album: "Sadistic Sex Daemon" (2003)
1. Révisionniste2. Sadistic Sex Daemon
3. La Marche Des Cornus
4. Armageddon à l'Elysée
5. Conversation Métapsychique
6. Grand Démonologue
7. L'Extinction d'une Etoile
8. Bonaparte
9. Sans Complaisance
10. Le Dernier Répond
11. Romantisme Noir
1. Révisionniste
I will tell you the reserve
Of a three thousand year old French people
For whom freedom was a gift
But what of it now?
They make us believe
Unacceptable suppositions
Illusions of wisdom
On our past I scream revision
We must re-examine everything
Intolerable adaption
Defamation of our history
In the name of my people I say no!
I'm revisionist
Of the democracy's lies
Re-read together their lords
Only one voice: it's tyrannical
I saw the blood of my brothers run
For the colours of our standart
Poisoned equality
Heads will fall down
And if "the oath of the tennis-court"
Was just a deceit
And if the human rights
Were never inscribed
Under the flag of truth
Idealist persecution
Heads will fall down
Stand up for liberty
Machiavellian perversion
Heads will roll
Your knowledge is not my truth
A wind of revolt's blowing at last
Re-open the rpison of "La Bastille"
Slide the guillotine's blade
I will tell you the reserve
Of a three thousand year old French people
For whom freedom was a gift
But with insurrection their blood!
2. Sadistic Sex Daemon
In the dreags of the towns
Where stench is dwelling
Search, observe and examine
Perversion and filth
Tired of the dirty pornography
Humanity arift
I collect atrocities
unendurable extremism
Perverse connection, particulars informations
They repatriate my victims
The passive eyes of the voyeur
Does not satisfy me
I must act by myself
Exorcism of abuses
Sadistix sex
Sadistic sex daemon
Deviation from the human valours
Enjoy my visions of horror
You could not conceive
Even from your lustful side
What creates my phantasm
My sodimite satisfaction
I cannot be judged
It's your world who raised me!
Sadistix sex
Sadistic sex daemon
Deviation from the human valours
Enjoy my visions of horror
I'm inspired by the most depraved subconscious
Passionated by the disordered minds
Near their end, long suffering
They gave me the next idea of...death
For pelasure I'm ready to kill
Sexual torture is my delight
The body is just flesh
Great playground for my scalpel
The passage of pleasure from a human being to a dead one
Sadistic sex daemon
Ignominy, outrage, necrophiliac
Give me the next idea of...death
Sadistix sex
Sadistic sex daemon
Deviation from the human valours
Enjoy my visions of horror
Could you stand by
Monstrosity and madness
My decadent cruelty
The footishness of the transgression
I could go no further
Is there a limit to sadism?
Is a child's ultimate death
Crime's apotheosis?
3. La Marche Des Cornus
Follow the master's voice
The infernal growls of evil
Open the seventh gate
Tomorrow's episcopate
The diabolic secrets
Must be rept away
From mortal souls
The necromancers
Will forever lead
Our poor humanity
Follow the master's voice...
Confession to the supreme
Apocalyptic horsemen
Demons and antichrist
numbered by 666
Follow me
In my own hell
I will guide your steps
In the ehart of my universe
You wanted to know everything
Dead forever
Follow me
In my own hell
I will guide your steps
In the ehart of my universe
Now you know
smiling in the gloom
The cross is reversed
Yelling are getting closer
The good has retired
At the sanctuary's entrance
Alone in death
Suffering and agony
Hell's claws
Paradise inversion
Follow me
In my own hell
I will guide your steps
In the ehart of my universe
Now you know
smiling in the gloom
The cross is reversed
Yelling are getting closer
The good has retired
At the sanctuary's entrance
Alone in death
Suffering and agony
Hell's claws
Paradise inversion
In clandestinity be forever faithful to the black sun
By Christ's blood
Moaning from the inside
Plaintive damned
Crucify God's salvation
Listen to the choirs
The horns walk
Freak procession
Twisted satyricon
Bless me
In my own hell
I will guide your steps
In the heart of the universe
Now you know
Smiling in the gloom
4. Armageddon à l'Elysée
I could not believe in your system
In your ridiculous election
Litentious chimera
Promises of everything reality of nothing
Man will always be
Too feline for the others
Inhabited by shame and mediocrity
Where is the old man's wisdom
The upright words of our ancestors
Our knighthood's bravery
modern world I hate you
Destroy all democratic suspicion
Infestations of those lies
Where a minority acts
Established on treachery and weakness
Unholy democracy
Pernicious sect you enrol
Our children since primary school
Flowers who could not blossom out
I preach the great tyranny
France is in flames
Burn, damned republican
I refuse your citizenship
Armageddon at the Élysée
True reading providers
Country of the human rights
Caged when you want to stand up
I preach the great tyranny
The supreme disorder of Misanthropy
The decision by our-self
The choice of being Christian
Conscious and faithful
A vitriolic portrait
Of a France which disgusts me
I involve myself and make the oath
To do everything for a great change
I preach the great tyranny
The supreme disorder of Misanthropy
The decision by our-self
The choice of being Christian
Conscious and faithful
5. Conversation Métapsychique
Enlève-moi le souvenir
De mes parents perdus
Je ne peux fermer les yeux
Sans leur faire un dernier adiev
Ludicité de la reconnaissance
Prémonition supranormale
Apparition hallucinatoire
Polypsychisme cérébral
Ma vi est devenue un hiver
Terne et mélancolique
Oè je m'adonne aux délicieus
Exercices métapdychiques
D'une entité astrale affligée
À l'encontre des lois
de l'apesanteur et de la gravité
Ils veulent m'imposer
Ce que je dois vivre
Ma maladive mélancolie
Marcelle ce monde de givre
Suprêmes maux de l'âme
Confusion de pervers
Trapèze psychodrame
Morbide Jupiter
Confession d'un malade
Conversation metapsychique
Refus de ce monde
Hallali satanique
Confession d'un malade
Conversation métapsychique
Refus de ce monde
Hallali satanique
Maistre en sciences occultes
Examen des abymes
Diagnostiques cliniques
Conception démoniaque
Possession diabolique
Soulageant les infirmes
Sois l'unique interprète
De mon esprit reclus
Tu vas enfin connaitre
L'arche des âmes déÇues
Enlève-moi le souvenir
De mes parents perdus
Je ne peux fermer les yeux
Sans leur faire un dernier adiev
Conversation métapsychique
Conversation métapsychique
Ma vi est devenue un hiver
Terne et mélancolique
Oè je m'adonne aux délicieus
Conversation métapsychique
Conversation métapsychique
6. Grand Démonologue
Extinguished in silence
A night of 1566
Without god's sanctification
But rocked by angels
Crusader's brother
Loyal to the Oath of allegiance
Jean-Jacques, arm of the king
Under the Vatican's armorial
On Rome's path
Illuminated by the cross
Prodigal virgin Mary
Transmit power and belief
You will be Christ's weapon
Opposed to the army of darkness
You have thirteen days
To regroup the demons
In the seventh circle
Against the nine winds
You have thirteen days
To regroup the demons
Excommunicate the mpure
Abbath and Asmodan
Hunt the bringers of evil
In the center of every diablerie
You numbered 72 princes
And 7 million 405 thousand
And 926 demons
Infesting the vile hell
Arch-Angel Saint Michel
Great purifier
Drag them in the fall
Hands of god
Demons swallower
Jean-Jacques Wier
Great daemonologist
Mortified apostle
Satanic immunity
Like you I set out in quest
Of a perfect humanity
On the road, new barbarians
Man with a frozen heart
Where is your soul?
Jean-Jacques Wier...
Like you I set out in quest
Of a perfect humanity
On the road, new barbarians
Man with a frozen heart
Poor disillusion!
Within these walls
Demoniac extravagance
Of the enchantress "Carcassonne"
Join the last assault
Besiege the holy trinity
I'm the strength of all prayers
Re-united in a man of flesh
S.A.S. De L'Argilière
Arch-Angel Saint Michel...
Great daemonologist
7. L'Extinction d'une Etoile
Projected in hyper space
Prey to the high infinite
Without temporal parameter
On the edge of a yawning hole
Nebula with seven branches
Entrance to an other universe
I'm trapped by a black hole
In dissimilar cluster of atoms
I lost my survival control
At the border of reality
Will I finally foresee the secrets of immortality?
If you catch sight of light
From the depths of this black hole
It's death's call
From it's infernal jaws
If you catch sight of light
From the depths of this black hole
It's death's call
From it's infernal jaws
A last vision of the earth
Space-craft in position
Put a brake of Kronos
Reversing time
I pass beyond the dark and sad monolith
Quartzified the component of the abyss
I'm at the end of space
Where the stars fade
Space traveller
Last apostle of knowledge
I'm inspired by the black hole
Alone without defence
From a distance he drinks my blood
My eyes are popping out of their sockets
My head explodes
Catched by a black hole
I've found my exit
By the fall, shame, wandering and disenchantment
A swing and I'm forever engulfed to nothingness
If you catch sight of light
From the depths of this black hole
It's death's call
From it's infernal jaws
If you catch sight of light
From the depths of this black hole
It's death's call
From it's infernal jaws
I discovered the equilibrium
Of this word of Pandemonium
A planisphere hold by one thread
Extinction of a star
Slow ascension to the fissure
In its center: the anti-matter
Plunge in its opening
Jaws of thousand razors
Neverending pain
My veins are gaping wounds
8. Bonaparte
From the Mount Sinai
Doves are taking flight
Death sends it's messengers
From the shadow's torments
With naked feet
Follow the ascetics path
A hand holding a candle
Singing canticles
I make my sign of the cross
Mourning, rites and sorrow
Enter the purgatory's room
For a last holy sacrement
A mahogany door reflecting the sunset
Bless the dying in a sparkling sky
Dismal meditation
To the walls of lamentations
In the moist alcove
Surrounded by her family
I cannot endure to believe in it
Hitting her breast with my fists
The head facing god
In a neverending scream
The confession must start
I'm tired of seeing her in the throes of death
Dismal meditation
To the walls of lamentations
She's nude and lying down
My muse is sleeping
Beautiful worried angel
Shining and eternal
Shivering at the bell's toll
Serene and ironical
Host, Judas and nail Mary
Miserable absolution
The priest is desirous
To finally end it
His bony face
Enjoys death with a real pleasures
Shivering at the bell's toll
Serene and ironical
Host, Judas and nail Mary
Miserable absolution
The priest is desirous
To finally end it
His bony face
Enjoys death with a real pleasures
From the Mount Sinai
Doves are taking flight
Death sends it's messengers
From the shadow's torments
Ah ah ah...
9. Sans Complaisance
No complaisance
For the third reich nostalgie
Nothing could be compared
In the history of ignomity
Stop idealizing
National socialism
Hitlerite's racialism
Under it's grip
We will be the first victims: deportee
Punish them all!
We must never forget
The deep mourning people
Massacre in concentration camps
...Concentrations camps
I'm frightened it all starts over again
Annihilate nazi organizations
Any form of dictatorship
Aryanist has could you declare
Been a superior race? Filthy nausea
The SS shall not be an example
To the children's eyes
We must denounce
Their detestable dealings
Rise of the racial hate
Simplistic ideas of power
Lost adolescent
Indoctrinated to facism
Malignant premeditation
Assembly of shame
No complaisance
For the third reich nostalgie
They must take consciousness
Have scruple to judge races
Movement of disillusion
Scorn of humanity
Senseless idolatry (of the Fü:rher)
Did they forget their past?
No complaisance
For the third reich nostalgie
They must take consciousness
Have scruple to judge races
The medal of greatness
Is not on their uniform
Auschwitz is not an icon
Disgrace on humanity
I'm not here to preach
Any good words
But I hear the screams
Within the walls
My blood has the same density
As my semite brothers
And the same colour
As my god, king of the jew
10. Le Dernier Répond
J'ai Elevé Mon Fils
Toute Ma Vie
Dans Un Romantisme Noir
Aristocrate D'Herésie,
Fidele Au Soleil Noir...
11. Romantisme Noir
I lived all my life
In a dark romanticism
Heretic Aristocrat
Rebel against all laws
Obsessed with grief and sadness
Phantoms of the past
Possess my eyelids
I lived all my life
In a dark romanticism
Heretic Aristocrat
Rebel against all laws
To escape my thoughts
Been in the dumps
I roam, drifting and hostile
I played with my god
Stand up to face men
Never will I break
The autumnal woodbines
The crack where I'm stranded
Is youth's power
Guided by suffering
To avoid: the knowledge
The crevasse where I fell
Dark romanticism
Guided by suffering
Romantic hope
I'm still always fascinated
By death's desire
Far from my family
Wounded agony
We could not live in sorrow
Without been betrayed
Sincerely I love you
With passion above everything
Immortal lover
But misanthrope first of all
Romantic dream
Phantasm of death
No mysticism
Just a moment in time
I confide in you
Please deliver me
Make a tear flow
Or offer a smile
Weeping cries
Magnify desires
Where the wind drives mad
Lonely among the waves
Pirovetting through the gloom
I confide in you
I'm dying alone
Far from mine
In the extreme misery of christianity
To escape my thoughts
Been the dumps
I roam, drifting and hostile
I confide in you!
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