album: "Within Darkened Disorder" (2011)
1. I Am Legion2. Vicious Deception
3. Purified In Flames
4. Omnivore
5. The Plague Without A Face
6. Echoes Of War
7. Symbol Of Nine
8. Feed The Greed
9. Solemn Sacrifice
10. Within Darkened Disorder
1. I Am Legion
Favoring the acorn in a herd of swine
Compelled to enslave these virgin minds
Dwelling in the hidden cryptic tombs
Expelled from the infernal womb
I am, I am...
My name is Legion
Beneath the flesh I am
For we are many
Inside this mortal man
My name is Legion
Beneath the flesh I am
For we are many
Inside this mortal man
In legions I am the words of hate
In legion I am the one the pain creates
Angel's blood is flowing through my veins
Thousand-year exile inside this filthy cage
I am the sum of all demons that infest
Possessed by six thousand with sulphur you will be blessed
...with sulphur you will be blessed
A festering cesspool of all things sick and vile
Sadistic guardian of a dark defile
Rising from the tomb - Creeping inside
That no mortal man shall pass by
No one shall pass by
Spinning webs up to the steps of insurrection
Incantations of this heretic infection
I am blasphemy into the skin of faith
As weakness devours this broken trace
Seven serpents, seven seas, seven walls imprison me
Seven serpents, seven seas, seven walls imprison me
I am, I am...
My name is Legion
DIscharged from the light
Six Thousand Creatures
Locked in this burial site
In Legions I am the scorn of light
In rage I am the words of spite
Abandon all hope - into the abyss
Embrace death from the sepents kiss
2. Vicious Deception
Strike - kill
This is the the will to kill
Initial - assessing factors in pain
The outcome now becomes clear
The challenge - limiting the cost
Calculating the loss
Offensive - plan of attack
Defines the source not the size
Positioning - tactics are set
Until we advance... for the strife
Strike first kill fast reclaim the throne
Ahead into the killing zone
Mission complete for victory
Fulfilling our destiny
Strike first kill fast reclaim the throne
Ahead into the killing zone
Mission complete for victory
Fulfilling our destiny
The art of war
Enemies are outscored
Vicious deception at hand
No mercy will be grant
Strike first kill fast reclaim the throne
Ahead into the killing zone
Mission complete for victory
Fulfilling our destiny
The art of war
Enemies are outscored
Vicious deception at hand
No mercy will be grant
Onwards - Attack
Directing - controlling the force
Achieving the goals once more
Illusions - hiding orders beneath
Overrun and strike at the weak
Engaging the force - endangered by direct conflict
Defeat the opponent and the loss will inflict
Mocking - observing the rival
No chance for their survival
Conjuncture - accessible ground
Invading onward inbound
Variation of tactics trussing all energy
Expecting the onslaught use all your abilities
Fight fire with fire - force of the flame
Cultivating advantage - trophy obtained
One last advance
Vicious deception at hand
Union prevails
The defeat is unveiled
3. Purified In Flames
Purified in flames - retribution of their god
Suffer for your sins - burn upon the cross - Deveiving
Purified in flames - retribution of their god
State the church upon - Inquisition
Purified in flames - retribution of their god
Suffer for your sins - burn upon the cross - Deveiving
Purified in flames - retribution of their god
State the church upon - Reformation... burn...
The night is black without a moon
The holy hunters gather on... burn...
The air is thick - the air is still
Looming torches herald the kill
The righteous rise with burning eyes
Inquisition fed by fear and lies
Trials - In the name of the church grotesque
Torture - Vigilante hate possessed
Sentenced - Disciples of the sacred snake
Burning - Upon the fiery stake... burn...
Trials - Tortute - Sentenced - Burning
Questions - Confession - Purified in flames
Councils - Conviction - Purified in flames
Trials - the church grotesque
Torture - by hate possessed
As they burn in these flames
The saints of hellfire awake
Lambent fire lightens the sky
Behold the preachers' evil eye
The convent conjures the Lamb of God
Against heresy, apostasy and witchcraft
Trials - the church grotesque
Torture - by hate possessed
Sentenced - the sacred snake
Burning - upon the stake
Questions - Confession - Purified in flames
Councils - Conviction - Purified in flames
Sentenced - the sacred snake
Burning - upon the stake
The air is thick - the air is still
Looming torches herald the kill
The righteous rise with burning eyes
Inquisition fed by fear and lies... burn...
Purified in flames - retribution of their god
Suffer for your sins - burn upon the cross - Deveiving
Purified in flames - retribution of their god
State the church upon - Inquisition
Purified in flames - retribution of their god
Suffer for your sins - burn upon the cross - Deveiving
Purified in flames - retribution of their god
State the church upon - Reformation
4. Omnivore
Hunting the prey, tried to possess
There's no way out, killing by time
Stop hunting me - I stop hunting them
Desire collides, creating the grief
Redeeming pain, final relief - final relief
Before you die, your life passes before your eyes
Spread my bloodshed, my ambition, true love runs red
Predator - your trail of pain
Omnivore by nature - I follow my plan
Omnivore - public display
Predator chasing homicidal ways
Before you die, your life passes before your eyes
Spread my bloodshed, my ambition, true love runs red
Predator - your trail of pain
Omnivore by nature - I follow my plan
Omnivore - public display
Predator chasing homicidal ways
Life's dropping out, blood trickling through the sky
Cold steel entering lifeless tissue remaining vanishing cries
Final thoughts - emotional appeal
My will - I kill - kill for pleasure
My will - I kill - kill for pleasure
My true nature is now revealed
Hunting the prey, tried to possess
There's no way out, killing by time
Stop hunting me - I stop hunting them
Desire collides, creating the grief
Redeeming pain, final relief - final relief
Before you die, your life passes before your eyes
Spread my bloodshed, my ambition, true love runs red
Predator - your trail of pain
Omnivore by nature - I follow my plan
Omnivore - public display
Predator chasing homicidal ways
Marked by the signs of chaos
Diary damaged brains came across
Predator - your trail of pain
Omnivore by nature - I follow my plan
5. The Plague Without A Face
Increasing pandemic diseases
Increase occurred in recent years
Venomed waters
Disease will spread
The end is near
Human research
No hope - only fear
Unknown virus
Can't be controlled
Pandemic plague
Extinction unfolds
The plague without a face
This is the point of no return
Extinction shall be done
Disappearance can't be undone
Refused to repent
What they have done
Tongues in agony
Cursed the god of heaven - heaven
Throne of the beast
Kingdom into darkness
The human race
Has fallen from grace
Ravaged soil
Venomed waters
Outbreak of sickness - weakened creature
Poisoned sea - dying world
The plague without a face
We have fallen from grace
Plague has taken control
We have lost it all
Death has come to take my last breath
Our fate is sealed today
Our seed will be slayed
Disease will spread
Imminent death
Plague taking control
Too late to hear the call
Point of no return
Becoming creatures nocturne
No hope for cure
Non-existing saviour
Deterioration grows
Decay of society comes fast
Bearing this grim charge
Immune system restrained
Severe defect sustained
6. Echoes Of War
Forced to suicide mission
Chosen for sacrifice
Expendable human resource
Food for powder all these lives
Collateral mortal waste
On altars of greed
Apathy pervades our culture
Devoting our own seed... strike...
Mental wrecks thrown to the fire
Spreading madness internally
Families condemned to suffer
No cure can be achieved
Coming home with addiction issues
There is more than meets the eye
Refused to regain their lives
Upon their return from strife
Echoes of war - cannons fall silent
Souls lost into nevermore
Going off to foreign countries
At the behest of others that decide
Among these returning veterans
Instances of suicide
Overrun by mauling tank tracks
Oncoming storm
Roaring cannons now fall silent
Remembrance our ultimate downfall
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Aftermath of battlefield horrors
Bringing along multiple issues
No more chance to subdue
Echoes of war - cannons fall silent
Souls lost into nevermore
Echoes of war - cannons fall silent
Souls lost into nevermore
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Aftermath of battlefield horrors... retreat...
Suicide and collective killing
Implied by twisted minds
Murder, rape and assault
Are just the prevalent crimes
Flaps of skin in barbwire
Forever burned in memories
Suffering screams - chased by nightmares
Seeds of hate in their bloodstreams
Front line trauma - Burning from inside
Front line trauma - Burning from inside
Echoes - battle - machine gun fire
Attack - retreat - inside the wire
Front line trauma - Burials on battlegrounds
Burning from inside - -Still the lament sounds
7. Symbol Of Nine
Dark tradition and sinister ways
Fundamental principles
Old order decay
We are as we are
As we do breed specific and new
Law of the sinister - enlightening and true
Research of evolving - change coming to
Devouring of all existing life
Necromancers of the night
Evolve and manifest our elite tribe
Sacraments of this new might
Dark tradition and sinister ways
Fundamental principles
Old order decay
We are as we are
As we do breed specific and new
Law of the sinister - enlightening and true
Research of evolving - change coming to
Devouring of all existing life
Necromancers of the night
For eternity in my twilight kingdom I shall dwell
Dissecting the heavens promise of damnation chanting bells
Symbol of nine - equal messengers divine
Evil - mankind conjures the Son of God
Rituals - sacrificed upon the burning cross
Symbol of nine - equal messengers divine
Human Body - Five pointed star
Ancient beliefs of the church bizarre
Evil - mankind conjures the Son of God
Rituals - sacrificed upon the burning cross
Serpents - sacrifice the seed of god
Demons - bend down the holy cross
Symbol of nine
Law of the sinister - enlightening and true
Research of evolving - change coming to
Devouring of all existing life
Necromancers of the night
Evolve and manifest our elite tribe
Sacraments of this new might
Dark tradition and sinister ways
Fundamental principles
Old order decay
For eternity in my twilight kingdom I shall dwell
Dissecting the heavens promise of damnation chanting bells
8. Feed The Greed
Writhe in the torment as the weak flesh starts to fall
Devouring greed calls - judgment for all
Expels from utopia as the hunger advanced
Exploited wasteland for this ambitious demand
Feed... the greed
Burning souls sweeping down - virgin lands underground
Covering souls with cold - system's whores to behold
Sin - sin - greed spreads disease
Sin - sin - greed demands to bleed
Punished for the lust of need - lust for excess
Spawn the sin - impurity has progressed
Sin - sin - demons in disguise
Sin - sin - thousand ways to demise
Filthy and substantial - the lust craves for the needs
Hoarding the possessions - avaricious and miserly
Sin - sin - demons in disguise
Sin - sin - thousand ways to demise
Vanishing fragments - nothing's left within
Changing inner conflicts infesting in my skin
Greed - deadly sin
Selfishness - inordinate love of things
Greed - lust denies the need
Punishment in hell shale be
Possession - ultimate obsession
Take more than you can ever use
Always take and never give
Prolific cause of all what's evil... evil
Feed... the greed
Sin - sin - greed spreads disease
Sin - sin - greed demands to bleed
Writhe in the torment as the weak flesh starts to fall
Devouring greed calls - judgment for all
Punished for the lust of need - lust for excess
Spawn the sin - impurity has progressed
Sin - sin - demons in disguise
Sin - sin - thousand ways to demise
Greed - deadly sin
Inordinate... inordinate love of things
Suffer - suffer for what you have become
Eternal punishment shall be done... shall be done
9. Solemn Sacrifice
Life means to suffer
Never getting along
Before it charges you for all inner fear
This time all hope is gone - all is wrong
Solemn sacrifice - mankind's primal fire
Far too late there's no escape
Condemned to suffer
Everything is out of control
This world is soulless - we're forced to dread
This defective earth is soon to be dead
A world of sacrifice - fall in line
Devoured in sublime dark times
This sacrifice is solemn
Anguish - distress
This sacrifice is solemn
Anguish - distress
Fall in line - sacrifice
Global - lunacy
Fall in line - sacrifice
Global - lunacy
No more lies
No more noise
The opposite of life is indifference
Pray to a brand new religion
This sacrifice is solemn
Anguish - distress
This sacrifice is solemn
Anguish - distress
No more lies
No more noise
Safe the world is a fiction
Never to be achieved
Can't change tomorrow - can't change today
What was once right went astray
Solemn sacrifice - mankind's primal fire
Far too late there's no escape
A world of sacrifice - fall in line
Devoured in sublime dark times
Promised to live in eternal bliss
The old world order won't be missed
This is a solemn sacrifice
10. Within Darkened Disorder
Too late...
There is no shelter - from the beginning storm
As we've entered this dark path of disorder
Cataclysmic impurity
The time is short - all attempts were in vain
Follow this trail - let the darkness reign
Let the darkness reign...
Purification revolves - possibilities non-existent
There is no shelter - no resistance
Beyond the unknown - seminal start of a new order
Dawn turns to dusk - all hope's lost
Every incident has its source - the gale of judgment is enforced
In this times of regret with wilted beliefs obsessed
Transition - resurrection of the dead
Genocide purified
Transition - resurrection of the dead
Damnation - ending of all times
Watching ourselves die - foretold in a black sky
Water turns to blood - all hope is lost
Stabbing wounds in twisted minds - inmates of our design
Chaos reigns upon mankind - our bloodline declines
Transition - resurrection of the dead
Genocide purified
Transition - resurrection of the dead
Damnation - ending of all times
Too late... hell awaits...
The slaughter of the lamb
Heralds the rising of the damned
Earth AD rest in pain
Disorder and darkness reigns
A crown of thorns - no more divine
Blood grace the air - days turn to night
Earth AD rest in pain
Disorder and darkness reigns
Underneath the blood red sky
Land of chaos marked by the signs
Within disorder - darkness rise
Within disorder darkness shall rise
On these ruins - the final gate
Dark realm dominion awaits
Damnation - the end of our age
Within disorder darkness shall rise
Reto Crola ‒ Drums
Philipp Klauser ‒ Guitars
Ralf Winzer Garcia ‒ Vocals, Bass
Philipp Klauser ‒ Guitars
Ralf Winzer Garcia ‒ Vocals, Bass
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All lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Please read the disclaimer.