album: "Quo Vadis" (1991)
1. NKWD2. Monofobia
3. Wegetacja
4. ...Albo Nie Byc
5. Kocham Cie Kochanie Moje
6. Trzy Szosteczki
7. Czerwone Prawo
8. Bol Istnienia
9. Quo Vadis
Poznajemy czarne plamy historii
To co dotad bylo tajemnica
Zamazane krwia strony ksiazek
Mordy popelnione przez
Wiecznie zadne afer gazety
Odbieraja swiety spokoj zmarlym
My od dawna juz wiemy
O zbrodniach czerwonej gwardii
Otwieracie zagojone rany
Po co znowu wyciskacie lzy
Matkom dzieci nie zwrocicie
Nam nie trzeba martwych bochaterow
[English translation:]
We know history black stains
Have been in secret till now
Book's pages effaced in blood
Murders commit by
Papers always needing sensations
Depriving defuncts holy piece
We know a long time since about
Kommunist red guard crimes
Beastly... tortured...
In secret... we're killed
You're opening healed up sores
We don't need lifeless heroes
You'll never return mother's child
Why Do you make us cry
2. Monofobia
Wiosna budzi sie i jak co roku
Szykuja znow komisje
Przestan ludzic sie i zacznij dzialac
Nie pomina Cie
Zdrowy na ciele, zdrowy na umysle
Bedzie z Ciebie mezczyzna
Wnetrze wrazliwe, slaby psychicznie
Kogo z nich to obchodzi
Jak pokazac masz, ze jestes inny
Wolnosci czujesz smak
Nie potrafisz zyc zamkniety w klatce
Inyych ludzi bic
Jak baranowi zetne Ci wlosy
Jak ciele pogonia w pole
Zabija w tobie wszystkie uczucia
Bys byl dobrym narzedziem
I Ty tez karabin wez
Gdy Ci kaza przelej krew
Swoje zycie za nich daj
Za tych co sprzedali nas
Przez wiele lat nikt nie pamietal
Czego Ci jest brak
Teraz chca Ci skrasc czesc Twego zycia
Twoich pare lat
[English translation:]
Spring wakes up as year by year
Troops call you up anagin
Stop deluding, go into action
They won't omit you
Healthy body, healthy in the head
You'll be a he-man
Responsive heard, and feable - minded
They don't care a straw
How to show them, that you're different
You feel the freedom taste
You can't be closed behind the bars
Beat anyone you can't
They mind you're a sheep and cut your hair
They mind you're a calf and dash you to the field
They will kill each other of your feeling
To be a very good tool
And you take your gun too
As they told you spill your blood
Give the rulers your own life
For all of them, who sold us
Noone remembered throuh all this years
What you've been looking for
Now they steal a piece of your life
Your own rising time
3. Wegetacja
Szary dzien, szara noc
Powszednia nasza rzeczywistosc
I tylko czasem w inny swiat
Przenosi nas cudowny
Piwa smak
Zyjemy tu bez zadnych szans
Na lepsze jutro, jasniejszy dzien
Jak dlugo jeszcze nasze dni
Rozjasniac ma cudowny
Piwa smak
Stworzyli nam pozory wolnosci
Osadzili w sztywnych ramach
Ten monotonny, codzienny kicz
Wprowadzi nas w destrukcji stan
Wolnym byc
Idzemy pod gore
Piach sypia nam w oczy
Kamienie rzucaja pod nogi
Jak dlugo mamy tak kroczyc
Ile jeszcze mamy nadzieja zyc,
Ze wreszcie cos sie zmieni
Ludzka cierpliwosc granice ma
A w ustach zamiast piwa pojawil sie
Goryczy smak
[English translation:]
Grey each day, grey each night
Our daily reality
And only sometimes in world of cheer
Transfers us wonderful taste of beer
Taste of beer
We're living here without a chance
For better moments, brighter day
How much longer our time
Must be cleared by wonderful taste of beer
Taste of beer
They coloured our freedom
And put us in stiff frames
This dull, daily doub
Brings u to destruction
To be free
We go up the hill
They throw dust in our eyes
Throw stones under legs
Why must we step this way
How long must w live in hopes
That something change at last
There's a limit to our patience
And instead of beer appears bitterness
4. ...Albo Nie Byc
Tak trudno pozbyc sie
Checi posiadania
Nie miec nic i byc
Nie miec nic i byc
To co naprawde ma wartosc
Dawno juz niewazne jest
Lepiej miec niz byc
Lepiej miec niz byc
W grobie nie dostanie nikt
Nic za pieniadze
Wszystko to co mamy
Zabiera smierc
Wiem pieniadze szczescia nie daja
Zwlaszcza tym ktorzy je maja
[English translation:]
[...Or Not To Be]
It's to hard to get rid
Of possess temptation
To have nothing and to be
To have nothing and live
This what is really worth
This is not worth for a long time
Better is to have than to be
Better is to have than to be
Anybody will get nothing in the grave
For the money
Everything, what we have
Is taken by the Death
I know money doesn't make you happy
Especially when you have a lot of them
5. Kocham Cie Kochanie Moje
[Manaam cover]
6. Trzy Szosteczki
Minal z wiatrem czas
Odwracanych Krzyzy
Poznikaly z placow grozne
Szostki trzy
Nowa przyszla moda
Teraz rzadza pentagramy
Kazdy chce miec wizerunek
Glowy Kozla
Nie drecz diablow
Nie drecz demonow
One nie chca straszyc
Nie drecz diablow
Nie drecz demonow
One chca odpoczac
Spieszysz sie do piekla
Tam juz miejsca brak
Do czego dazysz
Czlowieku puknij sie w glowe
[English translation:]
[Three Little Sixes]
Time with wind has passed
Of inverse crucifixes
Menacing six six six
Disappeared from backs
New fashion has come
Pentagrams govern now
Everybody wants to have a portrait
Of Goat's head
Don't oppress devils
Don't oppress demons
They don't want to haunt
Don't oppress devils
Don't oppress demons
They want to rest
You hurry to Hell
There is no place for you
What for are you going there
Hey, guy, knock in your head
Don't oppress devils
Don't oppress demons
They don't want to haunt
Don't oppress devils
Don't oppress demons
They want to rest
7. Czerwone Prawo
Jak wiele bolu, meki i krwi
Ile potrzeba bylo ofiar
Abysmy mogli zaczac jak ludzie zyc
Bysmy mogli cieszyc sie bytem
Tyle czasu aparat wladzy
Bezkarnie dzialal
Prawo bylo bezprawiem
Brak czynow, slowa rzucane na wiatr
Efekty tego dzis mamy
Gazem i guma tlumili formy sprzeciwu
Krzyki wyczerpanego narodu
Na klamstwie oparli system rzadzenia
Bledy taili przed ludem
O prawde wielu ludzi walczylo
Zrobili z nas republike
Przeciez mielismy zawsze przyjaciol
Ktorzy o nas dbali
By nie zachcialo nam sie niezaleznosci
Bysmy za silni sie nie stali
Rady nam dawali
Wolnosc i wiare zabrali
[English translation:]
[Red Justice]
How much pain, tire and blood
How many victims have we need
To love as a humen being
To enjoy our live
So long, did the party machine work impunity
And justice was unjustice
No action, words was throwing on the wind
And we have results today
They put down rebellions - cry of tired
With gas and gum
The system of ruling was based on lies
They hit their malversations from people
So many people fight for true
So many lost their lives
They made us the republic
We had so many friend around us
They took care of us
To be not too independent
To be not too strong
They gave us advice
They took freedom and trusting
8. Bol Istnienia
Swiadom swego ja
I zycia prawd
Bez sensu i celu
W alienacji trwam
Bol istnienia zniszczyl mi
Spokoj mego wnetrza
Mysli rozrywaja mozg
Cialko pustka jest
Czy nie lepiej jest
Nieswiadomym byc
Tak jak male dziecko
Nie wiedziec nic
[English translation:]
[Pain Of Existence]
Conscious of my mind
And truth of life
No sense, no aim
In lonelyness I am
Pain of existence destroyed in my
A calm of my being
Ideas have torn my brain
Body is empty
I think, that's better
An ignorant to be
As a little child
Don't know anything
Pain of existence destroyed in my
A calm of my being
Ideas have torn my brain
Body is empty
9. Quo Vadis
Zajrzales do swiadomosci swej
Wtargnales na sciezki mysli
Dokad idziesz ?
Dokad gnasz ?
Dotarles do granic mozgu
Dotarles tam - co ujrzales ?
Po co idziesz ?
Dokad gnasz ?
Dlaczego nie chciales mi wierzyc
Dlaczego nie chciales mnie sluchac
Tak trudno jest ludziom umierac
Jak trudno bylo Ci zyc
[English translation:]
[Quo Vadis]
You have looked inside your head
You have invided to idea's paths
Where - do you go?
Where - do you chase?
You have reached to the end of brain
You have reached there - what do you see?
What for - do you go?
Where - do you run?
Why didn't you want to trust me
Why didn't you want to hear me
It's hard to die to people
As it's hard to live to you
You didn't want to belive in love
And you made the last step
Where - do you go?
Where - do you run?
Thanks to mauser9 for sending translations.
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