album: "Cold Black Piece Of Flesh" (2002)
1. Cold Black Piece Of Flesh2. Come Closer
3. Existence
4. Killing With Style
5. Zustand Tod
6. Labyrinth
7. Kill Me
8. Psalm Of An Unborn
9. Paupers Grave
10. Vast
1. Cold Black Piece Of Flesh
No more blood in me
Just an pitch-black oily stream
Pumped through my veins
By this cold black piece of flesh
Saw it coming all the way
I knew it, I knew it
The infection - I smelled it
My ugly sin
Ignorance to the hand
Who reached for me
Ignorance to the misery
Now I'm in
Ignorance to the cross
Where blood was shed
Ignorance to God
My ugly sin
The crippled me
Now yells to you
Heal my heart
Clean my blood
I crippled myself now for too long
My heart, my blood, my soul
I let the infection go on and on
Rip it - oh rip it out
Dear father take it out of me
Please get it out of me
And renew my heart within thee.
2. Come Closer
Come closer now, closer to me
Set aside your anger, give it all to me
Won't let you down, I'm with you
Even you child, I love you
You wanted to be free
To choose your own destiny
Call on the dark
Keep it inside your heart
Call on the dark
Until it tears you appart
You wanted to be free
To choose your own destiny
Come closer now, closer to me
Set aside your anger, give it all to me
Won't let you down, I'm with you
Even you child, I love you
3. Existence
Existence - what is it's purpose, what is the mind
Existence - what is it all about, who am I?
Am I -- just copious amounts of flesh
Assembled by evolutions curiosity
Are you -- just a fragment in my dreams
And your actions product of my imagination
By whom or what, do we define our self image?
Can we rely on the things we see and hear?
How can we divide good and bad, right or wrong?
Don't we all ask the same questions?
Listen to me,
Our insight is limited and limited is our mind
But where we are weak God is the answer
His presence gives reason to my existence
The strength of His affection restores my soul
His suffering is the source of my salvation
And to him shall go my praise
Lord help me to overcome
The boundaries
The limitations
The inner struggle
The inner suffering.
You are real and so am I
4. Killing With Style
There is a line
We better not cross
A path we shall not choose
A man that we had to kill
A solemn tear of guilt
That we have to shed
Gracious days
We leave behind
Amusement was on our minds
The helping hand
That we extended
Lead us the way
To the promised land.
5. Zustand Tod
Die augen leer, wie der raum der sie gefangen hält
Das herz voll sehnsucht, nach wahren gefühlen
Ein schrei verhallt wieder, wird von der leere übertönt
Dein leben überschattet von leere
Die guten tage längst vorbei
Fruchtlose sehnsucht nach glück
Das du gebraucht hättest, um halt zu finden
Laß nicht los
Geh einen schritt zurück
Der leichteste weg
Ist nur für ignoraten der richtige
Worte, atemzüge der versuch
Das erleben zu fassen und zu behalten
Und immer so schwer zu sagen
du bist nicht allein
Einst kam die angst
Wird sie für immer bleiben
Wieder siegt unsicherheit
Wer wird verstehen?
Mit tränen in den augen
Gefühle so viel stärker
Alle worte so sinnlos
Alle worte so sinnlos
Kalte schreie, das was wir niemals verstehen
Bleiben nur gefühle, nur gefühle
Es schreit die angst, es lacht die hoffnung
Bleibt nur der tod, nur der tod in diesem raum
Selbstmord, deine letzte lüge
Du setzt an zum sprung,
Was die anderen denken ist nichtig,
Hauptsache du kommst hier weg
Unsicherheit, hatten sie vielleicht doch recht
Recht damit das es einen gott gibt?
Es ist doch billig zu erzählen,
Das es keine wahrheit gibt.
Macht angst vor leeren worten,
Denn worte nicht noch leerer
Machen sie nicht stumm und allein?
Es gibt doch keinen grund aufzugeben,
Das leben zu einem tod zu kastrieren
Gar nichts bleibt traurig, nichts bleibt eingesperrt,
Nichts kann je beschreiben, was wieder und wieder passiert
Im angesicht des vergangenen,
Bleibt trauer nur ein wort.
Du hast der lüge den rücken zugekehrt
Du bist vom elend befreit
Sieg über das was war
Dein bekennen
Du umklammerst krampfhaft das kreuz,
Das um deinen halse hängt, die letzte hoffnung
Ein dumpfer schlag, vergebene sünden durch ihn
Er war das opfer und für dich?
6. Labyrinth
Trapped in this labyrinth
That we build ourselfs
Cryptic writings on the wall
That meaning we'll never understand
Spoken words, broken promises, hollow phrases, empty hearts
Spoken words, broken promises, maniac laughter!
Closer than reality but stranger than fiction
Eternal darkness is to be, daylight transformation
Hear now my lost child
Ready for eternity?
There will be a timeless night
No rescue in wicked ideology
Take me there
To the place where I belong
No fear of the dark
But I prefer the warmth of the son.
7. Kill Me
So much anger - against me
Still I stand
Unto my savior - you deny
You follow the líe
Here am I confronting you
With the truth you perverted
The puppet on a string is you
So go ahead like you desired
I am not afraid - to die
Burn me, stab me, drown me, crucific me - to death
You're the slave - not me
Slaved by the lie
You're the one - who'll die
Dying for all eternity
The lie swallowed your soul
8. Psalm Of An Unborn
[Part 1. Mortal Fear]
Out of deep darkness
I scream to you
Out of secret night
I implore with mortal fear
Lord hear my cry!
Cause you lord
Put the breath in my flesh
But now deadly terror
Lies like ice on me
They break through my mothers body
With implements, they try to catch my live
The burglars are standing
At the strongholds of the body!
Lord hear my cry!
Still I rest inside of who I never see
Still I wait once to see the light of the world....
But now they ripped the net...
Which I've been safety in
My life will only rest..
A few seconds more
Then I will be shredered...
Into pieces
And be whipped away...
From the land of the living!
I will have no grave
Will be thrown away
Nothing will be left of me
Only the sign of Cain on my brow
And in the hearts of my murderers...
Out of deepest darkness
I screamed to you
Out of secret night
I implore with mortal fear
Lord you heard my cry!
[Part 2. Psalm 51]
Have mercy, with me oh God
According to your unfailing love
According to your great compassion
Boot out: my transgressions!
Wash away all my guilt
Clean me from my sin
Hide yours from my sins
And take away my mistakes
Create in me a clean heart oh God
And renew a steadfast spirit within me...
Do not cast me from thy presence
Nore take thy holy spirit from me
Restore to me the joy of thy salvation
And grant me a willing spirit
A willing spirit to substain me...
Save me from blood guiltiness
Oh God, your the God who saves me
And my tongue will sing
Of your rightousness...
Don't delight in sacrifice
Nore I would bring it
Don't delight in pleasures
Or burnt offerings
The sacrifice of God
Is a broken spirit
A broken and contrite heart
You my God will not despise...
9. Paupers Grave
What can I do
To release my soul
From my faults?
I know I can't make it
To face eternal light
By following their ways
Lord tell me why I'm so blind
Tell me, nothing more but the truth
Reveal to me your majestic vision
Even if it turns for me to suffer
I will rather choose the paupers grave
In the shadow of your glorious throne
Than the place of the idle
Beneath your crushing feet
10. Vast
Felder, trockner boden
Nichts wächst mehr auf diesem soden
Es liegt was in der luft
Der verwesungs süßer duft
Ein einzuger turm bleibt bestehen
Als zeuge alles soll vergehn
The potency of hate
Opened the one way gate
To an impending fate
A fate you never guessed
For the fate was far to vast
Memories of the past
Fade at last
A broken shell so vast
A broken shell so vast
Fields of barren soil
Nothing left to spoil
Thanks to 2dark for sending these lyrics.
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