album: "Dynasties" (2013)
1. Sabretooth2. Lunar Affliction
3. Mana Leak
4. Feast In Famine
5. Go For The Throat
6. The Prevailer
7. Contagion Clasp
8. Mako Eyes
9. XstarlettaX
10. Paper Street
11. Gutshot
12. Dynasties
1. Sabretooth
I'll tear you limb from limb
All hail the hypocrite
The kingof compensation, Show some fucking backbone
Decent nowcast aside to negligence and pervasive truths
Cry baby bitch “Crybaby bitch”
I'll bathe in your faithless blood
Why do youfear your instincts
With my finger the iris dilates
So clearthe stigma with vision erased
Clearly mocking your cowardicepast
Stand as if your spine still intact [2x]
Malice evoking avicious decree
Thoughts and pious collected
Pompousclaims to this empty room
I shall parade your inanefiction
Harlequin exposed as the hypocrite looms
Coward standbefore me, so you can die on your feet [2x]
Fuck yourantamantium
The king of compensation show some backbone
Theking of compensation show some fucking backbone
2. Lunar Affliction
The night is calling,
the moon illuminating the most favoredhunting ground
Submerged by intoxication, every scream isdrowned
Wadding through these chemical dependents, You catch myeye
So fucking perfect, you're neck is mine!
The smell of yourfresh life teasing this carnivorous palate.
A creature of thenight stirring with unrefined excitement.
A nocturnal feast, suchtemptation awakens the beast
Such temptation awakens thebeast.
Consumption of virgin flesh, has always been my favoritekind of mess
The night is calling. Calling
The blood coursingthrough your veins, my prize inside your chest.
Mortality such adying trend, through this wound you are blessed.
Charmed by mywords, in the wind escapes all worry and care.
The bite littlemore than a kiss, I'm playing the part stroking your hair.
Anocturnal feast, Such temptation awakens the beast
The night iscalling
The blood coursing through your veins, my prize insideyour chest.
Mortality such a dying trend, through this wound youare blessed.
A nocturnal feast, such temptation awakens the beastx [2x]
3. Mana Leak
This is regret?
This is judgment?
When the whole world knowshis fucking name
Escaping lesson, lethal injection
What have wetaught when the villain gets the fame
A coward to die when wehaven't even seen the victims face
A diet of bleeding heartsrelate, rather than mourn this day.
Fuck the statistic thatthey've made you.
To your hearts content, a mind of shit fullynumb.
A tragedy all the same
Yet the villain gets the fame
Aworld numb to sensation
We are the media nation
You've beenabsorbed into the fabric of the everyday life
Clock it in clock itout
Punch out.
Only to be left in a cheap pine box to figurewhat life's all about
You drive a fancy ass car to a fancy ass jobto pay for a house you can't
Afford the dream, it's a viciousscheme.
Time and money is this bullshit scene.
I bet with eachone of those “likes” the world just fucking mends
Supportingcause like it's the latest fashion trend
Commercial sympathy,endorse the latest killing spree
A tragedy all the same
Yet thevillain gets the fame
A world numb to sensation
We are themedia nation
This is regret?
This is judgment?
When thewhole world knows his fucking name.
Escaping lesson, lethalinjection.
What have we taught when the villain gets thefame.
Commercial sympathy, endorse the latest killing spree.
Atragedy all the same
yet the villain gets the fame.
A worldnumb to sensation.
We are the media nation
4. Feast In Famine
I am the only one, I make my destiny. I chose the path I walk andno one's chains can fucking stop me.
Fear is but a reflex
Courageis a choice
Never will it change the man I've become.
Now isthe time to satisfy, the crave to be more than you'll ever be.
Nowis the time to testify, let the world bleed blasphemy.
Fleeingfrom what's expected.
Time forever racing towards you
nevergive up you'll never fail.
Stand your fucking ground, yeah
Standyour fucking ground.
I just want you out of my head
Wordspounding, speaker of the dead.
Too much to swallow, choke on yourfeeble words
my will excised, I'll break your fuckingneck.
Something so comical.
Something so preposterous
Devotionalmost like it's animalistic
Undying, desire,
To controldependence of wretched heartbeat.
Fleeing from what'sexpected.
Time forever racing towards you
never give up you'llnever fail.
Stand your fucking ground, yeah
And whores don'tget, second chances. [2x]
I am the only one, I make my destiny. Ichose the path I walk and no one's chains can fucking stop me.
5. Go For The Throat
Deceptive angel, horns bursting through the wings.
a sirenserenades sweet nothings
Mal intent hosts sincere eyes anddeceiving smile
Rest assured, I’m no longer held in thisbeguile
The waters broke for that fragile story you nowcarry
The lie you’ve held dear bursting From your verywomb.
Born into nothing
Nausea induced sickeningbetrayal
Coincided with self respect derailed
Degrade yourself,spread the lies
poison everything we’ve ever felt.
Impregnatinga wretched desire To be a man, and a father
This vile truthUttered from your throne of fallacy
A selfish bitch crowned inshit and heresy
Conduct yourself with pride?
instead inflatewith emptiness
A parasite living only to consume my vitalflesh
This vile truth uttered from your throne of fallacy
I’vespilt my heart among your filthy collection
Recollected sacrificethat will never again be taken
For once, claim your lies,andstillborn halo
take your foul “I love you” and “miscarry”that too
Miscarry that too [2x]
A vile truth uttered from yourthrone of fallacy
Go for the Throat
A selfish bitch crowned inshit and heresy
Go for the throat
A vile truth uttered fromyour throne of fallacy
Go for the throat
A selfish bitchcrowned in shit and heresy
Go for the fucking throat
6. The Prevailer
I will prevail.
Leave the chains of a past life wrapped aroundthe neck of that bitch that I called a wife.
I'm the one whosestooped so low
Here's to our future, And another dick you'llblow.
(fuck you)
I've wasted all this life
Obeying laws, andwalking on the edge of a knife.
Now finally, I have control
Andyou're too busy screwing and sucking for a payroll
Need your fix?Over here just follow me
This product is of the highest ofquality
eat up that crystal commodity
Addiction, my favoritemonstrosity.
Who is it that you think you see
This “danger”is not a threat to me
Death follows the path I lead.
At thedoor to hell, you shall believe.
I am the one who knocks. [3x]
Thisproduct is of the highest of quality
eat up that crystalcommodity
Addiction, my favorite monstrosity.
Who is it thatyou think you see
This “danger” is not a threat to me
Deathfollows th path I lead.
At the door to hell, you shall believe.
Iam the one who knocks.
Chemistry, binding the very spaces betweenexistence
playing god if only for an instant. The study andfabrication
You call this betrayal?
You call this deceit?
Onlyselfish between your legs?
Screaming till my lungs crack dry
Ina state of cancerous decay
Shambling, towards certainty
Is thisthe danger you fear of me?
You better fear what you fucking see.
Iam the one who knocks.
7. Contagion Clasp
What kind of hell is this? [2x]
Lips locked as tight as myfingers to this porcelain.
Love made in pure disgust
There's noescaping my own mind
Circulation a thing of distant memory
Tomy feeble failing extremities
My gaze grudge fucking refractedimage
Thoughts evading my very existence
The only thingreturning glances, the pile of shit I called a man
What kind ofhell is this?
God sharing kin, with the monster's under mybed
This instance, the only monster's reside in my head
Askeleton, making residence in a closet
Refusing to rot away, stillit kicks and screams [2x]
Motherfucker, you don't want to see whatI've seen
Repeating, incoherent, mindless echoes.
I've felldown my own endless rabbit hole
What kind of hell is this, is itall in my head or does it really exist?
What kind of hell is this [2x]
What kind of hell is this, is it all in my head or does itreally exist?
Refusing to rot away, still it kicks and screams [2x]
Motherfucker, you don't wanna see what I've seen
8. Mako Eyes
9. XstarlettaX
I'll slice that shitting grin from your face
Caught between aknife and a hard place
Fashioned rope of double standard
Tochoke away all hopes and dreams
Has your crutch grown rusted andfeeble?
Do those wounds still refuse to heal?
Excuse, pardonmalevolence
Spread your legs like it's the only justice
Foronce kneel to what has made you
Your pride not the only thingswallowed
Daddy's little girl mutilated into father's whore
Oncemore you shall kneel to what has made you
This rape the crown of afuture
Perversion of parental ordinance
On your knees mouthagape with prayer
Prepped for worship, to ingest
Clothing tothe floor
Hanging yourself with your own fucking pride
Withyour own pride
You're not a fucking princess
Just the queen ofcarnal indulgence
Still you submit, to the will of the king
Hail,to your [3x]
Hail to your king
Hail to king [2x]
Oh howI've waited for this moment no lyrics could do justice for thisloathing get on your fucking knees and hail to your king.
10. Paper Street
Did it live up to your expectations, has your selfbeen absorbed enough.
Skin so thin, beauty just as deep. Cosmeticscalling your every bluff. [2x]
I'm dying to write the line thatruins you
Sticks in your head and eats till it consumes you
Didit live up to your expectations, has your self been absorbed enough
ashallow indulgence of attention all you seek.
Too good for thelegion of suitors at your fucking feet.
You've always had onefinger on your ego, and all the rest shoved down your throat.
You'vealways had one finger on your ego. [2x]
Did it live up to yourexpectations, has your self been absorbed enough
a shallowindulgence of attention all you seek.
Too good for the legion ofsuitors at your fucking feet
Bitch you fucked up
Eat away thepain of imperfection.
Purging forth the latests fashion trend.
Didit live up to your expectations, has your self been absorbedenough.
Skin so thin, beauty just as deep. Cosmetics calling yourevery bluff.
You've always had one finger on your ego, and all therest shoved down your throat.
The closest you'll get to sleep, ison your back knuckles deep [2x]
Bitch you fucked up.
Bitch youfucked up.
11. Gutshot
The night surgeon has come to take hiscall
To save the unborn from the bitch whose sinning herself todeath
Surgical extraction commencing
Skeptic of your own selfinflicted immolation
Surgical extraction commencing
Wretchedslut segmented, anatomy paves the way
I shall part the seas
Ishall part the seas
As moses freed the slaves from the shackles ofpharisee
Bewildering lack of basic human ethics
Scraping awaywhat you'll never deserve
Your mutilation now rightfullyearned
Baptized in the privilege I shall end
Injecting poison,denying life, the second chance has failed
Herweary eyes un-sedated
Over time the frantic deconstruction
Thewomb ruptures euthanized
The wasted flesh has beenparted
Malevolent conjecture and hypothesis unfolding
Stainedinstincts of a mangled form
Surgical extractioncommencing
Wretched slut segmented anatomy paves the way
"Shescreams for mercy, my malice is deaf, I wanna see you beg for onelast breath"
You'll be nothing more than an emptywomb
Surgical extraction commencing
Skeptic of your own selfinflicted immolation
Surgical extraction commencing
Wretchedslut segmented, anatomy paves the way
I will part the seas [3x]
Sleep eternal, the goddess bleeds
I will part the seas [4x]
12. Dynasties
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