album: "As Life Fades Away" (1998)
1. Entering The Gate2. The Birth Of My Funeral
3. I Die And Become
4. The Shadow Of Sorrow
5. Into The Vast Eternity
6. A Last Temptation
1. Entering The Gate
I sat under the arrow of mourning...
Washing my mind in the rain,
while counting the drops as they fell down.
I found the key to my soul.
Hidden in the garden of memories it was.
I listened to the voice of silence,
and moved into the unknown with a calm soul.
Away I rode on waves of pain.
I vanished into the realms of sorrow.
2. The Birth Of My Funeral
Life is nothing.
Nothing but a long journey.
Passed years turns to dust,
and you enter another world.
As a star at dawn...
As the candlelight in your dreams...
Death smiles in silence,
while you return to your funeral.
3. I Die And Become
Death kills the flame of life.
Ends our present existence.
A transformation to come.
Death of the former self.
The total destruction of form.
We turn loose the old,
and face our own renewal.
The recognition of ones true being.
Death and birth.
None will be avoided.
Both part of a never-ending cycle.
All roads unite in dark decay.
Eternal is the deep depression.
4. The Shadow Of Sorrow
A pale shadow I am.
The shadow of my early existence.
A depressed being...
Filled with the joy of sorrow.
I am not of their kind.
Of sorrow I was born.
Gloomy are the feelings carried inside.
Dark is the core of my soul.
Feel the grief of an empty heart.
My heart is shattered.
Silent is my tears.
Quietly they sweep my face.
5. Into The Vast Eternity
6. A Last Temptation
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All lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Please read the disclaimer.