album: "Better Than Raw" (1998)
1. Deliberately Limited Preliminary Prelude Period In Z2. Push
3. Falling Higher
4. Hey Lord!
5. Don't Spit On My Mind
6. Revelation
7. Time
8. I Can
9. A Handful Of Pain
10. Lavdate Dominvm
11. Back On The Ground
12. Midnight Sun
13. A Game We Shouldn't Play
1. Deliberately Limited Preliminary Prelude Period In Z
2. Push
They're spending millions for your thrill
Collective desperate overkill
Wrapped up in harmless words that grin
Forbidden games you'll never win
The more you see the more you know
Intended media mind control
Shut down and see how beautiful life can be
This is the prime of your lifetime
You see through eyes of someone else
More than the half of your lifetime
Is just a tale in a storybook
Push, enforce your independence
Push your real intention
Face your unconscious addiction
Push your private fiction
It's getting sicker frame by frame
You're always staring at the same
What is a lie, what is the truth?
Incredible disgudting news
The world is rough, the end is near
Just calculation with your fear
Without a shame nor least respect
The operators stand erect
This is the prime of your lifetime
You see through eyes of someone else
More than the half of your lifetime
Is just a tale in a storybook
Push, enforce your independence
Push your real intention
Face your unconscious addiction
Push your private fiction
[SOLO 1: Roland]
[SOLO 2: Michael]
[SOLO 3: Roland]
3. Falling Higher
I thought that I felt alright with my world
But now what I knew seems taken by someone
Probing me, waiting if I take the bait
Surrender, step into the line
We won't give into the false
We are not as dull as taken
some will hold out if they can
They must kill us if they want us to fall
When we unite
We're falling higher
When worlds collide
We'll stand straight in turmoil and fear
No harm coming near
Hungry forever since we took a glance
Feared that the world was taken by someone
We realized by the look in your eyes
Metal will never die
With magic in our hands
We are lost-and-found contenders
For a kingdom of our stand
Come together no surrender at all
With magic in our hands
We are lost-and-found contenders
For a kingdom of our stand
Come together no surrender at all
When we unite
We're falling higher
When worlds collide
We'll stand straight in turmoil and fear
No harm coming near
No harm coming near
No harm coming near
We're falling higher
[SOLO 1: Michael]
[SOLO 2: Roland]
4. Hey Lord!
(What is it all about?)
Pleasure or pain
Cold or fire
Love against disdain
Hope or dipair
Truth or liar
Normal or insane
Do you know wat to choose?
It can't happen you lose
Like the stars need the light
No left without right
Hey lord, hey lord
Life is striking as you taught
Hey lord, hey lord
Time is running, time is short
Hey lord (What is it all about?)
Good or profane
Odd or even
All is face to face
Sinner and saint
Serve each other
Life is called this place
Do you know what to choose?
It can't happen you lose
Like the stars need the light
No left without right
Hey lord, hey lord
Life is striking as you taught
Hey lord, hey lord
Time is running, time is short
Hey lord
Hey lord, hey lord
Time is running, time is short
Hey lord, hey lord
Life is striking, life is short
Hey lord, hey lord
Time is running, time is short
Hey lord, hey lord
Why did you want us so wayward?
Refrain (what is it all about?)
[SOLO: Michael]
5. Don't Spit On My Mind
Every lie will win a prize
Love sold by a whore
Calculated sacrifice
Death without a war
Aftermath and alibies
Straw-doll-chess to please the poor
Don't tell me of any wonders shitting gold
Don't tell me of a hard way we have to go through
Still we pay your warmth out of the cold
Do you really think we're that blind?
Don't spit on my mind
Don't spit on my mind
Don't spit on my mind
Any form of government
Has a black sheep part
But the brave will never know
What the black sheeps start
In the name of country-love
they enrich themselves apart
Don't tell me of any wonders shitting gold
Don't tell me of a hard way we have to go through
Still we pay your warmth out of the cold
Do you really think we're that blind?
Don't spit on my mind
Don't spit on my mind
Don't spit on my mind
We are the people, we are the masses you are for
We give the power and our desire must be your law
Don't think I'm standing here all alone, one of a kind
Do't think because you're still there
Means that we are all blind
Don't spit on my mind
Don't spit on my mind
Don't spit on my mind
[SOLO 1: Michael]
[SOLO 2: Roland]
6. Revelation
Now we chase the end of time
Afraid what we will find
Once again since Jesus Christ
The stars look down on mankind
Overcome creation
False illusions
Fade and die
Whatever we awaited
Charity and hatred
Whatever we awaited
Will arise
It's revelation
Power and prosperity
It won't be like before
Name, rank and authority
Not counting anymore
Overcome creation
False illusions
Fade and die
Whatever we awaited
Charity and hatred
Whatever we awaited
Will arise
It's revelation
Bemoan your words
Bemoan your deeds
Repent your thoughts of lies
Attain your sword
Attain your shield
Defend the sense of life
Bemoan your hate
Repent your greed
Improve your rotten seed
Pray for the child
Though born just by a fraud and a whore
Pray for the child
Who won't know what it's crying for
Overcome creation
False illusions
Fade and die
Whatever we awaited
Charity and hatred
Whatever we awaited
Will arise
It's revelation
[SOLO 1:Roland]
[SOLO 2,3: Michael]
7. Time
Feel it running off
So strong and clear
An age is over fast
And dissapears
Help him if you can
His hour will come soon
Push away his fear
He'll see Elysium
It's time
It's time
Guard him a little while
And calm his shiver
Wash and dry his tears
And cool his fever
Take the bibles words
Speak it pure his soul
Lay love in his mind
His close to the final goal
It's time
It's time
It's time to go
Time for the freedom
Time to face what we all believe in
Pray strong
Pray to the higher
Turn your back on the devil's fire
Time to go
Time for the freedom
Time to face what we all believe in
Time is passing by
When his mind was clear
He called you brother
Now his brain is dazed
It's resigning rather
Mother take his hand
Say a last Good-Bye
We're not gifted to
Turn water into wine
It's time
It's time
It's time to go
Time for the freedom
Time to face what we all believe in
Pray strong
Pray to the higher
Turn your back on the devil's fire
Time to go
Time for the freedom
Time to face what we all believe in
Time is passing by
[SOLO: Michael]
8. I Can
May I take you higher
Feed well your desire
We won't be forgotten
Foes left slain and rotten
I will have my way as once before
Others stand in awe can't scorn at all
I can, I can, I can make it all again
I don't wanna lose, I don't wanna go down
I can, I can, I can make the call again
Fulfill my dreams until I'm cured
I can
Will I be the flyer
Keep you more inspired
Some will leave here shattered
Wish us tarred and feathered
Show me anyone who doubts our ways
I will laugh out loud and I will say
I can, I can, I can make it all again
I don't wanna lose, I don't wanna get drowned
I can, I can, I can heed the call again
Can attain ev'rything to leave you sure
I can
Leave me waiting years or strike today
Trample down the walls and pave your way
I can, I can, I can.........
Fulfill my dreams until I'm cured
[SOLO: Michael]
9. A Handful Of Pain
I still remember every hour
Every second has been ours
Far away from any burden
We met eyes without a curtain
Headless into a new sensation
Wether brain nor fear or patience
Careless we had a game to play
You crossed my way for twenty days
Why don't you just heal
The yearning that I feel?
Hey, what we called a game
Is more than just a handful of pain
We go the wrong ways
Cause I believe it's more than just a handful of pain
We go the wrong ways
Cause I believe it's more than just a handful of pain
We're different colours, different nature
Both we were like pupil and teacher
It's a puzzle with two pieces
Still not done 'cause one still misses
Helpless I go through unknown stages
A chapter of life which has missing pages
Torture's not only physical
It painds unbound
Way, way down
Why don't you just heal
The yearning that I feel?
Hey, what we called a game
Is more than just a handful of pain
We go the wrong ways
Cause I believe it's more than just a handful of pain
We go the wrong ways
Cause I believe it's more than just a handful of pain
[SOLO 1: Michael]
[SOLO 2: Roland]
10. Lavdate Dominvm
Hallelvja, homines,
Gavdete de domino,
Qvi donat vita omnes, qvod amat nos!
Hallelvja, mi devs,
Tv vivis omnipotens,
Tv es semper benignvs, tv amas nos!
Pater noster in caelis
Totvm orbem terrae regnat
Et vincit diabolvm timorem et omnivm hominvm
O lavdate dominvm!
Praedicate devm
Amate creatorem,
Qvi creavit mvndvm
Oh, lavdate dominvm!
Ecce, et te vvlt Jesvs liberare,
Dvcere per vitam tvvs amicvs, gavde tv!
Amici, dimittite
Mente malam pravamqve!
Anima accipite salvam fidem!
Jesvs Christvs in crvce
De vita decessit dolens
Sed de morte resvrrexit lvx mvndi nova
O lavdate dominvm!
Filivm Jesvm Christvm
Omnivm redemptorem
Et spiritvm sanctvm!
O lavdate dominvm! ...
[SOLO 1: Michael]
[SOLO 2: Roland]
[English translation:]
Halleluja, homines,
Gaudete de domino,
Qui donat vita omnes, quod amat nos!
Rejoice, men,
About the Lord,
Who gives everyone life, because he loves us!
Halleluja, mi deus,
Tu vivis omnipotens,
Tu es semper, benignus, tu amas nos!
Oh God of mine,
You live all-powerful,
You are always kind, you love us!
Pater noster in caelis
Totum orbem terrae regnat
Et vincit diabolum timorem
Et omnium hominum
Our father in the heavens
Rules the whole world
And defeats wicked fear
Of all men
O laudate dominum!
Praedicate deum
Amate creatorem,
Qui creavit mundum
Oh, laudate dominum!
Oh praise the lord!
Boast of God,
Love the father,
Who created the earth.
Oh praise the lord!
Ecce, et te vult Jesus liberare,
Ducere per vitam tuus amicus, gaude tu!
Look, Jesus also wishes to free you,
Your friend (wishes) to lead (you) through life, praise (him)!
Amici, dimittite
Mente malam pravamque!
Anima accipite salvam fidem!
Friends, break away evil
And wrong from the mind!
Receive sound faith in your heart!
Jesus Christus in cruce
De vita decessit dolens
Sed de morte resurrexit lux mundi nova
Jesus Christ on the cross, sad,
Retired from life
But a new light arose from his death
O laudate dominum!
Filium Jesum Christum
Omnium redemptorem
Et spiritum sanctum!
O laudate dominum! ...
Oh praise the lord!
Jesus Christ, the son,
Savior of all
And a sacred spirit!
Oh praise the lord!
11. Back On The Ground
We can race over the mountains
Sail over the spheres
We can ride under the oceans
But we can't fight our fear
Something's wrong with the world these days
Do you know what it is?
We believe to govern nature
Find ways to lenghten our life
And we go through digital stages
Still the children cry
Something's wrong with the world these days
Do you know what it is?
The planet could be a better place
If we spot the miss
But I guess I would see a start
And I will sing it loud
We explore the existence of aliens
Try to conquer space
We refine nuclear science
Still to die in the haze
Something's wrong with the world these days
Do you know what it is?
The planet could be a better place
If we spot the miss
But I guess I would see a start
I warn you without doubt
[SOLO 1: Roland]
[SOLO 2: Michael]
[SOLO 3: Roland]
12. Midnight Sun
Tried so hard to understand all of your feelings
Tried to cope with your insanities
Come to think about too many ways of healing
What we lost or maybe never had
One small step into the hidden decoy
One more word is help and one will destroy
I woke up in the midninght sun
So aware damage has been done
Agony or sanctuary
Only fate will show the way
From the bright of day into the jaw of darkness
One is shoved, a victim of a lie
Friendly face turns into a fiery grimace
Suddenly feelings learn to die
Used up sympathy no chance to return
To a world one knew but wounds that will burn
Spent more time in the midnight sun
Still aware of what else has gone
Agonized and hypnotized
When will I be shown the way
Fell asleep and no midnight sun
Still aware justice has bee done
No more doubts but disbelief
When the night was day
Celebration, miracle
And fate did show the way
[SOLO 1:Roland]
[SOLO 2: Michael]
13. A Game We Shouldn't Play
[US Bonus Track]
Do you believe in fate or chances
Design or coincidences
Would you say that all the people
Live their life for good and evil
Some have reached the end of patience
Start to play with God's creation
They know you
Control you
In a game we shouldn't play
Corrupt your heart
And make you part
Of a game we shouldn't play
We run blind
In a game we shouldn't play
Its all a game we shouldn't play
If we shall die now it will happen
If we're good we'll come to heaven
If we shall live it will be so
End your life and you'll see limbo
All is fixed and predetermined
Only time will stretch new sins
He loves you
Alarms you
Of a game we shouldn't play
He tells your heart
To stay apart
From a game we shouldn't play
We run blind
In a game we shouldn't play
Its that kind of game we shouldn't play
Manipulations on the genes
Nuclear contaminated seeds
Clone of the clone in the breeder's zone
Its a game
A game we shouldn't play
We run blind
In a game we shouldn't play
Its that kind of game we shouldn't play
Thanks to vaingloryopera for sending track #13 lyrics and track #10 translation.
Thanks to verthelone for correcting track #8 lyrics.
Thanks to verthelone for correcting track #8 lyrics.
Submits, comments, corrections are welcomed at webmaster@darklyrics.com

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All lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Please read the disclaimer.