album: "Algorithm" (2013)
1. Dust To Dust2. 414 Days
3. Angst
4. The Sneaking Chair
5. Algorithm
6. The Witching Hour Pt. II
7. Wish You Were Here
8. End Transmission
9. Bottomed Out
10. 4th Dimension Opera House
11. Pack Up, We're Moving
1. Dust To Dust
[feat. Ricky Armellino Of This Or The Apocalypse]
Innovative is the title for those who create new ways
to cure boredom and new ways to communicate.
The only reason that we progress technology
is to live long and surplus complacency.
We get all caught up in the pointless things.
Putting our knees to the floor for the TV screen.
Is this another 1945?
Will we make it out alive?
Could this be,
Could this be the end of the age?
This is the end of the age.
The towers met the floor.
This is the end of the age.
Singing songs of war.
We will overcome
Our sick compulsion to seek acceptance
We will overcome
Our dependency on the world we hoard
We will overcome
Our sick compulsion to seek acceptance
We will overcome
Our very selves in the form we know
All our lives we're told to get
a job and be somebody.
But does anybody know what that means?
We all are equally searching for the
answers to trying questions.
So, can we look past opinion and acclaim.
I went through my midlife crisis at fifteen.
I faked my way and turned out alive.
Turned every corner to hear advertisements.
Turn up the noise while you're looking
up ways to market my demographic.
I think I'm too outclassed,
I'll pass on it.
This is the end of the age.
Those towers they met the floor
This is the end of the age
Singing their songs of war
All our lives
We're told to get a job and be somebody
But does anybody know what that means?
We all are equally searching for the answers to trying questions
So can we look past opinion and acclaim
We will overcome
We will overcome
We will overcome
We will overcome
2. 414 Days
Oh this newer generation, Drowning in self pity
Looking for every single possible way to scream "woe is me" to the world
For the high of sympathy
In a world filled with so many people
In a world with free will
How can we blame a God for our suffering
When we're the ones who beat our young for thrills
We rape, we kill
But we rarely claim the bill
We've made our homes in the undertow
No room for tears, only room for growth
We've made our homes in the undertow
We have no choice but to learn and grow
We blame God
It's easier than swallowing the truth
We chase our dreams but we still suffer
Pull at the seams but we still suffer
We blame God
For lack of human reasoning we question our suffering
We chase our dreams but we still suffer
Pull at the seams but we still suffer
Why do you think you're such a victim?
You act like your suffering is something new, but it's not
This is something we all go through
I won't stand for
This double standard held higher than reason
I won't stand for
This double standard held higher than reason
We've made our homes in the undertow
No room for tears, only room for growth
We've made our homes in the undertow
We have no choice but to learn and grow
We blame God
We chase our dreams but we still suffer
We blame God
Pull at the seams but we still suffer
We blame God
We chase our dreams but we still suffer
We blame God
3. Angst
Oh, protest me
Protest me please
I want your loveless theology
Protest me
Protest me please
I want your fake ideology
A private reich in the heart of Kansas state
The classic victim card laced with shock value and hate
You make these signs
To invoke the feeling of fight
You're hypocrites in your own right
Enabling the ones you protest
To take action in spite
"Better open rebuke than hidden love" [Proverbs 27:5]
This is an essential verse for growth
Well pull the log out of your own eye
Because it seems that you've managed to combine them both
So send me all of your sons
Send me all of your daughters
Let me show them what a real Father looks like
There is shame in your hate
From the God you claim to praise
And God bless the children
God bless the soldiers
God bless the ones who've held your words on their shoulders
It's been so long
Oh, it's been far too long
For the evil one is disguised
As angel of light
So I can choose the place
And you can choose the time
I've always wanted to know what the face of the devil looks like
But can your faith in hate cleanse both your body and soul?
Drop the cane and tell me I'm wrong
Step outside of your home
Oh step outside your home
"Better open rebuke than hidden love"
This is an essential verse for growth
Well pull the log out of your own eye
It seems that you've managed to combine them both
This song is not a threat but an oath
I will travel the world
Singing this song
And I will show that same world hope
4. The Sneaking Chair
In this astrophysical plane I roam
Searching for the place they call my "home"
Searching for the God they said would save my soul
And turn it into gold
My heart had never felt so empty
As it did when my faith had left me
What purpose did I have any more
Turn off the lights and close the door
So many voices telling me what to believe
This is what I need
You said "seek and ye shall find"
Well that's exactly what I'll do
I've seen the demons in my house
Engraving their mark into my friends
I've seen the real mountain of God
I've seen that the universe will end
I've seen the demons in my house
Engraving their mark into my friends
I've seen the real mountain of God
I've seen that the universe will end
Revelatory prophecy is knocking at my door
The rocks are crying out from the sky
And to the ocean floor
I cannot explain it all
In a single song-length's time
Just know that you all are welcome to come home if you decide
I don't want the world
And its money
There's no fulfillment in looking for more ways to look past
The things that matter most
Oh, I can see the shadow
Of the end
Dawning upon the earth
To take us home
Come take us home
Oh, I can see the shadow
Of the end
Dawning upon the earth
To take us home
Come take us home
So back to the astrophysical plane we roam
Searching for the ones left all alone
Telling of the God who truly saved our souls
And turned them into gold
My heart will never feel empty
Waiting for the day
The day you take us home
The day you take us home
5. Algorithm
It’s difficult to write a song against
A new paradigm of selfishness
When I know that it will never change
It seems that the law of entropy
Has found a home in our morality
So let’s imagine a world based off of instinct
It's every man for himself
No more handouts
No more second chances
All will hail
Pleasure exalted
Progression forever halted by the hands of our selfish nature
By the hands of our selfish nature
We would all be living in caves
Oh we would all be living in caves
Anyone can show hatred
But it takes a man to ignore his instincts
Anyone can show hatred
But it takes a man to ignore his instincts
It takes many men to build a home
But only a boy and a match to burn it down
My God, brotherhood, and heavy music
These are the only things real to me
My God, brotherhood, and heavy music
These are the only things real to me
Anyone can show hatred
But it takes a man to ignore his instincts
6. The Witching Hour Pt. II
Twelve miles into the mountains
A house with a neighbor-less wooded lot
All the animals in hibernation
No sound but the wind and the ghosts that haunt
Here in this place
Is a man of eighteen
Out to prove god exists
Through demonic activity
He turns off all the lights
And braces for the late nights
Of turning crosses upside down
Just to talk to the darkest spawn of hell
His hands shiver and swell
As he sees the door across the hall
Open and close itself
It started with the open doors, the open doors
Voices that I've never heard before, never heard before
Long nights hearing footsteps
Voices calling out his name
Cups flying off the table
The demons are here
And he is to blame
If you pray
For the demons to flee
The place that they stay
Then they'll come back
With seven more than with which they came
Tranquility for two days
Before he called out their names
And they came back
Cutting arms and pulling shades
He filmed them through the night
Saying his name
Saying, "Down with your King."
Candles that light themselves
Blood on the door frame
I'm here all alone
But it feels like I'm amongst a group of people
That want me dead
A warrant over my head
I got the proof I wanted
I got the proof I needed
I got the proof I wanted
They still watch me in my sleep
They still watch me sleep
They still watch me in my sleep
They still watch me sleep
I got the proof I wanted
They still watch me in my sleep
I got the proof I wanted
They still watch me sleep
I got the proof I wanted
7. Wish You Were Here
I remember the day
I carried my best friend to his grave
I put him back down into the earth
Into the soil from which we came
I never felt pain like this before
I never felt pain like this before
Have you ever wrapped your arms around the grave
Of a father who lost the son of his dreams
Life comes fast
But death comes faster
Any moment we could stand
Face to face with our master
This is nothing new
To all who breathe the same air
Step up to reality
Step down from your first-world misery
You've got breath in your lungs
And that's potential to fight for
Many have been through worse than me
I'm not trying to compare our suffering
I just want to emphasize
Appreciation for family, friends, and life
Death is just shots fired in the dark
Chance is just shots fired in the dark
Death is just shots fired in the dark
Chance is just shots fired in the dark
And as the night went on
His dinner grew colder
Just like his little sister
With no brother to hold her
And as the news poured out
On that night of dreadful wonder
All the color was stolen
From the lives of his father and mothers
Thanks for all the good times
And all the things you taught us
We will never forget you
Just like you never forgot us
Thanks for all the good times
And all the things you taught us
We will never forget you
Just like you never forgot us
We'll press on
We'll press on
Oh how we wish you were here
We'll press on
Oh how we wish you were here
We will press on
Oh how we wish you were here
We'll press on
Oh how we wish you were here
We will press on
8. End Transmission
I've got a twenty
And a dead best friend that says
That by the end of my life
I will still be depressed
But that's ok
It's something that I've learned to accept
My problems are nothing to those with nothing left
Let's come together as one
All you fatherless sons
All you love-lost people
Children under the gun
All you nine-to-five workers
Keeping a smile on your face
All who feel out of place
This stage means nothing
We are all the same
In this world just a number
In heaven a name
And I'll take family over fame any day
Oh choke me with music
Your love, your spirit
Let's strip away all the distractions that we never needed
Any judgments on religion or political opinion
We're all only human
All are welcome to the family
Showing respect and love for humanity
All are welcome to the family
All are welcome to the family
And I don't even have a twenty
Because all the money's been spent
And now it's just me, my dog, and the heart that lies in my chest
But that's ok
It's something that I've learned to accept
My problems are nothing to those with nothing left
9. Bottomed Out
[feat. Josh Hines Of Maitland]
We have these lifelong dreams of being loved and esteemed
Of finding meaning beyond what we see and achieve
But nothing on earth is worth living for
We can explore the world
Discover things we've never seen
Feel things we've never felt
We could see it all
But our hearts will still be wandering
Our hearts will still be wandering
We can live on our own
Just a number in the world
It will never fulfill our souls
We can live on our own
Just a number in the world
It will never fulfill our souls
No amount of pleasure
Will ever satisfy my soul
You don't have to be addicted
You don't have to be alone
At the end of the race there still is a place we all can call our home
You don't have to be addicted
You don't have to be alone
At the end of the race there still is a place we all can call our home
A place we can call our home
You can live alone
Just a number in this world
Drifting in and out
We are falling, falling
It's gonna be alright
And we all know
There's a light in the darkness
Don't stop reaching
Though our eyes are lost
And our souls keep giving
We're all just searching
For a place we can call our home
A place we can call our home!
10. 4th Dimension Opera House
We found a well that defies the laws of thermodynamics
We found a well that powers all our mechanics
An endless energy supply – from here in the ground
Surely, we must tell the entire town
People lined up for miles
Eagerly anticipating easier lives
But some more than others
Took days at a time
Impatience led to anger
And anger to crime
Voices escalating
Such elitist defiance
We started at self-sufficiency and finished with violence
I coulda sworn
That this is everything we ever wanted
Soon enough the wall was regulated
Government running it and charging for the benefit
As you would expect some gained a sense of co-dependence
While others came to riot civil, national, continental wars
Over-population like never before
The fuel industry in its entirety
Was run into the ground
There were no more job opportunities
For the people of my little town
And the more poverty that struck
The more we relied on ourselves
But without jobs, we have no money to fund the war to protect our well
I guess the world before wasn’t so bad after all
I guess the world before wasn’t so bad after all
And so our country took the money
That it still had left
And dropped a nuclear bomb
Into the cavernous chest of the well
No more reason for war, no more proverbial hell
The world decided to start over
Erasing any record of the events that occurred
And ten thousand years later... we found a well
11. Pack Up, We're Moving
You don't have to die for nothing
You don't have to die for nothing
Welcome to the earth
It is a place with endless beauty
It is a place with endless pain
Where the best of men are broken
And where the best of men are made
Good pleasure turns into bad feelings
Love can turn to hate
Let's be real
We're all searching for a reason
In the menial passing of the time and the seasons
Can we look beyond all the money and the glamour
To see the naked human in his natural manner
I've grown so bitter against
All the trends
All the categories that we put ourselves and others in
But what is one opinion out of seven billion?
You don't have to die for nothing
You don't have to die for nothing
People ask what happened to music
It ran away when money tried to rip out its heart
Yeah, I may only be twenty years old
But I can proudly say I didn't sell my soul
And call it art
How many bodies is it going to take
Before we slow the earth as it rotates
How many bodies is it going to take
Before we slow the earth as it rotates
You say you'd rather live for nothing
Than live for something fake
Well what if nothing lets you down
You say you'd rather live for nothing
Than live for something fake
Well what if nothing lets you down
Trevor Pool - vocals
Dale Upright - guitar
Jay Graham - guitar
Taylor Pool - bass/synth
Luke Brady - drums
Thanks to mjroyappa for sending these lyrics.
Thanks to iansthebest for sending track #1 lyrics.
Thanks to angelshroud777 for sending track #10 lyrics.
Dale Upright - guitar
Jay Graham - guitar
Taylor Pool - bass/synth
Luke Brady - drums
Thanks to mjroyappa for sending these lyrics.
Thanks to iansthebest for sending track #1 lyrics.
Thanks to angelshroud777 for sending track #10 lyrics.
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All lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Please read the disclaimer.