album: "Denizens Of The Depths" (2014)
1. Gods Among Men2. Funeral Dawn
3. Moskstraumen
4. Hounds Of Hell
5. The Ravage Of Ages
6. The End Of Men
7. The Devil In The Well
8. Mother Of Monsters
9. Storm The Castle
10. Animate Beings
11. Celebration In Eschaton
12. What Lies Below
1. Gods Among Men
Sail forth to far off uncharted horizons adventure beckons with the song of sirens
Air sea and land open for acquisition conquer then claim them
Their sacrifice will always be in vain though more will rise to claim a place in fame
They’ll pay the price and stand nothing to gain to live or die by tragedy
to be gods among men
Be gods among men heroes of legend
Live and die by tragedy to be gods among men
Against all odds and intense opposition no beast or villain can withstand our champion
Faced with Hell's final temptation choose death or damnation
Cross the mist that parts Abyss from Eden o’er an ocean of undead legions
Only with the aid of lost companions can escape be made by transformation
Their sacrifice will always be in vain though more will rise to claim a place in fame
They’ll pay the price and stand nothing to gain to live or die by tragedy
to be gods among men
2. Funeral Dawn
Awakened by dusk our hunger beckons us to hunt in the dark as cowards without heart
Not for sport or lust only because we must this cycle restarts until we fall apart
Our old heroes rest in the Blessed Isles far from the souls that wander Asphodel
Where down below dark Tartarus awaits a hell for those who dared defy the fates
Yet still for us there’s no place....
All those golden days are gone the sun for which we long
Will shine its rays upon our funeral at dawn
Awakened by dusk our hunger beckons us to hunt in the dark as cowards without heart
Not for sport or lust only because we must this cycle restarts until we fall apart
Our old heroes rest in the Blessed Isles far from the souls that wander Asphodel
Where down below dark Tartarus awaits a hell for those who dared defy the fates
Yet still for us there’s no place....
Blood for a while colors our skin even though inside we’re rotten
Why must we suffer this one sin just to crawl back in our coffins
For the night we’re tempted again by a life we’ve long forgotten
All those golden days are gone the sun for which we long
Will shine its rays upon our funeral at dawn
Those golden days are gone our funeral’s the dawn
3. Moskstraumen
Time turns round in the storm
Death drains down the maelstrom
This present persistence, the future feeds on the past
The victors, the vanquished, vanish into the vortex
Turn back time... Worlds rewind
Turn the tide... Override
Time turns round in the storm
Death drains down the maelstrom
Old worlds extend outward, upturning the ocean
Oblivion opens as feverish fathoms
Turn back time... Worlds rewind
Turn the tide... Override
Time turns round worlds drown
Death drains down
The maelstrom
Turn back time... Worlds rewind
Turn the tide... Override
Dark waters drag downward, demanding, descending
Denizens of the depths, devouring, deafening
Wild winds wail, wide waves swell, serpentine swallowing
What once was, wants once more, remorseless rewinding
Death drains down
4. Hounds Of Hell
Who made a deal at the crossroads
Whose bloody seal marked a soul sold
Who on a bad bet gambled 10 years
Who’s hounded by Hell’s debt collectors now
Hounds of Hell howling only those damned hear
Their death knell tolling it's been 10 long years
There is no escape or stalling when the devil’s dogs come calling
Hear how the humans beg on their last night
Bartering for a decade of more vice
Fortune and fame or pure carnal delight
Already gained but for one time price
Desperate debtors offer sacrifice
As if we’d claim instead a loved one’s life
We will not even allow suicide
Drag them to Hell alive by the dog’s bite
Who made a deal at the crossroads
Whose bloody seal marked a soul sold
Who on a bad bet gambled 10 years
Who’s hounded by Hell’s debt collectors now
Down through those hallowed halls we will leave them doomed to the pitch abyss of our kingdom Roaming
among its throngs of the mislead choking upon the words of the wicked
Calls of the condemned pleading and screaming held in the the jaws of flesh eating demons
Horrible monsters with multiple heads pulling apart the bones of the undead
Hounds of Hell howling only those damned hear
That death knell tolling it's been 10 long years
There is no escape or stalling when the devil’s dogs come calling
Hear how the humans beg on their last night
Bartering for a decade of more vice
Fortune and fame or pure carnal delight
Already gained but for one time price
Desperate debtors offer sacrifice
As if we’d claim instead a loved one’s life
We will not even allow suicide
Drag them to hell alive by the dog’s bite
5. The Ravage Of Ages
Even now we hear their screams echo from antiquity
What’s left of once inhabited places grand monuments and underground mazes
Last effigies of forgotten faces whose shall survive the ravage of ages
Clouds of smoke roll o'er the sky turning bright day into night
Ashes in silent descent join the Earth with firmament
Not even the gods can save us cries for help unheard are useless
Currency is void gold worthless there is just one price to pay when there’s no time for escape
When heaven descends upon us and the dark depths rise ravenous
Station name and caste are pointless there are no masters or slaves when all suffer the same fate
What’s left of once inhabited places grand monuments and underground mazes
Last effigies of forgotten faces whose shall survive the ravage of ages
Even now we hear their screams echo from antiquity
The sea in its tempest rage sends relentless tidal waves
Walls of black swallow the shore lands of man turn ocean floor
Heaven descends upon us the dark depths rise ravenous
Stones rain from above savage tremors tear the ground
Hells chamber walls fall while the squalling sea surrounds
Embers burn our eyes and these wicked waters drown
None are left alive when the world turns upside down
Not even the gods can save us cries for help unheard are useless
Currency is void gold worthless there is just one price to pay when there’s no time for escape
When heaven descends upon us and the dark depths rise ravenous
Station name and caste are pointless there are no masters or slaves when all suffer the same fate
What’s left of once inhabited places grand monuments and underground mazes
Last effigies of forgotten faces whose shall survive the ravage of ages
Clouds of smoke roll o'er the sky turning bright day into night
The sea in its tempest rage sends relentless tidal waves
Heaven descends upon us the dark depths rise ravenous
6. The End Of Men
We weave the web of time and space
Even where stardust dissipates
With an interest in every place
Trusting in us Sisters of Fate
Watch everyone in existence
March o’er the land like pestilence
Once they’ve played their parts in events
We’ll let the Grand Old End commence
Human miseries made from their mistakes and envy
Hatred and disease they’ve been ravaged by all of these
Tragic maladies and we Fates finally agree
End their suffering euthanize their dying species
End all men
Spin from the sins of the divine
Count the span of each lifeline
Cut when the clock’s out of time
Now ends all of damned mankind
Crows fly above their fields of war
Calling accounts of what's in store
Mouths full of filth will dine no more
This world will join the one before
Reapers arise this last harvest
Swinging of scythes shall know no rest
Ripe for demise by hand of Death
Collect the lives of all our pests
The sons of gods have lost their sight so struggle centuries to survive
They’ve left us Sisters to decide their days are done forfeit the fight
When every fervent battlecry calls for assisted suicide
We’d be remiss to not oblige let’s cut the ties all men must die
Human miseries made from their mistakes and envy
Hatred and disease they’ve been ravaged by all of these
Tragic maladies and we Fates finally agree
End their suffering euthanize their dying species
End all men
Spin from the sins of the divine
Count the span of each lifeline
Cut when the clock’s out of time
Now ends all of damned mankind
All their clocks are out of time
Now ends all of damned mankind
7. The Devil In The Well
Stay forever play while their world wastes away where till this day our bones long submerged lay
And may together our souls never stray from where the water fades into the grey
Down they all fell trapped in time victims of their own nursery rhyme
They’ll never tell what did they find dancing around the well that night
Let’s never grow up that’s what the cat said while batting around its own detached head
We’ll stay awake when adults are in bed since we’re pretending why don’t we play dead
There'll be no more sick and no more grieving after all aren’t we just make believing
At that last question it flashed a wide grin and with a clawed paw it kicked the head in
Stay forever play while their world wastes away where till this day our bones long submerged lay
And may together our souls never stray from where the water fades into the grey
Dolls that we dug up from the damp earth circle the table served ladies first
Dressed in their Sunday’s best and of course rags around sores which no longer hurt
Tipping their tea cups still we suppose it’s not the flavor they would have chose
Nor was the water drawn from our well when the entire township fell ill
And the adults all took to their rooms abandoning their children too soon
We have been waiting all these long years to entertain some new visitors
Down they all fell trapped in time victims of that old nursery rhyme
They’ll never tell what did they find dancing around the well that night
Let’s never grow up that’s what the cat said while batting around its own detached head
We’ll stay awake when adults are in bed since we’re pretending why don’t we play dead
There'll be no more sick and no more grieving after all aren’t we just make believing
At that last question it flashed a wide grin and with a clawed paw it kicked the head in
Stay forever play while their world wastes away where till this day our bones long submerged lay
And may together our souls never stray from where the water fades into the grey
Down they all fell trapped in time victims of that old nursery rhyme
They’ll never tell what did they find dancing around the well that night
8. Mother Of Monsters
Her tentacles wrap ‘round everyone
Her mandibles snap through flesh and bone
She feasts upon us in every form
She’s ravenous when the beast is born
Mother of Monsters awaken embrace us in infinite arms
Sever our souls from their prisons replace that which we have outworn
Darker than midnight burning without light
She is the same as she was in the last life
Mother of Monsters the netherworld terror
Goddess of the past she’s the divine destroyer
Shadows dance with her in secret places
Demons romance her with shifting faces
She is the blank space between bright stars
A thief that steals screams from our nightmares
She serpentine winds round worlds which came first
Under the wondrous surface of old Earth
Writhing restless she still calls out our curse
Death for the masses blessed by her rebirth
Mother of Monsters awaken embrace us in infinite arms
Sever our souls from their prisons replace that which we have outworn
Darker than midnight burning without light
She is the same as she was in the last life
Mother of Monsters the netherworld terror
Goddess of the past she’s the divine destroyer
Her tentacles wrap around everyone
Mandibles snap through flesh and bone
She feasts on us in every form
Ravenous when the beast is born
9. Storm The Castle
Coiled like a snake up on top of the mott cold as the lake that encircles the lot
Bled to the fields in the bailey below death’s in harvest where only graveyards grow
By whose command have we been dying when not a man’s laid eyes on our queen
Some say her cursed castle’s concealing dark sorcery and demonic dealings
Storm the castle let’s lay sac like those days of old
Hell’s cathedral calls for the next influx of souls
She’s let her monsters feed from the kingdom that’s why the map says here there be dragons
Should we fight back or wait while we’re eaten better we’re martyrs than be her victims
Stone towers extend into the clouds thrust up like clawed hands trying to catch God
Black tattered pennants dance in the wind bend like the backs of the tenants within
Who if not God’s men collects our tithings is it the Devil’s coffers we’re lining
What recompense then are we expecting from a fortress which does no protecting
Storm the castle let’s lay sac like those days of old
Hell’s cathedral calls for the next influx of souls
She’s let her monsters feed from the kingdom that’s why the map says here there be dragons
Should we fight back or wait while we’re eaten better we’re martyrs than be her victims
Storm the castle let’s lay sac like those days of old
Hell’s cathedral calls for the next influx of soul
10. Animate Beings
Who’s there we call eternally to the stars far out of reach
Spare some solace we beseech we are not alone are we
Every golden age of wisdom veiled by mankind's superstition
The tenets of most religions history’s own science fiction
That ageold urge to believe in others like us gods or demons
Our captors or our companions even now we call out to them
Who we are what we know warns us we were never alone
Harbingers and our own ancient ancestors have all shown
From the stars then below we were only wantonly sewn
Evermore left to grow rampant on this world we call home
Who’s there we call eternally to the stars far out of reach
Spare some solace we beseech we are not alone are we
Somewhere across the vast abyss others like us ask the same things
Staring far out into deep space searching for animate beings
Who’s there we call eternally we are not alone are we
Who we are what we know warns us we were never alone
Harbingers and our own ancient ancestors have all shown
From the stars then below we were only wantonly sewn
Evermore left to grow rampant on this world we call home
While we’re held in fascination
By our own imaginations
They’ll continue observation
Mind control and mutilations
Medical examinations
Painful experimentations
Scientific vivisections
Cybernetic augmentations
Reproductive violations
Guided genetic mutations
Hybridized abominations
Meant to lead the next invasion
Should we face annihilation
Or live under subjugation
Our captors are our companions
Even now we call out to them
We are not alone, are we?
11. Celebration In Eschaton
The celebration begins in ancient rite
Passed down through generations by candlelight
A thousand incantations tell of one sight
A doomsday revelation they all recite
The last age of humans apex civilization
Transfixed as one nation in rapt anticipation
Applaud as their world ends with a standing ovation
For that grand old descent straight down into Eschaton
The wondrous world that once was wants once more
Where weary years rewinding won’t restore
The clock counts backwards tick by tick
The veil unravels stitch by stitch
The celebration goes on in ancient rite
Passed down through generations by candlelight
A thousand incantations tell of one sight
A doomsday revelation they all recite
The lives of many outweigh those of a few
A land of plenty awaits the one who knew
Once laid to waste as the only place that fits
Since our whole race has worshipped apocalypse
The last age of humans apex civilization
Transfixed as one nation in rapt anticipation
Applaud as their world ends with a standing ovation
For that grand old descent straight down into Eschaton
The celebration now ends in ancient rite
Passed down through generations by candlelight
A thousand incantations tell of one sight
A doomsday revelation they all recite
There will be a celebration straight down into Eschaton
12. What Lies Below
We are the dead resurrected by rage who in wake of disaster raise the new age
Artificial endangered damned to their fate still they call on us masters open the gate
The body is worn the bond is tight
When the wanton soul in torment makes its sacrifice
For the flesh of their young is a succulent prize
But forbidden fruit is best feasted upon when ripe
When the boughs of vice hang low their delights
Denizens of the depths devour all in sight
Shall we drink our fill from the wellspring of life
Delicious served to us in silver chalices of light
Behold their souls all abandoned adorn the land like rays of sun
Sustained in silent sweet repose possessed of what Hell lies below
We are the dead resurrected by rage who in wake of disaster raise the new age
Artificial endangered damned to their fate still they call on us masters open the gate
On the backs of the broken we climb to the sky
Where the gates of Empyrean open wide
And the frozen tears of all their cries
Rain down from Heaven as its angels die
For their fallen frames and torn off wings
Carve out the catacombs of conquered kings
There the serpent breathes through gnashing teeth
Fire from the furnace of eternity
Behold their souls all abandoned adorn the land like rays of sun
Sustained in silent sweet repose possessed of what Hell lies below
When all mankind is laid to waste
When signs of life have been erased
We’ll find our final resting place
The graveyard of the human race
Behold their souls all abandoned adorn the land like rays of sun
Sustained in silent sweet repose possessed of what Hell lies below
Thanks to retconstruct for sending these lyrics.
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All lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Please read the disclaimer.