album: "Resickened" (2004)
1. Intro2. Gastric Gore.met
3. Brainfucker
4. Liquid Lunch
5. Trash.hole
6. Resickened
7. N.C.T.B.
8. Human Bot.fly
9. Chitin
10. Kicked To Death
11. Son Of Forgotten Flesh
12. Megacephallus
13. Trioxin
1. Intro
2. Gastric Gore.met
Welcome to my kitchen, it crawls with disease.
But people come for miles to consume the sick cuisine.
A taste for the exotic, delicously grotesque.
For a price you can obtain anything you can ingest.
Ruptured blister creme brulee.
Blood jellied ass-grapes, smegma gravy. cream of cycsts.
Extruded bowel giblets, cannabalistic smorgasbard.
A banquet of the finest gore. laced with poisons to addict.
So good that it makes you sick.
Guts gorged with viscera, and half rotten slop.
Cuts glazed with sputum, coagulated sperm slick.
Fresh from the sewer comes our catch of the day.
Coney island whitefish with syphilitic dickcheese souffle.
Gonorreah clam-dip, oysters on the half lip.
Bile slathered fish-and-chips, infected abcess molasses.
Pathogenic binge and purge, indulge the most disgusting urge
Necrophagic fantasy, culinary mortuary.
Itching, with dritiphilist distress, you simply cant defy.
Consuming disease ridden flesh
Leaves your hunger pacified...
[Lead: Maniac]
This affliction has no cure
Bizarre, compulsive and obscure.
The lust for pathogenic waste
Is truly an eccentric taste.
Cannabilistic smorgasbord.
A banquest of the finest gore.
Laced with poisons to addict.
So good that it makes you sick, suck nipple slurp and lick
When you expire you become the next coarse.
3. Brainfucker
I am going to fuck with your mind
The cruelest fornication, cerebro-coital aberration
You'll wish you'd never been born
Seduced by whispered lies and stumbling
Stupid, drunk on corn
Violent retribution, on unsuspecting whores
Sick sadistic psycho fucker mentally deformed
Crude abnormal surgery on patients I obtain
With this serrated power drill I'll pierce your skull
And fuck your brain
Header... murder... header... tortured sick brainfucker
Butcher... rape her... header...
Cephalic chowder drenched in sperm
I found her wandering down the road, another victim
Sleazy fucking cracker trash
Spread her legs for a kind word and some shine
That rotten oyster ain't the hole I had in mind
I told her bitch get on your knees and close your
She flashed a stupid grin, and opened her mouth
Thats when she heard the drill begin to whine
And burning blood and bone smoke filled the air
[Lead: Maniac]
Header.. murder.. header.. psychotic sick headfucker
Butcher.. rapeher.. header.. a pecker for your thoughts
4. Liquid Lunch
Hideous mutant freak
I'm a being of most disgusting means
Genetically bred to kill
Viscous pathogen blood excreting
From my very genes
Hybrid parasite...
Stalking the filthy streets
Rabid slavering beast crazed for human meat
Twitching limbs sense the kill
Caustic juices gushing ready to assimilate
You've been liquified...
Covered with bile your skin now slips
Siphoning coils sick up the bits
Melting yet still alive...
Spasming slop my nourishment
Inhuman monster arthropodic horror
Engorged with enzymes to kill and feed
Undetectable camoflage chromatophores
With regenerative tentacle limbs
Unrelenting urge to consume
Kill them all they must be metabolized
[Lead: Maniac]
Hybrid parasite... human liquified...
Tissue soup imbibed... thru emeticide
5. Trash.hole
Doped and unconscious I dragged her from the scene
Runaway from home she's only 13
Awake 2 days later bruised bloody sore
In a cold rotting basement with a hole in the floor
Now scream for me my human tolilet
Been drugged hobbled and in chains there's no escape
My live experiment in plasma chemistry
I'm going to make you a perversion
Blind and dislimbed to prevent you from escape
Cauterizing wounds to preserve you mangled state
My various secretions tissue waste and seed
Become all the nutrition your torn body needs
A sick existence consumed with nausea
Induced vomit choking gags with every swallow
And yet with all of this disgust and revulsion
You're wracked with hunger pains
For my repugnant mal-nutrition
Bulging bladder protein drip
Hangs suspended to your lips
Surgeon's tubing stuffed unbidden
Invades the throat to sicken
Infectous intravenous induced toxoplasmosis
The blood becomes hepatic the skin erupting in disease
Obscene derision jerking schism
Perverse mockery of life my abomination
Your heart tortured organ shudders in defeat
Another chapter of my retribution now complete
Praying now god let me die....
The answer to your prayers the futility in my eyes
6. Resickened
Graveyard becomes cafeteria.
In a horrid fate, that's all too near.
Depletion of flora and fauna.
The remaining link of a dying food chain.
The sickening truth,
Is what we swallow.
Ironic flavor,
Di-gest to survive.
Appeasing the vast global nations.
With comfort food, of a carrion kind.
Blinded by gluttonous terror.
No one thinks about where they go
When they die.
Delicous decadence.
A hint of rye.
Recycled existence.
You taste just like chicken.
The ends justified and imbibed.
All-consuming survival.
Take what you want,
But eat what you take.
Raw glandular extracts intoxicate.
Human tissue, stripped and rendered.
Rich in protein, fats and triglycerides.
Injection molded into shapes
Meant to tantalize.
Bones crack, extraction of marrow.
Than crushed to paste
For productions of gelatins.
Nothing wasted, nothing discarded.
No regrets, your repast may be "relative".
[Lead: Maniac]
Boiling cauldrons, caustic acids.
Dissolvine hundreds of boneless bodies.
Enzymatically broken down,
To a nourishing broth of repungent origin.
Within the organ grinder.
Kidneys hear and lungs.
Coiled intestines, liver and spleen.
Will ensure the starving lick utensils clean.
[Lead: Maniac]
Now ponder this in-digestion.
As humanity eats us alive.
Like a ravenous cancer.
Consuming its host,
Even parasites die
With no sustenance left.
An all too human delicacy.
Familiar flavor, they taste like me.
The ends justified and inbibed.
All-consuming reprisal..
Take what you want,
But eat what you take.
Kill to eat.
Eat to live.
7. N.C.T.B.
An appetite for the stench of death.
Mouth slavers for decaying matter.
Guts shudder to anticipate.
Whether circuits, poisons, germs or mammals.
Silicon to masticate, carbon sludge assimiliation.
Deadly gay spores invade, rancid flesh has long decayed.
Eviscerate the mecha-guts, deconstruct the fleshy creatures.
Decompose the pathogenis, re-absord the techno vomit.
[Lead: Maniac]
Slag falls to Earth as waste.
Steaming proto-plasma splatter.
All fuek fir the omnivore.
Whether circuits, poisons, germs or mammals.
8. Human Bot.fly
Lost in the jungle deep emerald abyss separated untold miles from
The world civilized
Strangling undergrowth... this climate offers no hope
Awash in the filth crusted mud and foul excreted waste scabs form a rash
Vital nourishment depleting
Torrid blistering heat demented psyche crumbling fast
Stench fetid from infected wounds rancid gangrene growth rich with sickness
Now exudes
As you run with mucous fever festooning you with boils nauseous gorge
Explodes ejecting gastric anal vomit
Sprawled on the ground in horror and exhaustion the whole of you
Skin now a
Scabrious inflammated wound
Something has your scent a hunger stirs primordial
Crazed with the fever sleep consciousness a cruel foe consumed by pathogenic
Sick hallucinations
Now you shake with fear awakened by the wings of doom
Vile larvae the afflicting plague as affixed to the wretched anopolae by
Ingenious parasites
Dermatobia hominis is now clinging to your skin forced to hatch your body
Heat their cue to penetrate
Mouth ringed with teeth hooked into your meat barbed several rows
It seems they're here to stay
Wriggling deeper still itching horrid thrill if you try to pull them out
They'll die and rot inside of you
[Lead: Maniac]
Growing fat within underneath scabby skin liquifying tissue to complete the grisly metamorph
Brain impulse erodes sickening stimuli are they really there?
Or merely maggots of the mind?
9. Chitin
Forced from the depths of the oceans
A malevolence older than man
Crude and unspeakable creatures maligned
With contempt for all life that exists upon land
Bringers of genocide arrive with the blood red tide
Primal occult driven plague they herald the end
Armored with terrible purpose
Encrusted envenomed burning with rage
Brandishing flesh-ripping pincers
To grasp disembowel and scavenge their prey
Hate single-minded of purpose
Is churning in brains of primordial design
Hunger torments they march to the air
Appendages churning a froth from the brine
Can't believe what they see pathetic and weakened
Murder crawls on eight legs doom comes for you
Horrors rising death from the sea
Incomprehensive stygian madness
Things that should not be
Shiny ebony spike laden shells glistening sickeningly
Nausea injected with venomous thorns
Render by necrotic means
Deafening screams calls to unknown gods
Waves transmitted by alien glands
Annihilate human ears
Land slickened with shredded remains
Peppered with severed limbs
Crushing their cities to powder
Erecting their unholy shrines
Monsterous crabs blaspheme the idols of man
Awakened by arrogance unleashed to slaughter
[Lead: Maniac]
Forced from the depths of the oceans
A malevolence older than man
Crude and unspeakable creatures maligned
With contempt for all life that exists upon land
10. Kicked To Death
Sentenced to death shoved into a hole
Gone insane meditating on hate for 20 years
Steroids and weight create a juggernaut
A cerfied psycho housed in
Hardened flesh and bone
Force-fed hate and rape murder taking shape
Viscous psychopath escapes...
In a nearby town he finds a whore
Sleazy thrash upon which to slake his lust
Fucks her rough each hole poked and torn
Her tendons sawed apart
With a blade mostly rust
What he needs is a sacrafice a living doll
A body to make bleed a broken bag of bones
Screaming for her life he kicks her in the chest
Breaking several ribs
Steeltoes descend breaking every limb
Organs start to burst within
Bile and vomit launch from her slack mouth
Slick with black blood her bowels have released
[Lead: Gurge]
[Lead: Maniac]
Now he jerks himself with satisfaction
Spilling seed on the pulpy mess of gore
Finds another hole for re-insertion
Not as tight but much wetter than before
Agonizing moan from the mindless mess
Many broken bones protrude
Horrid fractured skull eyes like fried eggs
All of it explodes the final blow
11. Son Of Forgotten Flesh
Pathogen contained in the sewers deep below
Imprisoned within cryo holding cell
Dna withdrawn to map its foul genome
A biomorphous orgy born of hell
Exploit the strain genes isolated
Piercing the cell wall
Excise the weak injected with evil dominant blood
Skeletal graft marrow enriched
With venomous hatred
Spores of decay virulent eggs
Spawning madness and death
Mutant..... chromosomal whore
A gestating mass twitching limbs and gore
The unspeakable mouth vomits raw disease
A son of man to murder gods creation
Cultures are grown clotted with semen
Burning with bile
Indoctrinated at cellular structure
To rape and destroy
Pumped full of drugs viral infections
Fungal bacteria
Fed on the dead living and worthless
Humans abhorred
Pathogen reborn from perverse human nature
Science raped by evil seeks revenge
Little did they know they created their own end
A biomorphous orgy born of hell
12. Megacephallus
Hidden in the darkness of the backwoods
An evil lurking grotesque & ugly man-thing
Makes its home among the shadows & beasts
But for flesh it is endlessly searching
Psyche unspeakable hideous
Its hunger insatiable lusting insane
More flesh and more brains to fuck and consume
Human tissue conpulsion depravity
Steeped in the perversion of its mentor
A decrepit elderly cannibal madman
Taught the ways of the lecherous and sick
Ate the brains from his head as he lay dead
Now he must go out into the world
To spread his legacy madness and agony
A horrid alien mutated fiend
Near forgotten by wretched humanity
Cold unscrupulous monster
Defective devoid of compassion or fear
Birthed by degenerates crossbred a malevolent hulk of destructive deformity
What it does not kill it will fuck and devour
Gorged on its victims waste and viscera murderous lust
Lecherous rage in the mind of a child idiot juggernaut
A violent grisly world of flesh & bone is all its ever known
Exterminating the unworthy souls of deserving fools...
Vengeance become
The women it captures are savaged playthings to rape and be eaten alive
Dismantled with peerless perversion ejaculate running with blood from all holes
Scatohemophagic rapist cannibal fiend stalking witless backwoods vermin
Death unending
Blood is not enough to relieve its thirst no amout of flesh seems
To fill its churning guts
Embittered psychosexual murder fuck running captured beaten
Tortured they
Writhe in agony
Grisly... forced entry... never finding an adequate receptacle
[Lead: Gurge]
13. Trioxin
Enter the morgue of creation
Lifeless bodies arranged to experiment upon
A chamber hermetically sealed
To conceal the insidious toxins within
Devised by medical madmen
And embraced by nefarious military minds
To create an invincible soldier
Who feels no pain and refuses to die
Gas enervates the brain comes to life
Spasms result in the creaking of sinews
Rotting corpses flop about the table
Eyes open wide now conscious alive
Reflecting hunger and chaos inside
Overwhelming urge to eat the living
Stables of mouldering bodies
Varied mass of decayed human beings
Some newly dead others dripping with rot
Stench acrid thick sloughing flesh decomposed
Driven by impulses primal the craving is all that remains
Gorging on flesh to fill rotting guts
Killing pain as they feast on live brains
Zombies reborn as soldiers undead
A cybernetic revision of life
Mechanized with killing exoskeletons
A chemo-techno conceived necromance
Human meat enabled by machines
Slogging forth a brigade of rot
Foetid putrific stink festering decay
[Lead: Maniac]
Dripping horror walking haunting soulless frozen eyes
Seeking living viscera to feed never satisfied
Gas enervates the brain comes to life
Spasms result in the creaking of sinews
Rotting corpses flop about the table
Eyes open wide now conscious alive
Reflecting hunger and chaos inside
Overwhelming urge to eat the living
Thanks to trounce for sending these lyrics.
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