the sickest labors
The goriest jobs
...everything you deplore
Dehydrated, bear the heat during the cremation
Twelve- hours shifts in the Morgue breathing rot
Removing viscera from the operating table
Transporting casualties full of gore
We dig the graves
...to bury your cadavers
We embalm the dead...
...we just live to dissect
What you detest...
...we do the sickest labors
We deal with death
...we avoid you see the pain
Injurious...Repulsive...Nauseating Employements
Chosen to perform the most disgusting professions
Trained to become Healthcare system slaves
Spending our workdays among death and putrefaction
Carrying out the tasks that nobody wants to make
We lacerate...
...striving to dismember
We incinerate...
...we dispose human waste
What you detest...
...we do the sickest labors
What you despise...
...we come to sanitize
Injurious...Repulsive...Nauseating Employments
2. Gore Gourmet
Roasted severed legs with sauce or rotting entrails
Sour taste of gangrene and pus secretions
Vicious archetype of consumism
Devour until you vomit
Sickening necrophagous gluttony to feed on death
Fried anal cysts is our special dish served on a plate with boiled embryos
Vicious archetype of consumism
Devour until you vomit
Sickening necrophagous gluttony to feed on death
Gore-Gore-Gore-Gore-Gore-Gore-Gore Gourmet Gorge-Gorge-Gorge-Gorge-Gorge-Gorge me on flesh Gore-Gore-Gore-Gore-Gore-Gore-Gore Gourmet
Gore-Gore-Gore-Gore-Gore-Gore-Gore Gourmet Gorge-Gorge-Gorge-Gorge-Gorge-Gorge me on flesh Gore-Gore-Gore-Gore-Gore-Gore-Gore Gourmet
Offals, Innards, eyeballs
Gruesome menu
Purulent flavours
Supreme carneous pleasures
Secret receipts for our depraved clients
Splatter cuisine full of putrid ingredients
Necrotic exquisiteness
Bittersweet bile aftertaste
Overfeed to indecence
Feasting on carnage
Smell of human meat whet your appetite
Squashed cartilage... it's time for dessert
Vicious archetype of consumism
Devour until you vomit
Sickening necrophagous gluttony to feed on death
Gore-Gore-Gore-Gore-Gore-Gore-Gore Gourmet Gorge-Gorge-Gorge-Gorge-Gorge-Gorge me on flesh Gore-Gore-Gore-Gore-Gore-Gore-Gore Gourmet
Gore-Gore-Gore-Gore-Gore-Gore-Gore Gourmet Gorge-Gorge-Gorge-Gorge-Gorge-Gorge me on flesh Gore-Gore-Gore-Gore-Gore-Gore-Gore Gourmet
3. We Are The Gore
We're paid to mutilate
Embalm, cremate and dissect
Nauseous disgusting professions
Sick duties that others detest
Rip and hack - bloodstained wage
Bury and burn everyday
We're the gore... that's our job
We're the gore... we're so proud
Surgeon, embalmer, undertaker
Crematory operator
Butcher, mortician, prosecutor
Funeral director and nurse
Loathing work - horror trade
Alive or dead - we don't care
We're the gore... that's our job
We're the gore and we feel so proud
4. Transporting Cadavers
Coroner's van on the road
In route to the morgue
Every night boring job
Deadly routine
Body bags to dispatch
Sinister load
Driving fast in the night's freezing silence
Carrying the deceased in their last ride
Muscles crack
Don't look back
It's only a corpse
Transporting cadavers
Transporting cadavers
Transporting cadavers
Transporting cadavers
Gases creak... rotting bowels
Gurgling fluids... inside the box
Decrepit limbs stiff
Rigor mortis
Lungs expire a last word in the casket
Heard that voice and your car crashed
Now you are a corpse
Transporting cadavers
Transporting cadavers
Transporting cadavers
Transporting cadavers
5. Bathed In Bile
Necrosed Illeum - festered insides
Mesothelium split and flayed
Gastrorrhexis - bleeding insides
Your innards ain't the paradise
Bathed in bile - drowned in excrements
Drunk on pus - gorged on faeculence
Bathed in bile - drowned in excrements
Bathed in bile....
Macerated in rancid gall
Gastric juices as larvicide
Extreme conditions to survive
The hard life of a parasite
Bathed in bile - drowned in excrements
Drunk on pus - gorged on faeculence
Bathed in bile - drowned in excrements
Bathed in bile...fed on purulence
...in bile
...in bile
6. The Cremator's Song
Corpses, Corpses, Corpses
burning down the
Corpses, Corpses, Corpses
set on fire
Foul smell of cremation
comes from the funeral home
You can breathe the smoke
of scorched flesh and bones
Fueling the furnace with bodies of the dead
My mind is mesmerized gazing into these flames
Consuming coffins and decayed human remains
Don't ask me where I work...I work in hell!!
Corpses, Corpses, Corpses
burning down the
Corpses, Corpses, Corpses
set on fire
A pile of smouldering ashes
is all that left of you
your life is reduced to dust
into a funeral urn
Fueling the furnace with bodies of the dead
My mind is mesmerized gazing into these flames
Consuming coffins and decayed human remains
Don't ask me where I work...I work in hell!!
Ashes to Gases...
Pus to dust...
See them vanish
Rest in fire...
7. Medical Maniacs
Maiming patients, abusing the dead
Clinical slaughter in the name of health
Shredding guts
Sawing limbs
Drenched in blood
Medical Maniacs
Cracking bones
Purging fluids
Jabbing veins
Medical Maniacs
Naked, groped, sliced, anesthetized
Upon a table your organs are exhibited
Shredding guts
Sawing limbs
Extracting bowels
Medical Maniacs
Cracking bones
Purging fluids
Jabbing veins
Medical Maniacs
Drenched in blood
Medical Maniacs
Bloodsplattered gowns
Medical Maniacs
Demented surgeons with a sick obsession
Crippling bodies in frenzied operations
Shredding guts
Sawing limbs
Extracting bowels
Medical Maniacs
Cracking bones
Purging fluids
Jabbing veins
Medical Maniacs
8. Forensick Squad
Opening the bodybags
to inspect the corpses on the slab
Limbless torsos we dissect
to reveal the cause of death
Forensick squad - Horror brigade
Exhuming massacred remains
Seeking the truth beyond the grave
Butchering to investigate
Pieces of the cadavers
Crime scene is now a mess
Destroying the evidence
Losing organs, we don't care
Forensick squad - Horror brigade
Exhuming massacred remains
Seeking the truth beyond the grave
Butchering to investigate
Piled-up bodies without toe-tags
Tissues stored in plastic bags
Samples wrongly classified
This is not like CSI
Reconstructing skeletons
Puzzles of fractured bones
DNA to identify
Victims of an homicide
Forensick squad - Horror brigade
Exhuming massacred remains
Seeking the truth beyond the grave
Butchering to investigate
Forensick squad!!!
9. Gynecrologist
Poems of gore
Obituaries of flesh and bone
Female corpse
Love stories on the dissecting table
Gynecrologist...postmortem rapist
Gynecrologist...one more on my list
Death and rot
I'm in love with all that you abhor
Sickening job
Let me to unleash my bizarre perversions
Gynecrologist...postmortem rapist
Gynecrologist...one more on my list
Brutal orgasm as I feel the subit spasm of rigor mortis
You broke my heart when I kissed your morbid lips before the autopsy
Gynecrologist...postmortem rapist
10. Miss Phlebotomy
Gruesome benefits of hospitalization
Cruel venipuncture as a morbid obssession
Iron overload poisoning my veins
Drastic remedy for polycythemia
Trained to exsanguinate on medical criteria
Sadistic devices and syringes displayed
She enters the infirmary
To pierce...drill...jab...
Push in the syringe
Inside my veins
Ready to perform a new perforation
Only she can stop my blood circulation
The touch on her gloves on my morbid skin
Increase my hematocrit
Violently overwhelmed by the situation
My arteries explode in every direction
Drops of crimson cruor splash on her face
She tastes my haemoglobine
To Pierce...drill...jab...
Deplete my vessels
Stick the needle
Deplete my veins before I go insane
Drain me
Extract all fluids from me
She's Miss Phlebotomy
My heart is speeding-up
Fatal cardiac disease
a smile draws on her lips
She's Miss Phlebotomy
Deplete my veins before I go insane
Drain me
Extract all fluids from me
She's Miss Phlebotomy
My heart is speeding-up
Fatal cardiac disease
a smile draws on her lips
She's Miss Phlebotomy
11. C.S.C. (Crime Scene Cleaners)
Clean the gore!
Cold remnants of a murder
Vestiges of suicide
Pieces from crippled corpses
Blood splattered on the walls
...On the floor bile and vomits
...Severed legs and limbless bodies
Armed with brooms and sponges
We enter the scene of a crime
Picking up shredded organs
Limbs put in plastic bodybags
...Chopped entrails - flesh leftovers
...Guts removed with a shovel
...Flies and grubs in the carpet
...Putrilage stained the mattress
Gore...Human waste...Gruesome commitment
Crime scene cleaners
Rot...Nauseous stench...Sick Environment
Crime scene cleaners
Dissolving...absorbing...we clean up the gore
Striving to clean up the gore Dissolving...absorbing...we clean up the gore We're working to clean up the gore
Sweeping out sliced tissues
Residuum is brushed away
We pour our caustic liquids
to sanitize this fucking place
Gore...Human waste...Gruesome commitment
Crime scene cleaners
Rot...Nauseous stench...Sick Enviroment
Crime scene cleaners
Dissolving...absorbing...we clean up the gore
Striving to clean up the gore
Dissolving...absorbing...we clean up the gore
We're working to clean up the gore
12. Prosector's Revenge
Cadavers I select with random criterion
Taking them from the morgue to the autopsy table
...enslaved to dissect
...do what they say
Washed away and prepared for the demonstration
Dissecting under command of arrogant professors
...enslaved to dissect
...Cut the crap!
Formaldehyde smell disturbing my brain
Surrounded by corpses I spent my workday
Ignored and exploited - I'm treated with contempt
but one day they will taste my scalpel blade
Prosector's revenge
Anatomy of hate
Prosector's revenge
...it's over now
13. Organ Trader
Human hunt in the night - my secret job
Kidnapping to extirpate - suburbs I prowl
Insalubrious surgery is fastly performed
...to excise the kydneys
Opening the abdomen to disembowel
Ransacking the viscera - offals I rob
Once I got my gory loot slice wounds are sewn
...suturing stiches
Organ trader
Morbid Organ trader
Organ trader
Morbid Organ trader
Healthy organs I resect and steal on demand
Mutilated spare parts - I've got what you want
Kill the poor to save the rich - pay for transplant
...profit from sickness
Crippled limbs in my briefcase put into ice
Anatomical commerce - my way of life
I can sell what you desire - I put the price
...horrendous bussines
Organ trader
Morbid Organ trader
Organ trader
Morbid Organ trader
14. Intravenous Molestation Of The Obstructionist Arteries (O-Pus VII)
Aorta is blocked
Pulse absence
Clogged arteries
Heart attack
Necrosed veins
Bursting Vessels
Intravenous – Subit stroke
Intravenous – Deadly bloodclots
15. Artifacts Of The Autopsy
Puncturing the abdomen blackened by necrosis
Dislocating rigid limbs after rigor mortis
Gases leak out from swollen entrails
Death bacterias feast on decay
Accidents in the autopsy process
Postmortem consequence of a rough dissection
Lacerations in the scalp - Cut marks in the cranium
by forensic tools made of steel and titanium
Blunt force trauma has crushed the brain
Eyeballs pushed out due to the strain
Accidents in the autopsy process
Postmortem consequence of a rough dissection
Artifacts of the autopsy
Artifacts of the autopsy
Artifacts of the autopsy
Aftifacts of the autopsy
Pathologists distorting the laws of anatomy
Determining a erroneous cause of death
Deliberately inflicting postmortal injuries
Occulting malicious forensic mistakes
Dignity is defleshed
Intended truth detruncation
Weird taphonomy
Cadaveric alterations
...organs eaten by insects
...iatrogenic fractures
Sick jurisprudence
Tries to justify the mutilation
Signs of violence
as a posthumous manifesto
...broken skeletal remains
(...careless exhumations)
Artifacts of the autopsy
Artifacts of the autopsy
Artifacts of the autopsy
Aftifacts of the autopsy
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