album: "A Knight At The Opera" (2014)
1. A Knight At The Opera2. Tricycles Of Steel
3. Metal
4. To Kill The Dragon You Need A Sword
5. Fight The Dragon For The Village
6. Poser
7. Giorgio Mastrota (The Keeper Of Inox Steel)
8. King
9. Power Of The Power Pt. 2 / Cила Силы Большего Меча (Potentia Magni Gladi Советам)
10. The Number Of The Bitch
11. Il cacciatore della notte
12. Feudalesimo e libertà
13. True Metal Of Steel
14. Schwanzwald
15. El Campo De Nabos
16. Kitograd
17. Хуйзбекистан
1. A Knight At The Opera
2. Tricycles Of Steel
It's made up of steel, but it's not a motorcycle
It's made up of wheels, but it's not a motorcycle
It's made up of kings, but it's not a motorcycle
It's made of True Metal, it is a fucking tricycle!!
Kings metal power true steel Oh yeah!
Nanowar'll always be there!
Tricycles of steel! Tricycles of steel!
Pollution is low, no fuel to go
We ride the tricycles of steel!
Din din, the bell rings, our tricycles are for kings
(They run just like they had unicorn wings)
Din din, the bell plays, our tricycles are for gays
(Because there's no saddle where our ass lays)
3. Metal
We are fighting with power (and steel)
Blood and thunder on the road (of steel)!
High and mighty alone we are kings
'Til our kingdom comes!
Hail, power, ring,
fire, heart, king,
sword, holy, wind,
(and steel)!
The creator and king
And the great sword
(of steel)
Born of black wind, fire
(and steel)!
High and mighty alone we are kings
'Til our kingdom comes!
Hail, power, ring,
fire, heart, king,
sword, holy, wind,
(and steel)!
4. To Kill The Dragon You Need A Sword
To kill a Dragon, you need a sword
To make a sword, you need the iron
To make the iron you need a cave
To make a cave, you need a mountain
To make a mountain, you need a kingdom
To make a kingdom you need a King
And King is a song of Nanowar
5. Fight The Dragon For The Village
Fire he spits and the peasants he ate,
Escape the elevator before it's too late
The dragon is evil but not very fat
It's uglier the dwarf in Rhapsody booklet!
"The dragon is dangerous," told uncle Griefus
When yesterday morning we met in the bus
The light of my sword now is shining so bright
The dragon is big, but i have the might
Drago, dragone con lo spadone
Io ti uccidero... Io ti kill you!
Fight the dragon !
For the village!
[Spoken interlude:]
[Hero:] Dragon, you're evil, bad, bad and evil!
[Dragon:] No!
[Hero:] Yes!
[Dragon:] Yes!
[Hero:] No!
One day I saw the crowd walking there side by side
"Rebellion," I thought. No, it was the gay pride!
We fight in the night for the knight of the light
The last words in rhyme are just might fright and sight
Drago, dragone brutto cafone
Non ti vogliamo piu... Non ti want you!
Fight the dragon !
For the village!
[Spoken interlude:]
[Hero:] Dragon, your time is o'clock!
[Dragon:] No, I am the most invincible dragon of this song!
Ahahaha ahaha ah ah ah Pilade!
6. Poser
How does it feel
to be a poser like you?
How does it feel
to listen to Tokyo Hotel?
Have you ever noticed
That the word "Poser"
rhymes with "Loser"?
And you don't know
The title of the first Manowar album
Poser, you stand alone in the dark
Poser, I wonder why
Noah put you in the ark
And you don't know the difference
between Metallica and Iron Maiden
Poser, you have the t-shirt of Reload
I am a poser, and I listen to Korn
But I am not a loser
And I'm glad to be born
Even if you say that the word "Poser"
rhymes with "Loser"
That doesn't mean I am...
(Yes you are!)
I am...
(Yes you are!)
I am...!
Poser, you stand alone in the dark
(I am just sleeping in my bedroom)
Poser, I wonder why
Noah put you in the ark
(I smell less
than the Cercopitecosaurus)
And you don't know the difference
between Bruce Dickinson
(Fly as high as the sun!)
and Blaze Bayley
(Falling down...)
Poser, you like
Virtual XI!!!
7. Giorgio Mastrota (The Keeper Of Inox Steel)
Acciaio 18/10 nelle nocche di Giorgio Mastro…
Cavalca l'elefante, l'Eminflex di Giorgio Mastro...
Armato di doghe in legno e trapunte scamosciate
Batteria di 12 pentole con fondo fuso alto un centimetro
Giorgio Mastro-ta-tro-ta-tro-ta-tro
Giorgio Mastro…
Ti porta il materasso il garzone di Giorgio Mastro…
Sciamano dello Shimano: Giorgio Mastro…non Maga Magò
Templare di Rete 4, proteggi la città
Con forni e TV Color e prodotti di qualità
(Giorgio Mastroooo…) Cavalier custode dell'acciaio Inox
(Giorgio Mastroooo…) Guerriero nordico di pura lana Merinos
Hai una pentola a pressione, e la paghi in comode rate
Cosa stai aspettando? Prendi la cornetta, Mondial Casa ti aspetta!
Giorgio Mastro-ta-tro-ta-tro-ta-tro
Giorgio Mastro-ta-tro-ta-tro-ta-tro
Giorgio Mastro-ta-tro-ta-tro-ta-tro
Giorgio Mastro…
Acciaio 18/10! (Acciaio 18/10!)
Armato di doghe in legno! (Armato di doghe in legno!)
Ferro da stiro con manico in sughero! (Ferro da stiro con manico in sughero!)
Forno microonde con piatto girevole! (Forno microonde con piatto girevole!)
Vibratore con bordo salvagoccia! (Vibratore con bordo salvagoccia!)
Bicicletta 18 rapporti! (Bicicletta 18 rapporti!)
Forno quattro sequenze con piatto girevole alto un centimetro per cucinare senza grassi professionale con la caldaia separata!!!!
Giorgio Mastro-ta-tro-ta-tro-ta-tro
Giorgio Mastro-ta-tro-ta-tro-ta-tro
Giorgio Mastro-ta-tro-ta-tro-ta-tro
(Giorgio Mastroooo…) Cavalier custode dell'acciaio Inox
(Giorgio Mastroooo…) Guerriero nordico di pura lana Merinos
Hai una pentola a pressione, e la paghi in comode rate
Cosa stai aspettando? Prendi la cornetta, Mondial Casa ti aspetta!
(Giorgio Mastroooo…) Cavalier custode dell'acciaio Inox
(Giorgio Mastroooo…) Guerriero nordico di pura lana Merinos
Hai una pentola a pressione, e la paghi in comode rate
Cosa stai aspettando? Prendi la cornetta, Mondial Casa ti aspetta!
Giorgio Mastro-ta-tro-ta-tro-ta-tro
Giorgio Mastro-ta-tro-ta-tro-ta-tro
Giorgio Mastro-ta-tro-ta-tro-ta
Giorgio Mastrooooooo…
8. King
Walking on the hill
With the crown of steel
Going to McDonald
To eat an happy meal
To eat an happy meal
To eat an happy meal
He's going to McDonald
To eat an happy meal
He's the king
King of the hill of the happy meal
He's the king
Walking on the land
With the sword in hand
He gave the queen a lot of fun
(I think you understand)
(The Queen)
I think you understand
I think you understand
He's given me a lot of fun
I think you aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh
He's the king
King of the hill of the happy meal
Of the queen of the (understand)
he's the king
Singing to the wind
The tale of the king
Of Luca Turilli and the elves
and other epic things
Luca Turilli's bad
Luca Turilli's mad
But we don't want with singing this
To make Turilli sad
He's the king
King of the hill of the happy meal
Of the queen of the (understand)
Of the wind of the epic things
He's the king
The story comes to an end
But don't worry my friend
Just push the "rewind" button
to listen it again
One more thing we must say
Before you go away
We must warn you :
Potowotominmak is gay
He's the king
King of the hill of the happy meal
Of the queen of the (understand)
Of the wind of the epic thigs
Of the say of the away
of the rewind button...
9. Power Of The Power Pt. 2 / Cила Силы Большего Меча (Potentia Magni Gladi Советам)
La la la la la
La la la la la
La la la la la la la
La la la la la...
Potentia Magni Gladi Covetam!!!
Союз нерушимый республик свободных
Россия - любимая наша страна
Могучая воля, великая слава
Единый могучий Советский Союз
Сила силы силы силы
силы силы силы силы
силы силы силы силы
силысилы силы силы
большего меча
Part Two!!!
10. The Number Of The Bitch
Forgive me, oh mum and dad
For the telecom sent the bill with wrath,
But i believed that the call was short
Let him who hasn't a girlfriend
Go and call the number of the bitch
Even if it is an expensive number, this number is 166 166 166
I was alone, I took the phone,
I needed time to think
the number I saw on tv
Who did I hear! can I believe
A pack of horny lesbians
howling back at me...
I always thought
I've always dreamed of magic whores
to come and perform sodomy
'Cos in my dream it's always there
One dirty slut who takes my dick
orgasming to despair
Night was black and I wanted to fuck
I've passed all night to see
Rocco's films on tv
In Netherlands the whores
are close at hand
But in Italy,
they're pretty hard to see
166 the number of the bitch
Hot chat line is going on tonight
You can go on , 'till the end of the road
You just have to be aware shemales
who hide out there...
In the night
cars lights are flashing bright
Bitch-hunting has begun
sexual work is done !
166 the numer of the bitch
30 euro the price for you and me
Pigs and gays
and everyone who says
" I am too arrapate
to stop to masturbate"
Take the phone,
order some whores at home
They'll come to make it rise
and melt it down like ice
166 the number of the bitch
144 the number of the whore
To a sexy shop, I will return
And I will get more videos and hotter stuff of porn
I have the programs on pay TV
I have the hands to make libido take its course
11. Il cacciatore della notte
Sfreccia solitario nei boschi dell'est
Errabondo, solo il vento la sua via può indicar
Attacca all'improvviso ed è micidiale
Il sguardo brilla nell'oscurità
Sfida l'intemperia e la corrente ascensionale
Della preda non ha nessuna pietà
Barbagianni barbagianni barbagianni barbagianni
Barbagianni barbagianni barbagianni barbagià
Barbagianni barbagianni barbagianni barbagianni
Barbagianni barbagianni
Il suo grido risuona in aperta campagna
Da Barletta-Andria-Trani all'Emilia Romagna
Dal Laos al Paraguay alla Guyana olandese
Alle regioni amministrative speciali della Cina del sud
Più preciso di un arciere, più veloce di un lampo
Quando in picchiata cala giù
Per arvicole, rane ed insetti non c è più scampo
Ineffabile predatore sei tu
Barbagianni barbagianni barbagianni barbagià
Barbagianni barbagianni barbagianni barbagianni
Barbagianni barbagianni
Vai uccello rapace!
Vai uccello vorace!
Ti nutri di roditori!
Falli tutti fuori!
Della famiglia dei titonidi tu sei l'erede
Il piumaggio luminoso splende in te
Il nome allocco comune la tua maestà non lede
nell'ordine degli strifigormi tu sei il Re
Barbagianni barbagianni barbagianni barbagià
Barbagianni barbagianni barbagianni barbagianni
Barbagianni barbagianni
12. Feudalesimo e libertà
Contra codesta epoca obscura,
Pronti a pugnar sine paura
Da aquisgrana scendiamo al galoppo
Marciando collo scudo et collo stocco
Taccian le zuffe elettorali
Al rogo vadan li tribunali
La nostra lex est l'imperatore
Homo de fide, et homo d'onore
Alla pugna! Alla pugna!
Contra lo feroce saladino
Alla gogna! Alla gogna!
Puniam lo satanasso saracino
Feudalesimo et libertà,
Nova epoca d'oro sara
Riempiam di cervogia i boccali,
Che lo volgo un sovrano riavrà
Feudalesimo e libertà
Siate lesti at iurar fedeltà
La vittoria est vicina, sodali
Ma la pugna giammai manchera
Si aboliscan li rimborsi elettorali
Si ripristino li dazi imperiali
Al lavoro si torni col destriero
Si tolga l imu sul primo maniero
Contro lo selvaggio inurbamento
Si proceda verso l'incastellamento
Si procacci l'energia dalli mulini
At laboro anche dame et bambini
Alla pugna! Alla pugna!
Si marci colli lanzichenecchi
Alla gogna Alla gogna!
Al rogo i tecnologici apparecchi!
Feudalesimo et libertà,
Nova epoca d'oro sara
Riempiam di cervogia i boccali,
Che lo volgo un sovrano riavrà
Uno die alla tua prole, anche tu potrai favellar
Le gesta dello imperatore, co 'ste siddolci parole
Lo amerai, et ringratierai, per averti dato l'onore
De laborar alla sua gleba, ogne die sedici ore!
Tempriamo l'acciaio, affiliamo le spade
Scacciam l'inemico da queste contrade
Calziam li gambali, selliam lo destriero
Vittoria est vicina davvero!
Lo kebbabbo non devi manducare
Lo saladino potresti finanziare
Tema lo villico la nostra sententia
Se t'acciuffam non est cumcidentia
Ius primae noctis, boia et corvee
Es la solution che fa per te
Lo feudalesimo est lo novo che avanza
Tremate perchè pugneremo ad oltranza
Alla pugna! Alla pugna!
Pugnate, pugnate et pugnate
Alla gogna! Alla gogna!
Gognate, gognate et gognate!
Feudalesimo et libertà,
Nova epoca d'oro sara
Riempiam di cervogia i boccali,
Che lo volgo un sovrano riavrà
Feudalesimo e libertà
13. True Metal Of Steel
Yeaaaaaah Nanowar!
Queens of Steel are back in town...
Come on you poser,
listen to the True Metal of Steel:
We're Nanowar of Steel,
We're here to kick
your fucking ass of steel
with the power of the metal
of the iron of the steel!
So give me your bubble butt of steel:
come on sing with us:
Only Heavy Metal!
(Hey! Hey!)
Only with us!
Just the True Metal, listen:
"Wooh, yahoo, wooh, uuhhnjehnjeh..."
Only Heavy Metal!
(Hey! hey!)
Heavy Metal warriors
from all around the world
We're Nanowar of Steel
And we're not getting old...
We celebrate Ten Years
Of this gay metal ride
Fighting all the posers
With might, Onion and Pride!
Come on you metal brothers
raise your fuckin' hand
we'll bang your busty mothers
all across the land!!!
14. Schwanzwald
Damals neben Freiburg im Gaysgau
da gab´s ein kleines Dorf mit keiner Frau
Die Leute waren froh
mit einem Finger im Po
Sagten "Hier ist keiner Böse,
denn gibt es keine Möse!"
Der Zug fuhr in der Nacht und ohne Bremsen,
der Motor er war voll mit tausend Schwänzen
Die Chaffeure Hinz und Kunz
hatten 'ne Nachricht für uns:
"Die nächste Haltestelle
ist gleich in eurem Arsch!"
Sei Willkommen im Schwanzwald
wo Bäume Bratwürste sind
Die sind schwanzig zentimeter hoch,
wenn du sie reibst dann wachsen sie noch
Die wilden Vogel singen immer noch
ja wenn sie niesten tief in deinem Loch
Und im Restaurant,
fängt die Party gleich an
"Wir müssen doch feiern,
iss mal Bratwurst mit Eiern"
Wir erforschen den Schwanzwald
wo Würstchen Bratschwänze sind
Und wenn Schwänze-Staffeln schreien "Marsch!"
wird's gefährlich für deinen Arsch!
Westerwelle hat doch recht
Wowis Eier sind nicht schlecht
Ich reise nie mehr nach Spanien,
ich will nur nach Schwanzilwanien!
Wir huldigten dem Schwanzwald
wo Männer Stockschwule sind
Und aus ihren Schwänzen spritzt der Schnee,
wenn du dich bückst tun sie dir Weh
15. El Campo De Nabos
Al lado de Madrid y Alcorcón
hay un pueblo que se llama "Maricón"
Ahí la gente en el ano, pone chorizo humano
y quien ama la nata, chupa ramos de mata
En éste pueblo ya no hay mujeres,
los hombres hacen todos los deberes
Y en el rio Manz-anal (1), hay un pez especial
bucea en el agujero, de tu lado trasero
En el campo de nabos
hay plantas largas así
Te parecen pequeñitas mas,
si las frotas creceran más!
Calientan todo el día en una olla
tortillas hechas con leche de polla
Hay en el restaurante, el cocinero gritante
"Comete ésta ración, dos huevos y un salchichón"
En la selva de vergas
hay arboles para chupar
Si los comes tienen buen sabor
si te doblas causan dolor!
Freddy tenía razón,
mejor ser maricón
No me follo una sueca,
mejor me voy a Chueca (2)!
16. Kitograd
Aj dođi ovamo u oblast crnogradsku
poseti mesto gde poraste racku
Dođi nije daleko,
probaj točeno mleko
Proizvedeno od čamuga
s afričkoga juga!
Kad god neko spomene Breda Pita
kod svakoga podigne se kita
Tu je salon frizerski
za ovaj narod pederski
U kafani vlada zakon
"dozvoljenog pušenja"
Dođite u Kitograd
da osetite kuraca smrad
Voliš kitu? Kažeš da ili ne,
ti svejedno dobićeš je!
Svaki stavlja kobaje u svoje rupe,
u oči uši usta pa čak i dupe
Nemoj da se iznenadiš,
ako pičku ne nađeš
Dobrodošao u društvo
ljubitelja krastavca (kurčeva)
Osećaj jeste odličan,
no ne baš romantičan
Ljubav nije "Ti si mi u duši",
nego "Dođi pa ga puši!"
17. Хуйзбекистан
Самая лучшая из всех стран —
это, я думаю, Хуйзбекистан,
Где граждане специальные
и гомосексуальные.
Очень сильно им нравятся
сосиска и яйца.
Там полно больших мясных деревьев.
за вкусный обед всех геев.
Когда в метро проезжал,
шофёр поезда кричал:
«Следующая станция —
точно, где твоя жопа!»
В Хуйзбекистан заезжай,
странное дерево наблюдай.
Скажешь, «Мягкий,» тебе скажу нет.
его трёшь, а он твёрдым будет!
Там живет много голубых людей,
которые педерасты или геи.
Если у вас друга нет,
очень скоро будет.
Он приедет и скажет:
«Кушай этот хуйгурец.»
Каждый день должен устно
сосать хуй. Это вкусно!
Не будь как хулиган.
посети Хуйзбекистан!
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All lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Please read the disclaimer.