album: "Interval 02: Parallel Infinities - The Abscinded Universe" (2014)
1. Integration: Into The Posthuman Continuum2. Reborn: The Lamentation's Of A Dying Universe
3. Awakened: Not Even Remembered By The Dust Of Stars
4. Obscured: The Great Aphotic Barriers
5. Agony: The Sad And Beautiful Face Of Death
6. War: A Congregation Of Non-Existence
7. Sorrow: The Conversation I Had With Death
8. Disenthralled: Into The Bulk
9. Transcience: A Moment For Our Eternity
10. The Guilt Reprisal
1. Integration: Into The Posthuman Continuum
I could not understand the motives of time
I could not see the path lain beneath my feet
I could not feel the world I'm destined to destroy
I could not sense the pain echoing through me
And I would like to know, will I remain the same?
And I would like to know, if I could die some day?
My hands could never touch, the atoms in the air
My tongue could never taste, the exhaust from the stars
My lungs could never breathe, the rivers deep in time
My brain could never grasp, the space between space
And I would like to know, will I remain the same?
And I would like to know, if I could die some day?
Submit to your absolute fear
Surgical, precise evolution
Dive into a realm beyond existence
Will I awake at the end?
Submit to your absolute fear
Surgical, precise evolution
Become the thing you always hated
Assassinate the remaining semblance
Though I never felt the presence of a God
I had aspirations of another life
A realm beyond this trite and futile flesh and bone
Standing on the precipice to transcend
My eyes can now perceive, the movements of time
My heart can now beat, To the rhythms of their pain
My mind can understand, the atrocities I will do
My hands already drenched, with blood yet to be spread
And I would like to know, will I remain the same?
And I would like to know, if I could die some day?
And I would like to know, is eternity forced on me?
And I would like to know, what have I become?
2. Reborn: The Lamentation's Of A Dying Universe
Trembling from paradigm shifts
Unknowable pain
Mind contorting: exploding stars
A panicked heart: erupting seas
Breaking the surface of the water
This liquid enveloping my identity
Desperately inhale for air
A vortex that consumed worlds
Steady my mind and prepare, prepare for the onslaught
As my nervous system attunes itself to this violent universe
Steady my mind and prepare, prepare for the pain
A passionate lamentation - the genocide of culture
All I wish for is my blindness
I can never open my eyes
The intimate truth of existence
Unveil its true features to me
Weeping with closed eyes
This sound alone shatters my soul
Forcing my body into the fetal form
I breakdown with the agony
Steady my mind and prepare, prepare for the onslaught
As my nervous system attunes itself to this violent universe
Steady my mind and prepare, prepare for the pain
A passionate lamentation - the genocide of culture
I scream and I scream
Louder and louder
Forcing my lungs
To cry a crescendo
To block out the noise
To block out the pain
I desperately crave
I desperately need
To know the sweet release of death
To be granted the choice to die
But it's too selfish of me
To ask – in these times – such luxuries
Releasing my hands – the veil of my sight
Blood dripping from where I dug into skin
I peer into everything and nothing all at once
Accept the pain of my approaching sins
There was a singular moment I recall
A vanishing weight from deep within
When something inside me, something inside fell asleep
And something else unknown woke up
3. Awakened: Not Even Remembered By The Dust Of Stars
Now that I can see the end
Can I do what must be done?
Can I learn to control
This monstrosity inside?
In myself I know I can find
All the things I despise
But what am I now
If I am not God?
What if we fail, what if we fall?
What if our reach exceeds our grasp?
Can we sustain a defeat of this size?
A war with uncertain odds?
What I'm weak, and what if I'm wrong?
Just a shepherd leading the flock astray?
Can we bear another failure?
The ugly truth of us
Cosmic triumvirate
Combating death with death
My faith in us is wavering
Preserving life with blood
No knowledge or culture left
History a grand failure
Evolution was just a joke
What if we fail, what if we fall?
What if our reach exceeds our grasp?
Can we sustain a defeat of this size?
A war with uncertain odds?
What I'm weak, and what if I'm wrong?
Just a shepherd leading the flock astray?
Can we bear another failure?
What if we fail, what if we fall?
What if our reach exceeds our grasp?
Can we sustain a defeat of this size?
A war with unknowable odds?
What I'm weak, and what if I'm wrong?
Just a shepherd leading my flock astray?
Can I sustain another failure?
We do not get the luxuries of death
Our identities remain nameless
We will not live to ever see
The world we fight and die for
We do not get the luxuries of life
A sweet embrace, a caress denied
All that we love and all we know
Not even remembered by the dust of stars
Plagued by our vague humanity
We were always such a brilliant disease
Plagued by our vague humanity
Yet even disease can have beauty
What if we fail, what if we fall?
What if our reach exceeds our grasp?
Can we sustain a defeat of this size?
A war with uncertain odds?
What I'm weak, and what if I'm wrong?
Just a shepherd leading the flock astray?
Can we bear another failure?
What if we fail, what if we fall?
What if our reach exceeds our grasp?
Can we sustain a defeat of this size?
A war with unknowable odds?
What I'm weak, and what if I'm wrong?
Just a shepherd leading my flock astray?
Can I sustain another failure?
4. Obscured: The Great Aphotic Barriers
Cimmerian sights
Lightless towers
Galactic facade
Wave distorter
Dense line of frantic pleas
The sounds of dying worlds
Everything we thought we knew
Always has it been like this?
Chaos and unrest
Like a plague it spreads
Women, children and men
Human... and alien
Neutron transmitters
Surrounded by the abyss
Decipher and distort
Our visible light
From the structure I see
Infinite lightless voids
Towers raised in oppression
Controlling our evolution
Infiltrate the great barriers
Assimilate a billion years
I can hear the death throes
Of an ancient alien world
I can hear the dying screams
Of a trillion beautiful souls
In the great distance I see
The implosion of a galaxy
In the vast expanse I see
Points of light flashing then ending
Built on the deaths of a hundred million worlds
Filtering perceivable light
Creating and manufacturing our perception
Never knowing the obscured truth
In the great distance I see
The implosion of a galaxy
In the vast expanse I see
A vast array of lights ending
Cimmerian sights
Lightless towers
Galactic facade
Wave distorter
Master of the abyss
Banned from the heavens
Shrouding all our worlds
The great aphotic barriers
5. Agony: The Sad And Beautiful Face Of Death
An indescribable weight
Crushing my chest
My heart ceasing to beat
Too shocked to even cry
An anger wells up in me
I've not known in centuries
Compounding sorrow
My body falls apart
Never were we to be the harbingers of death
To be the ones to bring an end
I sought a different world for us all
A different world for just for you
Twenty five thousand years under the guise
Of a cold blooded killer with a saviors eye's
The corpses of a billion souls dead at my feet
The voices of a billion screams
Have you ever looked into the eyes
Of a crying child as you take their life?
Promising heaven and giving them hell
Is this the monster you always sought?
Blank are my emotions
I despise myself
I have become nothingness
Nothingness infinite
Everyone else is forced to die
Then why not you suffer their fate
Why not die at the hands
Of the monster you helped create?
How many ways, can one die in space?
Can death be a release and not tragedy?
If no one is left to remember the dead
Can we ever hope for life again?
All I see is pain
The death of the stars
The shattering of spirit
All I feel I can never describe
What happened to you?
What have you become?
Am I not what you asked for?
Am I not your precious masterpiece?
Can I not convince you to cease this war?
I already despise me, there is nothing left to hate!
Won't you please listen! I can make this change
I already lost her, I can not lose you too!
No more can I listen, what I did cannot be undone
No more can I stand, what you did cannot be undone
No more can I breathe, what I did cannot be undone
No more can I see, I hate everything!
Why must this be left to me?
Why have I been handed this fate?
Should I care what happens!
There is nothing left to save!
Why must she be forced to die?
Is she still not more innocent than I?
Drifting ever so gently
Into the darkest madness
Falling ever so slow
Into the emptiness
Won't you help me?
There must be a way
Can't you hear me?
Don't you abandon me now!
I know you can hear me!
I know there is a way!
I know what must be done...
Drifting ever so gently
Into the darkest madness
Falling ever so slow
Into the emptiness
Are you afraid of God?
No...But I'm afraid of you
I can never forgive myself
For the horror I am about to commit
I lay you down, just as you were as a child
Tears streaming heavy down my face
Dropping down, running off the blade
I will never forgive myself
For the horror I have done
For taking this life
I will bury you all
In oblivion
I will lay waste
To every last one of you!
Twenty five thousand years under the guise
Of a cold blooded killer with a saviors eye's
The corpses of a billion souls dead at her feet
I'll ever hear is her dying screams
Have you ever looked into the eyes
Of your crying child as you take their life?
You promised them heaven, You gave them hell
In waves of immeasurable death
Have you ever looked into the eyes
Of your crying child as you take their life
You promised them heaven, you gave them hell
In waves of immeasurable death
I have looked into the eyes
Of my crying child as I took her life
I promised her heaven, I gave her hell
In waves of immeasurable death
6. War: A Congregation Of Non-Existence
Contemplating this moment for every second of every year
A surprise assault on the enemy fronts
Caressing and shaping master Antares
Weaponizing my existence
I can see in all directions
Foresee the path of evolution
I can know everything
I am everything
I am a God
And my enemy is God
The devil, the beast, aggregate
Cosmically unbiased
I am a God
And our enemies are Gods
An entity unified in flawlessness
Glorious cities that soar across the voids
Armada impenetrable, invulnerable swarm
Crashing through stars – like ships across a sea
Always with time you'll bow to our supremacy
I am all destinations
All paths end at these gates
I am the God of all religions
I am everything
I am The God
And my enemy is false
The saint, the sinner, anomaly
Ambitious hypocrite
I am your God
And you are condemned
Inferior Triumvirate
To know that you stand on a precipice
The dawn of a vast and sudden change
And stare deeply into that abyss
Is to let the abyss stare into you
Facing down a sentient black
That lusts to consume me
I reciprocate the eagerness
To unleash my own hell
Clenched hands around the girth of a star
Above the cities of my enemy
Reduced and compressed
Into a Schwarzchild radius
Thermal emissions completely concealed
Gravitational Lensing cloaked and veiled
Vacuum dive process beginning
In preparation for hostile contact
I can feel an unnerving presence
Shrouding itself from me, I know it must be them
Enter the hall of grand destruction
So begins the congregation of non-existence
A flash of light above - a dying star?
Light-hours of skyline engulfed in light
Bringing down the stars
Upon the gates
Launched forth a black hole
To obliterate the consensus
Riding the rifts in space and time
I gladly invite this war
My ancient memories begin to swell
For those time left behind to die
I cannot believe what I see
Unfiltered perception must lie
A silhouette on a descending star
Transformed by jaws of war
The instinctive pang of disgust and fear
On a separated mind
Gracefully in her horrific state
She moves across the stars
Indefatigable beauty and grace
A flawless seduction
Intense and immeasurable pain burning my chest
Elegant hand clenching my heart
Tightening grasp around my throat
“Why did you kill me” she screams at me
If only I could die
I'd gladly let you kill me
I am The God
And my enemy is false
The saint, the sinner, anomaly
Ambitious hypocrite
I am your God
And you are condemned
Inferior Triumvirate
[V + S:]
I am a God
And my enemy is God
The devil, the beast, aggregate
Cosmically unbiased
I am a God
And our enemies are Gods
An entity unified in flawlessness
7. Sorrow: The Conversation I Had With Death
Am I myself, am I the one I struggle to remember?
I cannot recall these memories - are they of me?
Or just machinations of indoctrination?
Entwined in war with the entities of death
What you were, what you are and what you will be
Conjoined, in the ideals of a perfect system
Betrayed I am, by own DNA
Not even granted death
Reconstructed in grotesque horrors
Forced to kill for my Sovereign king
Evolution – such irony
You obtained what you have sought, and despised what you found
Turned into such a deformed thought
Repulsed by your own actions
Death ignites the sky, ending galaxies
Countless lives have been brought to an
Endless war is perpetuated
Yet still I am caught here with
You are the only thing I'll long for
Just one more century
To undo all that I have done
To this world, to my girls
Yet shall you remain, my enemy?
Death – ironic i am
I took everything you could never loose,
And left you with your life, the single thing you despise
Am I the price of Godliness?
Death ignites the sky, ending galaxies
Countless lives have been brought to an
Endless war is perpetuated
Yet still I am caught here with
You are the only thing I'll long for
Just one more century
To undo all that I have done
To this world, to my girls
Yet shall you remain, my enemy?
8. Disenthralled: Into The Bulk
Immense quantities
Unfathomable energy
Churning maelstrom
Mold the portal
Baryonic and dark alike
All matter consumed
Violent whirlpool
Through the bulk
Engage the engines
Start up the systems
Begin the process
Devour existence
Out of the dark
Consuming light
We transcend reality
More than what we know
More than time
Beyond life
Beyond death
Immense quantities
Unfathomable energy
Churning maelstrom
Mold the portal
Baryonic and dark alike
All matter consumed
Violent whirlpool
Through the bulk
Shattering apart
My death is finally here
Bring me the peace
Of non-existence
Euphoric pain in the cold dawn of time
Bringing me peace in glorious unbirth
A finite point of light
Bursting into a star
An ever-expanding point of light
Stopping time just for us
Crossing the barrier between our world and the next
My body overcome by a strange sensation
I cannot explain what it is to feel this
Born again or alive after death?
My eyes, am I blind?
My limbs, am I dead?
Time yet to dawn!
Disengage the engines
Abort the systems
End this process
A new existence
Out of the dark
Consuming light
We transcend reality
More than what we know
More than time
Beyond life
Beyond death
9. Transcience: A Moment For Our Eternity
Out of blinding light
Portal of the bulk
Into unknown worlds
An infantile time
Fear and pain invade
Crippling the mind
Are we alive?
I stumble on the newborn stars
Tripping in the wake of hydrogen
Churning maelstrom of alien sea's
Attempt to drag me in deep
Struggling to stand against this odd gravity
My legs begin to shake as the universe awakes
The enormity and awe of this moment caught in time
For just a second I could feel...
The birth pangs of an infant universe
Pound my skull in painful bliss
An unfamiliar dark with growing points of light
We have arrived – a new dawn
The pain of my atrocities
Given a small, gentle reprieve
But should I allow myself
To feel anything other than hell?
I want to smile at what we've done
To enjoy a moment of eternity
I know there is no place for us
For a moment, can we exist?
Lay me down at the edge of time
Embrace the nakedness of starlight
Relax and lull your weary mind
In our eternity
Close your eyes and think of us
You've suffered enough and earned your rest
No more fear and no more pain
We have earned this death
Laying against the newborn stars
Rolling in the seas of hydrogen
Embraced beneath alien skies
Fluidity in movements of flesh
Caressing against this odd gravity
Pulsating force in time with life
The enormity and awe of this moment caught in time
Our transient eternity!
10. The Guilt Reprisal
My powers shrivel as my regrets blossom
By the time I realized how far I had gone
It was too late to stop it
But there is still one last chance at redemption
For both of us...
What I have done, cannot be undone
I cannot stop what I have put in motion
But perhaps, I can keep it from ever starting
He was my first hope, and now he is my last
All of this has to end
Will I be strong enough to see all the doors
And open whichever I choose
And if I bring him here
Who Is to say he would be any match
for the monsters I have created?
But in the end he is the one
Who will have to pay down all of our accounts
won't he?
Where does his guilt start...and mine end?
Brett Windnagle: Guitars, Vocals, Drums
Thanks to terrycuyler for sending these lyrics.
Thanks to terrycuyler for sending these lyrics.
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All lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Please read the disclaimer.