album: "Majestic Serenity" (1994)
1. Puppet Of Beauty2. Paracletos
3. Corridor To Light
4. Short But Suite: Opus In D Flat
5. Royal Honor
6. Heavenly Throne
7. Fort Drum
8. Holy Avenger
9. Call Upon The Master
10. Voice Of The Prodigal
11. Liar
1. Puppet Of Beauty
[September 1990]
[Lyrics by T. Denlinger, Music by C. Turner, R. Feltman, M. Anthony, T. Denlinger]
Sexual temptation is a deadly killer.
No one is immune to it.
The book of Proverbs in the Bible tells us to seek after wisdom and fear God.
That's what we want to do but many times don't do.
This song is a reminder to all of us to remember the source of all temptation.
Whether you are a "Puppet of Beauty" or the one struggling with sexual temptation, remember Satan is in the process of destroying you. Resist him and he will flee from you!
[Verse 1]
My son keep my words and store my commands within you (Proverbs 7:1-3/ 2: 1-5)
Keep my commands and you will live (Leviticus 18: 4-5)
Write them on the tablet of your heart (Proverbs 3: 1-3)
What? Look at her! (Matthew 5: 27-29)
Her beauty overwhelms you (Proverbs 5: 20)
She'll hold you and kiss you (Proverbs 7: 10-14)
... your fantasies running wild. (1 John 2: 16-17/ James 1: 14-15)
Everything you ever wanted. (Romans 13: 13-14)
Don't let this one go! (Proverbs 11: 6)
[Verse 2]
I am wisdom!
Seek me and you will prosper (Proverbs 4: 5-8)
Don't even think about pleasing yourself (1 Corinthians 10: 24)
Her words drip with death! (Proverbs 5: 3-5)
Imagine . . . lips of honey
Her hair running through your fingers
No one will know man . . . take her now ... (Proverbs 14:12)
She'll give you anything you want
You're not getting any younger!
[Verse 3]
Words will lead you (Proverbs 7: 21-22)
Seductive words to destruction
Follow her and you will die like a beast
He will bring you down! (1 Peter 5: 8)
Puppet of beauty (Proverbs 6: 25)
They run you life now (Romans 8: 5-6/ Galatians 4: 8)
You disobey the Father (Colossians 3: 5-6)
Time to use your brains now! (2 Peter 3: 1-3/ 1 Corinthians 15:34)
[Verse 4]
Wisdom call out (Proverbs 1: 20-23)
It cries out across the land
To you, oh man, it calls out Heed the Lord's commands! (John 15: 10)
2. Paracletos
[August 1989]
[Lyrics by T. Denlinger, Music by Tim Swarthout]
Paracletos is a Greek word which means, "the Comforter, Counselor, Advocate, etc."
Jesus told His disciples in John 16:7 that when He left them, the Counselor (Holy Spirit) would come to them.
If you read John 16: 7-11, you'll understand it better.
We sing this song at the beginning of our shows to ask the Holy Spirit to convict hearts and to cause people to believe in Jesus.
Sovereign Spirit we ask You to come. (Isaiah 61: 1-2/ Luke 11:13)
Your power convicting hard hearts of stone (John 16: 7-11/ Ezekiel 36: 26-27)
We call You beside us to guide us to speak (John 16: 12-15/ Acts 4:31)
Your truths for glory, please walk with our feet (Romans 10: 14-15)
The Wind rushes through our souls (Acts 2:2/ Ezekiel 37: 9-14)
The Oil flows deep within our bones (1 Samuel 16: 13/ 2 Corinthians 1: 21-22)
Tongues of fire, descending Dove (Acts 2: 3-4/ Matthew 3: 16)
Holy Spirit, Paracletos come! (John 14: 16-18/ John 15: 26-27)
3. Corridor To Light
[November 1991]
[Lyrics by T. Denlinger, narrative by Jeff King, Music by C. Turner, R. Feltman, M. Anthony, T. Denlinger]
[This song is dedicated to Tom's grandfather, Milton E. Denlinger, who died January 4, 1991. He was 82 years old when he died, and he lived his life for the glory of God.
This song was envisioned as Tom studied the scriptures and took hold of the promises God gives us about death. Without Jesus, you will stand before the Throne condemned and He will utter those dreaded words to you:
"Depart from Me, I never knew you." If you know Jesus as your Savior, you will experience this song someday. Praise Him!
[The “story” parts are neither sung nor spoken during the song.]
Years of walking, the images flood corners of my mind
Spiraling upward through the murky haze, my escorts sped me toward the beckoning light
White light dancing
We laugh as darkness runs and hides
My heart pounding and my body tenses with fear, we passed over the threshold of life and death
Those gone before us wait (1 Thessalonians 4:13-15)
Angelic multitudes lift voiced praise (Luke 15:10/ Revelation 19:6-7)
As earthly scales fall off my eyes (1 Corinthians 13:12)
Soaring into a great expanse of pure white light, I felt the glory of Heaven rush over me like a mighty wave.
All my fears and doubts were swept away, enveloped in unspeakable joy, and I drank deeply from the river of life.
Fear is gone now (1 John 4:18, Romans 8:15)
Freedom like I never knew before (2 Corinthians 3:17/ 5:2-4)
Fear is gone now, freedom like I never knew
Never knew before
As my eyes adjusted to the light, dazzling shapes and contours gradually became clearer.
What I saw astounded me . . . a world of crystal and light.
Angels flew overhead as thunder and lightning blazed across the emerald sky.
Radiant light emanated from an unseen source, and every object seemed to glow with His glory.
Before me a great sea shone like liquid diamonds.
Vivid colors danced on its mirrored surface and I stood in awe of its splendor. As I looked on with amazement, a mighty voice called my name.
Turning around . . . I shuttered to find myself standing before the mighty throne of God, alone.
Its immensity will steal your breath away. Towering into the vast heavenly sky, its enormous height is beyond all human comparison. Glistening like thousands of sparkling ice crystals, it casts out beams of multicolored light as the glory of God shines through it. So fearsome is He who sits on the throne that the earth and sky flee from His presence.
Dwelling in the unapproachable light of His glory, He reigns over all of the universe, the sovereign master of all rulers and kings.
I cowered before Him, a minute speck, yet the center of all His attention.
I could not hide.
Standing alone, there is no one to answer for you (2 Corinthians 5:10)
Sins stains your life (Isaiah 64:6)
What will you do now?
My mind racing, I struggled to think of something . . . anything I could have done to prove myself worthy.
But all my acts of righteousness were like nothing but filthy rags.
Father, my life seems so dirty (Zechariah 3: 3-4)
Have mercy on me! (Psalm 57:1)
Christ's blood is all that has bought me (Revelation 5:9)
Have mercy on me!
But very slowly, God stretched out His hand toward my trembling body and gently lifted my chin.
I felt the intensity of His compassionate touch, and with indescribable tenderness in His voice, He spoke to me . . .
I knew you before I formed you (Jeremiah 1:5)
I touched your small body (Psalm 139:13-16)
I breathed your first breath (Genesis 2:7)
I knew all your dreams (Romans 8:26-27)
. . . He knows you, He cares for you, it doesn't matter what you've done.
I saw life through your eyes (Psalm 34:15)
I felt your hurt (Matthew 5:4)
I felt your pain (Matthew 5:11)
I understood every thought (1 Chronicles 28: 9)
I felt your pain (1 Peter 3:14)
All Jesus did was offer us genuine love, and we nailed Him to a cross.
The "good" people of His time thought that he was a danger to society, a radical. They showed Him hatred without even giving Him a chance.
They just didn't understand what He was about.
He wants to set you free from your pain, not burden you down with more.
I knew you before I formed you, and I touched your small body
I breathed your first breath, and I knew all your dreams
I saw life through your eyes, and I felt your hurt, I felt your hurt
I understood every thought, and I felt your pain, I felt your pain
God gently lifted me up and stood me to my feet.
In His hand He held a brilliant white robe, which He placed over my head.
As the robe enfolded over me an intense heat swept through my body, burning away my mortality and leaving me standing pure and holy.
As God stepped back onto the throne,
He gazed at me with a look of total acceptance.
I wanted to run and hide from
His majestic presence, but I remembered the forgiveness and mercy He had given to me as His child . . . His incredible love for me.
As I stood confidently before God, angelic choirs rejoiced and sang praises to the Holy Lamb, welcoming me into His kingdom.
Their voices reached a deafening crescendo as God abruptly rose from His throne and stretched His arms out across the Heavens.
You have overcome the world (1 John 5: 4-5)
And now you're dressed in white (Revelation 3: 4-5)
Never will I blot out your name
From the book of life
Come now, my blessed one (Revelation 22:14)
My kingdom is yours (Luke 22: 28-30)
Taste and see! (Psalm 34: 8)
Never will you know pain again (Revelation 21: 3-4)
For all eternity
4. Short But Suite: Opus In D Flat
[December 1991]
[Music by C. Turner]
5. Royal Honor
[July 1989]
[Lyrics by T. Denlinger, Music by C. Turner, R. Feltman, M. Anthony, T. Denlinger]
We worship and praise our Lord through our music.
We want you to feel His majestic power and provide you with a tune to praise Him along with us.
We hope you take the time to use these verses as a Bible study to intensify your relationship with Him.
My soul finds rest in God alone (Psalm 62: 1-2)
My salvation comes from Him
He alone is my Rock, my salvation
He's my fortress, I will never be shaken
[Verse 1]
Father, I love You Father (Romans 8:15)
I want to do Your will (Luke 22: 42)
You saved me from the hands of Satan (1 John 3:8)
My life is Yours to fill (Psalm 107:9 / Acts 4:31)
I love You Jesus, You died for me that day (Luke 23:46 / 1 John 4:10)
When sinless, You were nailed to the cross (2 Corinthians 5:21 / Colossians 1:19-20)
My life is Yours today (Romans 12:1/ Matthew 10: 38-39)
[Verse 2]
Father, your Word says I should obey your commands (John 14:21)
I stand here before you now, touch me with your hand (Luke 18: 15,16)
O Holy Spirit, your power is what we need (Acts 1:8/ Ephesians 5:18)
There's nothing more I crave but you (Psalm 63:1)
O hear these words I plead (Psalm 5:1-2/ 1 John 5: 14-15)
6. Heavenly Throne
[April 1990]
[Lyrics by T. Denlinger, Music by C. Turner]
Every time any human has been in the presence of God, the Bible says they fell on their face as though dead.
We cannot begin to comprehend the awesome power of God.
Both Ezekiel in verse one and John in verse two of Revelation stood before God and were sent out to tell the world what He had told them.
That is His command to you.
If you have given your life to Him, this song is for you.
[Verse 1]
Spread out above the heads of a million living creatures (Ezekiel 1:22/ 10:1)
As far as I could see and expanse like sparkling ice (Revelation 4:6/ 15:2)
I heard their wings take flight
Like the sounds of rushing waters (Ezekiel 1:24)
I heard the voice of God in unapproachable light (Acts 9: 3-6/ 1 Timothy 6: 15-16)
His voice surrounded me
Like the light of His glory (Ezekiel 10:4-5/ Job 40: 9-10)
I fell down on my face before the throne (Revelation 1: 17/ Ezekiel 1:28)
Stand up O man of God (Ezekiel 2: 1-2)
Get off your face and see
Tell the people everywhere (Matthew 28: 19-20)
What you've found in me (Revelation 1: 19)
I am the First, I am the Last (Revelation 1: 7-8)
I AM that I AM (John 8: 58/ Exodus 3: 14)
I was dead but now I live (Revelation 1: 17-18)
It is you I send (Ezekiel 2: 3/ John 20: 21)
[Verse 2]
I heard a voice blast out
Like the sound of a screaming trumpet (Revelation 1: 10-16)
I turned around to see the Holy Son of God
His hair was white as wool,
Like the snow on a winter's morning (Daniel 7:9)
His eyes were blazing fire
His face as bright as the sun
7. Fort Drum
[June 1987]
[Music by C. Turner, R. Feltman, M. Anthony]
8. Holy Avenger
[June 1990]
[Lyrics by T. Denlinger, C. Turner, Music by C. Turner, R. Feltman, M. Anthony, T. Denlinger]
We are sick and tired of the uneducated, foolish accusations the world throws at God’s Holy Word. It has withstood the test of time and proves by its perfection that it is truly supernatural, holy book. The voice of the skeptic cries loud and offers the human answer which is, “... free to think as you please ...” By the authority of God’s Word, we call this reasoning senseless, shameful and obviously satanic.
[Verse 1]
Take heed oh senseless ones who dwell among the people (Psalms 92: 6-7/ 94:8)
You trust in truth that you create and shout it to the children. (Colossians 2: 8)
Does He Who implanted your ear not hear your proud pronouncements? (Psalm 94: 9)
Does He Who formed your eyes not see your grand illusions? (Proverbs 20: 12)
Holy God, Holy Avenger (Nahum 1: 2-3/ Revelation 6: 9-10)
O Lord our God shine forth (Psalm 94:1)
Overwhelm us with Your Glory (Exodus 15:11/ Habakkuk 3: 2-6)
Show them now and let them praise Your Name (Luke 19: 37-38)
[Verse 2]
You search for inner peace that special place of beauty (Deuteronomy 18: 10-12)
One with the Universe to see into infinity (Romans 1:25)
Does He Who made your mind not seek to know you fully (Psalm 139: 1-8, 23-24)
Does He not call you now to leave your quest for folly? (Psalm 85: 8/ Proverbs 26: 11-12)
Sometime soon ... there’s a time that’s coming so soon (1 Thessalonians 5: 1-3)
Wake up and find out that we are all gone (Matthew 24: 30-31)
And you were left behind (Matthew 24: 40-44/ 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-17)
Empty ... oh, so empty ... (Matthew 25: 41-46)
You realize you were wrong
What will you do? What will you say?
Where will you go? Who will you pay?
Nobody! Nobody! Ooh Nobody!
9. Call Upon The Master
[September 1986]
[Lyrics and music by Rod Feltman]
God knows your hurt!
He knows your pain!
He wants to hold you in His arms.
He made you and knows everything about you.
All He wants is your trust and your obedience and He will make your life into something you could never dream of.
Believe me, it works!
[Verse 1]
You say that you are all alone (Psalm 38: 9-11/ Deuteronomy 31:6)
You cry but no one hears (Psalm 22:1-2)
Times are always changing people come and go (Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8)
The night surrounds you with fear (Psalm 91:5/ 23:4)
If you want to put away your sorrow (Isaiah 60: 20)
If you want to put away your pain (Revelation 7: 17)
Time has come for you to make your mind up (2 Corinthians 6: 2)
Don't let it go again (Ecclesiastes 9:12/ James 4:14)
You just call upon the Master (Psalm 145:18)
Call upon His name (Romans 10: 12-13)
He will send His fighting angels to the game (Psalm 91: 9-12/ Hebrews 1:14)
[Verse 2]
You feel your love is fading far away (Lamentations 3: 18-20)
Your paths have split in two
It's time to know
There's a love that will never change (Lamentations 3: 21-23/ Isaiah 54: 10)
His arms are reaching out to you (Luke 15: 20/ Isaiah 40:11)
10. Voice Of The Prodigal
[December 1991]
[Lyrics by Jeff Zimmerman, T. Denlinger, Music by C. Turner, R. Feltman, M. Anthony, T. Denlinger]
Someone once said, "I have lost the will to live, simply nothing more to give."
What a shame!
I feel so bad for people who enjoy being depressed.
Why do I say that? Because there are answers to life's problems, but most people know that answers don't come cheap.
Real answers work when the person in need really wants to change.
If you hate life, there are two things you have to know.
God loves you and has all the answers you need in His word, the Bible.
Secondly, in order for you to reach into His word, you must first let go of what you are holding onto. God has been waiting for you.
Cry out to Him!
[Verse 1]
Anger, bitterness, rage (Galatians 5: 19-21/ Colossians 3:8)
They dominate my thoughts (Ephesians 4: 31-32)
This world has treated me like dirt (Psalm 6: 6-7)
I have a right to feel this way!
Politicians, teachers, preachers (Romans 12: 1-4)
Get out of my face
I will live the way I want (Judges 21:25)
Free to live for me!
My parents do not love me (Ephesians 6: 1-4)
They deserve my anger and my hate (2 Timothy 3:2)
All they do is bust on me
So my ears are closed to what they say!
They don't understand
No one understands (Proverbs 20:24)
I've been abused, I will never forgive (Matthew 6: 14-15)
Get them out of my life!
Stop and look at yourself (Psalm 4:4)
What good does your anger bring? (Ephesians 4: 26-27)
It brings poison
Bondage to the object of your anger (Romans 6: 17-18)
You're hurt and tired (Matthew 11:28)
Christ is willing to heal your pain (Isaiah 53: 5)
Reach out to Him! Reach out to Him! (Romans 10:13)
Poison in your soul (Hebrews 12: 14-15)
There is poison, down deep (Deuteronomy 29: 17-18)
Real poison in your soul (Acts 8:23)
Cry out to Him!
Cry out to Him! (Psalm 130:1)
[Verse 3]
All your hurt, all your pain
Do you think the God who made you really cares? (Psalm 139:13)
We’re here to tell you He does! (Ephesians 2: 4-5)
He knew you before He formed you in your mother's womb (Jeremiah 1:5)
He knows your need for love (Romans 5:8)
God says "you will seek Me and find Me
When you seek with all your heart." (Jeremiah 29:13)
Satan wants to fill you with his lies (1 John 3: 7-8)
Of revenge and blasphemy (Revelation 13: 5-6)
He is a liar (John 8:44)
There's a way that seems right to a man
But it only leads to death (Proverbs 16:25)
A wise man fears the Lord (Psalm 111:10)
And thirsts for Him while He may be found (Isaiah 55: 1-6)
Why are you downcast my soul! (Psalm 42:11)
Why are you disturbed?
Put your hope in God and trust Him
Rise up now and take His strong hand (Psalm 89:13)
That's right!
What are you gonna do man?
Refuse to accept God's love? (John 3:16-18)
Spit in Christ's face? (Hebrews 6:6)
I think it's time you took a bath
In His precious Holy blood! (Hebrews 9: 13-14)
11. Liar
[June 1988]
[Lyrics by T. Denlinger, Music by C. Turner, R. Feltman, M. Anthony, T. Denlinger]
This song reflects the lie that the non-Christian rock musician lives who defiantly preaches hedonism at the expense of his/her audience.
We see the crowd looking up to us, and we realize our responsibility to them. Every musician is responsible to their audience.
If a musician ever sets his goal on making money at the expense of his audience, he will answer to God.
Jesus said in Luke 17:1-2, "Things that cause people to sin are bound to come, but woe to that person through whom they come.
It would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around his neck than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin." I'd say that's pretty easily interpreted. Wouldn't you agree?!
[Verse 1]
The multitudes are watching (Matthew 13: 14-15)
They see but cannot see
I hear laughter in the crowd
I see them staring at me
My words will give them pleasure (2 Timothy 4: 3-4)
The drug that calms their fears
But only for an instant
He helps me tickle their ears
He's a liar (John 8:44)
And the young fall prey (John 10:10a)
He's a liar
They will soon hate the day (2 Corinthians 5:10)
When they see themselves
Under piercing pure light (Acts 26:18)
He has blinded their eyes (2 Corinthians 4:4)
When wrong seems too right (John 3:19-20)
[Verse 2]
They cheer when I appear (Daniel 3: 7, 12)
They cry when I walk the stage
They buy my cool philosophies (1 Timothy 4:1)
The crowd shouts forth with rage
When white rock sings so pure (2 Peter 2: 20-22)
The contrast is too great
Returning, they dance and chant to me
Again they take the bait
I thought I knew what I did up there
Isn't satan just a word?
My fans are pulling triggers now
My vision's getting blurred
But still they keep on coming
The craze is too intense
I'm caught in a trap of fame and wealth (1 Timothy 6:9)
They want me on the fence.
Tom Denlinger: lead and backing vocals
Rod Feltman: lead and rhythm electric guitars, acoustic guitars and backing vocals
Chuck Turner: bass guitar and backing vocals in “Royal Honor” and “Puppet of Beauty”
Michael Anthony: drums and backing vocals in “Royal Honor”
Special thanks to our guest artist: Jeff King – keyboards and narrative in “Corridor to Light”.
Majestic Serenity was recorded and mixed 3/4/92 – 4/12/92 at Susquehanna Sound Studios, Northumberland, PA. Special thanks to Ray Fletcher and Bob “cellophane on the toilet” Spangler.
Produced by SARDONYX. Engineer: Mike “what do YOU think?” Knight. Mixed by Mike Knight and SARDONYX. Art Direction, Design and Cover Art: Tom Denlinger; Band Photography: Cince Simione and Michael Anthony; Cover photography: Reynold and Mike Schenke; Concept and
Development: Tom Denlinger; Scripture preparation and research: Mark Van Gorder, Jeff Zimmerman, Tom Denlinger and Chuck Turner.
Tom Denlinger would like to thank:
My wife Ruth (Guys, make sure you pray every day for a wife that will love and support you and your ministry. God answered my prayers.) Thank you, Ruth, for your constant love and encouraging words. Thanks Mom and Dad Denlinger, Gwen and Whitney, Dean, Bryan and Penny,
Nanny and Pop Pop Frey and Grandma Denlinger. Thanks for understanding not having me around too much. We have a long future together. I love you all. I have way too many thanks to print here. See volume 3, issue 2 of LightShine Magazine for full credits. Thanks!
Rod Feltman would like to thank:
My beautiful wife, Anne, for all your love, encouragement and patience. My family: Dave, Arlene and Matt; Roy, Nancy and Alan; Alan and Naomi Varner; Angie for her support at shows; Jim Haubert for allowing me the time off when I need it; John Swartz, Mike Reeser and the rest of the crew; Jeff King, the best guitar tech a guy could have; Mike Knight for being my “ears” a few times.
Chuck Turner would like to thank:
Tim Swarthout, Tim “Taz” Bird, Dennis “Do you live in a vacuum?” Gee, REZ, Glenn Gregory, Kevin Fern, James Palmer, SSG. Thomas Leopard, Wes Humphries, my family back home “Hi Mom!” & most of all to my most awesome wife, Barb, and my two boys, Chuck III & Christian. I love you!
Michael Anthony would like to thank:
Jacintha, my wife, thanks for your support in all this band stuff, for feeding and putting up with all of us in the band. Thanks for your prayers and for helping to sustain me at those times when I was down. To Trinity, my little daughter, thank you for your prayers. God hears them and is pleased. To Gavin, my little son, I pray that God molds you into a great man of God. To my grandmothers, my brothers and sister, to my Mom and Phil, to my Dad and Ruth, thank you for seeing the value of this ministry (not some selfish rock and roll craze). I’m sorry for not being able to attend certain “get togethers” because of SARDONYX. It is not easy. Thanks to Margaret, my mother in law for caring for our kids on those late concert nights and weekends. To Bill Burns, my drum tech, you took a load off me. Your company on and off the road is appreciated.
Road Crew:
Tony “what are they thinkin’?” Guyer: stage manager, driver, gofer, bouncer and all around nice guy.
Jeff King: guitar tech, keyboards and special effects. Great job on the narrative in “Corridor to Light”.
Bill Burns: drum tech and resident informant on the latest in death metal.
Jody Shue: merchandise sales, photographer and all around big help in making things a little less hectic.
Mark Van Gorder: road representative for LightShine. Thanks for all the behind the scenes stuff!
SARDONYX is committed to sharing with you the great news that you can have new life in Jesus Christ. This is not religion. This is a personal relationship with Jesus. Living every day with Him. We hope that Majestic Serenity & Rebel of Reason has encouraged you to consider His plan for your life. We encourage you to find a Bible and look up the verses in each song as a Bible study. Pray to God simply by asking Him to teach you and He will reveal Himself to you. Obviously we would love to answer any questions.
Thanks to drht77 for sending these lyrics.
Tom Denlinger: lead and backing vocals
Rod Feltman: lead and rhythm electric guitars, acoustic guitars and backing vocals
Chuck Turner: bass guitar and backing vocals in “Royal Honor” and “Puppet of Beauty”
Michael Anthony: drums and backing vocals in “Royal Honor”
Special thanks to our guest artist: Jeff King – keyboards and narrative in “Corridor to Light”.
Majestic Serenity was recorded and mixed 3/4/92 – 4/12/92 at Susquehanna Sound Studios, Northumberland, PA. Special thanks to Ray Fletcher and Bob “cellophane on the toilet” Spangler.
Produced by SARDONYX. Engineer: Mike “what do YOU think?” Knight. Mixed by Mike Knight and SARDONYX. Art Direction, Design and Cover Art: Tom Denlinger; Band Photography: Cince Simione and Michael Anthony; Cover photography: Reynold and Mike Schenke; Concept and
Development: Tom Denlinger; Scripture preparation and research: Mark Van Gorder, Jeff Zimmerman, Tom Denlinger and Chuck Turner.
Tom Denlinger would like to thank:
My wife Ruth (Guys, make sure you pray every day for a wife that will love and support you and your ministry. God answered my prayers.) Thank you, Ruth, for your constant love and encouraging words. Thanks Mom and Dad Denlinger, Gwen and Whitney, Dean, Bryan and Penny,
Nanny and Pop Pop Frey and Grandma Denlinger. Thanks for understanding not having me around too much. We have a long future together. I love you all. I have way too many thanks to print here. See volume 3, issue 2 of LightShine Magazine for full credits. Thanks!
Rod Feltman would like to thank:
My beautiful wife, Anne, for all your love, encouragement and patience. My family: Dave, Arlene and Matt; Roy, Nancy and Alan; Alan and Naomi Varner; Angie for her support at shows; Jim Haubert for allowing me the time off when I need it; John Swartz, Mike Reeser and the rest of the crew; Jeff King, the best guitar tech a guy could have; Mike Knight for being my “ears” a few times.
Chuck Turner would like to thank:
Tim Swarthout, Tim “Taz” Bird, Dennis “Do you live in a vacuum?” Gee, REZ, Glenn Gregory, Kevin Fern, James Palmer, SSG. Thomas Leopard, Wes Humphries, my family back home “Hi Mom!” & most of all to my most awesome wife, Barb, and my two boys, Chuck III & Christian. I love you!
Michael Anthony would like to thank:
Jacintha, my wife, thanks for your support in all this band stuff, for feeding and putting up with all of us in the band. Thanks for your prayers and for helping to sustain me at those times when I was down. To Trinity, my little daughter, thank you for your prayers. God hears them and is pleased. To Gavin, my little son, I pray that God molds you into a great man of God. To my grandmothers, my brothers and sister, to my Mom and Phil, to my Dad and Ruth, thank you for seeing the value of this ministry (not some selfish rock and roll craze). I’m sorry for not being able to attend certain “get togethers” because of SARDONYX. It is not easy. Thanks to Margaret, my mother in law for caring for our kids on those late concert nights and weekends. To Bill Burns, my drum tech, you took a load off me. Your company on and off the road is appreciated.
Road Crew:
Tony “what are they thinkin’?” Guyer: stage manager, driver, gofer, bouncer and all around nice guy.
Jeff King: guitar tech, keyboards and special effects. Great job on the narrative in “Corridor to Light”.
Bill Burns: drum tech and resident informant on the latest in death metal.
Jody Shue: merchandise sales, photographer and all around big help in making things a little less hectic.
Mark Van Gorder: road representative for LightShine. Thanks for all the behind the scenes stuff!
SARDONYX is committed to sharing with you the great news that you can have new life in Jesus Christ. This is not religion. This is a personal relationship with Jesus. Living every day with Him. We hope that Majestic Serenity & Rebel of Reason has encouraged you to consider His plan for your life. We encourage you to find a Bible and look up the verses in each song as a Bible study. Pray to God simply by asking Him to teach you and He will reveal Himself to you. Obviously we would love to answer any questions.
Thanks to drht77 for sending these lyrics.
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All lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Please read the disclaimer.