album: "Womb Of Lilithu" (2013)
1. Womb Of Lilithu2. Splendour Nigri Solis
3. Astaroth
4. Furfur
5. Black Night Raven
6. The Necromancer
7. Marquis Phenex
8. Asmodee
9. Marchosias
10. Matanbuchus
11. Paimon
12. Opium Black
13. Infinite Infernalis
14. Amdusias
1. Womb Of Lilithu
2. Splendour Nigri Solis
Sex and death, sex and death wheneth Venus passing through
Inanna, Hekate, Lilitu
I shall findeth my transgression passing Babylon's womb
To let our powers commingle and accrue
Black sun, black sun, uprising blackened one
Now that Fire and aether conjoins
Conspiring laws of physics as leaving thy womb
To find insight opening Lucifer's eye
Dualistic powers crumble, nox, nox
Energies chaotic collide to tumble, xon, xon
Crude revolting powers in disharmony
Rebellious, uprising, overthrowing
Down the depths of Thagirion the uproars begun
Zomiels is revolting towards God
Niger Sol, Niger One, let rays Nigredo shine
Alluring of apocalypse soon to come
Lepaca, Lepaca, ye infinitive qliphoth dark
Appalling yet enthralling abyss deep and vast
Dualistic powers crumble, nox, nox
Energies chaotic collide to tumble, xon, xon
Splendour on every side
Fire enfolding whirlwind
Dominion dark of wickedness
The era of the wytch
Et occurent daemonia onocentauris et pilosus clamabit
Alter ad alterum ibi cubavit lamia et invenit sibi requiem
Succubus, seductress, succubus domina
Princess of hell that Magus will drain, hogtied insomnia
Sucking voracious, sucking to end
Queen domina succubus
Seven metals, seven planets, seven deadly sins
Bury my body left to ret when leaving towards the within
Splendour nigri solis infernal sulphurous
Upraises her daemonarchy
Dualistic powers crumble, nox, nox
Energies chaotic collide to tumble, xon, xon
Splendour on every side
Fire enfolding whirlwind
Dominion dark of wickedness
The era of the wytch
Et occurent daemonia onocentauris et pilosus clamabit
Alter ad alterum ibi cubavit lamia et invenit sibi requiem
3. Astaroth
Gha'agsheblah Hell salamanders
Midst a furious storm, up blazing wind
Thy darkness infringe hither upon us
The arrival of thee devouring prince
Whither thou goest, we shalt go
Chief rebel governor, first hierarchy
Fowled angel with black feathered wings
Holdeth viper majestic dragon beast carried
Within circle ceremonial let be revealed
Whither thou goest, we shalt go
Imperium magnum infernalis
Ash-Taroth Ash-Taroth
Ash-Taroth Ash-Taroth
Thou was one of the seven princes of hell
That on earth paid a visit to Faust
One of the celestial angels that fell
Rebelling the dissidents cause
Now times of vengeance has reached us at last
The wind turns our way into rage
United we stand in a circle of death
To welcome this new darkened age
Now answereth truly the matters
Of future, the present and past
Ye provider of liberal sciences
Ars goetian daemon bombast
Whither thou goest, we shalt go
Hurtful angel poisonous cometh
Alongside disease and cold death
Followed by forty legions of spirits
Stunning immense with noisome breath
Whither thou goest, we shalt go
Imperium magnum infernalis
Ash-Taroth Ash-Taroth
Ash-Taroth Ash-Taroth
We summon thee our fallen prince
We study the knowledge thou teach
To master the past and the future we claim
In exchange we give in our full loyalty
We kneel thy majestic arrival
Lord of all fortune and wealth
Commander of legions infernal
Master of silence and stealth
Whither thou goest, we shalt go
Infatuate with your presence
We drown in your infinitive eyes
Treasurer of hell, chaos born
Let kingdom of Astaroth rise...
Whither thou goest, we shalt go
Imperium magnum infernalis
Ash-Taroth Ash-Taroth
Ash-Taroth Ash-Taroth
Thou was one of the seven princes of hell
That on earth paid a visit to Faust
One of the celestial angels that fell
Rebelling the dissidents cause
Now times of vengeance has reached us at last
The wind turns our way into rage
United we stand in a circle of death
To welcome this new darkened age
4. Furfur
Furfur furfures
Duke of darkness, earl of hell
Intrude our realm let be revealed
In corners three we summon thee
Ye who speak in riddles
Ye of truth unveiled
Lesser key of greater secrets
Rise now as we summon thee
Ye who cryptic speaketh poisoned words
Ye who's turning nature furious
Flaming earl
Ye carnal ego spirit unsanctified
Black hellfire
Immerse our world evoked from triangle
Cruel commander of nine and twenty legions
Wire up yourself in chaos of fire
Upraise to ablaze by the presence
Upraise in violence on telluric latitudes
From underworld and shadows deep
We summon ye oh darkened key
To break the spell, untie thou bonds
We crush thou chains, we set you free
Aftermath in emptiness
Global grieving gruesome death
Wounds cut open, cut to bleed
Draining death in misery
Bestial angel flagrant fallen
Violent speaketh with a hoarse voice
Raiseth lightening, blast and thunder
Cometh with tempestuous storms
Furfur furfures
Duke of darkness, earl of hell
Ye who rideth storms chaotic
Cold destructive winds qlipphotic
Ye who cryptic speaketh poisoned words
Ye who's turning nature furious
Flaming earl
Ye carnal ego spirit unsanctified
Black hellfire
Immerse our world evoked from triangle
Cruel commander of nine and twenty legions
Wire up yourself in chaos of fire
Upraise to ablaze by the presence
Upraise in violence on telluric latitudes
Ye who cryptic speaketh poisoned words
Ye who's turning nature furious
Flaming earl
Ye carnal ego spirit unsanctified
Black hellfire
Immerse our world evoked from triangle
Cruel commander of nine and twenty legions
Wire up yourself in chaos of fire
Upraise to ablaze by the presence
Upraise in violence on telluric latitudes
5. Black Night Raven
Under the grace of evil
Vultures gather on the fields of death
Darkness layers have failed
Blackened soul rode to watch the liars
All they stand in a circle
By the one they hail. Hail
Black night raven
Black night raven
As the dawning breaks
Burst out its prevailing rage
A Militia of newborn beasts
Crushing through the light of wicked embrace
None can turn away
Further guided by a spirit dead
As initiated to the legions below
Resurrecting hell. Hell
Black night raven we summon thee
Black night raven to discard the enemy
Black night raven soaring my field
Black night raven shadow of defeat
Rise now Andrianas, rise
Piercing sulphurous blades
Draining the sacred fluid
To distract the condemning race
Evocation of christians in demise
Vanish in the absence of apocalyptic angel witch
Riding upon proving grounds
Like a shaft of lightning he rideth
His furious slaughtering hound
Cursing the race of mankind
Nor to be seen nor to be found
Rise now Andrianas, rise
Piercing sulphurous blades
Draining the sacred fluid
To distract the condemning race
Sway to the winds of the north
Conjuring the spirit of Seth and come forth
Heading towards the borders
To crush the reapy wheat
Quaking the lure in our world
To serve its master and its evil deeds
Black night raven we summon thee
Black night raven to discard the enemy
Black night raven roaring on the field
Black night raven a shadow of defeat
Rise now Andrianas, rise
Piercing sulphurous blades
Draining the sacred fluid
To distract the condemning race
6. The Necromancer
Prowler of the endless night
Helvetical Earl upon gryphon ride
Ye, soldier weareth thine Duces crowne
When cometh accompanied grand trumpets sound
In the Gibbous eighth hour after sundown
I summon thy spirit MurMux daemon
Necromancer, Shadowdancer
Constrains deceased come forth and answer
O' spirit that knoweth philosophie
Unto witches desire generously teach, absolutely
Ye whom commune the shades of the dead
And oblige chosen souls of the deceased
Blaspheme the name of the hebrew god
Whence, comest thou MurMux daemon?
Necromancer, Shadowdancer
Constrains deceased come forth and answer
Divinations infernalis
Insight cometh Necropolis
MurMur Necromancer
MurMur Shadowdancer
Encircle the subconcious to strengthen the sorcerer's astral body and armour
Let from the Beyond voices speak inwards
And enligteneth the magician with tremendous celestial insight
Evil demons of matter and the shells of the dead once cast out of order of thrones
Now in transmutation as becometh demonic divine
Daemonic moonshine on worried skies
Soon engulfed by dark lunar side
Gibbous zenith darkened light
Necropolis open wide
The lesser key to the great shadowless
Ye whom fullsome bequeath, MurMux Daemon
Necromancer, Shadowdancer
Constrains deceased come forth and answer
Divinations infernalis
Insight cometh Necropolis
7. Marquis Phenex
Wings of fire shall upblaze the Sky
Let enlighten my spirit, wheneth sweeping by
Ye who harvest in fortune, while singeth sweet notes
Ye marquis of balance great from the realm of thoughts
A distant songster, singeth like child
Innocent it calleth thee to walketh by its side
Winds of the west carry my words
Let them be swept far beyond, let them be heard
Turn space into void and void into time
Ye poetry fire flier of words sublime
A distant songster, singeth like child
Innocent it calleth thee to walketh by its side
Now come forth, I conjure thee
Let thy silhouette majestic encircle the sun
Now come forth, marquis Phenex
Reclaim thy righteous destiny in the order of thrones
Communing clairaudient since darkest of times
Yet under your wing there's a child to be found
Bestial angel of liberal science and art
Fulfil my desires within devour my heart
Black shining feathers fall away as thou flies
Hunt to devour souls striketh night burning skies
Entrance thine victims when singeth soporific tones
Hopeth to return upon thy righteous seventh throne
8. Asmodee
I summon thee Asmodee, archangel of impurity
Disclose before us Shemhamforasch
I conjure thee Chashmodai
Spreading chaos Anno Domini
Lepaca Aeshma Lepaca Daeva
Exhilarated lust by carnal desire
Now that lust comes the 7 deadly sins
I am daemon king Sidonay
Under Lucifer my emperor
Violent taking throne of Salomon
Then aim to disgrace Tetragrammaton
I summon thee Asmodee, Ye that knoweth astronomy
Raging fiend who foretell future
I conjure thee Chashmodai
Come chaos come mystify
Lepaca Aeshma Lepaca Daeva
Exhilarated lust by carnal desire
Now that lust comes the 7 deadly sins
I am daemon king Sidonay
Under Lucifer my emperor
Violent taking throne of Salomon
Then aim to disgrace the whole fucking Tetragrammaton
The one who fall to Asmodeus ways
Will be sentenced to an eternity
In the second level down the abyss of hell
Deleriant to fumble astray
By the powers of Amaymon
We call thee Asmoday
To giveth ring of virtues
And showeth where treasures lay
I summon thee Asmodee, halfbreed of incestery
Tubal-cain mated sister Naamah
I conjure thee Chashmodai
Belches fire, purify
Lepaca Aeshma Lepaca Daeva
Exhilarated lust by carnal desire
Now that lust comes the 7 deadly sins
I am daemon king Sidonay
Under Lucifer my emperor
Violent taking throne of Salomon
Then aim to disgrace Tetragrammaton
9. Marchosias
Come forth shape shifting she-wolf
Come forth great marquise of fire
Come forth as the ox of the earth
Upon summoners command and conjurers desire
From the order of dominations
Prodigy angel rebel fell
Deceived to return upon her seventh throne
Doomed to serve as a Marquise of hell
Obsessed by an uprising hatred
Now that more than twelve hundred years gone
There will be no more ruling in heaven
And therefore no more seventh throne
Come forth thou who's spitting flames
Descend our soil under gryphon wings
Come forth daemonic serpent tailed Djinn
Upon summoners command and conjurers desire
Come forth and ablaze the blackened night still
Come forth and enlighten our wideopen minds
Come forth mistress of strategy
Answereth truly upon sorcerers request
From the order of dominations
Prodigy angel rebel fell
Deceived to return upon her seventh throne
Doomed to serve as a Marquise of hell
Obsessed by an uprising hatred
Now that more than twelve hundred years gone
There will be no more ruling in heaven
And therefore no more seventh throne
Now omitted to soar in the shadows
Cursed to the abyss forever
A broken promise, a broken hope
To be revenged with a violent endeavour
Transformation, transmutation
Lycanthropic evocation
Buried deep in the subconcious
Lurks the metaphysic art of shape shift
Come forth shape shifting she-wolf
Come forth great marquise of fire
Come forth as the ox of the earth
Upon summoners command and conjurers desire
From the order of dominations
Prodigy angel rebel fell
Deceived to return upon her seventh throne
Doomed to serve as a Marquise of hell
Obsessed by an uprising hatred
Now that more than twelve hundred years gone
There will be no more ruling in heaven
And therefore no more seventh throne
Now omitted to soar in the shadows
Cursed to the abyss forever
A broken promise, a broken hope
To be revenged with a violent endeavour
10. Matanbuchus
Darken roams the beast, wicked ruler of the sixth world
Upraise now, black light and most vicious flames
Forces superior infernal to come
Trembles the earth soon to succumb
Black hilted blade of barbarous evocation
Driven by murderous faustian hunger
Adversarial dagger forged by the black flame
Seeketh flesh, devour children and blood sacrifice
Spirits of western gates, evil twilight and grave
I summon ye forth, twisted faces of death
Hekas Hekau Hekas,
by all Jupiter moons
Lord of Djinns, Mattan Buka
Ye that lurketh the shades by Jupiter moons
Black hilted blade of barbarous evocation
Driven by murderous faustian hunger
Adversarial dagger forged by the black flame
Seeketh flesh, devour children and blood sacrifice
Spirits of western gates, evil twilight and grave
I summon ye forth, twisted faces of death
Darken romas the beast, wicked ruler of the sixth world
Upraise now, black light and most vicious flames
Forces superior infernal to come
Trembles the earth soon to succumb
11. Paimon
Thee I invoke, from the order of dominations
Thee, that lurketh in the shadow of Taurus
Thee I invoke that ruleth two Hundred legions
Thee that weareth the crown of a king
Appeareth with a thundering roaring,
as in Circulo Salomonis
One out of the eight sub-princes
Obedient only to chief rebel Lucifer
Beelzebub, Magot, Asmodee, Astarot
Oriens, Amaimon, Ariton, Paimonia
Thee I invoke, great daemon king infernal
Thee, who dwellest in the void place of the spirit
Thee I invoke, to reveal the mysteries of the earth
Thee that giveth dignity and confirmeth the same
Appeareth with a thundering roaring,
as in Circulo Salomonis
One out of the eight sub-princes
Obedient only to chief rebel Lucifer
Saraph, Tirana, Morel, Malutens,
Melhaer, Mermo, Ekdulon, Moschel,
Katini, Chuschi, Rachiar, Nagid,
Emphastison, Hear me, I conjure Thee, Paimon
Teach me about art and science
Discover unto me what the earth really is
What holdeth it up in the waters,
and what is mind and where is it
Attended by princes Bebal and Abalam
To be observed towards the west
He who rideth the dromedary beast
To be revealed on conjurers request
Appeareth with a thundering roaring,
as in Circulo Salomonis
One out of the eight sub-princes
Obedient only to chief rebel Lucifer
Beelzebub, Magot, Asmodee, Astarot
Oriens, Amaimon, Ariton, Paimonia
Come Forth Paimon
Come Forth Paimon
12. Opium Black
By this sign and hieroglyph
I summon thee from ancient myth
Petrified in history
My invocation set thou free
Bound but only by my will
To banish space as time stand still
Risen power energy
Confined in genius and insanity
Let silence seal this wicked vow
As serpents slithers crucified upon the Tau
Ancient one, hear heed my call
And rise for me Lilitus spawn
I'm drugged I'm drunken on oriental poison
Manifests in visions and many voices
Traitorous lord of lies
With split forked tongue and deadened eyes
Ancient one, hear heed my call
And rise for me Lilitus spawn
I Invoke thee from thy desert abode
To reapeth harvest of seeds unsowed
Cast thy shadow opium black
Upon altar and temple from beyond and back
Traitorous lord of lies
I praise ye by bloodied virgin sacrifice
Feared above all mortal fright
Arise Mahavatar cloaked in night
Ancient one, hear heed my call
And rise for me Lilitus spawn
I Invoke thee from thy desert abode
To reapeth harvest of seeds unsowed
Cast thy shadow opium black
Upon altar and temple from beyond and back
Ancient one, hear heed my call
And rise for me Lilitus spawn
I Invoke thee from thy desert abode
To reapeth harvest of seeds unsowed
Cast thy shadow opium black
Upon altar and temple from beyond and back
13. Infinite Infernalis
Shake shake
Seal listen
Emptiness, fullness open
Thaumiel, my star, you have thrown us into Nothingness,
Lucifer, Ouia, Kameron,
I love you, into the void of... to the border of...
I hear you now! A voice in the silence
I never thought I'd see your face
I do. Vonton, Uli, Socierno Pèatan,
You are here, master, you are here
Your sin made us eternal
Venite Lucifer
Shake shake
Seal listen
Shake as the eye opens
A flash. Silence, silence
Come to me, embrace me
You eternal infernal
I never thought I'd see your face
I do. Vonton, Uli, Socierno Pèatan,
You are here, master, you are here
Your sin made us eternal
Venite Lucifer
Aliscor, Mandusemini, Poemi, Oriel,
Madugruse, Parinoscon, Estio, Dumogon
Shake shake
Seal listen
A face in the middle of the shadow, in the circle
You are the highest
Your horns are your crown
I never thought I'd see your face
I do. Vonton, Uli, Socierno Pèatan,
You are here, master, you are here
Your sin made us eternal
Venite Lucifer
Aliscor, Mandusemini, Poemi, Oriel,
Madugruse, Parinoscon, Estio, Dumogon,
Dovorcon, Casmiel, Hugras, Fabil
14. Amdusias
Joakim Sterner – Drums
Tobias Sidegård – Vocals, Guitars (rhythm)
Fredrik Folkare – Guitars (lead)
Alex Friberg – Bass
Tobias Sidegård – Vocals, Guitars (rhythm)
Fredrik Folkare – Guitars (lead)
Alex Friberg – Bass
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All lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Please read the disclaimer.