album: "Insurrection" (2011)
1. Sin & Sacrifice2. Injustice For All
3. The Final Hour
4. The Blood Of Tyrants
5. Divide & Conquer
6. Insurrection
7. Cruor Viaticus
8. Prophetic Illusions
9. Collapse
10. Signals
11. Rise
12. The Infernal Machine
1. Sin & Sacrifice
The stage is set, and so is the plan.
When the dark lord calls, you will understand.
Fall from grace was the ultimate sacrifice.
You will behold his greatness with your own eyes.
We’ll take your life into our hands.
We’ll take your lives with our own hands.
This blasphemy will be your end.
This will be your end!
Take me to the grove.
It’s time to cremate care.
Red and white robes, worship upon the air:
The sacrifice of an innocent child, for the greater good of man.
The worship of a false idol under false pretenses: your faith will fail.
Forsaken we will be, despite hypocrisy, when the stars align at night, all the wrongs we’ll right.
Set a fire in our skin, we have been freed of sin we will cast our cares to the wind.
All the wrongs we’ll right.
The worship of a false idol under false pretenses: your faith has failed you.
Feel the hate when you’re burning at the steak, crucified for your crimes against humanity.
Feel the hate when you’re burning at the steak, crucified for your crimes against humanity.
Feel the hate and burn the book.
Feel the hate and burn the book.
Priests and politicians play the same sick fucking game.
Swine, serpents, and servants will be purged in the flame.
The stage is set, and so is the plan.
When the dark lord calls, you will understand.
Fall from grace was the ultimate sacrifice.
You will behold his greatness with your own eyes.
The worship of a false idol under false pretenses: your faith has failed you.
Forsaken we will be, despite hypocrisy, when the stars align at night, all the wrongs we’ll right.
Set a fire in our skin, we have been freed of sin we will cast our cares to the wind.
All the wrongs we’ll right.
We’ll take your life into our hands.
We’ll take your lives with our own hands.
This blasphemy will be your end.
This will be your end!
2. Injustice For All
Justice is forgotten and liberty is dead.
Justice is forgotten and liberty is dead.
There is no justice!
This is our time for revenge, fuck justice we want you dead.
No second chance, you’ve had your chance at redemption, instead you sold us out and now your life is threatened.
Please believe everything you hear and see and never, ever question authority.
Please believe everything you hear and see and never, ever question authority.
Together we stand, divided we fall.
A force united we will crush you all.
Monuments of injustice, we will watch you fall, and like the lives you have broken we will break down this wall.
One ruler, one government, one religion, one choice.
Extermination, reduce the population; there is no doubt you will try to kill me, but will never kill what I believe.
You’re fucking dead to me.
Together we stand, divided we fall.
A force united we will crush you all.
Monuments of injustice, we will watch you fall, and like the lives you have broken we will break down this wall.
The scales of justice have tipped in your favor; time and time again your lies have slipped breeding anger.
With time as our witness, history as our judge, we’ll cast you to the abyss, and we will rise above.
Death, slavery, and the pursuit of hatred.
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Please believe everything you hear and see and never, ever question authority.
Together we stand, divided we fall.
A force united we will crush you all.
Together we stand, divided we fall.
A force united we will crush you all.
3. The Final Hour
People should not fear their Governments, Governments should fear their people.
This is the final hour, the last battle in a struggle for power.
We stand upon the front line. The clock strikes twelve, you’re out of time!
This is the final hour, the last battle in a struggle for power.
We stand upon the front line. The clock strikes twelve, you’re out of time!
We shall meet in a place where there is no darkness and we will fight in the light! We will fight!
You have been waiting in the shadows since the beginning of time. You have infiltrated every aspect of our meaningless lives.
We shall meet in a place where there is no darkness and we will fight in the light! we will fight! Like poison from the wound we will draw you from the shadow into the light!
Destitute of common knowledge and deprived of unchained life. This struggle ends tonight.
We have broken our bonds and abolished the chains that bind our guarded minds. This struggle ends tonight.
Defect from slavery and denounce your name. Become faceless and kill, kill without shame.
The truth will be revealed at the hands of a slave stained red with the blood of his master name.
The population is broken and dead, revolution an imminent threat.
In our eyes we see only red. Our darkest days lie ahead.
Run in fear! The end is near! Run in fear!
People should not fear their governments. Governments should fear the people.
This is the final hour. Run in fear!
This is the final hour. The end is near!
4. The Blood Of Tyrants
As the days grow darker and the nights grow colder a sense of hopelessness sinks in, slipping farther into our own living hell, betraying what the prophecies foretell.
How many faithful have died waiting for their savior?
How many faithful will die awaiting forever.
Death is the standard by which the reality and depth of all things can be judged.
Democracy becomes unholy when our hands are dyed red with innocent blood, so let us stain them with the blood of tyrants.
Violence, all this violence prevails, when democracy fucking fails.
Pass your final judgment.
Send us to death.
We will stand and fight you 'til our last breath.
Tell me do you value your life enough to fight that which threatens everything we love?
Do you have the strength within enough to sacrifice everything to expose the lies and rise above?
Death is the standard by which the reality and depth of all things can be judged.
Would you die for what you believe?
Would you fight for that cause or fall to your knees?
Democracy becomes unholy when our hands are dyed red with innocent blood, so let us stain them with the blood of tyrants.
Tell me do you value your life enough to fight that which threatens everything we love?
Do you have the strength within enough to sacrifice everything to expose the lies and rise above?
Violence, all this violence prevails, when democracy fucking fails.
5. Divide & Conquer
Segregation of the races.
Religious feuds and hatred.
Pitting brother against brother.
Turning friend to foe.
Where is your allegiance?
Where do you stand?
Blind submission threatens the survival of the free man... and if you stand for nothing, I will still stand for you.
This is more than a call to arms!
This is a fucking revolution!
Our country is not the only thing to which we owe our allegiance. It is also owed to justice and to humanity. Patriotism consists not in waving the flag, but in striving that our country shall be righteous as well as strong.
[- James Bryce]
Divide & conquer.
Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society.
Breed genocide of a feudal race.
This is a mass execution.
Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society.
Where is your allegiance?
Where do you stand?
Blind submission threatens the survival of the free man... and if you stand for nothing, I will still stand for you.
This is more than a call to arms!
This is a fucking revolution!
In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated, and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
[- Mark Twain]
Depreciation of self.
Corrosion of the classes.
Break the boundaries that bring confusion to the masses.
Opposition stirred the goal to inflict a mortal wound in the fragile heart of man.
Irreparable and internal, it will destroy us from within.
Divide & conquer.
Divide & conquer.
6. Insurrection
It has been ten years since the descent began, the most recent chapter, 100 years into their master plan.
It has been ten years since the towers fell, in a free fall economy, integrated into a man-made hell.
Congruency cannot be questioned.
A closer look depicts codes of deception.
All our freedoms are stripped away.
This fascist regime has risen from the fucking grave.
We’re not the only ones that see behind closed doors, you can’t hide anymore.
We’re not the soul-less ones who brought upon this war, you can’t hide anymore.
It has been our fear, since they conceived their plan, that allowed them to become our masters, what is it that you don’t understand?
It has been our fear since the election, taking the power from the people, reminiscent to a planned insurrection.
The difference between us and you is that you’re killing innocents and we’re killing you.
We’ll bring you to justice, just like the governments you are toppling you will fall, you will follow them to the ground.
We will watch you fall.
It’s time for a new page to be written, not in ink or concrete, but with your blood.
A new age will begin with your end.
We’re not the only ones that see behind closed doors, you can’t hide anymore.
We’re not the soul-less ones who brought upon this war, you can’t hide anymore.
We won’t change for this world; we’ll change this world for us.
We won’t change for this world; we’ll change this world for us.
Fuck your world.
You can have it.
Fuck your world.
You can have it.
The difference between us and you is that you’re killing innocents and we’re killing you.
We’ll bring you to justice and just like the governments you are toppling you will fall, you will follow them to the ground.
We will watch you fall.
7. Cruor Viaticus
You deal in fear, selling security in a box.
Lives disappear, selling our souls at a premium cost.
Insatiable hunger for gold and lust for power.
You’re fucking scum.
Your riches will stand for nothing in the 11th hour.
You’re fucking done.
Wealth over commonwealth: of, by, and for the corporations and not the people.
Wealth against commonwealth: a battle for the preservation of good, not evil.
We won’t be bought and sold.
Your debt to the human race is long overdue.
We have come to collect; this is it you’re through.
Wealth over commonwealth: of, by, and for the corporations and not the people.
Wealth against commonwealth: a battle for the preservation of good not evil.
We won’t be bought and sold.
You want my life then come and get it.
We won’t be bought and sold.
You want my life then come and get it.
A drop of blood for every innocent man that has suffered at your hands.
You’ll never fucking bleed us dry
Spreading your lies x you’ll never fucking bleed us dry
No more lives lost at your hands.
When will the cost meet your demands?
No more innocent souls condemned.
How many more will you expend?
My words heed, consumed by your greed.
You will see, tyrants can still bleed.
You deal in fear, selling security in a box.
Lives disappear, selling our souls at a premium cost.
My words heed, consumed by your greed.
You will see, tyrants can still bleed.
Today will live in infamy; the story of your death will forever be burned into the pages of history.
Your rotting corpse will be put on display for all abandoned eyes to see,
It shall serve as a warning to all who would follow you for the rest of eternity.
Today will live in infamy; the story of your death will forever be burned into the pages of history.
8. Prophetic Illusions
You have been chosen to serve as a predecessor for human cultivation.
We are a living monument to their eternal glory; our civilizations are testament to their timeless story.
Over the centuries of war and disease, entire civilizations have been swallowed by the sea.
Thousands of years of oppressive integration.
A cursed race.
A failed existence.
We are gradually being conditioned to accept lies of a substantial magnitude, our keepers frantically scheming, preparing to create a race bound by their servitude.
We are a living monument to their eternal glory; our civilizations are testament to their timeless story.
Prophetic illusions, the end of days: an endless cycle from birth to the fucking grave.
Complete destruction of the archaic ways, regressing farther as we drift away.
You will see the fire in my eyes as I burn down the heavens.
Ignite the skies!
Burn down the heavens!
Ignite the skies!
Empires lay in ruins, buried by time.
Crushed by the divine.
Our world is bound for destruction.
Your way of life as you know it, is about to change.
Your way of life as you know it, is about to change.
They will come to reclaim their previous glory with malicious intent.
Their eternal return is not only inevitable, it is imminent.
Burn down the heavens!
Ignite the skies!
9. Collapse
Hold out your hands and demand that we kneel before we stand.
Force your hand and bleed us dry, every day of our fucking lives.
They preach peace and salvation, then bind us with debt and damnation.
They speak as lords of creation, denying grace, forcing inflation.
Hold out your hands, and demand that we kneel before we stand.
Force your hand and bleed us dry, everyday 'til we fucking die.
This repetitive pathology has a new charismatic voice; a deliberate socialistic path leaving us without a choice.
The infrastructure cracks and crumbles as the very foundation gives way beneath our feet; to an over burdened nation, portrayed as God’s creation.
A living, breathing king of kings with a toxic tongue.
He speaks as if as if the war is won.
God isn’t dead.
He never existed.
Never existed.
When the dollar fails and the systems collapses, you will impose a false solution, a demand you could never ask us.
As if we’d forgotten you put us here to begin with.
Separate the truth from fiction and fact from faith.
Reject faith and acknowledge reason.
Get the fucking facts straight.
Get the fucking facts straight.
This repetitive pathology has a new charismatic voice; a deliberate socialistic path leaving us without a choice.
The infrastructure cracks and crumbles as the very foundation gives way beneath our feet; to an over burdened nation portrayed as God.
10. Signals
When the lines blur and the colors fade, give ear to the earth shaking serenade.
You can feel your fragile brain decay, an unjust sentence to all who would disobey.
This is a fucking dissolution of a false day.
We are all that is left of a lesser race.
Just like a rampant plague, your power we’ll decay, and bring forth the end of your ascendancy.
If you aren’t a part of the solution, then you’re a part of the problem.
Your sheltered seclusion, helpless, force fed pollution.
Your strength will falter.
America the beautiful, America the brave, an illusion, a prison, a nation betrayed.
The skies will tremble and the earth will shake, foundations will crumble when the HAARP is played.
This is a fucking dissolution of a false day.
We are all that is left of a lesser race.
And like a rampant plague, we’ll bring forth the end of your ascendancy.
The New World Order has a plan to keep you and I sheltered and afraid.
As the populous struggles to stand, with our nation’s wealth decayed.
Their instruments break our bodies and pollute our minds with fabricated truth to perpetuate a lie that enables their rule, a solution at the hands of the cruel.
Diminishing our power to fight back against a darkness it’s the strength we lack, but we will always be more than they understand.
Though they are doing everything they can.
To hold us back.
You won’t hold us back.
We won’t let you take control.
When the lines blur and the colors fade, give ear to the earth shaking serenade.
You can feel your fucking brain decay, an unjust sentence to all who would disobey.
An imperfect world, seen through the disguise, destined to for perfection, but not for our eyes.
The New World Order has a plan to keep you and I sheltered and afraid.
As the populous struggles to stand, with our nation’s wealth decayed.
Their instruments break our bodies and pollute our minds with fabricated truth to perpetuate a lie that enables their rule, a solution at the hands of the cruel.
11. Rise
New World Nightmare
This is not the dream that you had once believed.
They have forced their hand and taken everything.
For what is a dream, but a fictitious reality?
A global nightmare fraying at the seams.
We spend our lives living off the benefits of their crimes and lies.
Permanent sleep blinds our eyes, and leaves our people paralyzed.
Your eyes are open, but you’re not awake.
We lie unbroken in their wake.
We stand for truth, The American Dream.
They destroy truth, that’s The American Way.
We stand for everything that you want to believe.
Perpetual darkness and suffering you can’t conceive.
Sickened by the thought of reality, in this nightmare you’ll find your mortality.
We do not fear you, we are not afraid.
We’d rather die fighting you than living as your slave.
We do not fear you, we are not afraid.
The future’s controlled by you, not lying in our grave.
From this nightmare, we must awaken.
Take back our lives that they have taken.
We must awaken.
Take back our lives that they have taken.
We must awaken.
Take back our lives that they have taken.
Can you sleep at night?
Do you pray in fear by your bedside?
No longer will we crumble under your weight; it’s time to pay for your mistakes.
Can you sleep at night?
Do you pray in fear by your bedside?
No longer will we crumble under your weight; it’s time to pay for your mistakes.
We have set ourselves free.
We will create our own dream.
We have set ourselves free.
We will create a living dream.
12. The Infernal Machine
[Bonus Track]
You can’t stop the infernal machine.
It has no human feelings, just an end to meet.
Leaving nothing in its wake, carving a bloody path through our history.
Institutionalizing the over played concept of a healthier reality.
Incremental dissolution of individual humility.
Aesthetically perfect, or so you think, underneath the exterior evil awaits a horror both colossal and ornate.
A creature that destroys does not create.
What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?
What happens when we enforce the very peace that we neglect?
Corruption breeds dissent amongst humanity.
Corruption breeds dissent amongst humanity.
You can’t stop the infernal machine.
It has no human feelings, just an end to meet.
Leaving nothing in its wake.
Carving a bloody path through our history.
Institutionalizing the over played concept of a healthier reality.
Incremental dissolution of individual humility.
I have come to the realization, this new order and its creation, is a fucking reformation, of an abomination.
We are the victims of an unknown fate.
Realize the real lies and release your hate.
Sever the head of the authority.
Ensure the existence of the majority.
Terminate this ruthless tyranny.
Sever the head of the authority.
A never ending, worthless war in the world today is merely not coincidence.
Much to our dismay, turmoil is a part of their master plan; globalization is now within their hands.
Domination should be feared.
It is the force behind the puppeteer.
Construction of their plan is now complete.
A slow and silent death for you and me.
You can’t stop the infernal machine.
It has no human feelings, just an end to meet.
Leaving nothing in its wake.
Carving a bloody path through our history.
Institutionalizing the over played concept of a healthier reality.
Incremental dissolution of individual humility.
Corruption breeds dissent amongst humanity.
Sever the head of the authority.
Thanks to aknifeindaback, theshawnswinehart for sending these lyrics.
Thanks to benjamintogsverd for correcting track #10 lyrics.
Thanks to benjamintogsverd for correcting track #10 lyrics.
Submits, comments, corrections are welcomed at webmaster@darklyrics.com

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All lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Please read the disclaimer.