album: "Determination Of Hate" (2008)
1. Night Heron Call (Intro)2. Determination Of Hate
3. The Dark Age Of Lothlorien
4. The Dark Shadow Of The Sunset
5. Immortality Of The Dead
6. Into The Valley Of Thamood
7. City Of Iram
8. Inside The Dark Cave Of Sorrow
9. Of The Dark Winter
10. Louche Of The Dead
11. Pregnant Raped To Blood
12. Suking Her Dark Blood
13. The Call Of Chaos
14. Riving Vagina
15. To The Forsaken Path
1. Night Heron Call (Intro)
2. Determination Of Hate
I'm here alone without my beauty face
I need to suck her lips I lust to the bloody days
I feel the cold inside my lifeless old bones
I'm waiting for the screams of bloody stones
I’m here waiting the virgins to save me from
My loneliest lifeless inside my freezing pain's
But no one care about what I need
There's only a way to my lonely bloody creed
To my lonely bloody creed
To my lonely bloody creed
Through the bloody doom land I walked
Searching for my princess
I need her eyes
To feel my own reflection
Of the moonlight sense
On her darkness body
That makes me frozen, cold as ice
From her screams of pain I heard
The gloomy black heart voice
A colorless cascade of her face
The darkness castle doom inside
With virgins suffer of lusting blood
Sucking them hands inside my room
I'm leaving the priding life
Of the human hopeless life
To the eternal filthy land
I'm search for the doom
In the night of the full moon
When I heard the crows
Thy need to my darkness inside
Thy know I m alone
Thy need to my lifeless path
I'm lusty all the time with my virgins hands
I don’t need any thing except my bloody land
I used to filthy life to let me find the blood
In the land of suffer the secrets of my roots
The filthy lusty virgins find my darkness path
Thy surround my body to suck my ancient hands
I feel now with power of bloody eternal life
While I m sucking her frozen nick
Her eyes burning bright
That I can't control my head
She now suffer die
She now suffer die
She now suffer die
She now suffer die
Vampires’ virgins inside my land
Them filthy bodes need to my bloody hands
Imagine the day when you play with navigation hunter
Its will flay with you to the eternal empty gander
3. The Dark Age Of Lothlorien
From the end of First Age of the bloody ancient days
Their land was destroyed in the War against Morgoth
(Amdir) the leader of the people of Lothlorien
That he was the Silvan the warrior of the night Elves
The Elves of Lothlorien encountered Galadriel
Who was then living in Eregion
On the other side of the Misty Mountains
Amdir responded to a summons from Gil-galad
To join the fight against the evil eye of Sauron
At the battle of Khazad-dum
Amdir's forces were valiant
But they were poorly equipped for battle
At the Battle of Dagorlad
They were cut off from their allies
And were driven into the marshland west
Of the Black Gate of Moria in the other side of Dark
Amdir and more than half his darken troops
Were killed in the dark land of mountdoom
The marshland became known as the Dead Marshes
Because of the corpses of Elves and Orcs
Sauron was defeated in 3441
Amroth the son of Amdir become the King
Of Lothlorien on a hill that came to be called (Cerin Amroth)
Thy used the power of the Necromancer that let them to built the stronghold of (Dol Guldur) across the Anduin from Lothlorien
Beneath the mountains Of Khazad-dum
They searching for the evil Of Moria
The power of the night elves transferred them
To the dark from the Fangorn Forest
It’s the dark age of Lothlorien
[We thanks (The Thain's Book) to help us about this story’s and some of this lyrics]
4. The Dark Shadow Of The Sunset
I’m here in the dark forest
Searching for some one
To share me my dark inside
Here my true life
Of my sunset
Sunset to the dark
To find my loneliest
Here my torture
Of my blames
Here my suffer
From my pains
I hiding in the dark
From my self
Ignore my life
To find myself
I lost my gate
Of the eternity
Nothing I have
Except my legacy
I lost my gate
Of my eternity
Nothing I have
Except my legacy – my legacy
My resorting to the dark
Is my legacy
To imagine the sky
My special world
I’m here at the dark shadow of the sunset
5. Immortality Of The Dead
Inside the ancient tombs
That was the mean of the souls
Journey to the afterlife
For the immortality
From them death ceremony Thy was in active operation with offering the meat and drink for them dead
From the dead chamber inside (Khufu's) pyramids the ceremony of the dead
Anubis the ancient symbol of the underworld who guided and protected the spirits of the dead.
He was the Lord of the Hallowed Land - the necropolis - and (Khenty Amentiu),
The Land of the Dead was thought to be to the west of (Ankh-Tawy) where thy buried their dead.
(Khenty Amentiu) was the name of a previous canine deity
Who was superseded by Anubis.
The worship of Anubis was an ancient one
From the pyramid texts of (Unas), his role was already clear
He was associated with the Eye of Horus
And he was already thought to be the guide of the dead in the afterlife
Showing them the way to Osiris.
In the text it was written that "Unas stranded towards valley of death”
No one of the black souls can bewitches them dead
Anubis was the protector of embalming and guardian of both the mummy and the necropolis.
At the ancient golden gates
Osiris took over many of Anubis' jobs as caretaker and protector of the dead
He was the symbol of embalming who presided over the funerary rituals.
The funerary priests would wear a mask of the jackal god during the mummification process
Inside the dead chamber the opening of the body
6. Into The Valley Of Thamood
Burn what all inside this temple
We have our demonic bath
From the ancient stones at the valley of death
They lived in a land of mountains and rocks of the heights arid desert
It was (Wadi-al-qura) the land of creed
Civilized darkness life for the battle of filth and torture the slaves
Between the land of the abundant
Flood lethal destruction
Grandiose high cities had a darkness guard
Huge dragons riding and fight
They was most ancient of people
With them strong bodies to cutting the rocks
To making safe houses for them women
Was lived with pleasure enjoying those hugs
Inside the hall of the ancient slaves blood
They used them darkness methods
To the salves of the lifeless deserts
Inside the ancient castles preparation the art of dark
To let them control with the Babylon women’s slaves
They have the rolls of death
To make them power at the aim of them filth
They slay every one who didn’t obey them rolls
Every one was suffered In to The Valley Of Thamood
Calls of the wind come from deserts of death
No one of them care about the calls of the slaves
Profligate women inside the gates surrounding with huge bodies
7. City Of Iram
From them darkness past and them demonic passion
Thy have to live in lofty buildings with strong pillars
Thy need to strong power to dealing with enemy’s anger
Sending the fear from them bloody warning
Abundant rains and insolent winds from them land
Dark deserts keep them castles with forsaken Impression
Black magic from the gardens of (Iram)
It was them fictional paradise to live in all the time
It was the city of the dark forests between the mountains of the strong pillars
From the red sky above them castles the huge dragons use those fires
But no one of them can resist the son Of (AD) swords
The swords of thunder attack the dragons to drop them in the dark rivers
It was the city of the dark forests between the mountains of the strong pillars
The women of Babylon slaves inside the gate of (AD)
Thy need to them perfect bodies to spelling them minds from them ayes
The women of Babylon slaves inside the gate of (AD)
There’s no way from them spell thy have the power of them beauty
From the (AD) gates the screams of the virgins in aspects the deserts
Thy used to virgin’s perfect bodies for them hugs and bloody lust
It was the city of the dark forests between the mountains of the strong pillars
8. Inside The Dark Cave Of Sorrow
There’s away to my loneliest
Very far from the others
I need to find my secrets
From my darkness suffer inside
I can’t live in vortex
While the others stare in me
I m going to my path
To the real nature and real facts
I can feel my need to the sound
Of fugitive wind
I heard my sorrow -inside me
Through contemplations of wood
I found my self inside
An ancient darkness cave
I sat between the walls
Thinks about my place
I found my self dreamt
With the darkness ancient years
Of the people who was lived
Inside my darkness cave
What the suffer thy was been
Indifference life thy was creed
Empty neglected ancient land
That’s my comfort source
Now I feel my self inside
From my cave of fires light
I want to spend my life here
Nothing disturbs my clarity
I sat between the walls thinks
About my place I found my self
Dreamt with the darkness ancient years
Of the people who was lived inside
My darkness empty depressing cave
What the suffer thy was been
Indifference life thy was creed
From them darkness ancient years
I can feel my need to the sound
Of fugitive wind
I heard my sorrow -inside me
Through contemplations of wood
I found my self inside
An ancient darkness cave
I need nothing inside my head
Just the sound of natural dark wood
Leave me suffer inside my dark
I like my vestigial ancient depressing land
Inside the dark cave of sorrow
9. Of The Dark Winter
Here I can cry without any pain
Inside the forest of cold and dark
I hear the Howling of wolves in the sky
I see the moon light sparkle inside
I’m going away
To the land of lifeless
I feel with lust
To the blood and darkness
I follow the moon light
To arrives to the wolves’ bloody fight
Of the dark winter
Here I can cry without any pain
Inside the forest of cold and dark
I hear the Howling of wolves in the sky
I see the moon light sparkle inside
Of the dark winter
Of the dark winter
Of the dark winter
10. Louche Of The Dead
I'm searching you in the sky
I need your souls to let me try
Flying with you everywhere
Your ancient path is my way
I need your bodies beside me
I need your wings fly over me
I need to feel your freedom life
My life is nothing without your black faces
I can feel the mean of the true dark
I can feel your need to my suffer
It's the meaning for your haggard
I'm waiting you in my dark forest
Join with me my loneliness worst
My path with you ignoring the others
It's the meaning your darkness careers
To let me know your different alerts
Let me listen to your hinders voices
To let me gathered my darkness power
I'm going to your bare trees
To setting there all my loneliest days
I feel you're coming to share my suffer
Inside my dark ignoring the others
Fly over me
Standing on my tied
Surround my body your souls feel with my dark
I'm looking all the time to the cold lake
To feel the cold inside and the bloody fake
I feel with cold of my white hands
They lust to the blood of my ancient land
I'm looking to them bare trees
To feel my filthy bloody nails
There's nothing better than my dark
To find myself with my darkness crows
Louche of the dead from thousands years
It's an abandoned land between the trees
Crows of death fly over me
Standing on my body surround of me
I need your souls in my dark
To feel my suffer all my time
Crows of death inside my body
Control my mind to the darkness path
Flying over me surround my body
Your darkness path my ancient glory
You are my symbol of wisdom
Your souls is my immortal life
I can feel the mean of the true dark
I can feel your need to my suffer
It's the meaning for your haggard
I'm waiting you in my dark forest
Join with me my loneliness worst
My path with you ignoring the others
It's the meaning your darkness careers
To let me know your different alerts
Now I feel my life
With them darkness bodies
Listening to them hinders voices
Crows of death standing on the bare trees
Surrounding the bloody forsaken darkness breed
Louche of the dead from thousands years
It's an abandoned land between the trees
11. Pregnant Raped To Blood
From this forest
I feel them lust
To the endless suffer
To the victims blood
They are feel with someone - walking on the road
They are breath the smell of a women – like the bloody explode
Now it's the time
To refresh them bones
They are five
In the darkness road
Waiting victims
To drink them blood
Any source
To create them power
Now she is near
From them dark
She is a pregnant
And no one care
They saw her face
They can't stop them lust
She is a beauty
The pregnant raped to blood
She don’t have any thing but screams
She can't do any thing but her son tear’s
[Solo by Azareum]
Through her blood – they ignore them hate
They sucked her blood
They slay her body to many pieces
[Solo by Azareum]
12. Suking Her Dark Blood
Beneath the bloody cover I wake up from the virgins’ sexual lust
I can’t wait under the dark while I’m alone
I need to the virgins dark lips to kiss
Inside my hurt I have the lust to the blood and wine
I’m in the coldest land
There is no one just my darkness crows
I’m waiting to see the bodies
Of filthy virgins of the silent moon
The virgin’s blood
Is dark now
Thy need to my
Suffering screams
I have to call
The lusty souls
To my dark
To spill them hurts
I need to
Suffering screams
The filthy witches
Spill them tears
13. The Call Of Chaos
They are some victims
Inside the world of zombies
There’s no one to help
Just if you are one of the old enemies
We are the old vampire’s warriors
From the darkness side of the bloody world
That we came to destroy the human’s deadly enemy
Inside the land of the sickness deadly darkness souls
We found some deadly humans
Inside a filthy old graveyard
They begun to be a deadly corpse
While our sword’s ready to kill them
They will transfer to filthy zombies
Inside the old filthy tombs
While the trees become no leaves
They are ready to fight our darkness horses
We have the power of the old magic
That can element them filthy lands
They will send them deadly forces
While the night elves ready to fight us
We need to save the human’s bodies
To keep them fresh blood
We have to keep them bodies out of any filthy injections
We will send our dark crows
To theme deadly wicked body’s
We will send the call of chaos
To destroy the land of the enemies
14. Riving Vagina
Now my turn to the total war
Killing and hugs virgins more
See your hand
Of what you did
No one know
How many you killed
Butchering victims
Touch them organs
Smell them blood
Having them cunt
Darkness tomb - filthy room
Come to the gelding ancient doom
They need to my ancient blood
They used to drink my secret flood
I get her body in my room
I m enjoying her lips in my doom
I can't be alone without hugging my virgins bones
Now she scream in frantic pain
I can't stop my lusting sucking vain
She still scream from painful lust
Her riving vagina what I hacking like Gust
15. To The Forsaken Path
Here my forsaken path
To forget everything
Inside my mind
I left my life
Of people's hate
I used to suffer
That make a dead
From a long time - I left - everything
I feel lose - except - my suffering
Ignore the life - that make me feel
With full of pain - my faults is real
Dark forsaken is what I need
With darken crows that I want live
(I hate everything even if myself)
My decide is to leave the human kind life
To the forsaken path
To the forsaken path
Lord Azareum: all vocals, all instruments, all records (main member).
Liza Osly: clean, nocturnal vocal.
All lyrics & nocturnal poetry are produced by Azareum.
All the melodies are composed & recorded in Azareum Studio.
All the instruments are played & recorded by Azareum.
We thank Mr. Eric Samuel (Italy) for webmaster & web design.
And we thank him very much for his working in "Determination Of Hate" cover design.
And also for his street team to distribute this album in Italy.
Thanks to aminsohailazareum for sending these lyrics.
Thanks to somaiashemale for correcting track #15 lyrics.
Thanks to nawalshemale325 for correcting track #10 lyrics.
Liza Osly: clean, nocturnal vocal.
All lyrics & nocturnal poetry are produced by Azareum.
All the melodies are composed & recorded in Azareum Studio.
All the instruments are played & recorded by Azareum.
We thank Mr. Eric Samuel (Italy) for webmaster & web design.
And we thank him very much for his working in "Determination Of Hate" cover design.
And also for his street team to distribute this album in Italy.
Thanks to aminsohailazareum for sending these lyrics.
Thanks to somaiashemale for correcting track #15 lyrics.
Thanks to nawalshemale325 for correcting track #10 lyrics.
Submits, comments, corrections are welcomed at webmaster@darklyrics.com

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All lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Please read the disclaimer.