album: "Ascending To Infinity" (2012)
1. Quantum X2. Ascending To Infinity
3. Dante's Inferno
4. Excalibur
5. Tormento E Passione
6. Dark Fate Of Atlantis
7. Luna
8. Clash Of The Titans
9. Of Michael The Archangel And Lucifer's Fall
10. March Of Time
1. Quantum X
"Take an amazing journey
Through a world of wonders,
To a place that will blow your mind
And move your heart...
So you will never be the same again"
Deus dominus
Deus dominus
Crucificsus adoramus
Resurrecte incarnatus
Apocalipsis jesu
Quam dedit illi deus
Tempus prope est
2. Ascending To Infinity
Somewhere beyond the arcane multiversum
The gene of the cosmos, the code of the soul
Logic and spirit, the vertical limit
A quantum, a secret, the fall of the gods
Dark revelation and intimate vision
The seed of new danger for makind's new dawn
Fear and illusion, the jar of pandora
A sentence so hard for the fate of the world
Velato senso che adombri il mio se'
D'un tal destino svela il perche'
Far from the borders of science and wisdom
Ways to oblivion and dark matter worlds
Lost equilibrium, a cell of new evil
Alpha et omega
The end of all
Free your mortal sight
Arise to frozen alien skies
Ascend beyond your will
To infinity
Cyber millennium, the matrix of heaven
The saviors displaying their absolute might
New evangelion, a sefirah flaming
The heart of an angel now burning the sky
Sent by the stars a new sign, a new chance
From the same far dimension where all once began
Symbols and words of enigmas forgotten
Became modern truth, holy trace of a plan
L'ultimo volo di un'anima
Verso l'eterno senza perche'
They came to us as announced by the prophets
Painting the skyline of new blazing hope
Lost equilibrium, a cell of new evil
Alpha et omega
I'll be reborn
Free your mortal sight
Arise to frozen alien skies
Ascend beyond your will
To infinity
Ego sum alpha et omega
Finis et principium
Dicit deus qui est
Qui est et qui erat
Et qui est venturus
Deus dominus
Starlight shining
New hope flying
Cosmic essence
Heaven's vengeance
Deus dominus
Free your mortal sight
Arise to frozen alien skies
Ascend beyond your will
To infinity
Dicit deus qui est
Qui est et qui erat
Et qui est venturus
Deus dominus
3. Dante's Inferno
She's in me
Her being, her will to live
Damned to breathe
And feel that source of sin
One pure fate
True love devoured by hate
Her last pain
Dark trace of pulsing shade
Veiled in the mist of a sad winter night
A lonely ghost in a fragment of light
Icy vibration, a whisper, a cold word
Mortal darkened deadly sorrow
Divina amata
Or sospirata
I'll cross the hell on earth
To have your soul back
Irato averno
Dante's inferno
I need your grace to be my pain
In nomine
Freeze, black wind
My nights, my empty dreams
Back from lies
I'm her sacrifice
She's in me
Her being, her will to live
Damned to breathe
And feel that source of sin
One melancholic reflection of grey
A walking dead with your heart in his hands
Come and reveal all the might of your shadow
Through your gothic vivid splendor
Divina amata
Or sospirata
I'll cross the hell on earth
To have your soul back
Irato averno
Dante's inferno
I need your grace to be my pain
In nomine
4. Excalibur
Septimum / nunc veni
Sigillum / et vide
Ego usurato
D'uomo ferito
Tra orgoglio e peccato
La forza del mito
Sinful, bleeding
A new life's meaning
Your glare's healing
My broken feelings
In the shades of avalon's dark reign
The last word of an immortal skylord
Hidden in the tears of fallen angels
Will reveal the wonders of my heaven
At the dawn of a new eternity
Shines the mighty blade of destiny
L'antico inganno
Al cor mai svelato
L'eroico furore
Di un dio tormentato
Sacred fire
Gloria in profundis
Divine wisdom
My axis mundi
Mental nexus between earth and sky
The last word of an immortal skylord
Hidden in the tears of fallen angels
Will reveal the wonders of my heaven
At the dawn of a new eternity
Shines the mighty blade of destiny
Ego sum unus et vivus fui mortuus
Sum vivens in saecula saeculorum
In meo sanguine libero te
Domine quando corpus morietur
Fac ut animae gloria donetur
Septimum / nunc veni
Sigillum / et vide
Della terra il fuoco e il gelo
Delle acque il mormorar
Della rune il suo segreto
E dal druido il suo vibrar
Al furor di vento e mar
Mano ardita scegliera'
E dal pianto di un infante
La leggenda nascera'
"an age-old nemesis
Is stalking through time itself
To hunt down the only one
Who can stand in its way"
Honor et virtus
Sacrus gladius
Only one will brandish the great sword of power
Riding winds of hope
Only one will unify the kingdoms
And will serve the angels' word
Hail the glory of excalibur
Ego sum unus et vivus fui mortuus
Sum vivens in saecula saeculorum
In meo sanguine libero te
Domine quando corpus morietur
Fac ut animae gloria donetur
In veritatis splendor est
Meus gladius
In veritatis splendor est
Sacrus gladius
In meo sanguine libero te
Sacrus gladius
Meus gladius
5. Tormento E Passione
Quel caldo brivido
D'inquieto vivere
O mio tormento
Speranza fervida
Volgare e candida
Turbato senso
Lo so / lo sai
Giochi com me / lo sai perche'
Ti cerco e ancor m'illudi
E allor mi giuri infedelta'
Tra le onde dell'oceano
Mi richiami al tuo se' / richiami
Oltre il cielo puro e limpido
Or riveli il tuono in me / riveli
In un eco di tempesta
Il tuo intenso divenire
La mia fonte di tormento
E di passione vera
Io ti trovero'
Sola verita'
Fatale e languida
D'essenza serica
Mio oro e argento
Ferita cosmica
Arcano e fremito
Di spazio e tempo
Lo so / lo sai
Ambigua in me / lo sai perche'
Mi scruti e ancor m'angosci
E allor mi offri all'irrealta'
Tra le onde dell'oceano
Mi richiami al tuo se' / svelato
Oltre il cielo puro e limpido
Or riveli il tuono in me / stremato
In un eco di tempesta
Il tuo intenso divenire
La mia fonte di tormento
E di passione vera
Io ti trovero'
Io e te / una cosa sola
Mia verita' / nuda senz'anima
Or vivida / or fragile
Nell'intimo / recondita
La mia verita'
Tra le onde dell'oceano
Mi richiami al tuo se' / richiami
Oltre il cielo puro e limpido
Or riveli il tuono in me
In un eco di tempesta
Il tuo intenso divenire
La mia fonte di tormento
E di passione vera
Io ti trovero'
Sola verita'
6. Dark Fate Of Atlantis
Thousands of years ago
At the limits of our world
A new kingdom rose on water
A new golden age for all
Human minds or entities
Sons of astral infinity
But for sure the great Poseidon
Found his people and his throne
Old world
To you we all belonged
Old world
The stars announced your fall
Ignotum fatum
Monumental growth
Breaking rules of history
The lost continent was legend
Soon the legend became myth
Power, strength, prosperity
Once too close to divinity
Until water became fire
And swallowed all its lore
Old world
The Icarus’ last fault
Old world
Your fate lives on and on
Ignotum fatum
Dark mantis
Dark fate of atlantis
At the gates of the timeless dimension
Dwell the ghost of a myth not forgotten
Kept by the sirens
And their infinite cry
The one surviving the ocean's might
Dark mantis
Dark fate of atlantis
At the gates of the timeless dimension
Dwell the ghost of a myth not forgotten
Kept by the sealord
And their infinite force
The one surviving the god's remorse
Vita e morte
In quell’umana vis
Che vibra ed arde
Vivida nei secoli
Old world
To you we all belonged
Old world
The stars announced your fall
Ignotum fatum
Dark mantis
Dark fate of atlantis
At the gates of the timeless dimension
Dwell the ghost of a myth not forgotten
Kept by the sirens
And their infinite cry
The one surviving the ocean's might
Dark mantis
Dark fate of atlantis
At the gates of the timeless dimension
Dwell the ghost of a myth not forgotten
Kept by the sealord
And their infinite force
The one surviving the god's remorse
7. Luna
[originally by Alessandro Safina]
Only you can hear my soul
Only you can hear my soul
Luna tu
Quanti sono i canti che risuonano
Desideri che attraverso i secoli
Han solcato il cielo per raggiungerti
Porto per poeti che non scrivono
E che il loro senno spesso perdono
Tu accogli i sospiri di chi spasima
E regali un sogno ad ogni anima
Luna che mi guardi
adesso ascoltami
Only you can hear my soul
Luna tu
Che conosci il tempo dell'eternità
E il sentiero stretto della verità
Fà più luce dentro questo cuore mio
Questo cuore d'uomo che non sa, non sa
Che l'amore può nascondere il dolore
Come un fuoco ti può bruciare l'anima
Luna tu
Tu rischiari il cielo e la sua immensità
E ci mostri solo la metà che vuoi
Come poi facciamo quasi sempre noi
Angeli di creta che non volano
Anime di carta che si incendiano
Cuori come foglie che poi cadono
Sogni fatti d'aria che svaniscono
Figli della terra e figli tuoi che sai
Che l'amore può nascondere il dolore
Come un fuoco ti può bruciare l'anima
Ma è con l'amore che respira il nostro cuore
È la forza che tutto muove e illumina
Only you can hear my soul
Alba lux, diva mea, diva es silentissima
Only you can hear my soul
Alba lux, diva mea, diva es silentissima
8. Clash Of The Titans
Chaos in my conscience
Wildly hurt by a weird state of mind
There's no day without fights in my soul
When the titans start their war
Born out of nonsense
Raised and lost between shadow and light
I'm the birth, i'm the life and the death
Of a child who cries in vain
A red dawn, an alert for us all
Dark winds of war
Rust of a system
Mortal sin of a primitive race
I'm the virus, the bringer of pain
That same hell i want to escape
Code: evolution
Target range: a new spiritual step
Deep inside all the keys for the gate
Of new mankind's sacred reign
A red dawn, an alert for us all
Dark winds of war
Born in the flame of dragons
The hate of a fallen god
An angel baptized in fire
The clash of the titans
Rage of a bleeding warlord
Black tears of a dying world
The fight for the last empire
The clash of the titans
Rust of a system
Mortal sin of a primitive race
I'm the virus, the bringer of pain
That same hell i want to escape
Code: evolution
Target range: a new spiritual step
Deep inside all the keys for the gate
Of new mankind's sacred reign
New divine revelation
Shed light on all
Born in the flame of dragons
The hate of a fallen god
An angel baptized in fire
The clash of the titans
Rage of a bleeding warlord
Black tears of a dying world
The fight for the last empire
The clash of the titans
9. Of Michael The Archangel And Lucifer's Fall
"To protect all that is dear to you you can lock every door... close every road... suspect every stranger...
But no matter how safe you think you are there is one deadly threat you cannot keep out, and that is... your own fear"
Centuries, millenniums for a story without end
Heaven bleeding once betrayed by angels without faith
Chaos and order generating birth and death of souls
The matrix of the universe, a quantum and its source
L'umano torto col sangue lavo'
Nel lor peccato si spense e spiro'
D'impeto ruvido il cielo crepo'
Al suo vagito la terra tremo'
I am the child who cries
I am the grace that lies
I am the eye that stares
I am the mouth that hurts
I am the cross that bleeds
I am the hand that heals
I am the thunder's rage
I am your inner quake
Holy inner revelation
And old prophecy unfolds
A sad rhyme of mystic fading hope
A script of death and sorrow
The requiem for my world
The most epic battle
That men ever told
The last revelation
The code of the codes
Through symbols and secrets
The centuries spoke
Of Michael the archangel
And Lucifer's fall
Beatus qui legit
Qui audit verba prophetiae
Et servat ea
Quae in ea scripta sunt
Beatus qui legit
Prophetiae verba sacra
O quot undis lacrimarum
Sacramentum et arcanum
In the stellar fire, in the nucleus of a cell
That fragment of eternity that feeds an alien brain
In an abbey lost on Earth the gate to astral reigns
The energy of supernovas tracing souls' new ways
Divina Madre io rinascero'
In quella grazia che mai tradiro'
Parte la sfida tra un ego ed un se'
La sfida al cosmo di un uomo, di un re
I am the child who cries
I am the grace that lies
I am the eye that stares
I am the mouth that hurts
I am the cross that bleeds
I am the hand that heals
I am the thunder's rage
I am your inner quake
(You are your choice)
Holy inner revelation
And new testament unfolds
Carved in me the power of your word
The vision and the illusion
The force of hate and love
The most epic battle
That men ever told
The last revelation
The code of the codes
Through symbols and secrets
The centuries spoke
Of Michael the archangel
And Lucifer's fall
Beatus qui legit
Qui audit verba prophetiae
Et servat ea
Quae in ea scripta sunt
Beatus qui legit
Prophetiae verba sacra
O quot undis lacrimarum
Sacramentum et arcanum
Ego sum principium finis
Dicit Pater Dominus Deus
Deus qui est et qui erat
Qui venturus est omnipotens
Ave, Mater, fons amoris
Me sentire vim doloris
Fac ut tecum lugeam
Fac ut ardeat cor meum
In amando Christium Deum
Fac ut sibi
O quot undis lacrimarum
Sacramentum et arcanum
"The Earth quaked and the last sin of man was then swallowed by The Great Mother.
The ocean's waves devoured the rest of the fallen metropolis while the four horsemen appeared in the glaze of the burning sky.
Then Saint Michael appeared in his full quantum astral splendor.
He distorted space and time to cross the seven universes.
I kneeled in the front of him... the archangel took my hand...
The code of all codes, the secret of secrets, the tale of creation was the revealed...
One second of terrestrial life for a billion of light years
The ecstasy of heart and soul and the cosmic impact on a fragile mind while the ultimate truth was finally revealed..."
An instant later
"The divine cosmic matrix, forging heaven and hells and fueling the energy of the arcane multiversum, was calling me...
...I closed my eyes and followed the archangel, leaving my beloved and tormented planet, my beloved brothers and sisters, my glory, my sin... now shining as a new forged star in the celestial firmament, a burning star of wild pureness and crystalline truth..."
10. March Of Time
[Bonus Track]
[originally by Helloween]
Hours of lust, hours of tears passing by before my eyes
today, tomorrow, yesterday. . .one life
days of joy, day of sadness come and go to pass me by
a month, a year, one hundred years, they fly
Ohh, one day I will be gone to lead another life
ohh, and this world will stop to turn around with me
Time. . .marches
time. . .marches
on without us all, never stops, yes
time. . .marches
time. . .marches
on and on and on, flies eternally
Times of peace, times of fights, constant movement is our life
can't stop no more, not until. . .we die
we long for more. . .eternity, and maybe there's another life
this one is short, no matter how you try
Ohh, but never give up all the hope to lead a good life
no, don't waste your given time to make things worse
'Cause time. . .marches
time. . .marches
one without us all, never stops, yes
time. . .marches
time. . .marches
on and on and on, flies eternally
Please, please help me see, the best way to be
make a change and we, live eternally
no more wasted years, no more wasted tears
life's too short to cry, long enough to try
Time. . .marches
time. . .marches
on without us all, never stops, yes
time. . .marches
time. . .marches
on and on and on, flies eternally
Alessandro Conti ‒ Vocals
Luca Turilli ‒ Guitars, Keyboards
Dominique Leurquin ‒ Guitars
Patrice Guers ‒ Bass
Alex Holzwarth ‒ Drums
Thanks to alfredoconde for sending these lyrics.
Thanks to vesyus for correcting tracks ## 2, 5 lyrics.
Thanks to avrilfan1322 for correcting track #9 lyrics.
Luca Turilli ‒ Guitars, Keyboards
Dominique Leurquin ‒ Guitars
Patrice Guers ‒ Bass
Alex Holzwarth ‒ Drums
Thanks to alfredoconde for sending these lyrics.
Thanks to vesyus for correcting tracks ## 2, 5 lyrics.
Thanks to avrilfan1322 for correcting track #9 lyrics.
Submits, comments, corrections are welcomed at webmaster@darklyrics.com

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All lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Please read the disclaimer.