album: "Through Darkness" (2005)
1. In Hell2. Corrosion Of Emotions
3. Scenes Of A Tragedy
4. Through Darkness
5. Sustain Me
6. Arise
7. The Last Journey
8. Wisdom Calls
9. Warriors Of The Morning
10. Exodus
11. Majestic
12. Son Of God
1. In Hell
Born to this world of pride and deceit
Dropped out of life, no place to fit
Pushed around and trampled on the ground
Left aside, choosing to hide
Being alone, trapped in silence
Living in shame, is everything in vain?
Do I want to live?
Do I want to die?
What will happen then? Is it worth to try?
The gates of Hell are wide open
Enter into suffocating darkness
The unseen horrors in the furnace of fire
Burning torment, rotting in pain
In Hell it's too late to realize
That it is worse than this life
No release by suicide
Without forgiveness and sacrifice
We are all condemned to burn in fire
Cold, corrupted world filled with lies and despise
Busy, wasted lives and hollow, empty eyes
Searching for success, working night and day
Finally drained empty and thrown away
Being alone, trapped in silence
Living in shame, is everything in vain?
Do I want to live?
Do I want to die?
What will happen then? Is it worth to try?
There is only One who can save you from this hell
The Son of God who shed His blood for our sins
The ultimate sacrifice to forgive our wrongings
And whoever calls His name will be saved
The gates of Hell are wide open
Enter into suffocating darkness
The unseen horrors in the furnace of fire
Burning torment, rotting in pain
In Hell it's too late to realize
That it is worse than this life
No release by suicide
Without forgiveness and sacrifice
We are all condemned to burn in fire
Jesus save me!
2. Corrosion Of Emotions
Empty hollow minds
Weary fragile souls
What is the meaning of your life
You're walking endless miles
Broken lies, fallen skies
Sorrow deep within your mind
Why keep digging down deep into the pain
Walking among the living dead
Dwelling in the supremacy of sorrow
Corrosion of emotions
No escape when redemption is lost
Why decline eternal life
Or you'll find yourself swimming in the Lake of Fire
Worthy is the Lamb seated on the throne
His blood has covered our sins
For God so loved the world
That He gave His only Son
Whoever believes in Him shall have everlasting life
Why keep digging down deep into the pain
Walking among the living dead
Dwelling in the supremacy of sorrow
Corrosion of emotions
No escape when redemption is lost
Why decline eternal life
Or you'll find yourself swimming in the Lake of Fire
You raise your head up to the skies
Change your ways like the shifting tides
Have you lost the sense of time
Completely blind to see the signs
Heaven and earth will pass away
But His Word will endure
There will be signs in the sun and the moon
Distress of nations with perplexity
Your pain can be healed in His name
Your shame taken away
'Cause our Lord has conquered the grave
By His grace we are saved
[John 3:16, Luke 21:25,33]
3. Scenes Of A Tragedy
The truth is not so hard to find
Open your eyes and you'll realize
The fool has said in his heart
Chaos around, there is no god
They have chosen to suffer
To believe in nothing
Deeper and deeper the wounds they cut
Scenes of a tragedy
Ignorance is walking by their side
Broken promises all the time
Nations standing in confusion
Without answers or conclusion
Only the fool has turned aside
Fighting the truth burning their flesh
Less they hear less they believe
Blind leading the blind
Dead eyes see no future
The simple truth they fear
Hollow cold despair, shattered realities
Betrayal is at hand, vanishing into the void
They have chosen to suffer
To believe in nothing
Deeper and deeper the wounds they cut
Scenes of a tragedy
Ignorance is walking by their side
Broken promises all the time
Nations standing in confusion
Without answers or conclusion
Only the fool has turned aside
Fighting the truth burning their flesh
Less they hear less they believe
Blind leading the blind
Blindfolded points of view
Why don't you accept the truth
Wake up, wake up
Why walk in the deepest pit
When you can ask for his graceful hand
Jesus.. Jesus
Ask for His hand
Ask for salvation
And you´ll be saved
Ignorance is walking by their side
Broken promises all the time
Nations standing in confusion
Without answers or conclusion
Only the fool has turned aside
Fighting the truth burning their flesh
Less they hear less they believe
Blind leading the blind
4. Through Darkness
I see darkness around me
Uninvited spreading its fear
Burn their eyes burn their souls
Walk them through the fire
We can make a difference
By choosing right from wrong
- Creator of Life
Break the chains and let our souls dwell in the light
The vermins among us
Infesting what once was pure
Evil entwining
Our spirits so vague
The frustration
Of this cynical world
Hatred is born love is torn
But in the end we will prevail
Beware of your judgemental thoughts
Denial of truth, thirst for blood
The conviction is yet to come
The hourglass counting its time
We can make a difference
By choosing right from wrong
- Creator of Life
Break the chains and let our souls dwell in the light
The vermins among us
Infesting what once was pure
Evil entwining
Our spirits so vague
The frustration
Of this cynical world
Hatred is born love is torn
but in the end we will prevail
They fooled themselves trusting an illusion
That solid path will take them nowhere
We can make a difference
By choosing right from wrong
- Creator of Life
Break the chains and let our souls dwell in the light
The vermins among us
Infesting what once was pure
Evil entwining
Our spirits so vague
The frustration
Of this cynical world
Hatred is born love is torn
but in the end we will prevail
5. Sustain Me
I hear the screams from beyond
The power of my memories
So fragile and weak
Some end to this pain I seek
I live among these stones
The living dead and bones
Light is here by God
But the reflex is dark
I want this to end
Spirit of love be send, now
The heat of my blood fires on
Adrenalin in my veins
Afraid of my thoughts
And this thing of my brain
I’m at the end of this way
O God I know what you say
I know I’m saved
But I am dirty and raved
Please fill me up with your spirit of hope
Have mercy on me, O God
According to your unfailing love
According to your great compassion
Blot out my transgression
Wash away all my iniquity
And cleanse me from my sin
Let me hear joy and gladness
Let the bones you have crushed rejoice
Restore to me the joy of your salvation
And grant me a willing spirit
To sustain me
You are awesome, O God
You, who answer my call
You bring life to the stones
Even to the dead and bones
I walk among the dark
But your light is my guide
You have lifted my life
To the depths of your love
Ps. 51
6. Arise
Arise, shine
For your light has come
And the glory of the Lord
Rises upon you
Darkness covers the earth
Thick haze is over the peoples
But the Lord rises upon you
And his glory appears over you
Nations will come to your light
Kings to the brightness of your dawn
Pass through, pass through the gates!
Prepare the way for the people
Build up, build up the highway!
Remove the stones
Raise a banner for the nations
Lift up your eyes
And look about you
Your sons and daughters
Come to you from afar
The wealth of the seas
Will be brought to you
To you the riches
Of the nations will come
Then you will look and be radiant
Your heart will throb and swell with joy
Pass through, pass through the gates!
Prepare the way for the people
Build up, build up the highway!
Remove the stones
Raise a banner for the nations
Awake, awake, O Zion
Clothe yourself with strength
Put on your garments of splendor
Shake off your dust
Rise up, sit enthroned
Jerusalem, the holy city
Pass through, pass through the gates!
Prepare the way for the people
Build up, build up the highway!
Remove the stones
Raise a banner for the nations
[Isaiah 52, 60 & 62]
7. The Last Journey
Walking under pressure
Through divided depths
With a wall of water
On our right and left
The surging waters standing
Firm like a wall
The deep waters congealed
In the heart of the sea
Darkness upon us
Oppressors behind us
Desperately wanting to survive
I believe in victory
I believe in light
I believe that one day
We will arrive to our destiny
I believe in victory
I believe in life
I believe in Him
Who will lead us through darkness
Baptized in the sea
Renewed to follow him
Dying to our own desires
Giving birth to his schemes
Darkness upon us
Oppressors behind us
Unshakably determined to survive
I believe in victory
I believe in light
I believe that one day
We will arrive to our destiny
I believe in victory
I believe in life
I believe in Him
Who will lead us through darkness
The Lord is our strength and our song
He has become our salvation
When we pass through the waters
He will be with us
And through the rivers
They shall not overtake us
When we walk through the fire
We shall not be burned
I see victory
I see light
I see us
Fulfilling our destiny
I see victory
I see life
I see Him
- The Son of Man
Sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One
And coming on the clouds of heaven
[Ex. 15, Is. 43, 1 Cor. 10, Rom. 6, Mark 14:62]
8. Wisdom Calls
Wisdom calls aloud in the street
She raises her voice in the public squares
At the noisy streets she cries out
In the gateways of the city she makes her speech
How long will you simple ones
love your simple ways?
How long will mockers boast
and fools hate knowledge?
I would have poured out my heart to you
And made my thoughts known to you
Seek me while you can
Or it will be to late
Then you will call to me
But I will not answer
Since you rejected me when I called
Since you ignored all my advice
And would not accept my rebuke
I in turn will laugh at your disaster
How long will you simple ones
love your simple ways?
How long will mockers boast
and fools hate knowledge?
I would have poured out my heart to you
And made my thoughts known to you
Seek me while you can!
They will call to me
But I will not answer
They will look for me
But they will not find me
Since they hated knowledge
And did not choose to fear the Lord
They will eat the fruit of their ways
And be filled with the fruit of their schemes
The waywardness of the simple will kill them
The complacency of fools will destroy them
Whoever listens to me will live in safety
And be at ease without fear of harm
How long will you simple ones
love your simple ways?
How long will mockers boast
and fools hate knowledge?
[Proverbs 1]
9. Warriors Of The Morning
Warriors of the morning
I call you forth into battle
Warriors of the morning
Stand fast and obey
You are a people
The nations have not yet observed
A people that the Church
Has desired and waited for
I call you out
Of dry and dead religion
I call you out
Of self-serving and man-made rules
I whisper and call you to come forth
And stand fast in the liberty of the Spirit
Come forth
And be inspired
Come forth
With dedication
Come forth
With purity of heart
Come forth
For I have risen
To be your King
Let the warriors of the morning arise!
The sons of the living God, coming forth in the Spirit
Will change the spiritual atmosphere
And correct the way of the nations
By bringing forth the power of divine purpose
I call you out
Of dry and dead religion
I call you out
Of self-serving and man-made rules
I whisper and call you to come forth
And stand fast in the liberty of the Spirit
Come forth
And be inspired
Come forth
With dedication
Come forth
With purity of heart
Come forth
For I have risen
To be your King
I have a sword in my hand
And I go forth to battle
Come, My people, and be empowered to join Me
In this battle of the end of the age
Come forth
And be inspired
Come forth
With dedication
Come forth
With purity of heart
Come forth
For I have risen
To be your King
Let the warriors of the morning arise!
10. Exodus
Drifting in the wind of the Nile
The one made to set his people free
Chosen - not because of his deeds
But by God's sovereign will
Called by God from a burning bush
Anointed to do his will
To rescue the Israelites from their misery
And to bring them to their own land
Listen, O heavens, and he will speak
Hear, O earth, the words of His mouth
Signs and wonders will follow him
For he will proclaim the name of the Lord
"I am the Lord, the great I Am,
And I will break the bondage of slavery
I will redeem you with an outstretched arm
With mighty acts of judgment
So now, go! I am sending you to Pharaoh
To bring my people out of Egypt
Go! I will help you speak
And teach you what to say"
Listen, O heavens, and he will speak
Hear, O earth, the words of His mouth
Signs and wonders will follow him
For he will proclaim the name of the Lord
In your unfailing love You will lead
The people You have redeemed
In your strength You will guide them
To your holy dwelling
You will bring them and plant them
On the mountain of your inheritance
- The place You made for your dwelling
The sanctuary your hands established
The Lord is a warrior
Sabaoth is His name
Your right hand, O Lord,
is majestic in power
You throw down those
Who boldly oppose You
You blow with one breath
And the sea covers them
The nations will hear and tremble
Terror and dread will fall upon them
Who among their false gods
Is like You, Lord?
Who is like You
- Majestic in holiness
Awesome in glory
Working wonders?
The Lord will reign forever.
[Ex. 1-15, Deut. 32, Ps. 78 & 106, Is. 52:11-12, Micah 7:15]
11. Majestic
The Lord reigns in heaven and on earth
Robed in majesty and armed with strength
Your righteous throne is from all eternity
Your Kingdom cannot be moved
The seas have lifted up
The seas have lifted up their voice
The depths have raised up
The depths have raised up their pounding waves
How great are your works, how profound your thoughts!
How immense are the halls of your justice, how high your ways!
Your statutes stand firm, holiness adorns your house
You are exalted for endless days!
Mightier than the thunder
Mightier than the great waters
Mightier than the breakers of the sea
- the Lord on high is mighty
The Lord reigns in heaven and on earth
Robed in majesty and armed with strength
Your righteous throne is from all eternity
Your Kingdom cannot be moved
Ps. 92 & 93
12. Son Of God
On the cross a human shape lost its form, blood and mockers' laughter
Pain and blood-thirsty viewers, bruises and evil words
An innocent man dying slowly and painfully as people watch and despise
Betrayed by a friend, He is left to die
The Son of God
Who has come to take the sins of the world
He was crucified
For all our sins and iniquities, like a lamb led to be slaughtered
He was in the world, and the world was made by Him,
And the world knew Him not
Persecuted and defamed like a malefactor
Cursed for the goodness of His acts
Finally sentenced to the uttermost death
No one knew what this man was intended to do
The Son of God
Who has come to take the sins of the world
He was crucified
For all our sins and iniquities, like a lamb led to be slaughtered
Left to die
That we may gain eternal life
A man of sorrows and suffering, rejected by all
He was in the world, and the world was made by Him,
And the world knew Him not
Thanks to maartjevandescheur for sending these lyrics.
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