album: "Armored Bards" (2010)
1. Armored Bards2. The Blight
3. Bifrost
4. Ascension
5. Messenger Of God
6. Endless Sorrow
7. A Brother's Tale
8. Walls Of Vienna
9. Hopfen & Malz
10. Carthage's End
1. Armored Bards
We went through the darkest hours only to be here for you
We fought the hardest battles just for you
We left the highest mountains and the deepest seas behind
Only to play tonight our songs for you
We are the armored bards from behind the Alps
We are here – to hear you scream
Come with us on a journey to
Your destiny
Tonight we're not here to struggle
We're here to make party hard
With you together we are one power
One Power which never fails
No one will ever stop us because we are the mighty
Force of Foray
Join us if you dare and become immortal
We are armored bards
We believe in ancient Gods
We are warriors
We claim the top
We are armored bards
No one stops us
We are warriors
We know our roots
We are heathens proud and brave
We are the armored bards from behind the Alps
We are here – to hear you scream
Come with us on a journey to
Your destiny
We are armored bards!
We are armored bards!
We are armored bards!
We are armored bards!
Forget your troubles till this day
Because now you are with us
Stay strong and brave and don't regret
You are a part of us
We are heathens proud and brave
We are the armored bards from behind the Alps
We are here – to hear you scream
Come with us on a journey to
Your destiny
2. The Blight
Enemies of the light envoys from the other side
Mounted might. We choose the night
Try to stand our pride
Enemies of the light checkless blight. Omnicide
We are born for the fight
We are wolfs. We are dragons. We are hate and
We are fear. Our home is the battlefield
That's where you will get immortal
We are wolfs. We are dragons. We are hate and
We are fear. Our home is the battlefield
That's where you will get immortal
My foul breath is your judgment
Close your eyes and let it be
My cold hands are your judgment
Close your eyes and let it be
Give away all your hopes
Surrender your souls to our cause
You don't even have a chance
Resistance is futile
Resistance is futile
Tonight you will see whats pain
More than one time
More than one time
We are the blight
Grab you tight
We will infest your mind
War is our life
Death stands beside
Darkness surrounds our grim way
We are wolfs. We are dragons. We are hate and
We are fear. Our home is the battlefield
That's where you will get immortal
We are wolfs. We are dragons. We are hate and
We are fear. Our home is the battlefield
That's where you will get immortal
Till Eternity we will fight
No one will be left alive
Till Eternity we will fight
No one will be left alive
Till Eternity we will fight!
3. Bifrost
Die Zeit ist schon lang vorbei
Ich werd nie mehr zu Kampfe ziehn
Nie mehr meinen Mut beweisen
Mein Schwert nie mehr in Knochen beißen
Nie mehr wird ich in Feindesblut
Meinen Körper baden können
Doch wird man meinen Heldenmut
Noch in vielen Sagen nennen.
Gedanken wir in alten Tagen
Als ich so manche Schlacht geschlagen
Doch diese Zeit ist schon lang vorbei
Ich lass los und werde frei!
Mein Ende naht, ich sink hinab
Auf den Grund voll Feindesblut
Ich drück mein Schwert an meine Seit'
Schließe die Augen ein letztes Mal.
Durfte kämpfen,
Durfte küssen,
Durft‘ so manche Weisheit wissen.
Durfte leben,
Durfte lieben,
Durft' so manchen Feind besiegen.
Blick ich zurück auf alte Tage,
Fühl ich Reue – keine Frage
Könnt ich es nochmal wagen,
Würd ich noch mehr Feind erschlagen!
Viele Wege durft ich gehn
Viele Orte durft ich sehn
Das Alter hat mich eingeholt
Die Zeit verlangt nach ihr'm Tribut
Gedanken wir in alten Tagen
Als ich so manche Schlacht geschlagen
Doch diese Zeit ist schon lang vorbei
Ich lass los und werde frei!
Gleißender Sonnenschein durchbricht die Nacht
Ein Regenbogen tut sich vor mir auf
Auf ihr herab Rasen Weiber auf Rossen
Mächtig, stark und schön!
Walküren haben mich
Ausgewählt um aufzusteigen!
Über Bifrosts lange Bahne
Soll die Reise führen!
Walküren, küsst mich wach
Hebt mich hoch zu eurer Mitte
Hebt mich hoch zu Odins Tafel
Werd fürstlich speisen gehen!
Vorbei an Heimdalls Wacht,
Vorbei am großen roten Feuer,
Vorbei an allem was einmal gewesen war!
Ich werd bis Ragnarök
Mich jeden Abend nur mehr schlagen
All meinen Hass grimmig gegen Riesen richten.
Durfte kämpfen,
Durfte küssen,
Durft‘ so manche Weisheit wissen.
Durfte leben,
Durfte lieben,
Durft' so manchen Feind besiegen.
Blick ich zurück auf alte Tage,
Fühl ich Reue – keine Frage
Könnt ich es nochmal wagen,
Würd ich noch mehr Feind erschlagen!
Durfte kämpfen,
Durfte küssen,
Durft‘ so manche Weisheit wissen.
Durfte leben,
Durfte lieben,
Durft' so manchen Feind besiegen.
Blick ich zurück auf alte Tage,
Fühl ich Reue – keine Frage
Könnt ich es nochmal wagen,
Würd ich noch mehr Feind erschlagen!!
4. Ascension
Face to face we meet on the field
Two men sworn to kill for eternity
Only the strongest will survive
Draw your sword and let us fight
The first blow meets and rips my shield –
My shield broke apart
My defense destroyed
Try to defend my chest against the next attack
My weapons are useless
I give – I give my live into oblivion
But I rise again
To let my arch enemy pay!
Enemy pay!
You shall – You shall not forget my face
For I hunt you down
Until my revenge is here!
Revenge is here!
But your broad sword into my heart
Kill me. Do what must be done
Blackness opens up before my eyes
Freedom, the circle is complete
Soon – Soon I have my full revenge
I will rise again
And bring you down right to your knees!
To your knees!
The sun sets and so begins the new
The new circle – circle ‒ forever trapped
Tomorrow we will meet once more
Once more!
We will never be free
5. Messenger Of God
Since countless days he does ride
To distant lands of legends
His skin is frozen from snow
Only to serve his master
He has to run
Spread the word
Of his lord!
To save souls
From their sins!
They don't knew
That they have committed!
Over mountains he does strive
Right down to deepest valleys
Light dances on his pail face
Slave to faith and prophets
He has to run
Spread the word
Of his lord!
To save souls
From their sins!
They don't knew
That they have committed!
He is the messenger of God
He spreads the faith of lies and blood
Enemy of freedom of thought
He is the messenger of God
The real meaning he forgot
I will not stop until he rots
People unite against this oppression
Unite against centuries of false hope
You now have to join your forces
To destroy the chains of this false God
His aim is to convert us
Until we are all like him
No sense for freedom of thought
The end of all free spirits
He has to run
Spread the word
Of his lord!
To save souls
From their sins!
They don't knew
That they have committed
He is the messenger of God
He spreads the faith of lies and blood
Enemy of freedom of thought
He is the messenger of God
The real meaning he forgot
I will not stop until he rots
People unite against this oppression
Unite against centuries of false hope
You now have to join your forces
To destroy the chains of this false God!
He is the messenger of God
He spreads the faith of lies and blood
Enemy of freedom of thought
He is the messenger of God
The real meaning he forgot
I will not stop until he rots
6. Endless Sorrow
It is a day like so many before
Only cold wind and rain behind the closed door
Only darkness fulfills the saturnine room
I am sitting lonely in perfect gloom
I haven't seen the sun
Since the day you left me
No easy smile on my face
It's not easy to be
Never again
I can feel your skin
Tender and soft
And pale like milk
Now I can hear the winds outside calling my name.
But they won't get me. Not yet. I will resist
Someday I will forget you and this whole time
I will forget you and I will surmount
In past times we fought against the Darkness of life
We stood forever together like one
I thought that no one could ever tear us apart
I never thought that it will be so fast
In past times we fought against the Darkness of life
We stood forever together like one
I thought that no one could ever tear us apart
But I have to accept that now you are gone
It is a day like so many before
I will forget you and I will surmount
7. A Brother's Tale
In the land of ice, ice, ice and snow
A child was abandoned by his own
Destined to become a great, great warrior
Soon to discover his true ancestry
He is the twin brother of the despot king
Thrown away to clean the path for his younger sibling
His purpose is to reconquer his throne
He craves to bring freedom to this kingdom
Standing on the crossroad
He has to decide his path
Blinded eyes by his inner strive
One of the brothers can't survive
Will he spill his own blood
Will he leave the righteous path
Will he end his brother's deeds
Will he sow freedom's seeds
The twin opponents meet face, face, face to face
The whole kingdom holds his breath
Weapons meet and bodies crush, crush, crush in pain
He brought everlasting peace to his kith and kin
Standing on the crossroad
He has to decide his path
Blinded eyes by his inner strive
One of the brothers did not survive
He has spilled his own blood
Did he left the righteous path
He has ended his brother's deeds
He has sown freedom's seeds
8. Walls Of Vienna
Oriental flags are blowing in the shimmering red
Wind praising an army on large scale
Behind the city walls warriors strengthen themselves
Do not give up until the last drop of blood
They marched cumbersome and far from Turkey
Against the land of the Alps to bring ruin
The rugged landscape has no pity
With the Ottomans
We keep these walls. Maybe it's the last we do
No mercy. No fear. We make a stand
For the city we so love we must hold at all costs
No mercy. No fear. We make a stand
Wave after wave they're coming
Our swords are just few
Defending Vienna's walls
Our blood is heated
Let us give them the rest
Do not give up until the last drop of blood
They marched cumbersome and far from Turkey
Against the land of the Alps to bring ruin
The rugged landscape has no pity
With the Ottomans
We keep these walls. Maybe it's the last we do
No mercy. No fear. We make a stand
For the city we so love we must hold at all costs
No mercy. No fear. We make a stand
9. Hopfen & Malz
Hopfen und Malz,
Gott erhalt's
Gönn dir das
Kühles Nass
Spaß im Glas
Nimm ‘ne Maß!
Lass den Trübsinn
Sei entspannt
Trink die anderen an die Wand
Lass die Sorgen doch zu Haus
Gib doch eine Runde aus
Bring mir Met
Bring mir Bier
Darum bin ich heute hier
Schönes Mädchen dort am Tresen
An dir soll meine Welt genesen!
Komm zu mir, vergiss den Tag
Nimm dein Glas, ich schenk dir nach
In vollen Bächen stürz ihn runter
Den roten Saft der Blauburgunder
Trink den Saft der immer gärt,
Spring herum jetzt wie ein Pferd
Heute trinken wir – Met, Bier, Wein
Heute trinken wir – So soll es sein!
Heute trinken wir – Wein, Bier, Met
Heute trinken wir – Bis keiner mehr steht!
Trinken, tanzen, Lieder singen
So wollen wir die Nacht verging'n
Graut der Morgen am Ende gar
Trink nur weiter – das ist klar!
Torkeln, kotzen, Witze reißen,
In Wien aufn Gehsteig scheißen
Zug um'n Zug. Das Bier wird leer
Hau n‘ ein weiteres hinterher!
Trockne Kehle, schöner Schatz?
Nimm auf meinem Schoße platz!
Hände suchen nach dem Glück,
Komm nur näher, noch ein Stück!
Bis du willig schönes Weib?
Nehm ich mir heute für dich Zeit?
Sei nur lustig, trink jetzt aus!
Dann nehm ich dich jetzt mit nach Haus!
Heute trinken wir – Met, Bier, Wein
Heute trinken wir – So soll es sein!
Heute trinken wir – Wein, Bier, Met
Heute trinken wir – Bis keiner mehr steht!
Heute trinken wir – Met, Bier, Wein
Heute trinken wir – So soll es sein!
Heute trinken wir – Wein, Bier, Met
Heute trinken wir – Bis keiner mehr steht!
Keiner mehr steht!
10. Carthage's End
Let me tell you about Hannibal
The mighty Carthagian.
He is one of the greatest warriors of all time
At the age of nine he swore an oath
He will never tolerate Romes intrigue
He will fight forever against them
All for his beloved Carthage
For our homeland
I will fight forever!
Nothing will ever stop me
I will stand my ground!
For our homeland
I will fight forever!
I will raise my sword in my hand
Even if it will be my end!
Nunquam ingenium idem ad res diversissimas
Parendum atque imperandum. Habilius fuit
Vincere scis Hannibal Victoria
Uti nescis Hannibal ad portas
For our homeland
I will fight forever!
Nothing will ever stop me
I will stand my ground!
For our homeland
I will fight forever!
I will raise my sword in my hand
Even if it will be my end!
Hasdubal my brother,
Come to me with a new army
Hasdubal my brother,
Together we'll ride to meet our fate
Hannibal my brother
I tried so hard to arm you well
Hannibal my brother
The Romans ambushed me
Melqart let me kill
With mercy of Baal Hammon
I will win the fight
Reshepf guide me through this battle
I will assert our right
For our homeland
I will die forever!
Nothing will ever stop me
I will stand my ground!
For our homeland
I will die forever!
I raised my sword
It was Carthage's end!
Thanks to tpb for correcting track #9 lyrics.
Submits, comments, corrections are welcomed at webmaster@darklyrics.com

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All lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Please read the disclaimer.