Dark Lyrics


1. Agu


[English translation:]


2. Sõjasüda

Ei mind arvatud meheksi
kui ma sündisin sõgeda
kui ma kasvin kallis venda
illu isale hirmuksi

Pandi mind põldu kündemaie
adramaada ajamaie
ära kündsin hallid härjad
katkestasin küüdud härjad
adrad otsiti ojasse
valjad vagude vahele
veli vandus hundiluuksi
sõsar soesugulaseks

Ma pole sündind kündijaksi
kündijaksi külvajaksi
ma olen sündind sõjateele
venda vaenu veere pääle
sündisin piiki peossa
väitsa varvaste vahele
nuga nurgiti suussa
tapper teise õla päälle

Olen sõjasüda
terasharma hinge
sirgeselga soosoerd

Olen sõjasüda
terasharma hinge
susisilma - hundihända

Maamiile mõõdab minu mõõk
veevalda vaenab
Ahke on kange mehe meel
tuline turba

[English translation:]


I was not deemed a man
When I was born frenzied
When I grew up, little me
I grew to the horror of my father

I was forced to plough the fields
To furrow the oxgang
I offed the great oxen
I broke the striped oxen
Plough toppled in a stream
Bridles in the furrows
Brother cursed me wrathful
Sister a mongrel born

I was not born a ploughman
A ploughman, a sower
I was born for warpaths
On the edge of battlefields
I was born, spear in hand
Dagger between toes
Knife in clenched teeth
Battle-axe on the shoulder

I'm a warheart
Soul grey as steel
Wolf-eye, hound-tail

My sword traverses the miles on the land
Plagues the miles on the sea
Brave is the stubborn mind
Of a fiery strapping man

3. Küü

Raba tumma turma
tarmu tundja
Vadrakate vilu
vaikiv varju

Punaharja pärga
Tuletaiu tooja

Küükivi kulda
Arbuja adu
Hõbehelme hoidja

Küdikivi kandja
Laanelehe lapsi

Vii vette verda
Kanna kalda kahja
Soosilma jätku
rabavette rammu

Ale, aima aega
Kodu, kuula kaimu
Nurme, nõua niitu

Sookirja sinine
maakirja punane
kuukirja kullane

[English translation:]


Knower of the wisdom
Of bog's mute turf
Silent shadow
Of shady underwood

Crowned with crimson wreath
Blue blooded snake
Bringer of rites of fire
The serpent

Slithering spellstone
Seer's wisdom
Keeper of silvery beads
Layer of eyes

Bearer of the wormstone
Serpent eyes
Child of woodleaves
Sense of snakes

Take blood to water
Bring sacrifice to shores
Bear wealth to bog-pools
Offer strength to swamp water

Fields, wait for slash and burn
Home, hear my kindred
Meadows, demand the scythe

Blue as the bog
Red as the soil
Golden as the moon
The serpent

4. Muhu Õud

Kui häda sunnib mõisameest
end liiga kauaks välja
siis tõmbab vaene moonamees
ka tupest mõõga halja

"Kes kurat joob kui meil on põud
ja vilja vallas vähe!"
Ja valab vaene moonamees
tal lasipuuga pähe

On saare mees kui kange kõu
ja väljas maru rahe
ja saja saksa mehe jõud
saab kokku muhu mehe

Kui tahab tõmbab sarviku
ka oma meeste mesti
ja tuustib sadat saksa meest
kui vanast lumme..

Kui saksa mehe ametis
võib näha selget ohtu
lööb muhu mehe habe siis
vaid õllekapast vahtu

Kas kilter kubjas aidamees
või pagan teab mis papp
tal lagipähe prantsatab
üks muhe muhu kapp

On saare mees kui kange kõu
ja väljas maru rahe
ja saja saksa mehe jõud
saab kokku muhu mehe

Ja keegi kurat mind ei saa -
kas veri ninast välja!
Ja tõmbab vaene moonamees
nüüd tupest mõõga halja!

Kui on loojund päe
õllekapp meil kura käe
kirves vahel vöö
muudkui kahma ta ja löö!

[English translation:]

Muhu Dread

When trouble makes the landlord
Stay out for far too long
The poor farm-hand pulls
His sword out of its sheath

"Who the hell drinks when there's a drought
And little grain is left in the parish!"
And the poor farm-hand smacks
His head with a hitching bar

The island folk are hard as thunder
And as hailstorms raging outside
And the strength of a hundred landlords
Makes up one Muhu Man

If he wants he can be
In cahoots with Old Nick himself
And mauls a hundred landlord's men
With one hand behind his back

While the landlord's man clearly
Has a dangerous job to do
Muhu Man's beard but brushes
Ale foam from the mug

Be it bailiff, overseer, or storeman
Or what damned sort of priest
A cheerful Muhu tankard
Will smash upon his head

The island folk are hard as thunder
And as hailstorms raging outside
And the strength of a hundred landlords
Makes up one Muhu Man

And nobody will take me -
By hook or by crook
The poor farm-hand pulls
His sword out of its sheath!

Once the day has finally set
We have a tankard in our left hand
And an axe between the belt
Just grab it and strike!

5. Kivine Maa

Higist, verest, trotsist, valust
seisab tuultevallas talu
Hambad ristis, huultes praod
peremees põllule kraabib vaod

Rassib kange mees
siht vankumatu ees
Jäsemeis tuksleb ramm
kuid kivide all maa kividest on

Kivine maa – külm kange pind
Kivine maa – sees jäine hing
Kivine maa - türm seinteta
Ränkraske taak on kivine maa

Kivine maa – kui neetud paik
Kivine maa – surmsüngelt vait
Kivine maa – töö otsata
Kivide all on kividest maa

Raskel sammul järgneb samm
Tühm on pilk kuid toores ramm
Rakkus käsi, rakkus jalg
Tolmust halliks tuhmund palg

Rassib kange mees
siht vankumatu ees
Jäsemeis lahkub ramm
kuid kivide all maa kividest on

[English translation:]

Land Full Of Stones

On sweat, blood, spite, and pain
A farmstead stands, ravaged by winds
With clenched teeth and cracked lips
A peasant claws furrows into the field

A hardy man, he toils away
Eyes steadfast as his goal
Strength is throbbing in his limbs
But under the rocks there is a land full of stones

Land full of stones - cold, hardened soil
Land full of stones - icy soul inside
Land full of stones - a prison without walls
A heavy burden is the land full of stones

Land full of stones - a cursed place
Land full of stones - in deathly silence
Land full of stones - endless toil
Under the rocks there is a land full of stones

Strides heavy step after step
His gaze is dull but his strength is raw
Callous hands and callous feet
His face has turned grey from the dust

A hardy man, he toils away
Eyes steadfast as his goal
Strength is leaving his limbs
But under the rocks there is a land full of stones

6. Rabakannel

Kastemärg pärlike habiseb tuules
uduse kardina hajutab eest
Eksinud otsimas hüüdeid taas kuuleb
leidmata jäävad nad tumedast veest

Kes kuulatab, teraselt, leida võib vaikusest
kandle, mil keelte peal heliseb lein
Õud, mis talletund hälbinu hüüetust
järgimast hoiatab petlike teid

Hõbeniites härmakannel
talvetuisus mängib vaid leina

[English translation:]


Dew-dropped pearl necklace quavers in the wind
That scatters the curtains of mist
Calls and shouts for those lost can be heard
They remain lost in the darkened pools

If you listen closely, you can find in the silence
The harp whose strings with mourning ring
Dread preserved from the shouts of those lost
Warns from following deceitful roads

Rime harp with silvery strings
In a winter gale rings but sorrow

7. Isata


[English translation:]


8. Kahjakaldad

Lahvab verd - Kasvuks ja kanguseks,
Lahvab verd - murrab nõrkasid nälg
Lahvab verd - Rammuks ja rikkuseks,
Võta vastu tsirk närunenärb

Lahvab verd - Kasvuks ja kanguseks,
Lahvab verd - Murrab tugevaid nälg
Lahvab verd - Rammuks ja rikkuseks,
võta vastu me tugevaim härg

Lahvab verd - sõgehull silmitu soerd
Lahvab verd - Murrab viimasied nälg
Lahvab verd - võhl kui verine koer,
rüpp rinnatse vereveest märg

Lükka laande tormivoog
Maru, raju, äiksehood
äng kui hinge kinni poob
Julmus kurjust juurde loob

[English translation:]

Sacrificial Shores

Blood bursts - for growth and strength
Blood bursts - hunger breaks the weak
Blood bursts - for raw power and riches
Receive the puny wretched bird

Blood bursts - for growth and strength
Blood bursts - hunger breaks the strong
Blood bursts - for raw power and riches
Receive our strongest ox

Blood bursts - blindly mad eyeless mongrel
Blood bursts - hunger breaks the rest
Blood bursts - wicked rabid hound
Bosom bloodied with nursling blood

Drive into forests flood of storms
Tempest, gale and rush of thunder
Angst suffocates the soul
Cruelty brings wickedness along

9. Tormilind

Mees vahumiili murrab
kui hingab auru laht
ja alepõllun rügab
meel, mõtten areaht

Rand roovalli vaob
Öö saadab lahkuja
Veel kaldapiiri seob
urm tagaootaja

Meest kannab laine turi
kui künnab merda kiil
ja sütesooja tuli
taad kodukaile viib

On kodupärn mu puri
Mast männisalun öö
ja karjakella kumin
koin unelaulu lööb

On suitsutaren mu süda
kui reelingud raske on riim
ja kodumetsa müha
on purjepidaja triiv

Mees vahumiili murrab
kui hingab auru laht
ja alepõllun rügab
meel, mõtten areaht

Ulgu kui hüüab maru
Ahtrin raiub raheraju
Merekaru purjen puhub koduranna tuul

Matab kui laeva udu
Vihma vingub iiliulgu
Tormilinnu laudaden on kodulaulud suun

[English translation:]


A man breaks the foamy waves
When the bay breathes its vapors
And on the fields he toils away
In his thoughts, a goal in sight

The shore sinks into reeds
The night sends off the leavers
The shore can still be seen
By the devoted waiter

Shoulders of waves carry the man
As the keel ploughs the sea
And charcoal fire
Leads back to home quay

My sail is the linden tree at home
Mast from nightly pine grove
And the clangs of cowbells
Play lullabies in the berth

My heart remains in a smoky cottage
When the rime is heavy at rails
And the roar of woods at home
Give the leeway to the sailor

A man breaks the foamy waves
When the bay breathes its vapors
And on the fields he toils away
In his thoughts, a goal in sight

When the tempest yells and howls
When the stern is slashed with hail gales
The winds from home shores blow at the seadog's sails

Be the ship buried in fogs
May the squalls wail with rain
Shearwater's planks are singing us home

10. Ulg

Võte kuulda mu kallimad kaimud
Mul muistsed on pajata lood
Võite saada sest ammusest aimu
kui veereni valatud toop

Ja enne kui kallate mõdu
ja kibu on puudutand pard
ma kangemaist laulan teil lugu
viisi vägevaist vedada mald

Täna katkusid kannelde keeli
vaen, viha ja veri ja surm
ja ugandi uhkete meeli
kroonis urustet piikide turm

Kabjaplaginast värises võnnu
ja raiutud raudmeeste väed
Vestsid vahedad väitsad kui lõmmu
verest verevaks värvitud käed

Alla vandus siis vastane vapper
Kahja kallist kui kandis meid murd
Kaitsemärgi kui lõikas mu tapper
kuni miilavast lihast saab muld

Mööda metsade raiutud radu
ja vendade, vainude peal
sööb sügise unede udu
vaid vaprate vareseid seal

Päeva minnes loojanguni
seab me sammu
õru õnne õige kuni
kalmust kasvab koit

Päeva pikka pidada vasta
viib meid kaudu
türnaveega vainu kasta
toonist tõuseb võit

Usvaulgu hüüab hüdsehall
Tulekibe kumab tuha all
Kasteheina kulda kaob kuu
Päeva pikka hoida vasta tuult

[English translation:]

The Howl

Listen my dearest kindred
I have old stories to tell
Listen to my ancient tale
Once you fill up my mug again

But before you pour the meade
And before the beard whips the beer
I will sing you a song of the strongest
A tune about the mighty will ring

Today feud, fury, blood and death
Plucked at the strings of the harps
And the spirits of Ugandi's bravest
Were crowned by the doom of spears

V nnu shook with hoofbeats
And the armies of iron men were hacked
Into splinters by the sharpest of swords
By hands crimson with blood

The brave foes then surrendered
And were sacrificed by our host
A protective seal my knife did cut
Until smoldering flesh turns into soil

Along paths hewn in forests
And on green pastures, my brothers
The mist of autumn dreams eats
The remains of only the bravest

Until dusk falls
We will walk on
With iron strength
Until the fortune of the brave
Turns doom into dawn

A long day we must endure
Takes us with
Sharp swords
To water pastures with blood
From grave a victory will rise

A grey wolf bellows misty howls
A spark of fire shimmers under ashes
Moon vanishes into golden bent grass
Keep the long day against the wind

11. Eha

Valju on vaenu mis vasta on panda
Vajlu on vellede vaonu' varju
Valju on meeli mis soeb meeste päida
Eha on helmine haabhalli kirja
Hämaravarjude verevakirja

Kollaste koivude kuuside koha

[English translation:]


Strong is the spite we can raise
Strong are the stifled shades of brothers
Strong is the spirit that ruffles men's minds
Dusk shines pearly, with aspen-grey hue
Twilight shades are the color of blood

Above yellow birches and spruces

Markus Teeäär ‒ Guitars, lead vocals
Varulven ‒ Guitars, Estonian bagpipes, zithers, flutes, Jew's harp, vocals
KuriRaivo ‒ Bass, stump bass, contrabass, vocals
Marko Atso ‒ Drums, vocals

Thanks to upsilon667 for sending English translations.
Thanks to combustiblewater for correcting tracks ## 2, 8 lyrics.

Submits, comments, corrections are welcomed at webmaster@darklyrics.com


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