album: "Evolving Towards Extinction" (2014)
1. Words Of Wisdom2. Between The Dying And The Dead
3. Intelligent Design
4. Pandemic Of Ignorance
5. Praise The Lord Of Negation
6. The Anatomy Of Disgust
7. Anagamin
8. Evolving Towards Extinction
9. Vertigo
10. Communing With Emptiness
11. Nostalgia For Chaos
1. Words Of Wisdom
I vomit for being born human
I spit my disgust for all that is
At an age where nothing pleases me
And where joys are reduced to physiological needs
Every night I fall asleep
With the expectancy of never waking up
Getting lost in oneiric eternity
Avoiding he brutal return to ephemeral reality
Happiness this degrading delusion
Supreme insult to intelligence
Leads us to naively marvel
At the worst mundane silliness
I'm moving with lucidity as my only light
Through darkness of the masses of decerebrate
And useless parasites
Towards absolute nihilism
Into the crystalline firmament of cold purity
Complete destruction is the basis of purity
To timelessly deny the world
Leads to absolute wisdom
Otherwise only hate and contempt remain
My heart has changed to stone
When I realized that anything we believed
In as children
Was actually lies destined to fill our
Meaningless existence
Of stinking carcass avid for vain and low pleasures
The only way to recover from nihilism is to go
Back to chaos
Rejecting all we have learned
More than killing ourselves
It's going back to that unborn state to choose
To never come to life
2. Between The Dying And The Dead
Zombified workaholics labouring
Turning this malediction into voluptuousness
Satisfied with worthless achievements
Soul-destroying and trivialising
Making us impersonal
Adopting life styles that we do not like
Soldiers, slaves to consumer society
Transformed into objects without a spirit
In pursuit of temporal goods
Moving away from the inaccessible eternity
We are but frantic zombies
Consumers of flesh in all its forms
Satiating day after day our vile needs
Repeating the same empty gestures
In an unconscious funeral march
I'm searching in vain for a metaphysical link
Between our most repetitive acts
Those marking the rhythm of our day
And that certainty of nothingness
Breaking through my insomnia
We live in the shadow of death
We're worshiping it behind derived imagery
From crucifix to images of God
From labour to our foolish amusements
Without knowing that death is guiding us
We're continuously running away from it
Giving meaning to our lowest acts
But suffering from all sorts of sickness
There is a time at which one must die to remain worthy
The fear of void in our hearts
Afflicted souls refusing the inescapable nature of death
We are aimlessly wandering
With the sour taste of a meaningless life
Into the anteroom of Nothingness
Between the dying and the dead
3. Intelligent Design
Emergence of life without law or chance
Evolution turned towards empty complexity
Creation of the insignificant from naught
There must be an intelligent design!
Absolute imperfection made man
Our disgusts defining us more than our likes
Creature that is not inclined to love
But that rejoices with the disappearances of his fellow man
And though doesn't give up procreating
Perpetually organising the crime
Creature coming from the mire
Having mediocrity as single utopia
Wars and concentration camps
Undoubtedly the most completed of our works
Have no equivalent in barbarity
But our foolish and soul-destroying entertainments
Love is but a malevolent excuse that leads us to fuck
Reminding us our condition of hideous beasts
Predators in search of easy preys
Begging to be sacrificed on the altar of lust
Devoting ourselves to the worst vices in a cascade
Of debauchery
Teenager intoxicated with sex, rapists
Of offered virgins
Woodlice copulating with sluts to give birth to
Diabolic creatures
Engendering new obscene torturers that will call
To believe in humanity
Dereliction only weapon of the thinkers
And the lucides
Annihilating everything it can heal and save us
From the eternal curse fallen
Unto the Ark's descendants
After the madness of Noah desiring to perpetuate
Such an absurdity
Then yes, there must be an intelligent design
But only the Devil can be the perpetrator
Of such a malediction
For created in his hideous image
From birth to death humans have nothing good
4. Pandemic Of Ignorance
Facing the intangible immensity of the Universe
That the most complex equations
Emerged from the most erudite minds
Have not even scratched
Facing the intersidereal void of infinity
Of which known celestial bodies constitute
Only a small fraction of the mass
And that our extinction would
Not even undermine
We are but insignificant creatures
Dust particles in the gigantic wheels
Of this magnificent celestial mechanics
Before which we should kneel down
As a sign of limitless admiration
Every moment of our miserable existence
But your ignorance has made
You forget everything
Your origins, your history, your mistakes
Your eyes have been closed
You no longer know how to contemplate
Believing you were taming Nature
In an infamous matricide
You have placed yourself at the centre of Creation
We are surrounded by wonders
But nobody raises the eyes
Light is in our minds, but you do not dare to see it
For fear of enlightening
Your false illusion of certainty
You stand apart from your fellow men, seeing them
As enemies to eliminate
Ignorance, basis of all your fears
Those leading to violence against others
Has made you believe in lies for centuries
And refuse evidence of reality
Disease that has spread faster than plague
Pandemic for which there is no cure but death
5. Praise The Lord Of Negation
Praise and glory to you, O mighty Lord of Negation
From the skies above full of your supreme glory
To the depths of hell where you sit
Your kingdom of sickness and death come
Your will be done here and everywhere
Like God among woodlice
Spread your supremacy
Over the mass of perdition
Enlighten the path obstructed with sleepwalkers
And protect the faithful from human silliness
Make the Earth tremble and tear
Apart the skies
Turn the deceptions of this world into bliss
At your side
Erase nostalgia from our hearts
We accept your precious gift of darkness
Come with your fire of destruction
Your left hand commanding legions of demons
Reduce this putrid world to ashes
We no longer want such beings
Detached from all cultures
We are fed up with the world of ephemeral
Delusions without value
Come with the Reaper on your right hand
Have no mercy upon infidels in agony
Those whose moistened look is begging
To spare them
We rejoice of this apocalyptic vision
Of lifeless bodies littering the ground like waste
Save the faithful from annihilation
Grant us your grace
For it is your blood, the blood of discord
Which flows within our veins
And it is your name we speak in tongues
Let us breathe your unholy breath
Give us power to kill shamelessly
To purify the universe of vermin
Now and for ever, so made (may?) it be!
6. The Anatomy Of Disgust
Disgust comes with the awareness of unhappiness
Turning this life into an annex of Hell
Universal disease for which there is no cure
Without causality, we must accept it
As a negative miracle
For all human beings are deeply unhappy
But blind, most of us cannot see this obviousness
And nothing can stop us from bleeding
In our delightful quest for absolute despair
And even our superhuman disregards
And our revulsions
Our armour of disdain, the height of despair
Are futile in face of the agony of existence
That millennia of dogma have tried to erase
We have forged God without and reserve of energy
Anthropomorphic projection of our anemia
Poor and puny picture without interest
In which no-one could recognize himself
For it is the Devil who resembles us
Lord of war, intelligent and petty
But arousing our disgust, men hate
And repudiate him
They recognize themselves in him too much
To praise him
No prayer is addressed to the Devil
And he has no altar
For worshiping him would be praising
Ourselves introspectively
He is the evidence and reality is not
An object of worship
But dressed in black, he is mourning
Our lives and virtues
The air of the creator's sin is unbreathable
For despair and evil are everywhere in the heart of men
Everything disgusts me, men, life, this world
Everything disgusts me but the salutary death
7. Anagamin
The day I'll be totally indifferent
To the human misery
It will be time for me to put an end to my existence
And I profess without emotion
Human life has never been as empty as now
I have enough of this world shaped by madness
Of seeing throughout history the same mistakes
From this pathetic species I'm realising myself
To never come back through any form of life
Time has come to ruse upon the mass of perdition
Leaving this spermatic automata-infested world
In order to integrate in rapture
The divine constellation
And to sit on the throne of the god of the gods,
Mysteries and death
Let us celebrate death
And praise the loss
I deny your sickening reality
I want to recover from emptiness
Ultimate metempsychosis
Divine transmigration
I deny your putrid reality
I want to recover from life
Lightbringer who will never return
Prophet of modern times
I leave you in misery and suffering
You're too selfish to accept the absurdity of existence
Dying is the first virtue
And believing in humanity is an intellectual crime
I bid you farewell humans in disgrace
Without even holding my hand out to you
8. Evolving Towards Extinction
Inspired by the will of death
With hell in our hearts, insane and slaves
We build and we crowd our cities
Like Frantic automata would build their tombs
We work for the devil and he will overcome us
And if god exists, inevitably embittered
Impotent facing our organized funeral marches
He would envy our mortality
The youngest believe in nothing
Debauchery and illusion are their only attributes
The elders are dying in absolute disinterest
Going back to nothingness like they've come
Our destiny is to breed always
In order to perish innumerable
For we need believers, soldiers, and consumers
We're glorifying war, nuclear, madness, and death
These are the new gods of the masses of sleepwalkers
And we're sacrificing ourselves in crowd on their altars
We're rising into the nothingness
That fills our lives and will be our death
Disaster is near, the forecasted apocalypse
By dint of multiplying deserts by impoverishing our souls
We will walk united towards darkness without
Returning and will die
Accompanied by our absurd gods and criminal values
Only ruins of our daughters of chaos will remain
Our edifices will become our cemeteries
We have means to destroy ourselves a thousand times
And it won't be differently
Blinded by our religions promising an afterlife
While only nothingness is opening its arms to us
Let us accept the obviousness
Eternal chaos is waiting for us
It's too late to go backwards
We're evolving towards our sublime extinction
[Solo: Patrick]
9. Vertigo
A simple glance into the past and I suddenly realize
In a maelstrom of bitterness and disgust
That dreams enlightening my childhood
Have been shattered like waves against the rocks
Thus looking towards the future
There is nothing but emptiness and decrepitude
Of a life that fills with hate and frustrations
At the rhythm of my painful heartbeats
Contemplating the celestial sphere
This great void surrounding us and making us cease to matter
Reinforcing my conviction that god has forgotten us
In eternity of nothingness that our extinction
Would not undermine
[Solo: Stephane]
I finally turn my eyes towards the most absolute emptiness
The one to which the noblest feelings are assigned
Catalyzer of suffering, overwhelmed by debilitating emotions
That only dereliction can annihilate
Focused on our miserable and dusty existence
Insignificant while we're contemplating this world
From the seat left vacant by god
Long gone to cry the bereavement of his creation
Nothing is immutable, nothing stays
Sentenced to roam into the throes of time
Enslaved by flesh, real infirmity of mind
The need for a mean to annihilate ourselves remains
Above the void of existence
That makes me lose my marks
I can give no sense to this
And need to end it all
But it's my addiction to suffering
That still keeps me alive
10. Communing With Emptiness
Impure seeds have spread on the garden of Eden
Malediction from the netherworld grown into human forms
Walking cadavers with no intrinsic value
Spending our time consuming in the name of death
No compassion in our sight
Heart filled with the weakest feelings
Brain case full of mire
Controlling the lowest instincts
With the need to procreate again
Giving birth to hideous creatures
And to destroy everything we touch
In deadly indifference
It is time to summon purification
Communing with emptiness
Let us gather in impenetrable darkness
To celebrate the arrival of the great reaper
Let us join hands in a funeral farandole
For harvest time promises to be successful
Behold the majestic death on its funeral chariot
Raising its glittering blade above vermin
Draped in darkness, its look empty and cold
Death is descending onto earthly hell
[Solo: Patrick]
The scatterbrained woodlice swarming on their tomb
Rejecting evidence of the eternal void embracing us
Wanting to escape their inevitable fate
This certainty that death will always overcome us
Heads are severed with with unprecedented precision
Impure blood is spilled on the ground
The stinking carcasses are falling like waste
In a blissful apocalyptic orgy
These cadavers using to gesticulate like worms
Are reduced to ashes by the fires of hell
The earth is purified of human vermin
We are but one with absolute emptiness
11. Nostalgia For Chaos
[Solo: Patrick]
Blessed are the poor in spirit
For they have but a low awareness of existing
To gauge the depth of life leads to find nothingness
Then let us place among those who don't look for anything
Who blind themselves to not disappear
And the disgust with reality will become bearable
Blessed are the deceased children
For they will never know disillusion
Of a life that is not worthy
Of the promises of childhood
Living in the moment they have died
Innocent and ignorant
Without projecting into useless dreams
Devastated by labour and the presence of others
Blessed are the stillborn
For they haven't learnt anything
The knowledge of this world leads
To glimpse its vacuity
And takes us away from chaos that was our cradle
[Solo: Patrick]
Let us deny the world of others
Let us deny everything
Let us kill ourselves and go back to chaos
Birth is not the supreme good, I curse it!
Let us flee from it to forget this scourge
This evil behind us and not before
That should cause grief
For it has thrown us out of chaos
We should have never left
I detest this mortal shell that wastes away day by day
All crippled from birth compared to excellence
We are nothing and adorn ourselves with artifacts
Becoming a void decorated with grotesque
Profoundly thwarted, deceived by life for here
This is no love, but a narcissistic desire of seduction
There is no good but a cult of ephemeral beauty
And no great dream that be realized
[Solo: Patrick]
I miss this moment before I was born
Looking forward to returning to chaos
Patrick: guitars, bass
Guido Wyss: drums
Stéphane: guitars, vocals
Guido Wyss: drums
Stéphane: guitars, vocals
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