EP: "Fourth Reich" (2009)
1. So Nail The Hearts2. Eucharistick Funereal
3. Reckoning
4. Emeralde Graves
5. Sinn Koronation
1. So Nail The Hearts
This is the nyghte of nyghts - vve steale the starrs from heaven
Adorne a crovvne of the bryde,
- vvho giveth a chylde to the dragon...
This is the nyghte of nyghts,
- vve open all yer hearts so vvyde
Vvith hooks and blaydes and sharpen'd steele,
Vvith nayles and thornes and burning sealls
Children shrieks cutte the ayre,
- ascende from crustie stones,
A dagger blayde flasheth so neare,
- pandemonick trumpett bones,
Nayked bodies, curlling harde,
- convulsions tvviste the shelle
Fleshe is bleeding, ghoulish guarde,
- deepe thunder roaring bell.
Thou shalt not see - a singlestone
Revealing that his truth is nyghe,
But be crushed under the rock,
- revealing his terrible lie!
Eate his bodie,
Drink his blood,
Embrayse his spirit,
Feaste on his hearte,
Grab deepe the teethe in skinne so thinne,
Tayke his great vvorde, fullfill our sinne!
He turneth sense to madnesse
He nayleth the hearts
Reddemptio is nothing (nesse)
...and nothing vvill be redeem'd.
Enlyghten'd torches licke the vaulte,
- challice consecrated in blyghte
On moones zenith releese for the lorde,
- their bloode for his most inner lyghte
Stench of foulenesse, dying pulse,
- diabolick choirs, lyfelesse voyce
Agonick creeping, living dolls,
- no vvay bakk, there is no choyce...
Our throate becometh an open grayve;
Vve'll use our sperm to deceive
The venom of asps is to be under our lipps;
Vve'll be arm'd vvith lyonne teethe
Our mouthe vvill spitte out cursses,
Lethall spells vve'll vveave
Our feete vvill svvifte to shedd bloode;
On our paths of ruin and greede,
Can't ye see - his majestie - openeth his hearte so vvyde
Vvhere vve vvill goe - vve neede no more
- our ovvn heartebeates insyde
Vve feaste on him on liquidd sinne
- for there appeareth golden soyle,
One eye, one hearte, one soule, one vvorde -
For slayves vve are,
For this triumphe vve boyle...
This is the nyghte of nyghts, vve open all our arms so vvyde
Vvith dugger, svvorde and rustie scythe,
Vvith acid, flayme and brimstone knyfe.
This is the nyghte of nyghtes, and all shall beare vvitnesse,
The sunne vvill drovvne in the rayging sea,
And the moone vvil follovv the finallie...
This is the nyghte of nyghts, on brethren ye all shall follovve,
The path of the laste redeeming rytes,
A path throughe the infernall hollovv.
This is the nyghte of lyghts, vve strangle the glayre of the future,
Vve aflayme yer deepest nigtmares vvylde,
And sacrifyce them for his creature.
(vvhat remayneth vvill be throvvn to the vultures.)
2. Eucharistick Funereal
Dominatrix overlorde, in the tvvylyghte reavvayke
Nonconformant principle,
Invicktednesse and vvickednesse and hayte
Aeonick nyghtemares everhaunting,
Pyroclyptick scornful ones
A storm of funereall souls,
Redgather'd in his vvayke...
On harness'd vvings,
Vvith svvorde and flame,
Eternall vvarr,
Eternall fayme
Sacrament of carnall sinns
Cleane our hearts from deepe vvithin!
Pantokrator, mightie king of vvrathe.
Anticipayting cosmogenious spinning sparks of lyghte.
The blood-red gate is clos'd on thee.
The everdvveling font of divyne miracles.
Dovvne in heaven, jesus christ
Shall be reborne
In sorrovve and contrition
Destitute of mercy but not destitute of sinne
Receivve the love of satan
Our nevv eucharistick king!
Conqueror.... rayging visions that destroye the eyes
Disbeliever, follovving in yer vvays
All cycle of lyfe and the ende of mankynde;
Mystickall quest through the portals of tyme!
Hysterick saints suffocating
Conjure mighty apostacie
Hellish hosts eruption
Spastik, backvvards, coronate...
And vvith all the bryghte glorie from heaven they sente
Vvith all the things passing it must come to an end
By the body of our lorde, by the mercy unfold
Tayle of anguishe and faithe, holy fayte once foretolde...
In grimm phantasmagoriaa, tvvisted vision of dreade
Myriad of voyces echo everie thinge henceforth said
An assembly of shadovvs, rotten pearls, virtuoss svvyne
Forces in spiritual unio they bring fo(u)rth grayce divyne.
As the starrs dvvindle and the birds mute their song
Prepayre yer hearts to be baptysed in the bloode of flagellation
Saturnalick deliveranse, floating funereall doome
In the one crucifyed, novv resurreckt'd from the tomb...
3. Reckoning
Storming the heavenlie ivory tovver
Fuck dovvn the angels in their finall hour
2 soldiers of death crushe the god of vvhite hosts
Vve are the lords of the black holocaust.
3 vve cast the torch of darkness unto these hollie halls
Vve kill the priests and all the followers of the feeble one.
4 raiding the spheres of the sephiroth tree
Tipharet sinks, netzach replayc'd by pure agonie
Forces of god vanishe conquer'd by plague
Hail ghorab tzerekk, mightie raven's attack.
5 vve raise the flagg of satan on corpses pyled up hyghe.
The pentagram is shyning - unholly evil eye.
6 prophet beheadded, pigblood covereth his fayce
Endlesse mayhem in mecca, rotting fleshe filleth the playce
Gardens invayded by the devylls and djinns
7 iblis returning, age of chaos beginneth.
8 yer sycophant cravvl,
To foul idols of faythe,
Yer poor limitations,
It sickeneth me...
9 to kill all yer hopes
And to smashe yer senseless dreams
And to tayke ye avvay
Vve have started our vvarr of purification.
10 iconocklasm, total exterminationn,
The fraygrensse of hollie fyres,
A vvorlde consuum'd by our flayme.
And nought shall remayne
To remyndde of their nayme.
For all eternity...
12 asgarde in panick, hlidskjalf falling in flaymes
Yggdrasil chopp'd, onlie cinder remaineth
No golden davvn, it's the absolute ende
Nidhogge avvayketh, fenris openeth his fangs.
13 vve turn the vvalls of vvalhall into a formlesse mass
Celestiall guardians vvrithe and screame in terror and distresse
4. Emeralde Graves
5. Sinn Koronation
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