album: "And All Was Silent..." (1994)
1. Prologue2. And All Was Silent
3. Incantation Of The Firegod
4. La Baronesse et le Démon
5. Baptism Of The Infant Flesh
6. The Urilia Abomination
7. The Churning Seas Of Absu
8. Beneath The Bowels Of The Earth
9. Ask My Dying Soul
10. The Crusades
11. Der Mond Ward Der Erde Neue Sonne
12. Invocation Of The Ninib Gate
13. Forgotten Scrolls
14. Epilogue
1. Prologue
As I stood, before this circle, I call upon the creatures of the night...
2. And All Was Silent
Tiamat Betrayed by the legions of the elder of gods I came, spirit of the earth, remember.
Know that the sign of time is near Lilith, equipped the legions with weapons and arms.
So that all will rise again.
Lamashtu carrier of fear, remember.
Rise, serpents, devour all that was, is and will be And all was silent...
3. Incantation Of The Firegod
A time of chaos now approaches us.
The light cries out in pain.
Eternal flame is now extinguished.
Satan rules again.
The joy in the hands of eternal winter.
Like water drowning in snow.
12 disciples gather slowly around the throne of stone whence he came,
master of
the unseen.
I mutter a prayer of hate.
Destroy the creation of god.
Feast upon the blood of mortals.
Turn their blood to wine their soul without a shelter.
Their bones to build a realm
4. La Baronesse et le Démon
"Maintenant, dans cette nuit durant laquelle les étoiles meurent, le dragon dort dans sa cascade murmurante. Et l'eau murmure silencieusement.
Ô profane oreille d'un fou, je pourris magnifiquement. Pour une vie de mensonge pure, baronesse d'un château de rêve à l'époque de la lumière ou l'idée devient l'action. Mon sort de tourner immortelle, la jeunesse jusqu'à l'infinie.
D'innombrables saisons ont vu leur fin et j'étais jadis une baronesse vertueuse, Aveugle et enterre... et des dogmes en puissance.
Une nuit, lors de la saison froide, les cris obscurs d'un malfaiteur vinrent à mes yeux croyants et m'enterrèrent dans ce cercueil de pierre d'où je rêve ces mots.
Maintenant, la lune est à son point culminant, et je t'invoque, puissant maître Pazuzu, pour que l'on puisse main en main régner le monde profane.
Où es-tu, mon âme malheureuse clame sa délivrance, où es-tu, mon corps sanglant pleurant de désir se déforme pour toi."
"Je t'écoute âme torturée".
"Ah! Sauveur d'une dimension lointaine, comme j'ai attendu ton arrivée."
"De loin je suis venu, les mers j'ai traversé, appelé par ta voix si triste, quel est ton désir?"
"Pazuzu, arrache mon esprit de ces murs pourris, montre-moi la porte de l'extase sans limite."
"Volons, volons, soit portée par ta croyance immortelle, laisse ton désir devenir tes ailes..."
5. Baptism Of The Infant Flesh
6. The Urilia Abomination
Oh schwacher Mensche, hoere meine Warnung. Versuche nicht gewaltsam das Tor
Zukunftzu oeffnen. Wenige haben Erfolg die Schranken zu passieren zu er
Welle Ich kenne sie, verweilst du jemals in ihrem Abgrund Suchen sie nach
deiner Seele und halten sie in ihrer Gewalt Hoere Mensch mit benebltem
und beherzige meine Warnung. Verusche nicht dich in den Winkeln zu bewegen,
oder zu kruemmen, waehrend der Koerper frei ist... Fliehe wenn du
ergruende den Nebel nicht laenger...
7. The Churning Seas Of Absu
8. Beneath The Bowels Of The Earth
9. Ask My Dying Soul
Cast away from joy
Let me fear your pain
Greet me with a dark heart
Rising as the same
I will pull your pain through the eternal flame
Let me fear your pain
Greet me with a dark heart
Rising as the same
Let me fell your pain
Through the eternal flame
Let me feel your pain
Cast away from joy
Greet me with a dark heart
Cast away from joy
Rising as the same
Ask my dying soul
The sin of (truth) will (spawn)
No truth lies at my feet
Man shall do as he please
I was cast from heaven's grace
On soul wings, I forever fly
Ask my dying soul
The sin of (truth) will (spawn)
No truth lies at my feet
Man shall do as he please
I was cast from heaven's grace
On soul wings, I forever fly
10. The Crusades
-No, ha, no, ha, ha! My god... no, ho my god.
-So, have you been convinced? Have you seen that the god you prayed to all
the life isnothing more but an impotent bastard. Have you been convinced?
When you've seen the truth. Now, now is forever!
-Yes, deliver me from the evil! Please, please deliver me!
-(wake) up and follow me to hell. Follow me!
11. Der Mond Ward Der Erde Neue Sonne
Dunkelheit kam uber unser Land und das Licht verfiel der Nacht Daemonen
durch dasnun dunkle Land Der Mond ward der Erde neue Sonne Und die
der Erde drehte sich um Von meinem Thron aus befahl ich die Haengung Gottes
als ich Pazuzu die einzige Wahrheit verkuendete kauerten sie unter mir Von
Schoepfung Christi blieb nichst mehr als ein trauriges Haeuflein Asche.
12. Invocation Of The Ninib Gate
Spirit of the wanderer of the west, remember.
Spirit of the planet of time, remember.
Spirit of the planet of the hunter, remember.
Ninib, lord of the dark ways, remember.
Ninib, lord of the secret passages, remember.
Ninib, knower of the secret of all things, remember.
Ninib, knower of the ways of the ancient ones, remember.
Ninib (crowned) by the silence, remember.
Ninib, watcher of the ways of the (Igigi), remember.
Ninib, knower of the pathways of the dead, remember.
In the name of the covenant sworn between thee and the rest of man I call
to thee, hearken and remember.
From the mighty gate of the lord of the gods.
Marduk, sphere of the great planet.
13. Forgotten Scrolls
14. Epilogue
Now that I have obtained what I requested you may return whence you came.
May peace be between you and me, forever!
Raymond Wells: vocals, keyboards.
Guest musicians:
Protector: keyboards, vocals;
Silenius: keyboards, vocals;
Trifixion: vocals;
Empress Lilith: vocals;
Minh Ninjao: vocals.
Thanks to mailer for correcting track #4 lyrics.
Raymond Wells: vocals, keyboards.
Guest musicians:
Protector: keyboards, vocals;
Silenius: keyboards, vocals;
Trifixion: vocals;
Empress Lilith: vocals;
Minh Ninjao: vocals.
Thanks to mailer for correcting track #4 lyrics.
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