album: "Eppur Si Muove" (2004)
1. All'inizio È La Morte2. Menuetto In Fa-Minore
3. Per Aspera Ad Astra
4. Of A Might Divine
5. Gavotta In Si-Minore
6. Herr Mannelig (Long Version)
7. The Observer
8. Eppur Si Muove
9. Largetto / Epilogo Adagio
10. Herr Mannelig (Short Version)
1. All'inizio È La Morte
[At The Beginning Is Death]
[Music: A. Nasseri / Lyrics: A. Nasseri]
Tremens factus sum ego [I shake because of the facts]
Et timeo [and I'm scared]
Dum discussio [while I talk]
Venerit at que ventura ira [it will come to the upcoming wrath]
Et timeo [and I'm scared]
Dum discussio [while I talk]
Venerit at que ventura ira [it will come to the upcoming wrath]
Herbei, ihr Leut' - das Fest beginnt [come run up you people, the celebration starts]
Nehmt Platz auf besten Rängen [take your seats on best places]
Seht, wie der flehend Mann dort kniet [see how the begging man kneels there]
Seht den Ketzer, ich sag, er soll brennen heut' Nacht [see the heretic, tonight he shall burn I say]
Soll ihn spür'n, den Tod, er kommt langsam und lacht [(he) should feel death, it comes slowly and laughs]
Und als die Töchter des Teufels er nennt [and as he tells about Devil's daughters]
Die Sense den Faden des Lebens zertrennt [the scythe severs the thread of life]
Und als sein letzter Schrei erstirbt [and when his final scream dies]
Die Flammen ihn verschlingen [flames consume him]
Und Kindesweinen bricht die Still.... [children's crying breaks the silence...]
Seht zur Asche ward er, der die Lügen erzählt [see to ashes he went who told those lies]
Im Zeichen des Kreuzes [under the sign of the cross]
Hat er seinen Tod selbst gewählt [he chose his death himself]
Doch unsere Seelen sind rein... [but our souls are pure...]
Doch unsere Seelen sind rein... [but our souls are pure...]
Schenkt aus den Wein! [pour out the wine]
Profundis Clamavi [endlessly we cry out]
And as the dark procession then has been fulfilled
For their god - a sacrifice - his blood was spilled
So Death took him to mother's chest
Where he may rest...
And the weather says, it's springtime
See the leafs of darkest green
And his screams hall in the nightly breeze
As the darkened sorrows feels
Dark are all the autumn nights
Where mind and stars unite
Knowing forbidden wisdom
And all the things he sees
Collected in a chamber
Secrets of astronomy
The rage in their eyes
Torches in their hands
And the power of the cross
Bringing fear to all the land
... and darkness will come to us all!
Profundis Clamavi! [endlessly we cry out]
And as the dark procession...
Schenkt aus den Wein! [pour out the wine]
2. Menuetto In Fa-Minore
3. Per Aspera Ad Astra
[On Rough Course To The Stars]
[Music: A. Nasseri / Lyrics: A. Nasseri]
(Adesso sono qui...) [now here I am...]
An old dungeon hidden from all the light
Thirteen candles enlighten the dark
Shadows are playing their games on the wall
And a shimmering glow fills the arch
Now, as night steps aside, and a new dawn will break
Silently a new age of science awakes
Old theory that has been wrong
Power of the universe
Will take me to the place where I belong
Through the clouds of lies and fear
In silent moments it comes near:
In my deepest hour of darkness
They will shine...(feel my scorn) endlessly...splenderanno.
(The sword that killed the unicorn)
Callisto, Europa
(Adesso sono qui...) [now here I am...]
Now, as night steps aside, and a new dawn will break
Silently a new age of science awakes
Splenderanno... per aspera ad astra [they will shine... through adversity and space]
His theories and knowledge
Mean danger in these times
And those accused of heresy
Will not longer be alive
Hide, hide your secrets well
For in your darkest hour you should dwell
(Adesso sono qui...) [now here I am...]
An old table covered with parchments and rolls
The great one has children of four
Callisto, Europa, Ganymed e Io
The bright universe to adore
Old theory that has been wrong
Power of the universe
Will take me to the place where I belong
Through the clouds of lies and fear
In silent moments it comes near:
In my deepest hour of darkness
They will shine...(feel my scorn) endlessly...splenderanno.
(The sword that killed the unicorn)
Callisto, Europa
4. Of A Might Divine
[Music: A. Nasseri / Lyrics: A. Nasseri]
Requiem eternam [rest eternally]
Et dona eis domine [and give to the Lord]
Ride, ride, over the land
Sorrow comes without a warning, dear
And do never start to sacrifice your faith
They, they, they betray
And poisoned voices creep into your mind
For this will be their final stand
Ride, ride over the land!
Outside - a light!
He awakes in the deep of a stormy night
They have come to get him now
A feast for the raging crowd
With torches still alight
Suppressed by a might divine
"Your science of the dark"
Revoke what has been told
Or at the break of dawn you will feel the holy spark
Of a might divine
La falce della luna è lutto questa notte [The scythe of the moon is mourning tonight]
"Inside - I cry
All I trusted in should die?"
An instrument to ship the blind
Through the sea of ancient times
Of a might divine
Now the night breaks
And the final trial awakes
Pressure's getting more and more
Betrayed - all I was living for
Of a might divine
All over the land
Without a warning
Suppressed by a might divine
"Your science of the dark"
Revoke what has been told
Or at the break of dawn you will feel the holy spark
Of a might divine
La falce della luna è lutto questa notte [The scythe of the moon is mourning this night]
Requiem eternam, et dona eis domine [Lord, give them the eternal rest]
5. Gavotta In Si-Minore
6. Herr Mannelig (Long Version)
[Music: Traditional / Lyrics: A. Nasseri]
All'alba, prima che il sole sorgesse [At dawn before the sun arised]
E gli uccelli cantassero la canzone [And the birds sang their song]
La donna del troll con la lingua falsa [The woman of the troll with the false tongue]
Ed ingannevole propose al signore: [And deceptive voice proposed the gentleman]
Herr Mannelig, Herr Mannelig mi vorrei sposare [Herr Mannelig, Herr Mannelig will you want to marry me]
Per tutto quello che io ti darò? [For all that I will give you?]
Se vorrai, rispondi solo si o no [If you want to, just say yes or no]
Farai così o no? [Will you do it or not?]
Ti darò i dodici mulini [I will give you the twelve mills]
Che stanno tra Tillo e Terno [That are between Tillo and Terno]
Le macine sono fatte del più rosso rame [The grinders are made of the most red copper]
E le ruote sono cariche d'argento [And the wheels are loaded with silver]
Herr Mannelig, Herr Mannelig mi vorrai sposare [Herr Mannelig, Herr Mannelig will you want to marry me]
Per tutto quello che io ti darò? [For all that I will give you?]
Se vorrai, rispondi solo si o no [If you want to, just say yes or no]
Farai così o no? [Will you do it or not?]
Se tu fossi una donna cristiana [If you were a Christian woman]
Riceverei volentieri regali così, [I would gladly receive gifts]
Ma io so che sei il peggiore troll [But I know that you are the worst troll]
Figlio degli spiriti maligni [Son of the malignant spirits]
Herr Mannelig, Herr Mannelig mi vorrai sposare [Herr Mannelig, Herr Mannelig will you want to marry me]
Per tutto quello che io ti darò? [For all that I will give you?]
Se vorrai, rispondi solo si o no [If you want to, just say yes or no]
Farai così o no? [Will you do it or not?]
7. The Observer
"I do not feel obliged to believe
that the same God who has endowed us
with sense, reason and intellect
has intended us to forgo their use"
So all the stars
Will guide us on our way
The Sextant as a leader
Has duration for all days
Look at the amazing skies
In long and profound discoveries
With a strong and a clear mind he's encrypting
More secrets of astronomy
In endless nights
He entirely observes the skies
His publications will change the world
Galileo Galilei
Only what my eyes will see, I will believe!
Day and night - separated by the light
In Pisa he's required
To teach the theory
That the stars and all the planets
Revolve around the earth
But he believed
In a different truth
The heliocentric one
Proposed by Kopernikus
A new age has begun
The stolen sun
Makes their fear rise
And man will sacrifice
The moon is the reason why
The amazing skies...
In endless nights..
And all the servants of the cross - they will deny
Will deny the starlight
In Pisa he's required
To teach the theory
That the stars and all the planets
Revolve around the earth
But he believed
In a different truth
The heliocentric one
Proposed by Kopernikus
A new age has begun
8. Eppur Si Muove
[However, it (the Earth) moves]
[Music: A. Nasseri / Lyrics: A. Nasseri]
Aside the one in sorrows
To release my darkened mind
And the ones who´ve pathed my way to thee
(With) a light that blinds the blind
God, end this suffering
My blood and tears that flow for you, my king
My Son, beware...
... of all that your eyes cannot see
Trust your mind
And strengthen your abilities
Did you ever touch the starlight?
Dreamed for a thousand years?
Have you ever seen the beauty
Of a newborn century?
And now's the time to enter
A new way, things to see
Man is just a weak reflection
In evolution's history
And in the hour of darkness
It will guide your way:
La bellezza del paese di Galilei [the beauty of the country of Galilei]
E nella mia ora più buia [and in my darkest hour]
Loro splenderanno [they will shine]
Per me [for me]
All'infinito [forever]
Aside the one in sorrows
To release my darkened mind
And the ones who´ve pathed my way to thee
(With) a light that blinds the blind
God end this suffering
My blood and tears that flow for you, my king
Geboren im flackernden Kerzenschein [Born in the flickering light of a candle]
Verfasst in dunkler Zeit [Enscripted in dark times]
Ein altes Stück von Pergament [On an old parchment]
Sich mit der Feder vereint [The pen slides]
Der Zeichnung seines Arms entspringt [And from his arm borns]
Der Universen Zelt [The tent of the universe]
Es ist der Zeiten Anbeginn [It is the beginning of the times]
Und ändert diese Welt [And it will change the world]
Des Universums Zelt [The tent of the universe]
Nato al lume guizzante della candela [Born in the flickering light of a candle]
Scritto in tempi oscuri [Enscripted in dark times]
Sulla vecchia pergamena [On an old parchment]
Scorre la penna [The pen slides]
E dal suo braccio nasce [And from his arm borns]
Il disegno delle volte celesti [The design of the celestial times]
È l'inizio dei tempi [It is the beginning of the times]
E cambierà il mondo [And it will change the world]
My son, take care...
Of all what the cross wants you to be
Trust your eyes
And strengthen your abilities
Did you ever touch the starlight?
Dream for a thousand years?
Have you ever seen the beauty
Of a newborn century?
And time has come to doubt
About the holy verse
It's just a weak reflection
In our endless universe
And in your hour of darkness
The beauty guides your way:
La bellezza del paese di Galilei [the beauty of the country of Galilei]
Loro splenderanno [they will shine]
Splenderanno per me [shine for me]
All'infinito [for ever]
9. Largetto / Epilogo Adagio
10. Herr Mannelig (Short Version)
All'alba, prima che il sole sorgesse
e gli uccelli cantassero la loro dolce canzone
La donna del troll della montagna con lingua falsa
ed ingannevole propose al signore:
Herr Mannelig, Herr Mannelig mi vorrai sposare
Per tutto quello che io dolcemente ti darè?
Se vorrai, rispondi solo si o no
Farai così o no?
Ti darò i dodici mulini
che stanno tra Tillo e Terno
le macine sono fatte del più rosso rame
e le ruote sono cariche d'argento
Herr Mannelig, Herr Mannelig mi vorrai sposare
per tutto quello che io dolcemente ti darè?
Se vorrai, rispondi solo si o no
Farai così o no?
Se tu fossi una donna cristiana
riceverei volentieri regali così,
ma io so che sei il peggiore troll della montagna
figlio degli spiriti maligni e del demonio.
Herr Mannelig, Herr Mannelig mi vorrai sposare
per tutto quello che io dolcemente ti darè?
Se vorrai, rispondi solo si o no
Farai così o no?
Thanks to yourriver, sydnelson1, aborted666 & others for sending these lyrics.
Thanks to the_nitewolf, VMG021 for correcting and translating these lyrics.
Thanks to abelinni for correcting tracks ## 1, 4, 8 lyrics.
Thanks to dalidilihavalikorna, d.stam, costy_cazan for correcting track #3 lyrics.
Thanks to ms.designer88 for correcting track #4 lyrics.
Thanks to amphigorey, abelinni for correcting track #6 lyrics.
Thanks to justin_itm for correcting track #7 lyrics.
Thanks to lube_luthien, costy_cazan, hw.zande for correcting track #8 lyrics.
Thanks to the_nitewolf, VMG021 for correcting and translating these lyrics.
Thanks to abelinni for correcting tracks ## 1, 4, 8 lyrics.
Thanks to dalidilihavalikorna, d.stam, costy_cazan for correcting track #3 lyrics.
Thanks to ms.designer88 for correcting track #4 lyrics.
Thanks to amphigorey, abelinni for correcting track #6 lyrics.
Thanks to justin_itm for correcting track #7 lyrics.
Thanks to lube_luthien, costy_cazan, hw.zande for correcting track #8 lyrics.
Submits, comments, corrections are welcomed at webmaster@darklyrics.com

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All lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Please read the disclaimer.