Dark Lyrics


1. Buried In Blood

Shut your eyes and cover your ears
You're the good, they're the evil
From the other side of a barricade
Even children become pricks
Raise up the barriers of hate
Build up the perfect ruse
Knock down your enemies
And take back what is yours

God has chosen you all
You've soiled his hands with blood
Tainted in a rotten coffin
He lies listening to you lying
I am the terrorist
Mad man, paranoid
You're right, my world is null
Its dead with a bullet in it's head

We are all on a purge list
God doesn't care if you are straight
You are just a black bastard
Your call for rights is a crime
God does bless America
But someone help us all
Where is the land of freedom?
Its buried under shit and blood

False teachers, P2ists
Necktied to sell out deaths
Fat merchants of goods
Dickheads or warheads
Gamblers and speculators
Crooked politicans
Look in the eyes of he who dies
They just ask you why

We are all on a purge list
God doesn't care if you're straight
You are just a black bastard
Your call for rights is a crime
God bless America
But someone help us all
Where is the land of freedom?
Its buried under shit and blood

We are all on a purge list
God doesn't care if you're straight
You are just a black bastard
Your call for rights is a crime
God bless America
But someone help us all
Where is the land of freedom?
It's buried under shit and blood

2. Unconform #756

You who're silent support those deaths
The worst army is a silent mass
Paralyzed in front of cathode ray
Apathy is something I know you'll pay
Your flawless system has failed
For us anarchists there are no jails
Families hanged alive at walls
The breath of bloodhound that search his goal

Your lives are eaten in a video cell
Conform weak minds drown in grass
They search for us in filthy cells
Fault finders to eradicate
Hound is waiting, the needle drips
City roars, we are the ill
But wrong is world we're living in
Where progress is the only deal

No more, kowtow and conform
Kneel down or many more will die

Think you're glad, glad for what?
Slave or psychopathic fool
Choose your side, live or die
His eyes are just waiting to strike

The road to confirmation
Walks through the annihilation
Injection or banishment
For who held up his own head
A beast behind each corner
While fish-eyed walls are laughing
I am a refuse bulk can't happen again

You who're silent support those deaths
The worst army is a silent mass
Paralyzed in front of cathode ray
Apathy is something I know you'll pay
Your flawless system has failed
For us anarchists there are no jails
Families hanged alive at walls
The breath of bloodhound that search his goal

No more, kowtow and conform
Kneel down or many more will die

Think you're glad, glad for what?
Slave or psychopathic fool
Choose your side, live or die
His eyes are just waiting
Think you're glad, glad for what?
Slave or psychopathic fool
Choose your side, live or die
His eyes are just waiting
His eyes are just waiting to strike

3. Megamosh

Don't lower your head
You might mess up your hair
Be evil, look straight
Walk with a stake in your ass
Don't laugh at our jokes
Or your face painting melts
Dress black, drink blood
And sleep outdoor in the snow

Cursed be God
Write it on your shirt
Put it on the back
To show how cruel you are
Pentacles to scare
Methuselahs at the park
You wanna be so cool
But we take the mickey out of you

You the Antichrist
Evil is for sale
666, flaunt it everywhere
You deserve a fist
Your name is on a black list
From Zdaynikuf megamosh force

You wouldn't frighten a rabbit
You wouldn't debauch a hooker
Sweat in leather clothes
But hold on, don't give in
Or the weakest of the pussies
Satan is a poser
And you're just a bunch of losers

You the Antichrist
Evil is for sale
666, flaunt it everywhere
You deserve a fist
Your name is on a black list
From Zdaynikuf megamosh force

4. Disposable Planet

Mountains of garbage spill into the streets
Tramps are sleeping they're still in the trash
Your children are playing with rats and pests
But you're so busy turning rivers into drains

We buy, consume, use, spend, accumulate
Never discerning the real necessities
Earth is too small for all that we produce
There's no more space left for all your shit

Years of ruthless buys
Are making this world rot
Use and throw away
That's the American way

Incinerator spits venom for your lungs
Harmful gases and dioxin
Are polluting the air
Bulldozer buries
Your waste under the earth
Is it the price to pay
For your fucking lethargy?

For the first time in your fucking life
Let them hear your voice
Let them hear your voice
Boycott, deny, refuse, resist
The dumb consumerism of this society

There is enough on earth
For everybody's need
But there is not enough
For everyone's greed

We have been taken for sure
'Cause they all always knew
The world is coming to a head
Buried under your waste
When I pointed my finger
At your fucking apathy
You were laughing
You were scoffing at me

Mountains of garbage spill into the streets
Tramps are sleeping they're still in the trash
Your children are playing with rats and pests
But you're so busy turning rivers into drains

We buy, consume, use, spend, accumulate
Never discerning the real necessities
Earth is too small for all that we produce
There's no more space left for all your shit

There is enough on earth
For everybody's need
But there is not enough
For everyone's greed

We have been taken for sure
'Cause they all always knew
The world is coming to a head
Buried under your waste
When I pointed my finger
At your fucking apathy
You were laughing
You were scoffing

We have been taken for sure
'Cause they all always knew
The world is coming to a head
Buried under your waste
When I pointed my finger
At your fucking apathy
You were laughing
You were scoffing at me

5. Pharmageddon

We're obsessed with negligible risks
Killer mad cows in your farm
BSE lurking in your burger
Pedophiles in bushes
Or roasted KFC breathing
A shifting parade of boogeymen

Panic-demic more than a pandemic
It's easier to win the lottery
Than contract Avian Flu
But y'all are going to shit
In your D&C shorts
This smell of your fear is kinda like piss

Why do you fear flu and not planet's decay?
You don't give a fuck about living in the dirt
Think what the hell you are doing with your shit
Grub of system you're fattening their wallets

Your farts stink the air
A mere minor of the problems
The gases killing us
Aren't a product of your ass
Humans are crammed into mega slum cities
Eating shit pills and spitting car burps

What you fear is what they want you to fear
They build up a fiend to divert your eyes
Do you really believe they care about your health?
They're selling you death in each way they get
Our fields have been turned into nuclear plants
And the worst on earth still has to come
Food is poisoned, world is for sale
This earth is under siege

You don't know a fuck about the shit you daily eat
Are Schwarzenegger eggplants healthy or what?
You stupid white man fear unreasonable problems
It's worse than a small penis
Or a dead empty brain

So put your fucking Cialis
In your fucking ass
My mailbox is exploding
With this kind of crap
Stop to think about
Your idle needle dick
There's out a world
That dies just now

What you fear is what they want you to fear
They build up a fiend to divert your eyes
Do you really believe they care about your health?
They're selling you death in each way they get
Our fields have been turned into nuclear plants
And the worst on earth still has to come
Food is poisoned, world is for sale
This earth is under siege

6. New World War

Will to believe
New catastrophe is coming
Panic, anguish and fear
A new menace upon us
Need to find a shelter
To recover your soul
Build up your self made bunker and hide

Pray to survive the first deadly strike
Oh my god, can't stand the tension over me
Prophecy is clear, the ancient ones right
World War Three is coming, coming near

Will there really be a new world war?
Be sure it wouldn't be so far from this world
We're all living and waiting for disasters coming
Acting hopelessly like actors in a tragic play

New war, purify this world
No more, hatred filled inside
Fight for, fight to stay alive
World war, human genocide

New war, purify this world
No more, hatred filled inside
Fight for, fight to stay alive
World war, human genocide


We are the voice arms itself to be heard
We are the face hides itself to be seen
We are the name hides itself to be named
We are the star calling out to humanity

Years of struggle and harsh resistance
Voices and faces of brothers and sisters
We are here with all of them
Soldiers became, soldiers remain

Forget our names so we could be named
This is who we are


We are the dead being alive and well
We are all colours of mother earth
We are the tomorrow harvested in the past
We are the star calling out to humanity

Forget our names so we could be named
This is who we are


Behind our black mask, behind this we're you
Forgotten natives or despised youth
Humbled workers or beaten migrants
Forgotten men and dead from neglect

Dreams won't end as long as we live
The wind from below is coming to storm
And when it leaves the country in peace
We'll lay down the arms and take back our mug

But now forget our names so we could be named
This is who we are


8. Skate Addiction

That damn fat Bob with his easy to see tips
Is driving us crazy understanding what is it
I80 shove it shower
Front side, nollie, grab nose stall

How can we pretend to do that bag of tricks
We can't even jump off the board without a twist
Acne filled kids cut from mother a breast
Laugh behind our shoulders

We started too late for this damned game
Skating when older, it's not the same
Smashed bones and face on the ground
Who got us to do it, fuck you all

Skate addiction
It's more than a religion
Who cares about the rest
When you're trying to do your best
Skate addiction
Bones fly but skates
Are still on the ground
Skate addiction
It's more than a religion
Who cares about the rest
When you're trying to do your best
Skate addiction
Bones fly but skates
Are still on the ground

Friends break clavicles in ruinous falls
Unconscious on the ground
Through a bunch of crooks
Even the pushers suggest for us to stop
But ankles keeps on getting sprained

We shot off from work
With a squeal of tires
Macehunger's cement waits for us
We'll tear another shirt
Trying a basic trick
Maybe when we're 40 years old
We'll succeed with it

Skate addiction
It's more than a religion
Who cares about the rest
When you're trying to do your best
Skate addiction
Bones fly but skates
Are still on the ground
Skate addiction
It's more than a religion
Who cares about the rest
When you're trying to do your best
Skate addiction
Bones fly but skates
Are still on the ground

Skate addiction
It's more than a religion
Who cares about the rest
When you're trying to do your best
Skate addiction
Bones fly but skates
Are still on the ground
Skate addiction
It's more than a religion
Who cares about the rest
When you're trying to do your best
Skate addiction
Bones fly but skates
Are still on the ground

9. Valley Of Tears

Through the centuries
Through all the suffering
What the human race
Has faced in its history
To be consoled from
All the pain and the sorrow
Only one chance
To believe in the future

Religion gave us a reason
To go on with this life
Alienation of man
Into something unknown

Our strength and our will
Focused on what no one can explain
Our strength and our will
Focused on what no one can explain

Thank you for giving us
A light to follow
In the darkness where people feel safe
Soon to be redeemed we don't care
About the present
Living in sin praying
For a god to protect us

It's just what we all wish for
A better future, nothing more
It's just what we all wish for
A better future, nothing more

We created our idol
The mighty one to answer
Unreturned questions
That drive us mad

Time still heals nothing
Scars already opened
Kill your brother for not praying
To your god

Who is right, who is wrong?
Dying for a faith
That's the final conclusion
Who is right, who is wrong?
Dying for a faith
That's the final conclusion

It's just what we all wish for
A better future, nothing more
It's just what we all wish for
A better future, nothing more

10. Wops Still Thrash

Two years ago we told you our vicissitudes
More than CD's we were selling our bermudas
We were without a deal
Without shoes and without meal
Madam Min cleaned cupfuls my "everyday" was awful
Skeleton left us to philosophize
Jorgy get back to play his ho-hum borin' craze
But nothing disheartened us, neither to be halved
So Rob bore hours of bike to get Rod join the band

Despite Jerico's threats he started to thrash
What do you fear to rest in briefs without dress?
Ten ill-fated years and then we found a worldwide deal
We didn't believe it: a dream becomin' real
Roland won great slam and entered Hyades
But seeing him on stage we said "who fuck is this?"
Skeleton smelt the smell of outcomes
Reborn the posse of dead brains 'n' broken bones

Wops still thrash
It seems we play it well also without mandolino
Torre di Pisa, piazza San Marco
And the
Wops still thrash
No pizza, no mafia, no soccer
No Moggi, no Totti, no pasta
Wops still thrash
Touring across Europe on a ramshackle van
Without a motherfuckin' cent
But the
Wops still thrash
Back home we'll find our bosses angry
For our absence from work

Lose your illusions and abuse theirs
Delay by delay the album goes out on its way
No fucking thing of course can go right
Clearing CDs through Customs has been a mortal fight
Rip-offs are ready to skin this band
Never bend forward and always look at your back
Nothing brings us down, we are alive and well
This album kick ass, we're gonna raise hell

Wops still thrash
It seems we play it well also without mandolino
Torre di Pisa, piazza San Marco
And the
Wops still thrash
No pizza, no mafia, no soccer
No Moggi, no Totti, no pasta
Wops still thrash
Touring across Europe on a ramshackle van
Without a motherfuckin' cent
But the
Wops still thrash
Back home we'll find our bosses angry
For our absence from work

Thanks to randy.benoit for sending these lyrics.

Submits, comments, corrections are welcomed at webmaster@darklyrics.com


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