album: "Entropia Humana Final" (2017)
1. Willard Suitcases2. Antífona
3. Maestro
4. Inanição
5. Punhais Longos, Cortes Profundos
6. A Cadela De Buchenwald
7. Occipício
8. A Alvorada Das Hienas
9. S-21
10. Before My Turn, Agonizing
11. Entropia Humana Final
1. Willard Suitcases
[In 1995, in the attic of the building that once was the "Willard Asylum for the Chronic Insane", about 400 old suitcases were found. They contained the personal belongings brought by the inmates upon arrival. Kept forgotten for many decades, these items exemplify what oblivion is about]
Um par de sapatos
Um espelho quebrado
Uma carta sem destino
Flores desbotadas
Numa mala de couro, no fundo de um sótão
Paredes enegrecidas de um velho asilo
Vidas apagadas, memórias esquecidas
Rostos desconhecidos naquela velha fotografia
Pacientes trancados pelo resto de suas vidas
A noite chegou
O fim de suas jornadas
Entre aqueles muros...
Suas lembranças foram sepultadas
E as luzes se apagaram
Lágrimas secas, atravessando os tempos
Você ainda pode ouvir os seus suspiros?
[English translation:]
A pair of shoes
A broken mirror
A letter without destination
Worn-out flowers
In a leather suitcase, in the back of an attic
Darkened walls of an old asylum
Erased lives, forgotten memories
Unknown faces in that old picture
Patients locked in for the rest of their lives
Night has fallen
The end of their journeys
Between those walls...
Their memories were sealed shut
And lights went out
Dried tears crossing through times
Can you still hear their whispers?
2. Antífona
[Taken from Cruz e Sousa's 1893 "Broquéis".]
Ó Formas alvas, brancas, Formas claras
De luares, de neves, de neblinas!...
Ó Formas vagas, fluidas, cristalinas...
Incensos dos turíbulos das aras...
Formas do Amor, constelarmente puras,
De Virgens e de Santas vaporosas...
Brilhos errantes, mádidas frescuras
E dolências de lírios e de rosas...
Indefiníveis músicas supremas,
Harmonias da Cor e do Perfume...
Horas do Ocaso, trêmulas, extremas,
Réquiem do Sol que a Dor da Luz resume...
Visões, salmos e cânticos serenos,
Surdinas de órgãos flébeis, soluçantes...
Dormências de volúpicos venenos
Sutis e suaves, mórbidos, radiantes...
Infinitos espíritos dispersos,
Inefáveis, edênicos, aéreos,
Fecundai o Mistério destes versos
Com a chama ideal de todos os mistérios.
Do Sonho as mais azuis diafaneidades
Que fuljam, que na Estrofe se levantem
E as emoções, todas as castidades
Da alma do Verso, pelos versos cantem.
Que o pólen de ouro dos mais finos astros
Fecunde e inflame a rima clara e ardente...
Que brilhe a correção dos alabastros
Sonoramente, luminosamente.
Forças originais, essência, graça
De carnes de mulher, delicadezas...
Todo esse eflúvio que por ondas passa
Do Éter nas róseas e áureas correntezas...
Cristais diluídos de clarões álacres,
Desejos, vibrações, ânsias, alentos,
Fulvas vitórias, triunfamentos acres,
Os mais estranhos estremecimentos...
Flores negras do tédio e flores vagas
De amores vãos, tantálicos, doentios...
Fundas vermelhidões de velhas chagas
Em sangue, abertas, escorrendo em rios...
Tudo! vivo e nervoso e quente e forte,
Nos turbilhões quiméricos do Sonho,
Passe, cantando, ante o perfil medonho
E o tropel cabalístico da Morte...
[English translation:]
Oh White, Ivory Forms, Clear Forms
Of moonlights, of snow, and of mists!
Oh vague, fluid and crystalline forms...
Incenses of the burners of the Altars
Forms of Love, constellarly pure,
Of Virgins and steaming Saints...
Wandering brightnesses, moisty freshnesses
And sufferings of lilies and roses...
Undefinable supreme songs,
Harmonies of the Color and of the Perfume...
Hours of Sunset, trembling, extreme,
Requiem of the Sun that the Pain of Light synthesizes...
Serene visions, psalms and songs,
Mutes of weeping and sobbing organs...
Numbnesses of erotic poisons
That are subtle, soft, morbid and radiant...
Infinite scattered spirits,
Ineffable, edenic, aerial,
Do fecundate the Mystery of these verses
With the ideal flame of all mysteries.
From the Dream the bluest diaphaneities
Let them shine, let them rise on the stanza
And the emotions, all the chastities
From the soul of the Verse, by the verses sing on.
That the golden pollen of the finest stars
Fecundate and ignite the clear and burning rhyme...
Let shine the retitude of the alabasters
Sonorously, brightly.
Original forces, essence, grace
Of woman's flesh, delicacies...
All this effluvium that passes through waves
From the Ether in the rosy and golden streams...
Diluted crystals of vivid flashes,
Desires, vibrations, cravings, reliefs
Crimson victories, bitter triumphs,
The most strange tremblings...
Black flowers of boredom and vague flowers
Of vain, tantalic and sickly loves...
Deep rednesses of old wounds
In blood, open, streaming in rivers...
All! Alive and nervous and warm and strong,
In the chimerical whirlwinds of the Dream,
Tread, singing, before the hideous profile
And the cabalistic throng of Death...
3. Maestro
[Homage to our conductor Irala, who keeps the Theory alive.]
Genialidade exacerba notas
Ensinos da vida ardil
Sentimentos confusos
Em mente original e nervosa
Maestro sóbrio
Turbilhão de sons
Maestro sóbrio
Vento impetuoso que sopra
Expurga o fel da vida
Amendronta o outro
Com a mais pura desgraça
Fúria venosa
Entrega na mais nobre das artes
O cuidado na peça musical
Expressa sentimentos fortes
Na magistralidade das cordas
Extraordinária paixão – passamento
[English translation:]
Genius that abounds notes
Lessons from the arduous life
Confused feelings
In an original and fired-up mindset
Sober regent
A whirlwind of sounds
Sober regent
Unrelenting wind that blows
Purges the gall from life
Frightens the other one
With the purest ruin
Venous fury
Deliverance in the noblest of arts
The care dispensed in the musical piece
Expresses strong feelings
In the magistrality of strings
Extraordinary passion – passing away
4. Inanição
[In 1932-33, Ukraine was under Soviet rule. Harsh repression and collectivization policies carried out on Stalin's orders led to the famine known as the "Holodomor", in which between 2 and 7 million Ukrainians starved to death.]
Infinita campina de ermo
Que outrora transbordava grão
Um povo talhado enfermo
Drenado de todo o seu pão
Comissários fiscais da miséria
Vasculham gavetas e frestas
Empunham caretas infestas
Esbaldam festiva pilhéria
Marasmáticos homens inermes
Inchados por parco aporte
Aguardam, assim como os vermes
A lenta chegada da morte
Opostos na vasta planície
Burocratas brindam em júbilo
Força de aço, dedos em riste
Triunfo do estandarte rubro
E o que primeiro perece
Provê alívio ao segundo
Que a seu instinto obedece
Em um canibalismo imundo
Crias no limite da vida
Nutrem pais barbarizados
E pais com prudência devida
Deixam órfãos abandonados
Peste! Guerra! Fome! Morte!
Cadáveres povoam as ruas,
As casas, e os descampados
Despejados em covas cruas
Sem datas, nomes apagados
E o silêncio domina os campos
Tomados por erva daninha
Ensurdece todos os santos
A humanidade definha...
[English translation:]
An endless crop of wastelands
That once abounded grain
A people with illness carved in it
By the drainage of all its bread
Kommissars, overseers of scarcity
Plunder through drawers and gaps
Enjoying a mockful festiveness
While wielding eerie facemasks
Marasmic, inerm men
Swollen by poor intake
Await, just like the worms
The slow arrival of death
Opposed in the vast plains
Bureaucrats celebrate, jubilant
Power of steel, rised fingers
Thriumph of the Red Standard
And the first who perishes
Provides relief to the second
Who to his instinct capitulates
In a filthy cannibalism
Offsprings on the edge of life
Nurture barbarized parents
Parents with enough prudence
Leave abandoned orphans
Pestilence! War! Famine! Death!
Corpses populate the streets
The houses and the open fields
Throwed into raw graves
No dates, erased names
And silence dominates
The weed-ridden fields
Deafening all saints
Humanity withers...
5. Punhais Longos, Cortes Profundos
[In 1934, Adolf Hitler cemented his position as supreme leader of Nazi Germany by ordering a swift execution of the whole leadership of the then largest paramilitary group in the Reich: the Sturmabteilung (SA). The purge included Hitler's longtime friend and second in Nazy hierarchy, Ernst Röhm. The episode became known as the "Night of the Long Knives".]
De belicoso caos pavimentou-se
O leito vil de um rio austero
Que em implacável purga trouxe
O alvorecer de um novo clero
Avenidas afora, moradas adentro
A nova palavra vai sendo marcada
Brasa na pele em diverso intento
Ou tinta de pena em tábula rasa
Tropa de choque na zona de risco
Ufana utopias em ricas ideias
Afã guerreiro de nobre patrício
Dragonas vãs das massas plebeias
O cânone novo se torna total
Os antagonistas se entocam, à míngua
Tremores de pânico, temor sem igual
Cautela mortal a deslizes da língua
Vícios puros do caos construtor
Emergem e ofuscam a vitória da fé
Expurgados serão num golpe indolor
Com nenhum ímpio restando em pé
Apagadas da história, obliteradas
Rasgadas as páginas torpes, imundas
Extirpado o cancro de eras findadas
Com punhais longos, feridas profundas
[English translation:]
From a bellicose chaos it paved itself
The vile bed of an austere river
That in a relentless purge brought about
The dawn of a new clergy
Out on the avenues, entering the homes
The new word is branded away
Embers on the skin of diverse intents
Or pen ink on a blank slate
Shock troops in the danger zone
Reveres utopies in rich ideas
Warring drive of a noble patrician
Blank epaulettes of the plebeian masses
The new canon becomes total
The waning antagonists hide themselves
Panic tremors, unequalled fear
Deathly caution to slips of the tongue
Impure vices of the creator chaos
Emerge and overshadow the victory of faith
They will be purged in a painless coup
With no impious one left standing
Erased from history, obliterated
Filthy and obnoxious pages rippen apart
The cancer of past eras is taken away
With long knives and deep wounds
6. A Cadela De Buchenwald
[Ilse Koch was the wife of Karl Otto Koch, who commanded the Buchenwald concentration camp between 1937 and 1941. During her husband's tenure at the camp, she gained infamy for the cruel treatment dispensed to the inmates, even by Nazi standards. Ilse flayed tattooed individuals and made trophies with their skin. She committed suicide in prison in 1967.]
Cadenciado trote de um predador
um denso olhar, absorto em lascívia
desvelado sadismo em aroma de flor
ceifador estoico da alma à deriva
Fronteira final de arame farpado
torres, fuzis, chicotes e fornos
profano curtume de pele em adornos
carcassas magras deixadas de lado
A cadela preda, lançada a sorte!
A cadela treda, emissária da Morte!
Lâmpadas, luvas e capas de livros
tingidas da dor, do ódio e do medo
desses figurantes de fúnebre enredo
apinhados em celas e esfolados vivos
Olhares abaixo, evitando o contato
a amazona irascível circula altiva
luxúria infernal a procura de tato
da ponta do açoite com a carne viva
Espólios provindos da vil libação
enfeitam e encantam a densa floresta
um ranço terrível de putrefação
e o eco eterno do Mal que a infesta...
[English translation:]
The careful trot of a predator
A dense gaze, absorbed in lasciviousness
Unveiled sadism in the scent of a flower
Stoic collector of the wandering soul
Final frontier of barbed wire
Towers, assault rifles, whips and ovens
Unholy tannery of skin trinkets
Skinny cadavers thrown aside
The bitch is hunting, the die is cast!
The treacherous bitch, Death's emissary!
Lamps, gloves and book covers
Tinctured with pain, hatred and fear
From small parts of this dreadful tale
That are tossed in jails and flayed alive
Gazes on the floor, avoiding contact
The raging amazon patrols valiantly
Hellish lust in search for contact
Of the tip of the whip with living flesh
Spoils created from the vile feast
Adorn and enchant the dense woods
A terrible reek of putrefaction
And the eternal echo of the Evil that dwells
7. Occipício
[After the defeat of Poland in 1939, most of the Polish officers were made P.O.W. under custody of the NKVD. They were all methodically shot in the back of the head in 1940 with their corpses concealed in mass graves in what became known as the "Katyn Massacre". Soviet authorities denied involvement and claimed that Nazi Germany carried out the killings in 1941, after Operation Barbarossa. The demise of the Soviet Union in 1989 brought to light proof of Soviet authorship.]
Quietude crepuscular perece
Ante o murmúrio infernal de pás
Tal qual lamúria final da paz
É refratário a toda prece
Autofagia eslávica arranjada
Diplomacia perversa em curso
Sob o olhar do férrico urso,
Sob artilharia pesada
Acordo funesto, moribundo
Semeia a terra pátria
Escavadeiras, valas e defuntos
Inovando em covardes táticas
Semblante frio, pequenino
Ondas de pânico emergem
Forjados laços divinos
Todos os mortais arrefecem
Caçambas lotadas
Almas condenadas
Espíritos quebrados
Destinos selados
Abafado, rítmico estouro
Conteúdo cranial espalhado
Corpo espasmando, sangue coagulado
Entremeado a cabelos louros
Cômodo a cômodo a argúcia
Desvenda esse tétrico som
Do carrasco em pleno frisson
Que aduba o chão da Mãe Rússia
Paredes reforçadas
Braços fadigados
Projéteis deflagrados
Occipícios perfurados
Enfeites inermes, criados da guerra
Adornam toda a necrópole, violados, nus
Um dia árduo de trabalho que se encerra
Logo ao primeiro, libertador, feixe de luz
[English translation:]
The twilight's quietude perishes
Before the hellish murmur of shovels
That, like the final lament of Peace
Is impervious to all prayer
An arranged slavic autophagy
Wicked diplomacy on course
Under the gaze of the iron bear
Under heavy artillery
The funest, dying pact
Sows the motherland
Excavators, ditches and dead bodies
Innovative tactics of Cowardice
Cold countenance, small silhouette
Waves of panic emerge
A forgery of divine bonds
All mortals give up
Cramned trucks
Doomed souls
Broken spirits
Sealed fates
Smothered, rhytmic blasts
Scattered cranial contents
Spasming body, clotting blood pools
Intertwining with blonde hair
Room by room their wits
Elucidate this eerie sound
Of the blood-lusted executioner
Fertilizing the soil of Mother Russia
Reinforced walls
Fatigued arms
Projectiles fired
Occiputs pierced
Inerm embellishments created from the war
Adorn the necropolis, violated and bare
A strenuous day of work that ends
At the first liberating beam of sunlight
8. A Alvorada Das Hienas
[March 16, 1968. Vietnam War: What was to be an U.S. search-and-destroy mission aimed at a Viet Cong battalion ended up in a bloodshed of civilians, mostly women, children and elderly, who offered no resistance. That was the "My Lai Massacre".]
Ecos distantes de um choque de ideias
Engajamento indireto por procuração
Civis em lavouras, nos campos de grão
São trutas inermes num mar de lampreias
Batalha assimétrica em selvas e ruas
A águia os preda,planando nos céus
Regurgita chamas, fatídicos véus
Que queimam mulheres e crianças nuas
E a selva castiga com duras lições
Os jovens recrutas alheios a tudo
Abandonarão seus lençóis de veludo
Para perecer sob o ar das monções
O Sol se aponta, uma nova incumbência
Hienas do tédio sedentas por sangue
Perfilam-se e seguem, como uma gangue
E rumam à morte de toda inocência
E patos e bois e anciãos e infantes
E pais e esposas e tudo o que vive
São alvos de armas de grosso calibre
E nada mais seguirá como antes
E os corpos enfeiam a bela paisagem
A tímida aldeia se cala para sempre
A águia dá a luz ao Mal em seu ventre
E voa para casa em tranquila viagem
[English translation:]
Distant echoes of a clash of ideas
Indirect engagement, by proxy
Civilian on the crops, on the fields of grain
Are defenseless trouts in a sea of lampreys
Asymmetric battles in jungles and streets
The eagle hunts, hovering in the skies
Regurgitates flames, fateful veils
That scorch bare women and children
And the jungle teaches harsh lessons
The young recruits, oblivious to all
Will abandon their velvet sheets
In order to perish under the monsoons
The Sun rises, another mission
Hyenas of boredom with thirst for blood
Align and move in band
Heading towards the death of all innocence
And ducks, and cattle, and elders and infants
And parents and wives and all that breathes
Are targets of high-barreled weapons
And nothing will ever be the same again
The corpses turn the beautiful landscape hideous
The already quiet village is muted forever
The eagle gives birth to the Evil in its womb
And flies back home, in a safe journey
9. S-21
[Between 1975 and 1979, Cambodia was ruled by Pol-Pot's Khmer Rouge. Under its policies, extrajudicial imprisonment and executions were widespread. One symbol of this period is Tuol Sleng, or S-21. This former school was converted to a detention and torture center. Perceived enemies of the regime were kept there and tortured until giving names of "co-conspirators", which were then also arrested and tortured, and then killed. One quarter of the whole nation's population (about 2 million people) perished in the Cambodian Genocide]
Clarão fustigante na mata cerrada
Rebentos zelosos de uma nova ordem
A essência do homem é remodelada
Ordália brutal, malogros que eclodem
E busque-se e mate-se o nefelibata
Pois a redenção se dará pela terra
Queime-se o sábio, enterre-se a prata
Purifique-se o ar por meio da guerra
Um êxodo urbano rumado ao abismo
Pilhas de corpos por todos os lados
E todas as formas de iluminismo
São pontos de mácula a ser expurgados
Selva adentro, tortura-se a todos
Sala de aula tornada em masmorra
Brasas, grilhões, pás e eletrodos
Entregue seus pares, definhe e morra
Fluxo imenso, maná para as feras
Retratos de internos desesperados
Gritos de dor que ecoam por eras
Pelos corredores mal-assombrados
[English translation:]
Blinding flashlights in the dense jungle
Zealous offsprings of a new order
The essence of men is reshaped
Brutal ordeal, evils that blossom
Let the cloud-dwellers be found and killed
For redemption is achieved through the soil
Burn the wise man, bury the silver
Purify the air through war
An urban exodus headed towards the abyss
Piles of corpses everywhere
And all forms of enlightment
Are dirty spots demanding purge
In the heart of the jungle, all are tortured
Classrooms transformed into dungeons
Embers, shackles, paddles and electrodes
Turn your pairs in, wither and die
Immense flux of fodder to the beasts
Portraits of despaired inmates
Screams of pain that echo through the aeons
By the haunted corridors
10. Before My Turn, Agonizing
[originally by Infernal]
Free inside
Of a darkened room
Double side...
Free inside
Of an unforgettable mind
A burning star
King of death
The burning star
King of death
Give it to us
Kissing our heads
Who has been living here
Who has afraid of living...
They've learned how to breath despair
They will die to live there
Poor, epidemic civilization
The end is near
Continuous cycle of destruction
Becomes a thief
Of our own mass
Words in pieces
They'll be consumed
A collection of corpses
Pick up one of them
11. Entropia Humana Final
Thanks to down2zero for sending these lyrics.
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