album: "Brahmavidya: Transcendental I" (2009)
1. Bhagavatpada Namaskara2. Ravens Of Paradise
3. Amrtasyaputra
4. Hymns From The Blazing Chariot
5. Meditations At Dawn
6. Advaitamrta
7. Natural Born Ignorance
8. Immortality Roars
9. Reversing The Currents
10. Venerable Opposites
11. Avidya Nivrtti
12. Not The Seen But The Seer
13. Adiguru Namastubhyam
14. Majestic Ashtavakra
1. Bhagavatpada Namaskara
Nityam shuddham
Nirabhasam nirakaram niranjanam
Nityabodham chidanandam gurum brahma
Satchidanandarupaya vyapine
Paramatmane namah shrigurunathaya
Om satgurave namah
2. Ravens Of Paradise
The sorrow is unbearable when countless desires devour me
Life is but a worthless mime which robs away my peace of mind
I now renounce this crown of thorns called Dharma
But this wanting madness never ends! Not even in paradise!
Nothing is worth seeking when everything is relative
I see all reduced to nothing; ashes seem to be its essence
Oscillating between pleasure and pain
The futility of Karmas is glaring
This pain ushers realization that these swans are indeed ravens
Thus Vairagya set me free
Viveka shall set me free
Om bhurbhuvah svah sannyastam maya
Mumukshutvam shall set me free
Shatka Sampat can set me free
Recognize the elusive pleasure in all
Recognize the deadening pain in all
Realize where there is mind even in paradise one can't be free
Ashimahi vayam bhikshamashavaso vasimahi
Shayimahi mahiprshthe kurvimahi kimishvaraih
"Face covered with wrinkles, head painted white with grey hair,
The limbs so feeble, yet desire alone stays youthful"
3. Amrtasyaputra
Mortals are damned by their fear of mortality
Caused by duality which manifests the world of multiplicity
But when all is Mithya what remains even to be seen apart from
The Self that shines in both darkness and light
Birth and death everywhere, yet I think of another dawn
To taste the bitterness of that which eludes permanence
The heaven that I seek and the joys I yearn to swill diminish into
The effulgence of the Self
We are Amrtasya Putrah
Atmaiva kevalam sarvam bhedabhedo na vidyate
Asti nasti katham bruyam vismayah pratibhati me
"The mind indeed is the form of space. Mind indeed is omnifaced.
Mind is the past. Mind is all. But in reality there is no mind."
Birth and death everywhere, yet I think of another dawn
To taste the bitterness of that which eludes permanence
The heaven that I seek and the joys I yearn to swill diminish into
The radiance of the Self
We are Amrtasya Putrah
Om namo bhagavate dattatreyaya
Om avadhutaya namah
Om brahmadattaya namah
Om vishnudattaya namah
Om shivadattaya namah
4. Hymns From The Blazing Chariot
Shri bhagavan uvaca
Kutastvaa kashmalamidam vishame samupasthitam
Arjuna Uvaca
Na hi prapashyami mamapanudyadyacchokamucchoshanamindriyanam
Avapya bhumavasapatnamrddham rajyam suranamapi cahipatyam
Sanjaya uvaca
Evamuktva hrishikesham gudakeshah parantapah
Na yotsya iti govindamuktva tushnim babhuva ha
Dilemma amidst Kurukshetra yet Arjuna spoke like a wise man
The battle of Shreyas and Preyas enshrouds the Dharma Yuddha
Ashocyan anvashocas tvam
In both Krishna and Arjuna it shines eternally
One knows and the other knows not
A reality that shines even in one's ignorance
And shines the same in one's wisdom
Nasato vidyate bhavo nabhavo vidyate satah
Ubhayorapi drshtontah tvanayostattvadarshibhih
Avinashi tu tadviddhi yena sarvamidam tatam
Vinashamavyayasyasya na kashchitkartumarhati
Amidst chaos tranquility is bestowed
In action you see inaction
To see beyond the horizon you've got to unlearn your learning
Amidst the battlefield of Kurukshetra Brahmavidya was unveiled to Arjuna
That the Self is certainly Brahman
That which no weapons can kill
Nasato vidyate bhavo nabhavo vidyate satah
Ubhayorapi drshtontah tvanayostattvadarshibhih
Avinashi tu tadviddhi yena sarvamidam tatam
Vinashamavyayasyasya na kashchitkartumarhati
Yatra yogeshvarah krisno yatra oartho dhanurdharah
Tatra shrirvijayo bhutirdhruva nitirmatirmama
Om tatsaditi shrimadbhagavadgitasupanishatsu
Brahmavidyayam yogashastre shrikrishnarjunasamvade
Mokshasannyasayogo nama ashtadashodhyahah
5. Meditations At Dawn
Pratah smarami hrdi samsphuradatma tattvam
Sat chit sukham paramahamsa gatim turiyam
Yat svapna jagara sushuptam avaiti nityam
Tad brahma nishkalam aham na ca bhuta sangham
Pratar bhajami manasam vacasam agamyam
Vaco vibhanti nikhila yadanugrahena
Yan neti neti vacanair nigama avocuh
Tam deva devamajam achyutam ahuragryam
Pratar namami tamasah paramarka varnam
Purnam sanatana padam purushottam akhyam
Yasminnidam jagad asheshamashesha murtau
Rajjvam bhujangama iva pratibhasitam vai
6. Advaitamrta
Svaprakasham tamatmanam aprakashah katham sprshet
Ahamasmi sadabhami kadachinaham apriyam
Brahmaivaham atah siddham satchidanandalakshanam
Riding the waves of Maya but seeing Brahman everywhere
Surfing the waves of duality but witnessing non-duality
Universe which is inert has no independent existence
All of it depends on consciousness for its existence
Ahmasmai sadabhami kadachinaham apriyam
Brahmaivaham atah siddham satchidanandalakshanam
The world appears like a mirage but it is not an illusion
At the dawn of knowledge I see the world like a reflection
In the mirror of consciousness
In my consciousness the universe rises
My consciousness is all that becomes the world
Of names and forms
Svaprakasham tamatmanam aprakashah katham sprshet
In the primordial sleep of ignorance the Self
Assumes the form of heavens and hells
Pain, pleasure, body and mind rise to destroy freedom as it were
Ahmasmai sadabhami kadachinaham apriyam
Brahmaivaham atah siddham satchidanandalakshanam
7. Natural Born Ignorance
"The idea of a thing where it does not really exist is what the wise call Adhyasa"
This Adhyasa is Avidya
Worshipping the creator whose existence is devoid of reason
This in itself is caused by the natural born Avidya
Fools worship the nameless and formless with a name
Who kill for pleasures in heaven, none has seen
In him passions are unquelled
He sees his lord separate from the world and himself
His beliefs sanctify his weakness of mind, he seeks a place free from
Limitations when what limits is his ignorance
By seeking the eternal he becomes an eternal sufferer
Psychos who self-create a playground for their inadequacy
Their halo of thorns fools many who become blind after gaining sight
It is the strong who can survive the temptation to do the lord's work
Those monuments we worship in blindness kill us every second
Itishvarac ca nryate srashtrtve paramatmani
Svamibhrtyadibhedopi nakhandaciti drshyate
In the name of your lord, the meek shall inherit the weak
In the name of your god, the strong shall become the meek
In the name of your almighty, grace becomes divine disgrace
For once in the name of your Self! Destroy this delusion!
8. Immortality Roars
Avidyopadhiko jivo mayopadhika ishvara
Mayavidyagunatita brahma vedantadindima
Sakaram ca nirakaram sagunam cagunatmakam
Tattvam tadbrahma paramamiti vedantadindima
Namaharupabhimana syatsamsara sarvadehinam
Saccidanandadrshti syanmuktir vedantadindima
Saccidanandasatyatve mithyatve namarupayo
Vijnate kimidam jneyamiti vedantadindima
9. Reversing The Currents
What is seen is not the seer
The witnessing seer cannot be objectified
Through the words of Shruti the seer is seen like a reflection in the mirror
"When the mind, withdrawn from the perception of the external objects through the five sense, appreciates its own awareness and appreciates truth"
Who am I?
What am I? Atma Kim?
Aham satyasvarupam
Aham chinmayarupam
Aham anandarupam
Iti upadesha saram
Ishvararpitam necchaya krtam
Cittashodakam muktisadhakam
The objectified universe fleets every moment
The witness that I am invariable in all perceptions
The I remains as the witnessing consciousness
As the unchanging, unceasing, untainted reality
Atma Kim?
Who am I? What am I?
Aham satyasvarupam
Aham chinmayarupam
Aham anandarupam
Iti upadesha saram
10. Venerable Opposites
Brahman I am. Maya you are
Purusha I am. Prakrti you are
Shiva I am. Shakti you are4.
Pati I am. Patni you are
Om shivaya namah
Om rudraya namah
Om ugraya namah
Om haraya namah
I am the awareness
I am the consciousness
I am the absolute
I am the eternal
Om umayai namah
Om lalitayai namah
Om aryayai namah
Om shivayai namah
You are the names and forms
You are the creative matrix
You rule the changes in all
You conceal me and reveal me
Brahman I am. Maya you are
Purusha I am. Prakrti you are
Shiva I am. Shakti you are4.
Pati I am. Patni you are
Om namah shivayai ca namah shivaya
I am the ascetic, you are the all beautiful
From you emanate the universe, while I am the silent witness
Your dance enchants the world, My Tandava sublates the world
The five elements merge in you, while I transcend them all
Om namah shivayai ca namah shivaya
Ahameko namekaschit nahamanyasya kasyachit
Na tam pashyami yasyaham tam na pashyami yo mama
Om aryayai namah
Om shivayai namah
Om shivaya namah
Om rudraya namah
11. Avidya Nivrtti
"The Lord I am, present everywhere I was prior to everything else.
I am the cosmic womb
I am the born and that which is to be born
I have faces in every direction and the indweller of beings"
Unborn and eternal he is,
Permanent and primordial his nature
Om jaya shankara shiva shankara deva
Om jaya shankara shankara maha deva
"From me alone everything is born. In me, everything is established.
In me, everything is resolved. I am that Brahman which is secondless."
Om jaya shankara shiva shankara deva
Om jaya shankara shankara maha deva
He is the soul of the universe
He is the Self of all
Om jaya shankara, om jaya shankara
12. Not The Seen But The Seer
Through the plea of the Devas to defeat Tarakasura
She incarnated as the daughter of Himalaya to seek the hand
Of the Mahadeva with that union Skanda was born
To crush Tarakasura thus the Gita of the
Devi got revealed to Himalaya
Not subject to destruction
Not limited by space
Not bound by time
She shine as the...
She is not the seen but the seer
The closer you get to the meaning of all
You see her shining in every cognition
You mistake her like the way
You miss the rope for the snake
All that you see is her projection
And yet she is none of what she has become
Sagunabrahma svarupinim
Nirgunabrahma svarupinim
With her grace I adorn this grief
With her grace I adorn this bliss
With her grace I adorn this grief
With her grace I adorn this bliss
Ahameva sa soham vai nishcitam viddhi parvata
Maddarshanam tu tatra syadyatra jnani sthito mama
Not subject to destruction
Not limited by space
Not bound by time
She shine as the...
She is not the seen but the seer
13. Adiguru Namastubhyam
Vatavitapi samipe bhumibhage nishannam
Sakalamunijananam jnanadataramarat
Tribhuvanagurumisham dakshinamurti devam
Jananamaranaduhkhacheda daksham namami
Citram vatatarormule vrddha shishya gururyuva
Gurostu maunamvyakhyanam shishyastu chinnasamshayah
Nidhaye sarvavdiyanam bhishaje bhavaroginam
Gurave sarvalokanam dakshinamurtaye namah
Vishvam darpana drshyamana nagari tulyam nijantargatam
Pashyan natmani mayaya bahirivod bhutam yatha nidraya
Yah sakshat kurute prabodha samaye svatmanam evadvayam
Tasmai shri guru murtaye nama idam shri dakshinamurtaye
Yasyaiva sphuranam sadatma kamatsat kalparthagam bhasate
Sakshat tattva masiti veda vacasa yo bodha yatya shritan
Yat sakshat karanad bhavenna punara vrttir bhavam bhonidhau
Tasmai shri guru murtaye nama idam shri dakshinamurtaye
Vishvam pashyati karya karanataya sva svami sambandhatah
Shishya caryataya tathaiva pitr putra dyatmana bhedatah
Svapne jagrati va ya esha purusho maya pari bhramitah
Tasmai shri guru murtaye nama idam shri dakshinamurtaye
14. Majestic Ashtavakra
The mortal self subject to misery
Is bound by Besha Kala and Vastu
This misery is caused by the delusion
That the seeker and sought and dual
I am the one
Non dually one, I am
"You are really unbound and actionless,
Self-illuminating and spotless already.
The cause of your bondage is that you are
Still resorting to stilling the mind."
No effort will gain you the immortal self
Karmas and Dhyana are futile to me
Because I am forever free
Samadhi is of no use to me
Cittavrtti Nirodha is a fruitless pursuit
Because I am the forever free
Aham nitya muktah
"As I alone give light to this body, so I do to the world.
As a result the whole world is mine, or alternatively nothing is"
Through the Shruti alone one discovers that the Self is
Nitya shuddha buddha mukta svabhava
Akashavad anantoham ghatavat prakrtam jagat
Iti jnanam tathaitasya na tyago na graho layah
I am the one
Non dually one, I am
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