album: "Shift" (2004)
1. Particles2. The Engine Of Death
3. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
4. No Paradise For The Damned
5. Wrath
6. Fear Is Your Weapon
7. The Deepest Hole
8. High On Hate
9. Pathetic
10. Circle Of Defeat
11. Like Cattle
12. Ros
13. The Smallest Man
14. Cornered
15. Strife
16. The Clash
17. Hets
18. Closer To The End
19. Fury
20. Fight Terror With Terror
21. Ett Inflammerat Sar
22. Deleted Scenes
23. Creature
24. Darkness Falls
1. Particles
Energy in its purest form
Doesn't matter where it's from
Feeding of the light
Grinding it to dust
A huge vibrating mass
That is ready to explode
Feeding of the light
Grinding it to dust
We're just particles
With guilt and shame
We're just particles
With ourselves to blame
Energy in its purest form
Doesn't matter where it's from
Feeding of the light
Grinding it to dust
2. The Engine Of Death
The engine is alive
Fear it cultivates
Masses putrefy
Profit they create
The engine's working well
Iron glowing red
Masses put in hell
Piles of newly dead
A sickening steam is emerging from the pipes
-The engine of death
This brutal machinery is bound to take some lives
-The engine of death
The engine now evolves
Loads another game
Masses then revolt
The fear they will reclaim
The engine's running wild
Impossible to stop
Masses can't decide
They will stay as crop
A sickening steam is emerging from the pipes
-The engine of death
This brutal machinery is bound to take some lives
-The engine of death
It's running on human fuel
Spewning black ash and toxic dust
Man against machine - a mighty duel
A sickening steam is emerging from the pipes
-The engine of death
This brutal machinery is bound to take some lives
-The engine of death
3. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
A new day
His sinister urge is awakening
She's waiting
She knows she can't escape, she can't escape the daily pain
Count the scars in her eyes
Bleeding tears by his lies
They say that stick and stones may break her bones
But words hurt the most
Count the scars in her heart
Her blood is used in his art
She's used, she's drained, she's a bag of bones
Living the life he chose
At night time
His drunken fist lands in her face
She's waiting
She knows she must endure, she must endure his boiling hate
Count the scars in her eyes
Blinded by the sharpest knife
They say that stick and stones may break her bones
Well, actually they did
Count the scars in her heart
Her blood is used in his art
She's used, she's drained, she's a bag of bones
Her life is lost, it faded
Some day she will avenge
He'll suffer her revenge
Sheer domestic violence
Count the scars in her eyes
Bleeding tears by his lies
They say that stick and stones may break her bones
But words hurt the most
Count the scars in her heart
Her blood is used in his art
She's used, she's drained, she's a bag of bones
Living the life he chose
4. No Paradise For The Damned
The world we knew has come to an end
Bombs cloud the sky as the destruction begins
Death. Hear the screams from the dying race..
The flames feed the holocaust as radiation burns
The wind of devastation turns the world into ashes
Hell is awaiting us as we realize
Earth is no paradise, no paradise for the damned
Death. Hear the screams from the dying race..
5. Wrath
Under submission for a long time
For a thousand years
My soul is starting to rot
My work is done here
I've shed my share of blood, sweat and tears
I'm leaving this melting pot
You come to stop me
To convince me that I can't escape
I'm tired of being your rat
Armoured with reasons, threats and lies
But It's much too late
I'm about to unleash my wrath
I won't accept this life
A victim of your oppression
To be enslaved and sell my soul to the other side
Never be your fucking puppet
I've tasted your fist
And felt your whip burning on my skin
I have dealt with the pain
The more you hit the more you fuel
The anger is boiling within
Your failure I will sustain
I've been your workhorse
And now it's time for this horse to kick your head
I'm pounding my way out
So step aside, get out of my way
If not you'll end up dead
Or at least know what true pain is about
I won't accept this life
A victim of your oppression
To be enslaved and sell my soul to the other side
Never be you puppet on a string
I won't accept this life
And fall into a dark depression
To be a slave, cast in chains, always forced to hide
Buried under bricks of guilt
I have tasted your fist
I have dealt with the pain
Rip my back with your whip
The pain is my gain
I won't accept this life
A victim of your oppression
To be enslaved and sell my soul to the other side
Never be your puppet on a string
I won't accept this life
And fall into a dark depression
To be a slave, cast in chains, always forced to hide
Buried under bricks of guilt
6. Fear Is Your Weapon
Voice of hate spreads its wings
Moves quickly through the air
Fuelled by greed it sows its seed
In weakness and despair
Bit by bit, makes you scared shit
Of life in "poverty"
Just like acid it consumes
All morale and dignity
Fear is your weapon, it's the key
Without it your rule's dead
Hate's the glue to seal it all
Your defence's now complete
To strike first and to strike hard
It is your recipe
Your voice of hate starts trembling
Your doom soon you will meet
7. The Deepest Hole
Do what you want but don't come near
You don't want to see what it's like in here
The deepest hole you'll ever see
Right in front of you - Inside of me
Keeping my cool but there's a war inside my head
All living things around me seem to be dead
Looking forward to a day that's coming sooner than you know
When my ego takes over and lets all my blood flow
Follow me down and you will see
That self destruction sets me free
The longer the way, the harder the fall
And down on the bottom you will see me crawl
Keeping my cool but there's a war inside my head
All living things around me seem to be dead
Looking forward to a day that's coming sooner than you know
When my ego takes over and lets all my blood flow
8. High On Hate
Your pack of wolves is out for blood and looking for an easy pray
To fight and slay the innocent, agenda of today
So you hate, hate, hate, hate and then you hate some more
And then you kick him in the head
So you're getting high on hate and violence
Looking for a quick fix to get off
Never looking back just fall into the ignorance
And devote yourself to terror
Concrete jungle emperor, you rule your pack with ball and chain
You will never stay to rest until some punks are slain
So you hit, hit, hit, hit and then you hit some more
Until the poor fucker's dead
9. Pathetic
Born into this nothingness
With the sole goal - to succeed
Life hangs by a single thread
As we are trying not to feel
But to gather all we can
Out of proportion to our need
To hide within our deepest nests
And to never ever give
Dead faces
Breathing through it's meaningless
Aggravated existence
From dusk to dawn you swin in shit
Your only skill's persistence
So you gather all you can
Out of proportion to our need
To hide within our deepest nests
And to never ever give
We're robbing
We're rotting
We're hurting
We're feeling
At last we feel
10. Circle Of Defeat
A race of rapists, seeing to its needs
Gathering with no control
Community on speed
- Circle of defeat
Overpopulated by the human breed
On the verge of collapse
Too many mouths to feed
- Circle of defeat
Preparing for the last dance
One thousand points to prove - With hate..
Grown out of control
Proportions too extreme
Play within the circle of defeat
Mankind is about to lose..
11. Like Cattle
A colony of maggots
This place isn't worth its name
Useless disgusting creatures
You're all the fucking same
Govern us like cattle
Treating people like dirt
But one day it gets back at you
The tables will be turned
Slow down, give it a minute
Put yourself in his shoes
He's the one who's hurting
He's here to get help from you
Don't give him any bullshit
He wants to see you burn
'cause one day it get back at you
The tables will be turned
You can't kill him
He won't die
This is his choice
His last goodbye
A colony of maggots
You're all the fucking same
12. Ros
Flykt - den enda vägen ut
När ditt hem satts i brand
Och spillroma utav ditt liv
Vaskas upp av Sveriges karga strand
En ros med taggar av byråkrati
De håller dig inspärrad
I en bur byggd av demokratins
Sönderfallande lera
13. The Smallest Man
You're such a whore!
Criticism - can't get to you
You just don't give a shit
It's all for you - nothing for them
They'll never see the difference
With all hope gone there's just one thing to do
A simple choice to rid ourselves from the likes of you
With all hope gone there's one stand left to make
A simple task, if you've got what it takes
Dead but dreaming - your state of mind
If you can call it that
And would you believe - your time is up
Now there are decisions to be made
With all hope gone there's just one thing to do
A simple choice to rid ourselves from the likes of you
With all hope gone there's one stand left to make
A simple task, if you've got what it takes
You're such a whore
Your "loyalty" is a fucking joke
Just pure cash flow
Seems to me what this is all about
You see, to me you're the smallest man to walk this earth
A "failure" from birth
14. Cornered
Deadlock, stalemate, cornered like an animal
Paralyzed but shivering, alone with yourself to fear
Cornered like an animal
Open vein, blood's drained, just an empty shell of shame
Deadlock, stalemate, break the chains you made yourself
Cornered like an animal
15. Strife
Don't you change a fucking thing
These are hostile waters, unbroken lands
Shocking truths uncovered within
All your prophets are soon to be dead
Blood for blood - it ain't always as it seems
In your picture perfect society
Existing only in your dreams
Blood for blood it ain't always as it seems
With no violence, hate nor grief
Existing only in your dreams
No hope for society, it's doomed
With the likes of you bringing it to its knees
Sucking it dry of humanity
Corrupt morale, blind hatred's all there is
Blood for blood - it ain't always as it seems
In your picture perfect society
Existing only in your dreams
Blood for blood it ain't always as it seems
With no violence, hate nor grief
Existing only in your dreams
... There's no hope for society
16. The Clash
A cloud of hate draws near tonight
I doubt that it will pass
So be prepared and stay out of sight
Tonight's the night for the clash
Society breaks down tonight
Streets are coloured red
Black rain, black hate, black end
The ghost of civilization will ascend
Black rain, black hate, black end
The dust of devastation will descend
A battle cry now breaks the night
As the tragic fight begins
The city streets now a zone for war
A play with death where no one wins
Society broke down tonight
Streets were clouded red
Black rain, black hate, black end
The ghost of civilization will ascend
Black rain, black hate, black end
The dust of devastation will descend
17. Hets
Vad fan hände med ditt liv och dima drömmar?
En strävan efter något onåbart och glatt
Ditt skin är piskat, det är slaget så det ömmar
All denna satans hets dränker ditt liv i svart
Vadå? Ska du lägga dig ned och dö?
Utbränd, förbrukad och helt jävla slutkörd
- Släng ut liket, väck med skiten!
Är detta tacken för allt det du gjort?
Slit och släng, slit och släng - in med nästa slav fort
- Du måste producera, bit ihop, känn ingen skuld
Du känner blickarna, du känner alltid pressen
Och du ska motiveras av en klocka utav guld
Förtärd av tidens tempo, en slav under stressen
Vadå? Ska du lägga dig ned och dö?
Utbränd, förbrukad och helt jävla slutkörd
- Släng ut liket, väck med skiten!
Är detta tacken för allt det du gjort?
Slit och släng, slit och släng - in med nästa slav fort
Vad fan hände med ditt liv? - Utbränd
Vad fan hände med ditt liv? - Slutkörd
Hetsen tog över ditt liv!
18. Closer To The End
He'll point out a place where it will happen
A spot that people will visit and fear
He'll take you there on a rainy day
And give you he final decision
Never made it further than this
Never tried or had the chance
Feels like being cut in a thousand pieces
Now he's getting closer to his final destiny
Closer to the end
Closer to the end
His last hour is finally here
He'll see you on the other side
He'll be waiting for you there
19. Fury
Reaching for the end, I wouldn't hold my breath
Smothered thoughts, all alike, machine-like beings walk on by
...through smoulderning remains...
Scorched by flames, from the burning cold
Mental ice-age, reality postponed
When all is said and done, what will be left of you?
All signs point toward regression
None show the width of their obsession
...the undeniable trurh...
So weak, so forgotten and so forfeit
Without conscience and without faith
No beliefs to call your own, their origin remains unknown
No equality in present day
There's been no progress made
You're still here to produce and to consume
No equality in present state
There's been no progress made
And we're all still their slaves
Shocking truth, deliverer of pain
Better start to move, dun't just sit down and drown in shame
...of not doing anything...
When the seas calm down
But only then will our fury finally sleep
Until then this whip will deal out its lashes constantly
No equality in present state
There's been no progress made
And we're all still their slaves
And we're all still their slaves
20. Fight Terror With Terror
It looks so hard
To lie straight into their eyes
Just like a robot
Only colder, your circuits have been burned
I see you walk through fake fires
For those you say you love
Their hopes built upon a pile of lies
Craving justice be done
All praise to our mighty leader
Self-proclaimed servant of truth
The bearer of this holy sword
Decapitating the youth
I see you walk through fake fires
For those you say you love
Their hopes built upon a pile of lies
Craving justice be done
Fight terror with terror...
21. Ett Inflammerat Sar
Vägen som du valt är krokig, skev och sämst
Ett steg framåt, två steg bakåt, sen faller du ihop
Alla bara garvar och du står där och skäms
Kan inte vara lätt att vara världens idiot
Ett inflammerat sår
Din jävla politik stinker ett ruttet lik
Ett inflammerat sår
Vi längtar efter dagen då du ruttnar i graven
22. Deleted Scenes
Surprise, surprise
Now you see through all the lies
It is there before your eyes
The degradation of human lives
Is truth on display
In papers and on the news today?
Is everything OK?
Hardly - it's all just a fucking play!
What you see is their final cut
Real life censored shot by shot
So realize that truth is hacked up by knifes
Do you trust the news?
Do you buy their made up views?
Let me ask you: what's the use
Of a media you cannot choose?
Hail to the TV-screen!
So many truths to choose between
All the blood and all the screams
Collected as deleted scenes
What you see is their final cut
Real life censored shot by shot
So realize that truth is hacked up by knifes
Do you trust the news?
Do you buy their made up views?
Let me ask you: what's the use
Of a media you cannot choose?
Hail to the TV-screen!
So many truths to choose between
All the blood and all the screams
Collected as deleted scenes
23. Creature
The first you see is that cunning smile
Then you see what's beyond those shining teeth
A wolf in human skin
A creature of the night
A demon with a sickening thirst
Consuming all the light
The first you see is that cunning smile
Then you see what's beyond those shining teeth
A statue made of steel
A being that cannot die
A demon with a sickening thirst
Sucking me dry of life
The first you see is that cunning smile
Then you see what's beyond those shining teeth
24. Darkness Falls
It came alive in the wreckage
It broke all shackles ever forged
It came so close to the carnage
It carried out remains through the visions
of silence, starvation and subjugations
To bring us back to life
To unveil the dark
It fought for us in the battles
It overpowered every evil force
It gave us strength when it mattered
It showed the way through the divisions
of hatred, damnation and subterfuge
To make us whole again
To unveil the dark
When darkness falls the earth will quake
Through the cracks we'll see the light
When darkness falls we must awake
We can't give up, we have to fight
Thanks to throne, haunted, jo_troublemaker & others for sending these lyrics.
Thanks to sammaeldaemon for correcting track #5 lyrics.
Thanks to sammaeldaemon for correcting track #5 lyrics.
Submits, comments, corrections are welcomed at webmaster@darklyrics.com

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All lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Please read the disclaimer.