album: "LMNTS" (2012)
1. The Beginning Of Light2. Multiverse
3. Cradle (Of)
4. Transcendental Needs
5. Machine Hearts, Machine Minds
6. The Lesser Of Two Evils
7. Polar Knights
8. Denial Of Death
9. Locked Inside
10. The Things
11. Just Because
12. We Dominate
13. Nonzero
1. The Beginning Of Light
Do you ever think how your life could end at any second? [13x]
2. Multiverse
Do you ever think how your life could end at any second?
Do you ever think how your life could end at any second?
Do you ever think how your life could end at any second?
Do you ever think how your life could end at any second?
Do you ever think how your life could end at any second?
Do you ever think how your life could end at any second?
Oh no, oh no, you think you'll live forever
It's just so arrogant how we live our lives
As though we're essential and count for something
We behave in total disrespect of the fact
We're always on the edge of existence and nothing
Time is a mortar and pestle slowly wearing down my bones
I soon will turn to dust underneath the roots and stones
You take all of my time like I have so much to give
You waste all of my time like I get more than one life to live
We think we're the ones that matter that this is the significant place
Vaguely content with our delusions—to never look death in the face
Our lives are filled with trivial bullshit, and we talk like it's a special grace
Many die from war or disease in lands far away
Still we think our first world problems are worth the time to pray
You're not the center of the universe
I'm not the center of the universe
Addicted to glowing rectangles, we sit idly devoid of passion
Losing our time as it flies by while we keep up with the Kardashians
Answer the question for yourself: What is the purpose of my being?
Answer the question for yourself: What is the purpose of my being?
Answer the question for yourself: What is the purpose of my being?
Answer the question for yourself: What is the purpose of my being?
Answer the question for yourself: What is the purpose of my being?
Answer the question for yourself: What is the purpose of my being?
Answer the question for yourself: What's the purpose of my being?
Answer the question for yourself: What's the purpose of my being?
You must decide
You must decide
You must decide the meaning
You must decide
You must decide
You must decide meaning
3. Cradle (Of)
4. Transcendental Needs
Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known
Threatened your tradition, held sacred
Nature demystified
Black and white paradigm outmoded
Afterlife nullified
Cradled in the palm of God
Invisible essence
Silent night and empty skies
I never felt a presence
I am just a complex ape
Designed for sowing seeds
Imagination spawned the concept
Of transcendental needs
Every tribe walked this path and had a vision
Maybe God is just too big to fit in one religion
We call one truth by a thousand different names
In the end the sages all speak the same
Forge it, fake it
Never admit it
Too proud to be wrong
Temples, Churches
All seem so certain
No one really knows the truth
Cast doubt, day in and day out
Beliefs so very narrow
Black light
A stab without sight
Am I worth more than a sparrow?
Strive to be immortal, eternal
Hidden worlds to discover
If we’re just decaying carbon,
At least we've got each other
Search the scrolls
Scout the stars
Explain who we really are
Dragging depths
Unearthing stones
Wonder if we’re all alone
All alone
I don’t know why we’re here; what came first, what comes next?
If we just get one chance, search the scrolls, scout the stars
I don’t know why we’re here; what came first, what comes next?
A god in every heart, fragment of the Divine
The choice is fear or love
5. Machine Hearts, Machine Minds
Adjust to corruption
Spiraling through silicon skies
Consecrate destruction
Drowning in an ashen sea
Technologically I'm obsolescent
Automatons dominate the present
Compassion could never compete
Against the arsenal of the elite
Face to face with listless eyes,
Soulless men, machine hearts, machine minds
Obsession with wealth so despotic
Laissez-faire artifice of the robotic
Tell us to stay in the mineshaft,
The canary is already dead
Tell us to stay in the mineshaft,
The canary is already dead
But the lesser of two evils is still evil,
And my enemy's enemy is not my...
The modern slaves scourged to produce our pharaoh's cybernetic pyramids
We are martyrs to self-proclaimed gods, a neo-animal sacrifice
Let children starve like dogs in the streets,
But it all goes back in the box,
It all goes back in the box
Tell us to stay in the mineshaft,
The canary is already dead
Tell us to stay in the mineshaft
The canary is already dead
But the lesser of two evils is still evil,
And my enemy's enemy is not my friend
My enemy's enemy is not my friend!
We remain inhumane
6. The Lesser Of Two Evils
7. Polar Knights
In a decaying society, art must reflect decay
The wells are running dry and our future's wasting away
Vapid promises spew from the leaders of every nation
They know damned well we're on the brink of annihilation
How far must we walk down this road before we see where it leads?
When did the focus shift to gluttonous wants from collective needs?
Massive civil unrest, symptom of a dying system
Transition to something that appeals to collective wisdom
Move forward
Bury the structures we revile
Move forward
Our union will signal rebirth like the full moon over the Nile
The war machine marches on, prolonging relentless matricide
We have found the cancer that needs to be excised
Accepting serfdom, the world patiently awaits a messiah
Tell everyone there's nobody coming and you become a pariah
With a planet in debt to itself we watch our system grind to a halt
The shit hits the fan, we don't change a thing, the implosion is all of our fault
We're headed to oblivion, cause we've chosen to be oblivious
Move forward
Bury the structures we revile
Move forward
Our union will signal rebirth like the full moon over the Nile
Your loss is their gain
We give to the rich and rob from the poor
There's always an excuse to profit from war
Hard to imagine no possessions when you're sitting in a mansion,
The suits were banking on the stocks to once again rise
We're seeing the world economy collapse before our eyes
We gave you the tired poor huddled masses yearning to breathe free
And now that's all that's left of our society
The stage is set for extinction
Don't let them tell you your vote counts
You have to scream for your voice to be heard
You have to scream for your voice to be heard
Move forward
Bury the structures we revile
Move forward
Our union will signal rebirth like the full moon over the Nile
8. Denial Of Death
Kept away from the mirror for a quarter century
A handful of dirt and mouthful of worms reveal my destiny
Obstructed in the pursuit of infinite expansion
Repressions protect from harsh truths
Flight from reality,
Freedom from passive contingency
Look on as history's heroes are slaughtered and we feebly reconstruct
Forsake agape to invest in Eros,
Swelling demoniac rage
The god of the atheists
Shepherd drawing the wayward flock
Spires that pierce the heaves
Forever unbound from biological clock
Impregnate every succubus and
Burn the flag I used to wave
Can I fulfill self-regeneration
In sending my father to his grave?
Reprobate only ambition the endless dynasty I crave
Can I fulfill self-regeneration
In sending my father to his grave?
Enthrone myself the king of the anarchists
Lead an army through genocidal campaigns
Stomp through foreign roads
Erecting monuments that put Lincoln and Lenin to shame
Exiled from Eden, I'll still ration the forbidden fruit
As the eagle feasts on my liver, I'll share the warmth of stolen fire with you
Death will kneel to kiss my feet to make time stand still is my vow
Causa sui project spills from my lips, I need to be your 'Thou'
Submerged, negated, humbled and castrated until now
Causa sui project spills from my lips, I need to be your 'Thou'
Quaking beneath the burden of humanity winding down,
the delicate flowers once in full bloom are going to wilt & brown
Denial will not change the facts nor distinction nor renown,
the delicate flowers, now in full bloom are going to wilt & brown
Death will kneel to kiss my feet to make time stand still is my vow
Causa sui project spills from my lips, I need to be your 'Thou'
Submerged, negated, humbled and castrated until now
Causa sui project spills from my lips, I need to be your 'Thou'
Fears eclipsed by the tide, ephemeral ecstasy
The corpulent crows, the trail of dead souls preserve this legacy
Elegy unto the stardust successor
Unveiled the vital lie
Anyone can play god, yet death won't be denied.
9. Locked Inside
Concealing what we're ashamed of
Sweeping all under the rug
Basket left outside the door
Abandoned here forevermore
Locked inside padded walls
Waiting for parents to return
Won't feel the breeze upon their skin
A child's suffering is not your concern
From a distance, a darker era' s vestiges remain
Alone in the cradle, with no one to ease the pain
You said those days were over when you joined the union,
But the secret is out now, no more hiding your institutions
The blind will freeze in their tracks, unsafe without a hand
Others will lay for years in their crib and never even stand
The muscles and mind will atrophy, a widespread sickening apathy
Willfully as deaf, dumb, and blind as the little ones we watch over
No one will speak for those who can't speak for themselves
From a distance, the residue of a troubled past
Society has moved on, but still you let the abuses last
You said those days were over when you joined the union,
But your secret is out now, no more hiding your institutions
Lacking oversight
Hiding the failure of a nation
Contributing to new disabilities
And needless amputations
You are the guardians
Disposed of by their mothers and fathers
You are the guardians,
But you barely even bother
You are the guardians
Forgotten by their mothers and fathers
You are the guardians,
But you barely even bother
You take your frustrations out on a boy that can't defend himself
You force yourself on a little girl who can't speak a word
Complicit in the death of the resource that we're supposed to cherish
What does it say about a people who let their children perish?
Echoes of a cry that will never be attended to
Resonate in the chamber at the end of these darkened halls
When you turn a blind eye to the agony of the innocent
It should come as no surprise when your society falls
10. The Things
He came to free me from the prison of my own design
This is your life ending one minute at a time
As the scales fall from my eyes
I see vivid visions of what to do before I die
Liberated from property
My perception is shifting
Contrived desire, never have enough
The dream we're sold will stay out of reach
We whored ourselves
So we could keep hoarding
We pissed away our youth
We work jobs we hate for things we don't need
Now we're slowly finding the truth
Swallowing lies
A shallow sense of meaning
Giving up on dreams to keep climbing the ladder
Perfect life and trophy wife, did you get what you wanted?
We detached from nature
Chasing the dollar
Not thinking for ourselves, I'll put this in perspective
Everything small is just a small version of something that's big
So why do we let our identities bleed into the things that surround us?
You're not defined by the symbols of your status
So why do we let our identities bleed into the things that surround us?
Don't be defined by the symbols of your status
The things you own end up owning you
Will end up owning you
Will end up owning you
Will end up owning you
Our chance to break the fixation
On power and possessions
To jettison the nonsense for something true
Spectating while life slips from our hands
Lost in mediocrity, whether white or blue
We're forgetting what it is to be human,
To create instead of consume
11. Just Because
12. We Dominate
Conscious, awake, and aware of the world
Gazing in eyes just like mine
Life is sacred, no matter the form; communion, creation, divine
So many degrees of separation between the slaughterhouse and the store
Ignorant of what we consume, too ashamed to look at the source
Malicious mantra of might making right erodes our humanity
(The line's been drawn)
Fashionable furs, foie gras on a plate lays bare the absence of empathy
(The line's been drawn)
Our anthropocentric perspective, a tyrannical philosophy
(The line's been drawn)
We pretend that we're the most important to excuse atrocities
(The line's been drawn)
Just because we're dominant doesn't mean we should dominate
Just because we can destroy does not mean we should not create
Placing ourselves on a pedestal like we inherited the Earth
We're tied to the same cycle of death and new birth
Bury my body so I may return to the land I love
Break down my body into the soil for green grass to grow out of
We come from the same place as all other life down here
Now that I've made the connection I have nothing else to fear
The flesh you grind between your teeth
The blood that falls on farmers' feet
A dagger drawn to kill the calf, drink the milk, don the skin
Hen debeaked and farmed for eggs, when she runs dry we eat her legs
A worm is a bird is a dog is a man
It's all the same
Organic cycle before life began
It's all the same, exactly the same lifeform
Bury my body so I may return to the land I love
Break down my body into the soil for green grass to grow out of
We come from the same place as all other life down here
Now that I've made the connection I have nothing else to fear
13. Nonzero
Soft incandescent glow soothes soft-minded slaves,
Still chained, yet never thought of questioning
Their myopic rose-tinted lens for ancient fairy tales
Drop all the nonsense, child, for now's the time to evolve
Stare into the sun
Cross the divided line
Cling tight to the truth
Illuminate your mind
Lifeless bodies wash up on the coast
Done gasping for breaths not meant to be
Homes underwater giving up the ghost
No mercy as far as the eye can see
This is the dark night of the world's soul, don't expect absolution
Rolling deeper down a blackened hole, resisting evolution
After a decade profiteering from war raped all the land, and they still want more
Stare into the sun
Cross the divided line
No ammunition, no enmity, emerge as one human entity
New great commission, renewed clarity, renounce the illusion of scarcity
Abandon opinion, erase division, cauterize wounds that bleed the earth dry
Natural selection, starving regression, sever the limbs that constrict those who fly
Underground, where we've all been gagged and bound
Underground, ignorance resounds
Underground, I'm not coming back around
Underground; once lost, but now found
Abandon opinion, erase division, cauterize wounds that bleed the earth dry
Natural selection, starving regression, sever the limbs that constrict those who fly
Transcend the creeds
Unlock the chains
Abolish the law
Baptize in light
Thanks to kevinbenwadawadawada for sending these lyrics.
Thanks to stsloth for sending track #8 lyrics.
Thanks to stsloth for sending track #8 lyrics.
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All lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Please read the disclaimer.